Chapter 852

After such an unexpected incident, the dance music also stopped, and everyone retreated to the side to watch the play.

Ling Erjie didn't expect such a thing to happen at all, he didn't react for a while, he looked at Lin Yuexia blankly, and after a long silence, he said: "Miss, don't worry, there may be some misunderstanding... "

Lin Yuexia also has a hot temper. She rubbed her sore ass and said loudly: "Everyone saw it just now. It's this Zheng Conghai who dared to take advantage of me! Is he one of yours? Your Ling family all Is this kind of person?"

"Miss Lin..." Zheng Conghai said with a blushing face, "This matter has nothing to do with Ling Shao, it's because I didn't stand firmly just now, I'm sorry!"

"Not standing still?" Lin Yuexia sneered, "What about dishonest hands? How about stepping on my feet? How about pressing on me? How about kissing me forcibly?"

"I... This is really an accident! Ms. Lin, please calm down!" Zheng Conghai was so depressed that he couldn't figure out how he missed just now, and how the strange force on his wrist came from, because at that time, Huang Xing was completely out of control. With his back facing him, and Huang Xing didn't move at all, did he use too much force?
"Miss Lin..." Ling Erjie couldn't do it if he didn't show up. He stood up, walked in front of Lin Yuexia, and said with a smile, "I'm really sorry, I apologize to you on behalf of Ah Hai! Ah Hai is a little irritable. I was really sorry just now! Ah Hai, please apologize to Miss Lin and bow!"

Zheng Conghai suppressed the depression in his heart, and bowed deeply to Lin Yuexia, "I'm sorry, Miss Lin!"

Lin Yuexia let out a cold "hum", glared at the two of them fiercely, cursed "smelly~ hooligan", turned and left.

Zheng Conghai followed Ling Erjie aside dejectedly, Ling Erjie asked in a low voice: "What's going on? You can't waltz?"

"Second Young Master, I don't know what's going on, it's very strange! Maybe I used too much strength..." Zheng Conghai said in a low voice, "This time I'm taking advantage of that kid, Huang Chen."

At this time, Gao Xiaodong came over, gloating, and said with a smile: "Ling Erjie, I have already said that Huang Chen is not simple, what do you think? Is he deflated? Let me see... Your people are also Can't handle him!"

Zheng Conghai blushed, and said, "I accidentally made a mistake! That kid Huang Chen was totally unprepared, it was me who used too much force!"

"Oh?" Gao Xiaodong smiled and said, "You mean, you fell and ate shit, and you fell it yourself?"

Zheng Conghai endured the impulsiveness of poking Gao Xiaodong to death with a finger, and said in a deep voice, "I'm not very proficient in this dance, that's why I'm embarrassed. Next time I have a chance, I will definitely teach Huang Xing a lesson."

"Really?" Gao Xiaodong shrugged and said, "Then I'll wait and see!"

Ling Erjie gritted his teeth secretly, "Gao Xiaodong, stop gloating! Anyway, now you and I are on the same front, if you want to pursue Shen Xiyan, you must first remove the stumbling block of Huang Chen!"

Gao Xiaodong snorted, "That's the way it is... But that guy Huang Chen is really difficult to deal with, next time you send someone to attack, I will also let my people go together, otherwise rely on your people alone... Tsk tsk tsk... a bit unreliable!"

"You..." Zheng Conghai said in a deep voice, "Master Gao, do you look down on our Songshan Zheng family?"

Gao Xiaodong patted Ali on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Ali, introduce yourself."

Ali smiled slightly, and cupped his hands towards Zheng Conghai, "Nanshan Yue Family, Ali!"

Zheng Conghai's eyes flashed a bit dignified, he smiled face-to-face, and said, "I have been admiring you for a long time!"

"You're welcome!" Ali also clasped his fists together and said, "There will be opportunities to cooperate in the future!"

Zheng Conghai nodded and winked at Ling Erjie, which meant that the people around Gao Xiaodong were not simple.

Ling Erjie understood, and smiled slightly at Gao Xiaodong, "So, our side can be regarded as a strong soldier! Today, we are not suitable for being violent. When we find an opportunity in the future, let's kick away the stumbling blocks together!"


At this time, the time for the dance party has basically passed, and the well-trained waiters came to decorate the venue again, and the next step was the donation session.This session was one that Ling Erjie had fully prepared for. He specially asked someone to write a short but very emotional speech, and he memorized it fluently.After this speech, he believed that he would definitely leave an impression on Shen Xiyan of being talented and caring.

Soon, the lights in the audience dimmed, and there was only a beam of light from the spotlight hitting the rostrum from top to bottom. The person standing in the beam was still the previous host.

He coughed lightly and said: "Dear guests, all caring friends, next, let me announce that the donation ceremony of this reception has officially started, let us invite the first donor, from Hongda Mr. Hong Zihao from the business group!"

The beam of light shrouded Hong Zihao who was about to take the stage, but Hong Zihao was a little absent-minded at this moment, because he was still pondering over the question Tang Qiqi posed.

"Young Master Hong!" Hong Zihao's assistant reminded him, "It's time for you to go on stage and donate money! Don't be distracted!"

Hong Zihao was stunned for a moment, then quickly gathered himself together, walked to the stage, took out a check for three hundred thousand yuan, and said, "Caring for animals is everyone's responsibility, and our Hongda Group is willing to make a contribution to the cause of environmental protection." Contribution, on behalf of Hongda Group, I will donate [-] yuan!"

Amidst the warm applause, Hong Zihao put the check into the donation box and walked off the stage.

For the next few donors, the number of donations is generally around 30, and most of them do not exceed 50.Ling Erjie couldn't help but be secretly proud, at least judging from the amount of donations, he is definitely in the spotlight today, and the thing that made him most happy was that all the donors' words were clichéd and nothing new, he glanced at Shen On Xiyan's side, seeing that Shen Xiyan seemed a little impatient, she couldn't help but secretly smiled, Miss Shen, when you hear my speech, you will definitely not be so impatient!
The donation process went very smoothly, and soon it was Shen Xiyan's turn. Under the spotlight, Shen Xiyan in a white dress looked like a charming fairy, and stepped onto the rostrum. She held a microphone, Said: "My father asked me to donate 10 yuan in his own name to support animal protection."

One hundred thousand?

Everyone in the audience was a little surprised. The Shen Group, the recognized leader in the Haidong business district, only donated 10 yuan to settle the matter. Isn't that too little?No well-known companies have donated 30 million!

The one with the worst face was Ling Erjie. The Shen family only donated [-] yuan. This was obviously not giving the organizer any face, and it was equivalent to not giving him Ling Erjie face...

(End of this chapter)

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