Chapter 82
Third Master Xiao and Xiao Qiangwei started to eat, but Chen Xingye and Luo Xianju still refused to sit down, and obediently stood beside them with their bowls in hand to eat.

Not far from them, Huang Xing had been holding up his phone to take selfies, but it was actually to show Cheng Yaqiu the appearance of those four people.As for the four people's words, Huang Xing also listened to them. Hearing that they cooperated with Gao Dequan, Huang Xing's attention to them immediately increased.Because Gao Dequan's son is Gao Xiaodong, and the relationship between Gao Xiaodong and Huang Xing can be regarded as hot water.

Huang Xing said to Cheng Yaqiu in a low voice: "Did you see it? The spectrum is big, right? Those two people dare not sit down while eating."

"Why don't we go..." Cheng Yaqiu whispered, "I don't think they are good people."

"Don't go!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "Our angle is right at the slit of that woman's cheongsam, look how white her legs are, and how curvy they are!"

Cheng Yaqiu's face darkened, "I know you're not thinking right! If you don't leave, I'll leave!"

"Are you really jealous? It seems that I already occupy a very important position in your heart..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "Actually, your legs are much prettier than hers!"

Cheng Yaqiu gave him a hard look, "I know nonsense! Let me tell you, don't expect your final listening score to be over [-]!"

"Public revenge!"

"That's right, I'm avenging myself!"

Lu Chen smiled, "My son said, only women and villains are difficult to raise, the ancients are sincere and never deceive me!"

"Do you understand this truth now?"

At this time, there was a sudden exclamation and the sound of bowls and chopsticks falling from behind. When Huang Xing looked back, he saw the old man fell to the ground clutching his heart.

"Dad!" Xiao Qiangwei exclaimed, quickly opened the small bag she carried with her, found a small porcelain bottle, poured out a pill and fed it into the mouth of Mr. Xiao.

"Dad! Just hold on, I'll call Mr. Feng right away!" Xiao Qiangwei took out her mobile phone while talking.

"No need!" Third Master Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, "It's useless for him to come... I said why do I want to eat this so much today, it turns out that the time has come, God urged me!"

"Dad!" Xiao Qiangwei was in a hurry, "What are you talking nonsense! Lie down quickly and stop talking! Luo Xianju, what are you doing in a daze? Call old Feng and call an ambulance!"

Third Master Xiao frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Qiangwei! Turn on the recording, I have something to say! Time is running out! Hurry up!"

"Dad! Stop talking! You..."

"Do you want me to leave without explaining anything? Hurry up and turn on the recording!" Third Master Xiao gritted his teeth, enduring the severe pain in his chest and abdomen, with a grim expression on his face.

Xiao Qiangwei burst into tears, "Okay... I'll record, please speak slowly, don't get excited!"

When Xiao Qiangwei put the phone to his mouth, Mr. Xiao took a slow breath and said, "I am Xiao San. After I die, the position of chairman of Red Rose Company will be handed over to my daughter Xiao Qiangwei. Red Rose Company Up and down, you must obey Xiao Qiangwei's command. My Xiao San's shares are divided into two shares, 70.00% will be transferred to Xiao Qiangwei's name, and 30.00% will be transferred to Xiao Shan's name. The marriage between Xiao Qiangwei and Xiao Shan..."

Speaking of this, Third Master Xiao looked at Xiao Qiangwei with a questioning look.

With tears in her eyes, Xiao Qiangwei slowly shook her head.

Mr. Xiao sighed, and continued: "I don't care about young people's affairs, it's up to them. After I leave, everyone in the Red Rose Company must do their best to assist Xiao Qiangwei...will...will...will...make the company ..."

Having said that, Mr. Xiao suddenly covered his chest with his hands, his expression was painful, he opened his mouth, and let out a few "hoho" sounds from his throat, and then his hands suddenly dropped powerlessly.

"Dad!" Xiao Qiangwei exclaimed, and hurried to check on Mr. Xiao's breathing, and then lay on his chest to listen, her heart sank involuntarily.

Mr. Xiao was not breathing, nor was his heart beating.Xiao Qiangwei quickly put Mr. Xiao on the ground, pressed his heart hard, and started CPR.

At this time, the customers of the food stall also gathered around, some kind-hearted people took out their mobile phones to call an ambulance, and some comforted Xiao Qiangwei in a low voice.

Two minutes later, Xiao Qiangwei went to check Mr. Xiao's heartbeat and breathing again, but there was still no improvement. Xiao Qiangwei couldn't hold back her tears, and continued to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Mr. Xiao while crying.

"Girl don't cry, do you need help? I can also perform CPR. I'm a doctor. Let me do it!" A kind woman in her 40s walked over from the crowd and asked in a low voice.

"No, I can do it!" Xiao Qiangwei shook her head vigorously.

"Don't be too anxious, the ambulance should be here soon! As long as you keep doing CPR, there is hope!" the woman continued to comfort.

Xiao Qiangwei bit her lip, looking at Mr. Xiao's bloodless face, her heart sank little by little.Ordinary people can't tell at all that Mr. Xiao's heart disease is not as simple as ordinary coronary heart disease. The coronary heart disease is just an appearance, and the root cause comes from the old injury on Mr. Xiao's heart.Such a disease cannot be cured by ordinary hospitals at all. Even if the doctor came, he could only shake his head.

At this time, Cheng Yaqiu also took out her mobile phone, and was about to dial, but was stopped by Huang Xing, "Don't call, someone has already called."

"Did that old gentleman have a heart attack?" Cheng Yaqiu asked in a low voice.

"Hmm..." Lu Xing nodded noncommittally, looked at Mr. Xiao's face thoughtfully.

Cheng Yaqiu also looked at Mr. Xiao worriedly, hoping that he would open his eyes in the next moment.Kind people usually think this way when they see this scene.

"Get out of the way! Don't get in the way! Get out of the way!"

At this moment, suddenly there was a flurry of wild jumps, more than a dozen men broke through the crowd and rushed over, the leader was Xiao Shan.

He rushed to the side of Mr. Xiao and said anxiously, "Dad, what's wrong?"

"The old injury has recurred!" Xiao Qiangwei choked up.

"What?" Xiao Shan's body shook, and the light in his eyes flashed away.But soon, this abnormality was covered up by anxiety, "How did this happen? How did you take care of Dad?"

"I don't know why this happened!" Xiao Qiangwei wiped away her tears, "I've already called Mr. Feng!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Shan frowned, seeing many people around, he immediately said angrily, "What are you looking at? Xiao Chen Xiaoluo, drive them away, the third master needs to be quiet! Clear the place quickly!"

"Yes!" Chen Xingye and Luo Xianju responded, and together with the people brought by Xiao Shan, they drove away those onlookers.

The people on the periphery were quickly driven away, and Chen Xingye suddenly found that there were still two people sitting on the bench closest to them.

He hurried up to Huang Xing and Cheng Yaqiu, and said, "You two, please get out of here..."

 Today is the last day of 2017, everyone must bring happiness into 2018!First of all, I wish my friends a happy New Year's Day.The Glory Team of the Book Friends Group is from the qq area. The name of the team is my pseudonym Yuexialangying. Interested friends can join in.Continue to roll around all kinds of requests, tickets, rewards, collections, diffusion, all kinds of requests!
(End of this chapter)

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