Chapter 87
Xiao Sanye was quite satisfied with Xiao Shan's attitude, nodded, and continued: "Xiao Shan, Qiangwei, take some time to find your benefactor, and if you find it, tell me, but don't disturb him! He is so tall at such a young age. Medical skills, I don’t know if there is any special background, you should be careful when investigating. By the way, after finding out the clues, don’t forget to tell you Uncle Feng!”

"Yes!" Xiao Shan and Xiao Qiangwei responded at the same time.

"Yeah!" Third Master Xiao yawned, and ordered, "By the way, Qiangwei, pay the consultation fee tonight!"

Xiao Qiangwei shook the phone and said with a smile: "The transfer has been completed just now, 350 million, and it is estimated that he will receive it soon."

"Hey... the technology is really scary now!" Mr. Xiao sighed, "I can do everything with a mobile phone!"

Feng Zhiyuan laughed, "Okay, don't sigh, you can rest too, it's getting late, I'm going back too! It's a pity that I didn't see the expert! Sigh..."

"We will meet each other by fate." Third Master Xiao smiled and said, "Xiao Shan, Qiangwei, send you Uncle Feng for me!"


Within 5 minutes after Xiao Qiangwei transferred the money, Huang Xing received a text message of 350 million to the account on his mobile phone.

Looking at the balance on the card, Huang Xing couldn't help but smack his lips, "This girl is really a happy person! You actually gave me so much more! Brother, you have some money this time, right? Tsk tsk... Can you change your strategy in flirting with girls in the future? Don’t you want to spend money on sentiment?”

He pondered for a moment, then shook his head again, "Forget it, buy a car and add some insurance, then put a film on it to seal it, glaze it, and get some floor glue. I guess there's not even 30 yuan left, and it's still not enough to flirt with girls. Brother, let’s just split your emotions..."

"Brother Chen, what are you doing?" Jin Xin came back from the shower, saw that Huang Chen was holding his mobile phone and didn't know what he was thinking, so he leaned over and asked with a smile: "The expression is so obscene, do you miss sister-in-law?"

"Fuck!" Huang Xing rubbed his chin, "I'm Shen Shen! By the way, I'll ask you a question, and you should answer it truthfully."

"Ask!" Jin Xin said carelessly as he sat on the edge of the bed while logging into Glory of Kings.

"If you suddenly had 30 cash, what would you do?"

"Save it in the bank!" Jin Xin laughed, "The fixed deposit interest is quite high now! Brother Chen, do you have 30 yuan?"

Huang Chen nodded, "Today I saved a rich woman's father's life on the street. They gave me 30 yuan. I don't know what to do."

"Really?" Jin Xin jumped up with staring eyes.

His head hit the upper bed board heavily, Jin Xin let out a scream, and squatted down with his head in his arms.

"Calm down!" Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "Why are you so excited? Isn't it 30? Not much!"

Jin Xin rubbed the big bag on his head, "It's not about 30 yuan, but... about your fucking luck, you actually got to meet such a good thing! You're so lucky, right?"

Huang Chen shrugged, "I think the old man is lucky, if he didn't meet someone like me who knows how to give first aid, he would definitely die!"

"That's true..." Jin Xin pressed the big bag on his head with a sad face, and said, "With this 30, you don't need to do any tutoring, it's enough for you for the past few years!"

Huang Chen thought about it, and Shen Xiaoyao's cute face and weapon, as well as Shen Xiyan's round and perfect shoulders under her bathrobe, came to mind.He shook his head immediately, "Tutoring is still required! No matter how much money I have in the bank, I always feel uneasy if I don't get it!"

"Then you can deposit this money in the bank, and you will earn a lot of interest..." Jin Xin picked up the phone again, and quickly turned his attention to the game.

Huang Chen secretly sighed, it was easy for him to get money in the past, but now in Huaxia, the previous method definitely won't work, if he wants to continue to live the life that is not short of money, he needs to find a way to make money by himself, and The remaining 30 yuan from buying a car can be used as his principal.

He went to take a cold shower, lay on the bed, pondered for a while but couldn't come up with a satisfactory answer. Seeing that it was getting late, he yawned and thought to himself: Forget it, the days ahead will be long, and I will go shopping tomorrow. Car, I'll think about it later.


The last two periods of the next morning were extensive reading classes. Teacher Yi's principle was that students would rather be absent than be late, so Huang Xing simply didn't go, and went to the BMW 4S shop early in the morning.

When I arrived at the store, the 4S store had just opened, and the clerks had just taken their positions.Generally, when 4S stores are not on weekends, there are not many customers, and everyone seems a little lazy.

After Huang Xing entered, a pretty female saleswoman came over with a smile, and said with a smile, "Hello, sir. My name is Wu Xue. I'm very happy to serve you."

Huang Xing smiled, "Hi, you don't have to be so polite."

"Sir, have you been here before? I remember seeing you. Last time you were with your girlfriend, right? My brother Wang received you." Wu Xue smiled.

"Yes! The last time I saw it was the X5 one..." Huang Chen smacked his lips and said with a smile, "I think the clothes are quite low-key, how can you remember me? You recognized me this time alone ? You don't have any thoughts about me, do you?"

Wu Xue covered her mouth and smiled, "Sir, you have misunderstood. We have been trained to remember customers for at least a month."

" must be because I'm handsome that I remember it better?"

"Yes sir, you are very handsome!"

At this moment, the salesman who received Huang Xing last time walked into the hall, Wu Xue hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, Brother Wang is here, I'll call him."

"Don't call him, I would rather have a pretty girl serve me." Huang Xing smiled.

Wu Xue apologized: "I'm really sorry, you are a customer of Brother Wang, we have store regulations, I can't take over Brother Wang's customers... just wait a moment."

Huang Chen shrugged, "Well, it's a pity..."

Wu Xue turned around and walked to the salesman surnamed Wang, and said, "Brother Wang, your customer is here, over there..."

Salesman Wang frowned secretly, "Just go and say hello, I guess he won't buy it either! They came here for our buffet last time! Today I have a customer who wants to pick up the car. I have to wait. I don't have time." Greet them."

Wu Xue looked envious, "Brother Wang has opened again? Is this month's sales champion stable?"

"It's hard to say..." Sales Wang couldn't hide his complacent expression, "The one I took away today is an X3, which is still low-end."

"That's not bad! I only sold a first-series car this month, and I'll be scolded again at the end of the month!"

"Xiao Wu..." Salesman Wang looked smug, "You have to know how to look at people. What we sell are luxury cars. There are many people who look at them, but few people buy them. It's like the two people who were eating for nothing last time. Don't worry about it." Putting too much energy into it is a waste! Last time I didn’t fill in the connection ticket!”

(End of this chapter)

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