The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 65 Don't blame others for being too smart

Chapter 65 Don't blame others for being too smart
Zhao Min landed steadily on the ground with a somersault, his face turned red and white, and these short confrontations made him realize that he was not Huang Xing's opponent at all. When did such a terrifying person appear in Haidong? Master?

She thought about Huang Xing's frivolity just now, and wanted to take out a gun to kill him, but Huaxia's police firearms are strictly controlled, this idea cannot be realized, she stared at Huang Xing fiercely, " Tell me! Who are you? Otherwise, you won’t be able to leave here today!”

"I'm a law-abiding person!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "Didn't you say to record a statement? Why didn't you record it? If you don't record it, I'll leave!"

"Do you dare?" Zhao Min stared at him without showing any weakness, "Don't think you can do whatever you want, I'll tell you..."

"Stop! I'll answer the call..." Huang Xing suddenly made a silent gesture, then took out the phone and pressed the answer button, "Hello, Uncle're welcome, that's my responsibility...Xiaoyao I studied very seriously and understood very quickly... You are really welcome... But... I want to ask Uncle Shen for help. I am at the police station... I have a misunderstanding, I am not allowed to leave here, please help Can I talk about it? Okay! Thank you, Uncle Shen!"

Putting away the phone, Huang Xing smiled slightly at Zhao Min, "Beauty, I don't know if you can do whatever you want with kung fu skills, but I know, I'm leaving soon, and you... have nothing to do about it..."

Zhao Min looked at Huang Xing coldly, and said in a deep voice: "I warn you, if..."

"I said beauty..." Huang Xing laughed, "You seem to have made a mistake, I just acted bravely! I saved so many of you, but now you regard me as a suspect?"

"These are two different things!" Zhao Min said in a deep voice, "Your strength already shows that you are a dangerous person! My duty is to nip danger in the bud!"

"Ha!" Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "You want to destroy me? Who do you represent? The moon?"

"That's not what I meant!" Zhao Min said, "I just need you to prove that you are not in danger! Tell your true identity and accept our supervision!"

"Tsk tsk..." Huang Xing smiled disdainfully, "That sounds nice, who do you think you are? The [-] Investigation Bureau or the [-] Internal Guard?"

Zhao Min's gaze was even colder. The meanings of these two numbers are not ordinary. [-] and [-] are two mysterious departments, both of which are composed of experts. One is for the outside world and the other is for the inside. What they deal with are things that ordinary military police are not competent for, or they are responsible for the security work of key personnel in China.

Huang Xing even knows this, who is he?Enemy or one of our own?

"Come on, beauty, don't act like you're facing a big enemy..." Lu Xing said with a smile, "[-] and [-] are not big secrets. My background is very clean, you can check it yourself! You, but unknowingly missed the bottom line! Are you from [-]?"

Zhao Min was stunned, secretly miscalculated, she looked at Lu Chen carefully, gritted her teeth and said, "You still said that your background is clean? How could you say such a thing if you have a clean background?"

Huang Xing laughed loudly, "If you are stupid, don't blame others for being too smart! In fact, women should be like you, with less brains and more cute... By the way, I like the smell of your lipstick, so I like you a little bit, There is a sentence that I don’t know whether to say or not to say..."

"Shut up!" Zhao Min blushed with anger, "Don't be too arrogant, you..."

At this moment, Section Chief Liu, who had received the call from the chief, had already arrived at the door, knocking on the door and shouting, "Zhao Min! What are you doing? Let Xiao Lu out!"

Hearing Section Chief Liu's voice, Huang Xing smiled triumphantly, "Look, beauty, did what I said just now come true?"

Zhao Min stomped her feet angrily, said "wait", opened the door, and said to section chief Liu who was looking angry outside the door: "section chief, I'm just doing a routine record, but Huang Xing is a little Do not cooperate."

Section Chief Liu looked at Huang Xing nervously, seeing that he was fine, he was relieved, and said to Zhao Min: "You, you! I really don't know what to say about you! Do you know who Huang Xing is?"

"Who is he?" Zhao Min asked.

"He is from the Shen family!" Section Chief Liu said in a low voice, "Why did you offend him? Although he killed someone, he obviously did it bravely!"

"But he..."

"I know what you mean, isn't it just that you are more proficient in killing people?" Chief Liu sighed, "Shen Kuohai has already called the director just now, this Huang Xing is his secret bodyguard! Shen Kuohai's secret bodyguard Can you be an ordinary person? You are making a fuss out of a molehill!"

After Section Chief Liu finished speaking, he ignored Zhao Min, entered the room and said to Huang Chen with a smile: "Xiao Lu, Xiao Zhao has no other intentions, it's just a routine, after all, I saw blood just now! Mr. Shen called He came and said that he would come to pick you up in person, and you can leave in a while."

Huang Xing was a little puzzled, did Shen Kuohai give himself too much face?How could it be necessary for him to make a trip in person for a phone call?He smiled and said, "It's nothing. I had a good chat with Police Officer Zhao just now, and she even said that she would treat me to dinner in the future! Officer Zhao is really a good police officer. Girlfriend, you must be looking for her like this!"

Section Chief Liu laughed, "Xiao Lu, if your words spread, you will become the public enemy of all the male police officers in our police station! But... I personally think that you are quite a match!"

Huang Xing smiled slightly, looked at Zhao Min who was about to go berserk, and said with a smile: "Thanks to Section Chief Liu for his kind words, then I will work hard..."

"Nonsense!" Zhao Min finally couldn't take it anymore, stomped his feet, turned around and left without looking back.


Not long after, Li Qiang arrived at the police station, took Huang Xing out, and got into Shen Kuohai's Mercedes-Benz.Seeing Shen Kuohai sitting in the back row, Huang Xing said: "Thank you Uncle Shen for your help, I didn't expect to ask Uncle Shen to come here in person, I'm really sorry."

Shen Kuohai waved his hands and said with a smile: "Such a young master, of course it's worth my trip! Xiao Lu, I really didn't expect you to be so good!"

"Uncle Shen has won the prize."

"I already know what happened. The suspect is a wanted A-level criminal. In order to catch him, several police officers were killed or killed! I didn't expect to die at your hands. You are doing harm to the people." !"

"Chairman..." Li Qiang interjected, "Are you sending Xiao Lu back to school?"

"Listen to Xiao Lu." Shen Kuohai smiled, "Where are you going? I'll give you a ride."

(End of this chapter)

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