Chapter 91

"I signed it on my behalf." Huang Xing shrugged, "Is it similar to your handwriting?"

Cheng Yaqiu rubbed her eyes and looked at the signature in disbelief. It was more than just a question of resemblance. She even thought it was written by herself, " actually imitated my handwriting?"

Huang Xing smiled slightly, "It's not just your handwriting, even the mayor's handwriting, as long as I see it, I can imitate it, it's pretty similar, right?"

"You..." Cheng Yaqiu stomped her feet anxiously, "This is not my signature, this contract is invalid!"

"Unfortunately, the money has already been paid, and your name has been bound to the frame number and engine number of this car. Legally speaking, this car already belongs to you!" Huang Xing patted her on the shoulder , smiled and said, "Resign yourself to fate! Who told you to promise indiscriminately? Who told me to be a man who promises everything? Well, let's stop standing here and make people laugh. Anyway, we have already bought it. Let's drive away first and then talk about it." .”

Cheng Yaqiu rubbed her temples, "How much is this car?"

"Look for yourself, it's in the contract, and the invoice is also there." Lu Chen pouted.

"This is... three... more than 17..." Cheng Yaqiu felt dizzy for a while, a car worth 37 yuan!She didn't even think about it!She felt that she might buy a car in the future, but at most, she would just buy a car worth 37 to [-] yuan for transportation. [-] something wrong!She rubbed her temples and said, "You are too rash..."

"Do you think cash is more appropriate?" Huang Xing asked.

"Is there even a need to ask?" Cheng Yaqiu looked full of hatred, "With this money, wouldn't you have all your tuition and living expenses? But you..."

"Don't get excited, don't get excited..." Huang Xing waved his hand, "They have prepared a lot of money, and there are more than 30 left, and I will give it to me, so I don't have to worry about my tuition and living expenses!"


"Of course it's true! If you don't believe me, let's go to the bank to check the balance of the bank card!" Huang Xing patted her on the shoulder, "Look, you also have your BMW, and I also have my tuition and living expenses. It's the best of both worlds. I can go now." Bar?"

Cheng Yaqiu sighed, "Let's go first, let's talk about the car when we get back!"

With a slight smile, Huang Chen took the initiative to open the passenger door of the BMW, and made a gesture of invitation, "Get in the car."

After Cheng Yaqiu got into the car, Huang Xing and Zhang Liping said goodbye, then sat in the cab and started the engine skillfully. The 6.0T twin-turbo 12-cylinder engine immediately made a low roar.

Zhang Liping waved to the two of them and said with a smile, "Goodbye, Mr. Lu, and Miss Cheng. I wish you an early exam for your driver's license!"

"Thank you!" Cheng Yaqiu smiled awkwardly, turned her head and said to Huang Xing, "Close the window."

"The new car smells good, drive it and let it go." Huang Xing smiled slightly, stepped on the accelerator lightly, and the car slowly slid forward, getting faster and faster.

Wu Xue stared at the BMW 760 disappearing from sight, suddenly hugged Zhang Liping's arm, sniffled, "Sister Zhang, this is so romantic, even more romantic than Korean dramas! I'm afraid my girlfriend will be scared, Huang Xing actually asked us to make a fake contract of 37 yuan! A car worth more than 300 million yuan is said to be more than 30 yuan... He is simply too considerate!"

Zhang Liping smiled, "Yes, there are not many men who are so caring now."

"If only I had such a caring boyfriend!" Wu Xue said with a look of longing, "You don't need to buy me a BMW, as long as you can take me to and from get off work every day!"


At this time, Huang Xing had already driven the BMW on the road, Cheng Yaqiu suddenly tilted his head to look at Huang Xing, and said, "I just realized that you can actually drive?"

"I've been driving a tractor since I was seven years old..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "How does the seat feel in this car?"

Cheng Yaqiu leaned back, nodded and said, "It's very comfortable, like a sofa."

"That's right! Three...more than one hundred thousand..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "You can't drive a new car too fast. After the break-in period, I'll show you the feeling of speeding!"

Cheng Yaqiu didn't answer, but looked out of the window and said, "Did you go the wrong way? The taxi didn't go this way."

"That's right. Although this road is a long way around, there are few cars. The key's unlikely to encounter traffic police who check cars."

"Why are you afraid of the traffic police?" Cheng Yaqiu wondered.

"I don't have a driver's license!"

"What did you say?"

"I don't have a driver's license."


Cheng Yaqiu suddenly became nervous, tightly gripped the handle above the window, looked ahead without blinking, and said angrily: "You are so courageous, you dare to drive on the road without a driver's license!"

Huang Chen laughed, controlled the steering wheel with his left hand, and gently stroked Cheng Yaqiu's round knee with his right hand. While feeling the unique texture of silk socks, he said, "Don't be so nervous, I just don't have a driver's license. can drive."

In the nervousness, Cheng Yaqiu didn't realize that Huang Xing had taken advantage of her beautiful legs at all. She frowned and said seriously: "I can't do it. If you go on the road without a license, you will be detained if you catch it!"

"So I chose a road without police..." Huang Xing smiled, "Relax, the muscles in your legs are all stiff!"

Only then did Cheng Yaqiu realize that Huang Xing's hands were under her skirt, she quickly pushed his hands away, "Don't move! The window is open!"

"Then I'll close the window!"

"No, the new car smells, you said... you should drive carefully! Be careful!"

"Uh..." Huang Chen retracted his hand resentfully, "Follow orders!"

At this time, a black Land Rover caught up to the left, and after the window fell, it revealed a fat bald head, and shouted to Lu Chen: "Brother! The car is not bad!"

Huang Chen smiled, "Well, I'm quite motivated!"

The fat man looked into Huang Xing's car again, "The girl is not bad either!"

"It's not bad!" Huang Xing's expression was a little pissed, Cheng Yaqiu wanted to have a figure and a temperament, so it would be very face-saving to take it out.

"There is no car in front, do you want to drive for a while?" the fat man asked.

Huang Xing waved his hand, "No way, the new car hasn't broken in yet! It's going crazy right now, it's too ruined!"

"That's true! I just said why you drive so slowly!" The fat man laughed, "How much does your car cost?"

Huang Xing didn't speak, but made a "three" gesture.

The fat man smacked his lips, "Awesome! Let's go!"

With the sound of a horn, the Land Rover drove away.

Huang Xing smiled, turned his head and said to Cheng Yaqiu, "Hurry up and learn a driver's license, you can drive in the future."

"Lu Xing..." Cheng Yaqiu sighed, "I don't think I can take this car, how about I give it to you?"

"I don't have that much money to buy!"

"Who told you to buy it, I said give it to you!"

 There will be another chapter after lunch, friends remember to vote!
(End of this chapter)

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