Chapter 67
"This... how dare you?"

Huang Xing was really a little muttering, Shen Kuohai is too kind to the employees, right?

Shen Kuohai laughed, "This phone is a reward for you! You may not know it yet, because Xiaoyao always fails in English, and Xiaoyao even became tired of studying some time ago! And after a make-up class this morning, Xiaoyao was provoked by you. Interested in learning! This must be rewarded!"

"Then..." Lu Chen took the phone and said with a smile, "Thank you Uncle Shen, I will definitely teach Xiaoyao well in the future!"

Shen Kuohai nodded, and said with a smile: "In the future, if you see Xiyan encountering difficulties in her studies, you will also take the initiative to help."

"Okay!" Lu Xing smiled, and said, "It's not far from the People's Hospital, I can just walk there by myself, there are many cars in front of the hospital, it's quite congested. Thank you Uncle Shen for today!"

"Okay, then we won't go there!" Shen Kuohai said goodbye to Huang Xing and got into the car without any further words.

Sitting on the seat, Shen Kuohai let out a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Old Li, what do you think of my arrangement?"

"Chairman Gao Ming!" Li Qiang laughed, "The relationship between the eldest lady and Huang Xing was brought closer without making a show!"

"There's nothing I can do about it. The relationship between the two of you hasn't improved. I'm really anxious!" Shen Kuohai said, "Let Huang Xing be this secret bodyguard and let him pay more attention to Xiyan in normal times. I believe it won't be long. , he will be attracted by Xiyan! After all, my daughter Shen Kuohai is the best!"


In the morning, he was a tutor for the cute girl Shen Xiaoyao. In the afternoon, he was taken as a suspect and taken to the police station. Afterwards, he killed an A-level wanted criminal, molested Zhao Min, a beautiful policewoman with a deep background, and was later hired by Shen Kuohai as a tutor. Shen Xiyan's secret bodyguard, 6 yuan plus a new mobile phone of at least [-] yuan.

Standing at the gate of the People's Hospital, Huang Xing suddenly felt that today was really exciting.

Just as he was about to enter the hospital, a beautiful girl with delicate features walked towards him, who was the landlord's daughter Wang Xiaoqiong.Seeing Huang Xing, Wang Xiaoqiong took the initiative to say hello, "Lu Xing, why are you here? Are you sick?"

Huang Chen smiled and said, "The teacher is sick, let me come and see!"

"Oh!" Wang Xiaoqiong laughed, "I can't tell you respect the teacher!"

Huang Xing smiled slightly, there are not many such beautiful female teachers, how can you not respect them?Huang Chen responded casually, looked Wang Xiaoqiong up and down, and said with a smile: "I said your clothes don't fit well!"

"Not suitable?" Wang Xiaoqiong was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

Huang Xing pointed to her waist, "It's a little fat here. It was a tight T-shirt, but it's a little loose."

Wang Xiaoqiong smiled triumphantly, "Okay, you, my eyes are sharp enough. I practice aerobics, and my waist has lost a lot of weight recently. See where I have lost weight?"

"You're not fat in the first place, so it's so easy to tell if you're thinner? But..." Huang Xing raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile, "You also have some places to get fat..."

"Ah?" Wang Xiaoqiong looked down and looked a little nervously, "Why are you getting fat?"

Huang Xing pouted at her chest, "Then, you should change your T-shirt, it's too tight, isn't it uncomfortable?"

"You!" Wang Xiaoqiong blushed, raised her hand and punched Huang Xing, "You are not cowardly, dare to tease me? Do you believe that I asked my dad to kick you out?"

Even so, Wang Xiaoqiong is also a little proud. Breast enlargement exercises are still very useful!

Huang Chen shook his head, "I don't believe it! You have a good heart, so you won't make me homeless!"

"Cut!" Wang Xiaoqiong curled her lips, "You think I don't know that you have gone to college? You can live in a dormitory, why are you still renting a room?"

Huang Chen said in desperation: "Rich! Willful! Rent if you want!"

While joking with Wang Xiaoqiong, a middle-aged woman walked up to Wang Xiaoqiong and said with a smile, "Xiao Wang, when did you have a boyfriend? He's quite handsome! Introduce me!"

"Oh, sister Li!" Wang Xiaoqiong blushed, "This is my tenant, he came to the hospital to visit the teacher, not my boyfriend!"

"Oh..." The woman smiled, "But this young man looks very energetic. You don't have a boyfriend anyway, so you can consider it! What's your name, young man?"

Huang Chen smiled, "Hello, beauty, my name is Huang Chen."

"Lu Chen..." The woman patted Wang Xiaoqiong on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Look at how beautiful our little Wang is, young man cherish it..."

"Sister Li!" Wang Xiaoqiong said while pushing her away, "Stop talking nonsense! Pick up your son!"

When the woman left with a smile, Wang Xiaoqiong sighed and said, "This is our head nurse, we always like to joke, don't take it seriously!"

"I really want to take it seriously..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "If you become my girlfriend, I won't have to pay the rent!"

"Fuck you, you think so well!" Wang Xiaoqiong punched him again, "Stop messing around with you! I'm going home!"

"How did you leave? Don't think about it? I'm still a good person..."

"You're dreaming!" Wang Xiaoqiong turned around and made a grimace, and walked away with her ponytail swaying.


After saying goodbye to Wang Xiaoqiong, Huang Xing went directly to the infusion room of the hospital. Cheng Yaqiu was in the infusion room. Seeing Huang Chen coming, he said with a smile: "Didn't I send you a text message just now to say that I can't come? I'm fine. Look, the doctor isn't there yet." Bandage me!"

Cheng Yaqiu's injury is not serious, so there is no need to bandage it up. Now there is only a large band-aid on her pink neck. To be on the safe side, she has received a tetanus shot, and now she is given some anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent infection of the wound.

Huang Xing sat on the chair next to her, and said with a smile: "You are unconscious and crying, how can I rest assured if I don't come?"

"I was terrified at the time, thinking that today was really going to be over!" Cheng Yaqiu said with lingering fear, "Is the one he took a real detonator?"

"Hmm..." Huang Xing nodded, "It's true, it will explode when you press it."

"Then you still charge forward?" Cheng Yaqiu said with some fear.

"Who will save you if I don't?" Huang Xing smiled and squeezed her hand, and said, "You are so beautiful, how can I watch you get hurt?"

"Go, go!" Cheng Yaqiu laughed, "Why is your mouth so slippery? Is your private life abroad particularly chaotic?"

Huang Xing shrugged, "This is privacy... you have the nerve to ask so bluntly? I'll tell you if you're my girlfriend!"

"I don't want to talk about falling down! You don't need to think about it, you don't know how many girls have been cheated by your mouth!"

Huang Xing smiled, "Then you too will be deceived!"

Cheng Yaqiu rolled his eyes at him, sighed and said, "You don't think of me as a teacher at all, do you?"

Huang Xing shrugged, "If you were Cao Jiuzhang's age, I might take you as a teacher. Who made you young and beautiful?"

"You're here again... I won't tell you anymore!" Cheng Yaqiu said angrily.

 I don't know which of these beauties of all sizes that have appeared, which one do you guys like.No matter which one you like, remember to vote for this article!

(End of this chapter)

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