Chapter 88

Sales Wang is considered an old employee. In front of him, Wu Xue was very respectful. She nodded and said, "Actually... I'm just afraid of being complained."

Salesman Wang patted Wu Xue on the shoulder and said with a smile, "You girl is too honest. Those who don't buy a car won't complain to you! I'll look back and if you don't have any business by the end of the month, I'll share it with you."

"Thank you, Brother Wang!" Wu Xue laughed, "Then I wish you the sales champion!"

Salesman Wang sighed, and said, "If I meet someone who can buy the new treasure of our shop, my champion will be secured!"

"You mean the new 760?" Wu Xue asked.

"That's right..." Salesman Wang said with a smile, "That's the first car in Haidong! I don't know if it will be bought by someone in Haidong... Sigh! I met the store manager just now, and he said that the car was this afternoon Just put it in the exhibition hall, and I have to focus my eyes later!"

"It must be Brother Wang's..." Wu Xue said with a smile, "Then I'll go entertain that gentleman."

"Go, go... Just make sense, that kind of person is not worth bothering about."

"Yeah!" Wu Xue nodded, returned to Huang Xing, and said with a smile, "Hi sir, are you still watching X5 today?"

"Why is it you? Didn't you say you violated the shop rules?" Huang Xing asked with a smile.

Wu Xue smiled awkwardly, "Brother Wang has something to do today, I will serve you. It is very appropriate for you to come today, we have an X5 promotion..."

"Don't talk about X5! I won't look at that model anymore!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "Is there a car for the latest 760?"

Wu Xue was stunned for a moment, and finally agreed with Wang Salesman's words, the person in front of him is definitely not a car buyer, he is the kind of boring person who just goes to the 4S shop to enjoy his eyesight.This 760 new model has just been launched, and he can't wait to come!But according to the store's rules, since there are cars in the store, customers have to see them.

So she nodded and said, "The showroom isn't there yet. The car is in the back room. It just arrived yesterday. Do you still want to see it?"

"It's better to come early than coincidentally..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "How much does this car land?"

"Including insurance and taxes, it's almost 320 million." Wu Xue said.

"Not bad..." Huang Xing smiled, "Then take me to have a look."

"Okay, please come with me."

Wu Xue then led Huang Xing to the back.

When passing by the male salesman surnamed Wang, he stopped Wu Xue, pulled her aside, and asked, "Why are you going to the warehouse?"

"The customer wants to see that 760." Wu Xue said.

Salesman Wang frowned, "I knew he was here for eye addiction again! When you get to the warehouse, pay close attention, this kind of person must be sloppy, don't let him scratch the car!"

"I remember, Brother Wang."

"If you meet such a person again in the future, just say no, understand?"

"Understood, thank you, Brother Wang, I'll go then."

"go Go……"


Wu Xue took Huang Xing to the warehouse. There were more than a dozen BMWs of various models parked here. The closest to the door was a large silver cashmere sedan. 760.

Huang Xing walked around the car, looked at the condition of the car paint, opened the door and looked at the interior, the black and white matching interior is full of luxury, Huang Xing nodded in satisfaction, "Yes, I want this car Alright, let's go through the formalities."

"Um...ah?" Wu Xue was stunned, "Sir, what did you just say...what?"

"I said I want this car!"

Wu Xue shook her head vigorously, and said in a stuttering voice, "What... sir, I didn't hear clearly just now, what did you say?"

"I said I want it!" Huang Xing asked, "Can I take it away today?"

"Yes, yes!" Wu Xue's heart almost jumped out of joy.

This is really a gift from heaven!Wu Xue was knocked out, she stood in front of Huang Xing, even a little bit at a loss.

The latest high-profile BMW 760!Haidong's first car!Could it be that she was sold by her, a small salesman who had just worked for less than half a year?This is not a dream, is it?
Huang Xing stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Wu Xue, "Beauty, what's wrong with you? Are you stupid?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Wu Xue regained her composure, but she couldn't hold back the ecstasy in her heart. She covered her mouth and let out a "puchi" laugh. Said, "Sir, are you really buying it? I don't read much, so don't lie to me!"

Huang Chen couldn't help laughing, patted her on the shoulder and said, "You are so dedicated, how could I lie to you? Hurry up and go through the formalities for me!"

"Thank you so much!"


Wu Xue suddenly hugged Huang Chen and kissed her.

After the kiss, she regretted it again. Why is this called sexual harassment, and she will be complained!Wu Xue quickly apologized again, "I'm sorry sir, I... I'm just too excited! There's no other meaning!"

If Huang Xing really wanted to escape, even a hundred Wu Xue couldn't hug him, but the little girl couldn't help herself, not to mention she was not bad looking, Huang Xing had no reason to avoid him.He smiled, "Good things come in pairs, isn't it too dishonest for you to kiss only one side?"

Wu Xue was stunned for a moment, her face flushed, "Sir...then...then I'll add another one?"

Huang Xing laughed, "Forget it, I'm not immune to a beautiful girl like you, if you kiss me again, I'm afraid I can't help but make a mistake!"

Wu Xue smiled embarrassingly, "Sir, you look like a gentleman! By the way, do you want to pay in full or take a loan? Our loan has a discount..."

"The full amount!" Huang Xing asked, "Is there any discount for the full amount?"

"Yes, yes!" Wu Xue nodded vigorously, "The full price discount is even stronger!"

"Is there any gift?"

"Yes, yes! Don't worry, I will give you everything I can! Maintenance package, beauty package, as long as you need it, I will add it to you!" Wu Xue laughed, "Then do you still want to look at the car? If you don’t want to read it, please wait in the waiting room, and I will go through the formalities for you.”

"Then go through the formalities."


Afterwards, Wu Xue arranged Huang Xing in a VIP lounge, and brought him coffee, snacks, and a tablet computer after running back and forth.

Seeing Wu Xue rushing back and forth like crazy, the salesman surnamed Wang was a little puzzled, so he called her over and asked, "Are you okay? What are you up to?"

Without further ado, Wu Xue directly bowed to him.

"Are you crazy?" Sales Wang looked at him inexplicably.

"Brother Wang!" Wu Xue suppressed her excitement and whispered, "The customer just now is going to pick up the car today!"

Salesman Wang's heart sank, and he was unwilling to think, Grandma's, I actually saw it wrong!But in front of Wu Xue, he still maintained the demeanor of an old employee, and smiled generously, "Did he really buy X5? Then you made money, and you have to treat me to dinner later!"

(End of this chapter)

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