Chapter 81

Not far from Huang Xing and the others, a woman walked slowly supporting an old man.The woman was wearing a bright red cheongsam, with willow-leaf-browed eyebrows, phoenix-like eyes, and a small cherry mouth, exuding an extremely charming temperament.Especially the swaying willow waist when walking, makes people's hearts crisp.Where she walked, I don't know how many eyes of the opposite sex have been attracted. If it weren't for the two strong men who are not easy to mess with at the side of the woman and the old man, people who go up to strike up a conversation may have to queue up.

Although the old man looked inconspicuous, when he turned his eyes, he occasionally saw a flash of lightning. He was definitely not an ordinary old man.Although he didn't walk fast, the distance of each step was the same size, and no matter how he lifted his foot or landed, the whole sole of his foot rose and fell at the same time. It was not like when ordinary people walked, the heel touched the ground first, then the arch and the sole of the foot.

Huang Xing secretly smacked his lips, that woman is so beautiful and charming, could it be that she is naturally charming?That old man walks like walking in mud, his feet rise and fall flat, he must be a master of Baguazhang!Among the bodyguards beside them, one has a strong foot and a solid waist and horse. He is either a foot-poking master or a Tan-leg master. The other is breathing deeply, his hands are covered with calluses, and his neck is thick, like a kung fu master.

"Lu Xing, what are you looking at?" Cheng Yaqiu asked suddenly.

Huang Xing made a silent gesture, pouted to the side, and said in a low voice: "Look over there."

Cheng Yaqiu's eyes were suddenly attracted by that charming woman, and she said angrily, "Are you looking at a beautiful woman?"

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, the only thing Cheng Yaqiu could see was the word "beauty".He squeezed Cheng Yaqiu's hand, and said in a low voice: "You are so cute when you are jealous! Let me tell you, those people are all masters, and I'm afraid they even killed people..."

Cheng Yaqiu was taken aback by Huang Xing's words, and said in surprise: "You're not kidding, are you?"

Huang Xing smiled, "Why are you lying to me? I also have kung fu, so I can see it naturally."

"Then can they see you?" Cheng Yaqiu asked.

Huang Xing shook his head, "Their skills are not enough!"

While the two were talking, a group of four people had already walked to the food stall behind Huang Xing and Cheng Yaqiu.

The old man looked up at the billboard of the booth, and said with a smile, "Qiangwei, this is the one."

"Dad..." The woman looked around, showing a bit of embarrassment, "It seems that the seats are all full."

The old man smiled slightly, and said to the owner of the food stall: "Boss, add an extra table, four servings of duck blood vermicelli soup, one plate of peanuts, and one plate of edamame!"

"Okay, wait a moment!" The boss in his 50s quickly greeted the two guys, and moved out a table from the store, which happened to be placed not far behind the bench where Huang Xing and Cheng Yaqiu were sitting.

After the old man and the woman sat down, a bodyguard whispered, "Third Master, the two people over there, should you let them leave?"

As he spoke, he pouted towards Huang Xing.

The old man waved his hand, "I just came out to eat something when I was greedy, I don't care too much, Xiao Chen Xiaoluo, you sit down too, you also have duck blood vermicelli soup."

One of the two bodyguards was named Chen Xingye and the other was named Luo Xianju.Although the old man gave orders, neither of them sat down.Chen Xingye said carefully: "Third Master, this is against the rules!"

"Yes, third master, there is no place for us to sit here!" Luo Xianju echoed.

The old man known as "Third Master" is Xiao Sanye, the helm of the Red Rose Company.The charming woman is his daughter Xiao Qiangwei.

Seeing that the two refused to sit down, Third Master Xiao just smiled and didn't take it seriously, and said to Xiao Qiangwei: "Qiangwei, I heard that you have some complaints about Xiao Shan. We are not in the company today, so you don't have to worry about being overheard by your brother." Come on, tell me."

Today Xiao Qiangwei insisted on coming out to taste the old taste, which made Xiao Qiangwei a little confused, but after hearing this, Xiao Qiangwei understood that it was her father who wanted to listen to her own opinion alone.

Xiao Qiangwei straightened her thoughts, and said in a low voice: "Brother is still very attentive to the company, but he is too impatient. This time, the cooperation with Gao's family is a bit rash. That Gao Dequan is not a qualified partner at all."

Mr. Xiao smiled, "Didn't I ask him to delay the matter temporarily? He is indeed a little anxious about this matter. Is there anything else?"

"Also..." Xiao Qiangwei thought for a while and said, "I want to stop the cash loan and gambling business, but my elder brother disagrees."

"Gambling is indeed troublesome, but is there any problem with cash loans?" Mr. Xiao asked doubtfully.

"It is said to be a cash loan, but it is actually a usury!" Xiao Qiangwei said with a worried face, "Didn't you say that? If our company wants to survive, we must do legal business! The cash loan that my brother makes, although it seems that the interest is high. It's legal, but in fact there are handling fees, late payment fees and various trap charges, I calculated that the actual annual interest rate of the money he lent is 5.00%!"

"What?" Third Master Xiao was taken aback, "Who does he lend such a high interest rate to? How do you get the money back?"

"Loans to college students! Basically they are all girls." Xiao Qiangwei said angrily, "I can't pay it back, don't I still have family members? Doesn't my eldest brother have a debt collection company? And I checked, he took out the loan There is no need for financial collateral, just a naked photo of the lender, and if you don’t pay back the money, you will be threatened with the photo.”

Third Master Xiao frowned, "He is so courageous! He actually did such an immoral thing!"

"I was also deceived by him at the beginning, thinking that the interest rate was at most [-] to [-] percent." Xiao Qiangwei sighed, "Besides, there is something even more extreme, for those female college students who are not paid and have a bit of beauty , the eldest brother will threaten them to go to KTV to accompany them to make money and pay back the money..."

Mr. Xiao patted the table, "How unreasonable!"

This movement startled all the people around, and they all turned their heads curiously, wanting to see what the angry old man was going to do.

Mr. Xiao hurriedly waved his hand, and smiled at the people around him, "The men's football team lost again, and even lost to Thailand. It's unreasonable!"

Everyone immediately showed expressions of approval, and some people also scolded.

"Those unworthy bastards!"

"That's right! It's disgusting!"

"Those soft-legged shrimps should be shot!"


Xiao Qiangwei couldn't help laughing, "Dad, you are quite smart!"

Mr. Xiao was a little proud, "That is, what is a cunning and cunning, this is it..."

At this time, the duck blood vermicelli soup was served, and Mr. Xiao couldn't wait to take a deep breath, and said with a smile: "That's the taste! Qiangwei, when I was young, I loved the duck blood vermicelli soup here the most. At that time, the road here was still a muddy pond, but now it has become such a wide asphalt road! Eat it while it is hot, and talk about it after eating!"

(End of this chapter)

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