Chapter 66 New Jobs

"Then take me to the People's Hospital to see a friend."

"Okay!" Li Qiang responded and started the car.

"Xiao Lu..." Shen Kuohai said, "I think you seem to be short of money, right?"

Huang Xing nodded, "It's a little bit."

"I have an errand that needs someone to do, and it won't delay your schooling. I hope you can think about it." Shen Kuohai said.

Huang Xing's eyes lit up, "What's the matter? Uncle Shen, please tell me!"

Shen Kuohai smiled and said: "You know, Xiyan is my daughter. In Haidong, there are quite a few people who are interested in Xiyan, and the university staff is very complicated. I have always hoped to find a bodyguard for Xiyan."

Huang Chen was taken aback for a moment, showing a look of embarrassment, to be the bodyguard for that girl Shen Xiyan?With her temper, she still doesn't run people to death?
Seeing Huang Xing's troubled expression, Shen Kuohai immediately asked, "What? Do you have any concerns?"

"Xiyan..." Huang Chen paused, and said, "She's not that easy to deal with! I think she might not accept me as a bodyguard. After all, with a bodyguard watching, anyone would feel uncomfortable."

Having said that, what Huang Xing was really worried about was that Shen Xiyan would use this matter as an arrow and make various demands to embarrass him!Bodyguards Bodyguards are sometimes equated with followers!
Shen Kuohai laughed, "You don't have to worry about that! I want you to be a secret bodyguard!"

"Secret bodyguard? How do you say that?" Huang Xing asked in surprise.

Shen Kuohai smiled and said: "You just need to protect Xiyan secretly at ordinary times. I won't tell her your identity, so that she won't be more self-willed. I will pay you 2 yuan a month for this position. How about it?"

Lu Chen was overjoyed, the monthly salary of [-] is much higher than that of ordinary graduates, he thought about it, and then asked: "Then what am I specifically responsible for?"

"It's actually very simple..." Shen Kuohai said, "The main thing is Xiyan's safety in school, and that child Xiyan won't run around. In case there is any blind kid bullying Xiyan, you need to protect her secretly her."

Huang Chen smiled, "Sounds good, I'll take this job!"

Shen Kuohai smiled slightly, and said to Li Qiang who was driving: "Li Qiang, did you hear that just now? Every day of the month from now on, send the money to..."

Speaking of this, Shen Kuohai paused, and said with a smile: "Li Qiang, stop at the gate of the bank in front! Xiao Lu, by the way, I will issue a new card for you, as a special salary card."

"Thank you, Uncle Shen." Huang Xing smiled, thinking that this big chairman is really approachable, even helping to handle the salary card of the bodyguard.


Li Qiang drove the car to the gate of Haidong Bank. The security guard on duty recognized that it was Shen Kuohai's Mercedes-Benz S500, and hurried over and waited beside the parking space. When the people in the car got off, seeing that it was Li Qiang, he hurriedly said respectfully: " Mr. Li, are you here for business? I'll go find our President Zhao!"

Li Qiang smiled and said: "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, and there is nothing wrong with it. It's just a bank card for a junior."

The security guard didn't know Shen Kuohai, so he only glanced at Huang Xing, and he remembered his appearance deeply, I'll be good, please ask Chairman Shen's chief assistant to accompany him personally to apply for the card, who is this young master?From Beijing?The clothes are quite simple... Tsk tsk, maybe he is the young master of a big family who looks low-key but has a scary real identity!

The duty manager of the bank knew Shen Kuohai, so he brought the three of them into the VIP room without any explanation. Shen Kuohai smiled and said to Huang Xing: "Xiao Lu, I'll get you a new card today."

The manager, surnamed Zhou, is a fat woman in her 40s, very handsome, she stretched out her hands respectfully, and said with a smile: "Mr. Lu, please give me your ID card, and I will make a copy for you.

"It's troublesome!" Huang Xing smiled and gave her his ID card.

Manager Zhou took back the copy after a while, returned the ID card to Xing Huang, asked the staff to go through the corresponding procedures for Xing Xing, and asked with a smile: "Chairman Shen, do you have anything else to do?" ? Do you need me to call the president?"

Shen Kuohai waved his hand, "No, no, I just want to get a bank card for Xiao Lu by the way today. By the way, it's a savings card, not a credit card."

Manager Zhou nodded, "Don't worry, I've explained it! This is the first time I've seen Mr. Lu."

Shen Kuohai smiled slightly, "He is one of my juniors."

"Oh..." Manager Zhou carefully observed Lu Chen, but he couldn't see anything special, but Lu Xing sat there smiling. Although he didn't speak, he didn't show any restraint, he didn't look like an ordinary person.Who is this young master who can bother Shen Kuohai to accompany him in person?
Just thinking about it, a young guy took a document, a silver card and a U-shield box for online banking, the document needs to be signed by Huang Xing, and the card is the VIP card of Haidong Bank, so please handle it There is no need to queue up for business, and online banking is basically a bank that handles it by default.

The formalities were done quickly, and all the formalities were completed before the three people's chairs were warmed up. Li Qiang calmly transferred [-] to Huang Xing's card, and told him that it was too troublesome to transfer money every month. Give him three months at a time.

With [-] in hand, Huang Xing suddenly felt that walking was much easier.

After sending Shen Kuohai and the others away, Manager Zhou hurried to the president's office and told what happened just now. From then on, Haidong Bank added the name "Lu Xing" to the special VIP customers.

As soon as the three of them walked to the parking lot, Shen Kuohai suddenly slapped his forehead and said with a smile: "I almost forgot, Xiao Lu, since you promised to be Xiyan's secret bodyguard, you must always give Xiyan a copy of your contact information, just in case You can ask her to call you for help in a dangerous situation...but you can't give her the current contact information, why don't you... take advantage of today to set up a special number for you. "

"Okay! Uncle Shen is really thoughtful!" Huang Xing said with a smile, he is now an employee of Shen Kuohai, of course the boss will do whatever he says.What Huang Xing just didn't understand was why Shen Kuohai, who was so reasonable, gave birth to such a savage and arrogant daughter as Shen Xiyan?

Diagonally opposite the bank is the communication business office, so Huang Xing was too embarrassed to bother Shen Kuohai to follow him, so he took the initiative to do it himself.Today is also miraculous. In the business hall where there was a long queue in the past, there were not many people. It took less than 10 minutes for Huang Xing to set up a new number.When he finished and returned to the parking lot, Li Qiang handed him a brand new mobile phone packaging box, which turned out to be the latest Huawei business mobile phone!

(End of this chapter)

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