Chapter 90
"and many more!"

Huang Chen grabbed Cheng Yaqiu, put his hands on her shoulders, and said word by word, "Yaqiu, I think I did a very, very right thing today! Don't worry, that old gentleman is fine, he Very good. That's not the reason I asked you to come, come with me!"

"What's that?"

"You'll know in a while... let's go." Huang Xing pulled her towards the BMW 4S store.

"What are you doing at the 4S store?" Cheng Yaqiu wondered, "You don't want to go eat and drink again, do you? The buffet there tastes so-so...Hey...what the hell is it!"

Pulling Cheng Yaqiu into the showroom of the 4S store, all the salesmen looked at Cheng Yaqiu.Everyone knows that the 760 has been sold to this gentleman, and the gentleman bought this car as a gift for his girlfriend, so everyone wants to know who that happy woman is.

Cheng Yaqiu finally showed up, with a lace half-sleeved shirt, a tight blue uniform skirt, thin meat silk with high heels, beautiful facial features and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, what an intellectual and beautiful white-collar beauty.

The salesmen couldn't help muttering secretly.

"His girlfriend is really pretty."

"Well... the key is temperament!"

"If I want to have such a beautiful girlfriend, I will also buy her a good car, anything!"


Cheng Yaqiu felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by the salesmen, but no matter how he asked, Huang Xing didn't say anything, so he could only follow him through the exhibition hall with doubts in his stomach, until he reached the door of the warehouse behind.

There is a parking lot at the entrance of the warehouse. There is a big red flower on the front cover of a brand-new BMW. There is a camera in front of the car. Zhang Liping, Wu Xue and others are waiting beside it.

Huang Xing handed Cheng Yaqiu's ID card to Wu Xue, and said with a smile, "Hurry up and get it printed!"

"Okay!" Wu Xue responded crisply, looked at Cheng Yaqiu enviously, and then trotted all the way to the office area.

Cheng Yaqiu was even more inexplicable, "Lu Xing, what are you doing?"

Huang Chen smiled slightly, pushed Cheng Yaqiu to the side of the BMW, and said, "Listen to me first, smile and look at the camera."

"Taking pictures?" Cheng Yaqiu vaguely realized, did this guy, Huang Xing, ask me to be a model here?Does that mean there is still a labor fee after the filming is over?There seems to be an image royalty!
"Yaqiu, smile!" Huang Xing commanded from the side, "Hold your chest up! Take half a step back... Yes! Very good!"

Cheng Yaqiu did as Chen Chen said, posing in a pose that she thought was good, and made up her mind to teach this guy a lesson, isn't it just to be a model?It was so mysterious that it frightened her so much.

Ka Ka Ka!
After taking a few photos, the photographer made an "OK" gesture and said with a smile, "The person is beautiful, and this photo is easy to deal with! Alright, beauty! The pose is good!"

Cheng Yaqiu walked up to Huang Xing angrily, and gave him a punch, "It's just being a model, why are you being so mysterious? By the way... How much do you pay us for taking a photo?"

"..." Lu Xing couldn't help being stunned, and gave a dry laugh, "This photo... I'll give you this car after taking the photo!"

"Crap you!"


"Stop lying to me!"


At this time, Wu Xue had already returned, and she returned her ID card to Cheng Yaqiu, and then Zhang Liping walked up to Cheng Yaqiu with a document bag containing the car purchase contract and invoice, and said with a smile: "Miss Cheng, this BMW car , It’s yours! This is a gift from your boyfriend.”

"Ah?" Cheng Yaqiu was stunned, did not dare to reach out to pick it up, and turned to look at Huang Xing, "This is... Are you joking?"

Huang Xing smiled, "I said I would give you a BMW, and you agreed, did you forget?"

"When did I say yes?"

"Think again...Think carefully!"

"Miss Cheng..." Zhang Liping said with a smile, "Your boyfriend is so considerate, this car purchase contract invites you..."

"I'm sorry for waiting..." Cheng Yaqiu pulled Huang Chen's arm far away, and said with a serious face, "You tell me the truth, is this true?"

Huang Xing shrugged, "What you see and hear is true!"

Cheng Yaqiu pointed to the BMW, "You bought that car?"

Huang Chen nodded, "Yes!"

"Where did you get the money?" Cheng Yaqiu frowned, "If it's some kind of messy loan, immediately refund it! That kind of thing..."

"Stop, stop!" Huang Xing waved his hand, "I said, why are you so forgetful at such a young age? You forgot that I saved someone last night? This is the consultation fee from others! Do you understand?"

"Consultation fee..." Cheng Yaqiu vaguely remembered that Huang Xing mentioned the BMW car last night. At that time, she thought that Huang Xing was joking, but she didn't expect it to be true.Cheng Yaqiu still couldn't believe it, "Did they really give a car?"

"Of course!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "If that person hadn't met me, he would definitely not be able to make it through! He is a rich person, and taking out a car as a reward is a drizzle!"

"Then why did you give it to me? You just keep it for yourself!"

"I don't want a BMW! It's for you! After all, I promised you!" Huang Xing supported her shoulder and said, "If you forget, I'll help you remember! Let's have dinner together that day, you Said you choose to sit on a bicycle to laugh, not to sit in a BMW and cry! I said I will give you a BMW, and you said 'yes'. Think about it carefully, right?"

"..." Cheng Yaqiu finally remembered that, she looked at Huang Xing in a daze, "Did you make a mistake? I was just joking!"

"But I'm serious!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "At that time, I thought, for such a good girl, I must satisfy her wish!"

"What! Are you crazy?" Cheng Yaqiu smiled bitterly, "I was really joking, and then you said something about buying lottery tickets, I thought you were joking too."

"I'm not joking around. I really bought a lottery ticket later, but I didn't win." Huang Xing said with a smile, "But we're lucky. When something happened to me yesterday, I took advantage of the trend!"

"Wait...let me calm down..." Cheng Yaqiu patted his forehead, and after a long silence, he said, "Lu Xing, I can't take this car! Return it!"

Huang Xing shook his head, "This is a sample car, and it's discounted, so if you sell it, you can't get it back. If you don't believe me, I'll show you the contract!"

As he spoke, he took the contract from Zhang Liping and pointed to a line in it, "It's here, did you see it?"

"That's not right! Who signed this contract?" Cheng Yaqiu quickly turned to the last page of the contract and asked, "What's the matter with my signature?"

 There should be another one in the morning, let’s read the first chapter to quench our thirst.

(End of this chapter)

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