The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 83 I just happen to be able to save

Chapter 83 I just happen to be able to save

Seeing that there were outsiders so close, Xiao Shan couldn't help shouting: "What are you talking about? Let them go!"

Chen Xingye and Luo Xianju usually follow Mr. Xiao, and they are not as domineering as Xiao Shan. Chen Xingye said in a deep voice, "Don't embarrass me! Let's go!"

"Lu Xing... let's go!" Cheng Yaqiu also whispered to Huang Xing.

Huang Xing smiled, deliberately increased the volume, and said, "If we leave, this old gentleman may really be hopeless!"

"Ah?" Cheng Yaqiu was taken aback, "What did you say?"

Xiao Qiangwei and Xiao Shan turned their heads at the same time, Xiao Shan said angrily: "What did you say, brat? How dare you curse my dad...I..."

"Brother! Wait!" Xiao Qiangwei interrupted him, and said to Huang Xing, "What did you mean just now? Can you save my dad?"

Huang Chen said indifferently: "Yes, you are lucky to meet me. The old man's disease happens to be cured by me."

"What nonsense is the brat talking about?" Xiao Shan stood up with a "crack" sound, and said angrily, "You don't know who we are, do you? Did you deceive me by bluffing?"

Huang Xing curled his lips, "Why are people so uneducated nowadays? This old gentleman is too good at educating his children!"

"Fuck!" Xiao Shan became anxious, and shouted to his opponent, "Are you all blind? Get rid of this rambunctious bastard!"

"Stop!" Xiao Qiangwei yelled, stopping the movements of her subordinates, then turned her head and asked Luo Xianju, "When will Mr. Feng arrive?"

"Old Feng said, there is still an hour's journey away!" Luo Xianju whispered.

Xiao Qiangwei's heart sank, let alone an hour, even if it was delayed for another 10 minutes, Mr. Xiao's life would definitely not be saved!She gritted her teeth and looked at Huang Xing, "Can you really save me?"

Huang Xing smiled, "It can be saved, but it's not in vain!"

"What do you want?" Xiao Qiangwei asked.

Huang Xing thought for a while, looked at Cheng Yaqiu who was a little overwhelmed, and smiled slightly, "Let's have a BMW, seven series, top-of-the-line!"

He paused, looked at Xiao Qiangwei with a smile, and added: "M760Li Excellent Luxury Edition, equipped with a 6.6-liter twin-turbocharged 12-cylinder 610-horsepower engine, has a body length of more than 260 meters [-], and the price of the bare car is [-] million. Around RMB..."

"Okay!" Xiao Qiangwei gritted her teeth, "As long as you can save someone, I can give it to you!"

"Sister!" Xiao Shan exclaimed in surprise, "Are you confused? How could you trust such a liar? Wait for Mr. Feng..."

"Old Feng is still an hour away!"

"Then wait for the ambulance..."

"Can the hospital cure Dad's illness?"

"But..." Xiao Shan said anxiously, "Could this boy be able to cure our father's illness?"

Huang Chen shrugged, and said slowly: "The old man is actually not sick, it's just an injury. Coronary heart disease is just an appearance."

Xiao Qiangwei's body shook, and joy flashed in her eyes, she said to Xiao Shan: "Listen, he can see it!"

Xiao Shan turned his head and stared at Huang Xing, with a fierce look on his face, "You can really save someone? If you can't, I want your hand!"

Huang Chen smiled, "Are you making a bet? I can also bet with you. I can't save it. My right hand belongs to you. If I can save it, your right hand belongs to me! Do you dare to bet? Of course... BMW The car is the medical fee, it has nothing to do with this!"

"You..." Xiao Shan gritted his teeth, "Who sent you, brat? Are all of you wooden? Why don't you beat me out of this rambunctious brat!"

"I'll see who dares to move!" Xiao Qiangwei said loudly, "Everyone retreat five meters away from me, hurry up!"

A dozen of his subordinates looked at me and I looked at you, hesitating for a while.They are all Xiao Shan's subordinates, but Xiao Qiangwei is Xiao Sanye's daughter, so she has to listen to her words.

"Let's retreat..." Chen Xingye whispered, and retreated with Luo Xianju.

Seeing someone taking the lead, the others also retreated five meters away.

Seeing that his subordinates still obeyed Xiao Qiangwei's order, Xiao Shan's eyes flashed a stern look, he collected himself, and said in a deep voice: "Sister, do you trust such an unknown person?"

"You heard it just now, he was very accurate about Dad's illness!" Xiao Qiangwei sighed, "There is no other way now!"

"And I'm running out of time..." Huang Xing said slowly, "Bajiquan really deserves its reputation, the old man's injury has been at least 20 years, right? Hurry up and prepare something for me, a bottle of spirits, at least [-] degrees Yes, there are thirteen bamboo chopsticks! Remember to ask for the bamboo ones! Find me a quick knife, one as big as a fruit knife will do.”

"Chen Xingye, Luo Xianju, get ready!" Xiao Qiangwei shouted with joy.She said to Xiao Shan again, "Listen! He has seen it all! He can definitely cure it!"

Mr. Xiao's injury came from a vendetta more than 20 years ago. Although he won, he was hurt by Tieshan, a Bajiquan master, and the root of the disease fell.

He has been seeking medical advice for so many years, but nothing has improved, but it has become more and more serious.The "Old Feng" in Xiao Qiangwei's mouth is a well-known master of traditional Chinese medicine in Haidong. It has been relying on his treatment that Mr. Xiao's injuries can be controlled.

Xiao Shan glanced at Huang Chen with a sullen face, "Boy, if you can't be cured, I can't spare you!"

Huang Xing stretched out his right hand and shook it, "If you can't save someone, my hand is yours, if you can save it, your hand is mine!"


"Brother!" Xiao Qiangwei grabbed the enraged Xiao Shan, "Let him save first!"

Cheng Yaqiu tugged Huang Xing's arm, with a worried expression on his face, "You...can you really save him?"

"For your BMW, look at mine! You just need to stay with me." With his arms around her waist, Huang Chen walked up to Mr. Xiao Qiangwei, and said to Xiao Qiangwei, "Don't do cardiopulmonary resuscitation! Put the old man Untie your shirt and let your brother press his Tanzhong acupoint hard!"

"Can't I?"

"No!" Huang Xing shook his head and said, "You're still a girl, you're too negative, it's not good for the injured, you have to find another man!"

Xiao Qiangwei turned her head and said to Xiao Shan, "Brother, come here!"

Xiao Shan had a sullen face, and according to what Huang Xing said, he began to press Sanye Xiao's Tanzhong acupoint hard.

At this time, thirteen bamboo chopsticks and spirits were found, and Chen Xingye also handed Huang Xing a sharp military dagger.

"This knife is not bad..." Huang Xing moved his fingers, and the dagger spun in his hand like a propeller.

He kept moving, picked up three bamboo chopsticks with the other hand, clamped them between the index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger respectively, and approached the rotating blade obliquely.


As the bamboo chips flew, the three chopsticks were all whittled into round bamboo needles.

(End of this chapter)

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