Chapter 96
Lu Chen looked at Shen Xiyan with a smile, "Okay, let's expose it! Then you will not only avenge your favor, but also face Cao Jiuzhang's anger again! By the way... you copied the wrong formula on the second page and third line of your notes." Already! The greater than sign has been written as less than sign. How can you write it wrong even when you take a note? How stupid!"

"How is it possible?" Shen Xiyan picked up the notebook and flipped to the place Huang Xing said, "It's clearly less than the number! How could I make a mistake?"

"Just take a look at someone else's and you'll know!" Huang Xing said lightly.

"Look and see!" Shen Xiyan hummed unconvinced, and said to Chen Yan: "Swallow, show me the notes, I want to see if someone is talking nonsense!"

"Here you..." Chen Yan handed it over, feeling secretly depressed, Shen Xiyan seemed to have quarreled with Huang Xing again, it was terrible!My big girl, it doesn't matter if you hate Huang Xing, but don't delay me chasing him!Cheng Caixin, Li Jingjing, Xu Jie, Meng Jiaojiao and the others are all staring at her!
Shen Xiyan found the location that Huang Xing said, and it was indeed a bigger size. Unconvinced, she asked for the notes of Xu Jie and Cheng Caixin in the second row, and they were all bigger than the size.

Huang Chen smiled, "Look, I said you remembered it wrong? Teacher Cao said that this is a compulsory part of the exam. If it weren't for me, you would be in a tragedy again..."

Shen Xiyan frowned slightly, "You don't listen carefully, why are you watching me take notes?"

Huang Xing sighed, "You don't take good notes in class, why do you always watch me?"

"You..." Shen Xiyan bit her lips, "Who's looking at you! I'm tired of looking at the blackboard, rest my eyes!"

"What a coincidence..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "I'm also tired from looking at the blackboard, I just look at your notes to rest my eyes, is there a problem?"

"You're so boring! I don't bother to talk to you!" Shen Xiyan gave Huang Chen a blank look, and lowered her head to read.

Huang Xing shrugged, and also opened the textbook to read.

On the other side, Chen Yanru was pardoned. The two of them finally finished their quarrel, and she was finally able to ask Huang Xing questions.

"Lu Chen, Lu Chen..." Chen Yan tugged at Huang Chen's arm.

"what's up?"


The class bell rang, and Cao Jiuzhang walked in with a serious expression.Speaking of which, this old gentleman is really punctual, and he enters the classroom by stepping on the bell every time.

Chen Yan's expression immediately collapsed, and she lamented in her heart, how could it be like this!Why do I go to class as soon as I want to talk to Huang Xing!My dear classmate Shen Xiyan, can you stop arguing with Huang Xing during recess in the future!Isn't this a waste of everyone's time?

Seeing Cao Jiuzhang's eyes swept over, Chen Yan hurriedly whispered to Huang Xing: "It's okay, let's go to class..."

Cao Jiuzhang only spoke for more than ten minutes in this class, then turned on the multimedia machine, typed two questions on the slide, and then handed out a stack of blank paper, "What was taught in the last class, and what was taught today, It happens to be a small unit. The knowledge points required for these two questions do not exceed the scope of this small unit. Please do it and hand it in before class ends. Books and notes are available for reference. Alright, three blank sheets of paper for each person , if it’s not enough, ask me again.”

As soon as the words fell, the audience was in an uproar, and many people began to mutter.

"Huh? Exam..."

"The legendary random exam!"

"Can you do that question? Why can't I understand it?"

"I can't understand it either, let's look it up in the notes..."

After handing out the calculation paper, Cao Jiuzhang's tone became much more amiable, "Everyone, don't worry, there is time, and the topic is not difficult..."

Listening to Cao Jiuzhang's words, many people looked strange. There is also a legend about Cao Jiuzhang and this Ximen Chuuxue. It is said that he has a habit of overestimating the actual level of the students when he asks questions. .

Soon, the sound of flipping books was heard in the classroom, and Cao Jiuzhang was slowly patrolling the aisle between the desks. When he saw a student from the journalism department flipping through the exercise book, he couldn't help frowning, "Don't waste your energy in vain." , This question is not in the workbook, you should read your notes and textbooks. I have emphasized the knowledge points of these two questions! Students who take notes in class should know."

Everyone's complexion is a bit weird, I took notes, why can't I find any clues?Teacher Cao, we don't study much, are you really ashamed to lie to us like this?
However, Huang Xing felt that Cao Jiuzhang's words were quite correct. When he was giving lectures, he would casually add "this is the key point" to the important knowledge.And these two questions are indeed examining those key points, and the investigation is not complicated. Just a little understanding and a small change will do. As for how to change, Cao Jiuzhang also talked about it.

Huang Xing thought about it for two or three minutes, then nodded secretly, what Mr. Cao said was really right, it didn't go beyond what he said, and it's really not too difficult!
Just as everyone was turning the pages of the book, Huang Xing had already started to write "shua, shua, shua".Although it was the first time to answer this kind of question, Huang Xing had also seen what the standard answers to those questions in the workbook looked like, so he wrote it in a well-regulated manner.

As the first person in the class to answer, Huang Xing naturally attracted Cao Jiuzhang's attention. After a while, he walked up to Huang Xing and looked down. The corners of his mouth quickly turned up, he nodded in satisfaction, and said in a low voice: " The proof questions don’t need to be written in such detail, and the clear proofs such as the third to seventh steps don’t need to be written, just write the eighth step directly!”

"Oh..." Huang Xing nodded and began to simplify the derivation process.

Cao Jiuzhang nodded, turned his gaze to Chen Yan's paper, and couldn't help sighing inwardly.

Chen Yan was not very good at mathematics, but because of Huang Xing in class today, she didn't know where her mind was going. Regarding Cao Jiuzhang's topic, she really had no idea at all, and the paper was blank.

Seeing that Chen Yan even flipped the notes in the wrong place, and Huang Xing had written half of the second question, Cao Jiuzhang could only shake his head secretly, there is no comparison between people!

As an old teacher who has taught for half his life, he knew that students like Chen Yan were really limited in ability, and criticism was useless, so he turned around and looked down at Shen Xiyan.

Shen Xiyan's mathematics is much better than Chen Yan's. Although these two questions are difficult for her, she can do them without any problem. When Cao Jiuzhang looked at them, she had almost completed the first question.

However, she was depressed before class, and she was sitting next to Huang Xing again. Her mind was a little impetuous, and what she learned was a little unclear, so in the proof question, the part related to today's study, the proof was long-winded, I don't know how many detours it took to get back to the right path.

Cao Jiuzhang only looked at it for a while, then frowned...

 Everyone read this chapter first to quench your thirst. There will be more in the morning, friends, remember to vote.

(End of this chapter)

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