The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 853 Another one who doesn't give face

Chapter 853 Another one who doesn't give face
Before holding this charity reception, Ling Erjie also investigated the Shen family's attitude towards charity, and he found that although the Shen family is very low-key, they are still quite enthusiastic about charity. Orphanages, they all donated valuable things.That's why he came up with an ingenious idea to hold this charity reception. He felt that the Shen family's donation would definitely not be small. At that time, the news that their Ling family and Shen family donated huge sums of money to support environmental protection causes would appear in newspapers and new media.

But now, the Shen family only donated [-] yuan, and a reporter invited by Ling Erjie walked up to Ling Erjie with a strange expression, and said in a low voice, "Young Master Ling, are you still writing this news? The Shen family donated so little , do you want me to criticize them?"

Ling Erjie was stunned for a moment, cursed "Stupid Bo" inwardly, and said in a low voice, "Forget it, don't write it! Go to my company's finance department tomorrow to settle the labor fee, and I will come to you next time I have something to do."

The reporter smiled, "Understand...Young Master Ling, don't you really need me to criticize the Shen family? This..."

"No need!" Ling Erjie said, "I don't want to see any news about today's reception in the media, not even any news, understand?"

The reporter nodded embarrassingly, "Understood Young Master Ling! Then... do you need us to report on your donation later?"

"Didn't you understand what I said?" Ling Erjie stared, "Don't write anything if I tell you not to write!"

From the amount of donations made by the Shen family, Ling Erjie could see their attitude towards this matter. If he went to make a big publicity at this time, wouldn't that be eye drops for the Shen family?

Now Ling Erjie only hoped that his speech could impress Shen Xiyan. After all, she is a girl, and girls are all emotional. As long as they are moved, they can talk about anything.

Soon it was time for Ling Erjie to make a donation. He took a deep breath, walked up to the podium, picked up the microphone, and greeted the audience slightly, "Charity is a noble cause. On behalf of Ling Erjie Group, donated 80 yuan to animal care organizations..."

As he put the check into the red donation box, there was immediate applause from the audience.

Ling Erjie pressed his left hand falsely, and continued: "Guests and friends, as we all know, the earth we live on has been plagued by pollution in recent years..."

Ling Erjie's speech began, which he had memorized by heart. During the speech, he was very emotional, and many people were attracted by his voice.

What Ling Erjie was most concerned about, of course, was Shen Xiyan's reaction, but to his disappointment, Shen Xiyan didn't look at the rostrum, but was talking in a low voice with Tang Qiqi beside her.

Afterwards, Huang Xing also joined in, and the three of them were very close, especially Huang Xing, who even whispered to Shen Xiyan.

Then, something happened that caused Ling Erjie to collapse, and Shen Xiyan and the others turned around and left.

Just left without looking back!

His speech, Ling Erjie, has just gotten better!They just left?

Isn't Shen Xiyan really interested in what he prepared?
After finally finishing his speech, Ling Erjie walked down the stage full of depression.Before he could recover, he suddenly found that Gao Xiaodong had actually walked onto the stage.

He couldn't help frowning slightly, called the host over, and asked, "Why did you let him come on stage?"

The host was stunned for a moment, and said in confusion: "Young Master Ling, Master Gao said that he is here to support your charity, and he also wants to donate money."

"This bastard!" Ling Erjie scolded, "Why is he just playing around?"

Standing on the stage, Gao Xiaodong picked up the microphone, glanced at Ling Erjie, and couldn't help but secretly smiled.Ling Erjie donated 80 yuan, which was obviously for Shen Xiyan to see, but the Shen family only donated [-] yuan, which obviously did not give Ling Erjie face.And Gao Xiaodong also thinks that Ling Erjie really has a problem with his brain circuit. He puts up orphanages, poor areas, and even post-disaster reconstruction. Donate a chicken feather to the Laoshizi polar bear. Are there polar bears in China?Even if it is to protect animals, it must be donated to pandas!

Therefore, Gao Xiaodong decided that, after all, he came here, so he still has to donate. As for the amount, it will not follow the 100 million planned at the beginning, and keep the same with the Shen family. A donation of 100 is enough!However, the check that Gao Xiaodong brought was for [-] million, so he said, "Our Gao Group donated [-], but... the stamp on the check is not clear, we will send someone to deliver the check tomorrow."

Ling Erjie's nose was almost crooked when he listened below, what did Gao Xiaodong mean?Deliberately donating the same as the Shen family's donation, and sincerely not giving him Ling Erjie face, right?
He gritted his teeth, beckoned the reporter over again, and said in a low voice, "I've changed my mind! Today's reception, I'll see the media tomorrow! Just write, 'Gao's Group is very indifferent to environmental protection, and donated a mere ten dollars." Wan still give an IOU!'”

The reporter thought for a while and asked, "Only this? Is there nothing else? It seems that the Shen Group is also worthy of criticism, right?"

"How did you get your press card?" Ling Erjie said dissatisfied, "Isn't the Gao family's behavior more newsworthy? The Shen family is so low-key, who reads it when it is written? A news has to highlight a point, and you write about the Gao family and then write about it." Isn’t writing about the Shen family distracting the readers’ attention?”

The reporter thought for a while and said with a smile: "Young Master Ling, I didn't expect you to know our business quite well! Just do as you say."

" remember, there is only one target, and that is the Gao family! Don't disperse!"

The reporter nodded, "Then you donated 80, do you want to write it down?"

"Hmm..." Ling Erjie thought for a while, "For comparison, write!"

Seeing Gao Xiaodong approaching, Ling Erjie hurriedly said, "Let's not talk about this, we'll talk about it after the reception if we have something to say."

The reporter also knew that what they were discussing could not be heard by Gao Xiaodong, so he retreated into the distance wisely.


While Ling Erjie and Gao Xiaodong were arguing, Huang Chen was driving on the way to the shopping center with the two beauties, Shen Xiyan and Tang Qiqi.

Their destination was naturally the "Catch the Doll Plaza" in the shopping center. With Tang Qiqi's instigation, Shen Xiyan had already decided to show her hand.

Compared with the last time I came here, there are a few more claw machines in the place to catch dolls, and the dolls inside have also been updated, and there are several that Shen Xiyan has never caught before.

Seeing Shen Xiyan directly in front of a machine with a frog doll, Huang Xing couldn't help reminding in a low voice: "This is a new doll, you haven't caught it before, shouldn't you warm up with the one you are familiar with before?"

"No need!" Shen Xiyan said with a smile, "Catch the center of gravity! This doll's center of gravity is on the ass, right?"

Huang Xing smiled, "It's about the same, you can grab one and try first."

(End of this chapter)

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