Chapter 97
If it were someone else, Cao Jiuzhang might have smiled slightly when he saw the answer written by Shen Xiyan. After all, he got the question right.

But this person is Shen Xiyan who left an impression on him in the two classes. Thinking of this girl who is so complicated that she would rather go to the back than sit at the same table as the boy, Cao Jiuzhang frowned and tapped Shen Xiyan's paper, said in a deep voice: "Look... look... It's a very simple place, it only takes three steps to prove it, but you took more than a dozen steps. I'll say you This girl's thoughts are messed up, right? Look at how concise Huang Xing's proof is? You need to concentrate on studying, and don't just think wildly!"

Shen Xiyan was reprimanded for no reason. At first she thought she had done something wrong, but when Cao Jiuzhang finished speaking, she realized that it was Cao Jiuzhang who thought her writing was too long-winded.

This is too wronged!

Shen Xiyan was so depressed that she was about to cry, I did something wrong, teacher!Will points be deducted for being wordy?can you?Besides, where am I thinking wildly?I'm clearly doing the questions very seriously, okay?
After more than 20 minutes passed, Cao Jiuzhang announced that the exam was over, collected all the papers, and said, "There is one more thing to say before the end of get out of class. The math class will have homework in the future. I need a class representative to send and receive homework. Usually The quiz can also help me grade the test paper."

When they heard the words "correcting the test paper", everyone's eyes lit up. Isn't this power too heaven-defying?Isn't it equivalent to grasping the life and death of everyone in the exam?
When everyone was wondering who should be the representative of the class, Cao Jiuzhang had already announced directly, "Xun Xing has a good foundation in mathematics, and he is the representative of the mathematics class."

Huang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and secretly smiled wryly, this old man is really wicked!Those who change the law will abduct brother!But anyway, the math class is only once a week, and it sounds interesting, so that brother is not respectful!Huang Xing stood up, smiled and said: "Okay, I will try my best to be a good class representative!"

Cao Jiuzhang nodded in satisfaction, and when he heard the bell rang, he announced the end of get out of class and left with his papers in his arms.

Before Huang Chen could get up, a group of classmates rushed over, and even Shen Xiyan and Chen Yan who were next to him were surrounded together.

"Lu Xing! I'm Zhang Xuedong from the Department of Journalism, I'll sit with you when I have time!"

"Lu Xing! I'm Zhou Zheng from the Department of Journalism, let's have lunch together!"

"Lu Xing! My name is Shen Jiajia, from the journalism department! What's your phone number?"

"Lu Chen..."

"Lu Chen..."


Everyone went crazy for their own exam results. The foreign language department was better, after all, they were their own people. Almost all the journalism department gathered around Huang Xing, all wanting to build relationships.

Huang Xing is also a little helpless, it's just an advanced mathematics, it's not difficult, as for it?

He coughed lightly, jumped onto the table, and said loudly, "Students, be quiet! Be quiet!"

All the people around closed their mouths and waited obediently.

"It's fate that we can take classes in the same classroom. I will take care of everyone in the future, and I will take care of you! But Teacher Cao's class is really worth the money. I hope everyone will give me a face. Don't miss Teacher Cao's class! Listen carefully , Take notes carefully, or you will leave a bad impression on Mr. Cao, and I won’t be able to help if I want to, right?”

When he said this, Shen Xiyan's heart suddenly "thumped", and she finally realized that she left a bad impression on Cao Jiuzhang and interrupted Huang Xing's class!Complicated thinking!It is inexplicable that these pots were detained!Today, I obviously got the topic right, but I still got scolded by Cao Jiuzhang!This... This is all Huang Xing's fault!

Thinking of this, Shen Xiyan couldn't help but raised her head and gave Huang Chen a hard look. If the table legs were not fixed on the ground, she really wanted to overturn the desk and throw the bastard Huang Chen to death.

After Huang Xing kept promising that he would take care of everyone, the talents in the journalism department dispersed one after another. Chen Yan held her chin and looked at Huang Chen like a nympho.

The table jumping action is so cool!
This leadership aura is too strong!
dizzy dizzy...

Seeing Huang Xing jumping down from the table, Chen Yan immediately opened the textbook, intending to ask Huang Xing how to do the exam questions.

Of course, Chen Yan's main purpose was not to really know how to do the topic, but to have a few more words with Huang Xing.

Just as she was about to speak, Shen Xiyan spoke first with pretty eyes and frost, "Lu Xing! Explain to me clearly! Why are you talking nonsense with Teacher Cao to frame me?"

Seeing Shen Xiyan speak, Chen Yan immediately became depressed, why did they quarrel again?

"What did I frame you for?" Huang Xing wondered.

"Forget it so quickly?" Shen Xiyan stared, "Why do you say that my thoughts are complicated?"

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "Did you hear me wrong? What I said was that you don't want to sit next to me, did I say it wrong?"

"You..." Shen Xiyan thought for a while, as if Huang Xing really said that, she frowned slightly, and said, "You are wrong to say that!"

"What's wrong? Would you like to sit next to me? Then let's sit together in class from now on!" Huang Xing said with a smile.

"You..." Shen Xiyan suppressed her anger, "I mean, what you said made Mrs. Cao think that my thinking is complicated! By the way... that's what you said, you said that because you are a boy, I won't sit next to you of!"

"Since Teacher Cao misunderstood you, then why didn't you explain it?" Lu Xing said with a smile, "If you tell the truth, Teacher Cao won't misunderstand you, right?"

"" Shen Xiyan didn't know what to say. In that situation, to be honest, her fate was even worse.

Huang Chen sighed, "I helped you get away with it. I thought you would thank me for inviting me to dinner, but I didn't expect you to blame me. Sigh... I had my heart for the bright moon, but the bright moon shines in the ditch!"

"You... Damn it!" Shen Xi's chest heaved in anger, her face flushed.

At this moment, Chen Yan's timid voice sounded, "Xiyan, can I ask Huang Chen two questions first?"

"What question?" Shen Xiyan asked casually.

"That's the question for today's exam!"

Shen Xiyan took a deep breath, calmed down for a while, and realized that she must not be able to quarrel with Huang Xing about today's matter, she gave Huang Xing a hard look, and said to Chen Yan: "I can do those two questions too, Let me tell you! Don't bother with this idiot! Huang hurry up and don't get in the way!"

Huang Chen shrugged indifferently, said "The dog bites Lu Dongbin" leisurely, and left with his textbook.

"Hmph! Damn it!" Shen Xiyan glared at Huang Chen's back fiercely, and then sat beside Chen Yan, "Swallow, why not? Let me tell you..."

Chen Yan opened her mouth, wanting to cry but no tears...

 There should be another chapter in the afternoon. My friends are thinking about voting.
(End of this chapter)

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