The return of the immortal world

Chapter 11 Mysterious Man

Chapter 11 Mysterious Man

"Sister, there is a child inside the toilet, motionless, as if he is not breathing!" The man ran out and said nervously to the child's mother.

"What?" The woman was stunned and couldn't believe it.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" At this time, the woman could no longer care whether there were men inside, and ran in directly.

The man thought for a while, gritted his teeth, and followed in.

"Sister, it's in this room." The man said to the woman who was frantically pushing the toilet door.

The woman didn't speak when she heard it, she just pushed in, and the little boy leaned there quietly.

The woman shook the little boy crazily, but the little boy was silent and motionless.

The woman trembled and tried to breathe, but she couldn't breathe out at all. The woman suddenly felt dark and fainted in the men's room.

At this time, several men who were urinating inside also discovered this situation. After asking the man before, several people helped to help the unconscious woman out. Dial 110.

Before long, the men's restroom was full of people and it was chaotic.

The three of Li Yunfeng also noticed the situation here, and they also followed.

It didn't take long for the woman to wake up slowly, wondering why she was here, but in an instant, she thought of her son's death in the toilet, and she went mad and wanted to go in to see her son.

Everyone around dissuaded them and waited for the police to come, but the woman still wanted to go in. They couldn't help but squeezed a way for the woman to go in.

Li Yunfeng asked the younger sister and Su Xiaoru to wait outside, and followed him in, because he suspected that the dead inside might be related to the previous flash of spiritual power fluctuations.

At this time, the toilet door of the little boy was completely opened, and the woman jumped on it again, but was pulled away by the crowd. Some of them dissuaded them from destroying the scene and waited for the police to deal with it.

The little boy's death was very strange. The only wound was on the abdomen. The wound was not big, there was only a small spot less than one millimeter, and a little blood came out. If it wasn't for the blood on the abdomen, it would be hard for ordinary people to imagine It was the belly that caused his death.

The people around were also amazed. It was hard for them to imagine that such a small wound would cause death?Blood and blood stains are also normal, not like poisoning.

When Li Yunfeng came in and saw it at the first sight, Li Yunfeng knew what was going on. The little boy died after being absorbed by the spirit root. The previous fluctuations in spiritual power can now be [-]% sure to be related to the little boy's absorption of the spirit root.

"Evil repair!"

A gleam of coldness flashed in Li Yunfeng's eyes, although he was called a demon cultivator in the world of cultivating immortals.

But it is the principle that people will not offend me and I will not offend others.

Even if it is because of the competition for interests, the ones killed are also people of the same way, and they will never slaughter mortals for the sake of cultivation.

And the reason why he is called a demon cultivator is mainly because of his skills.

Because the kung fu he practiced was the Nine Nether Demon Kung Fu, every time he killed an opponent, he would turn the opponent's spirit, essence, and blood into his own use, allowing his cultivation to grow faster.

Li Yunfeng felt the surroundings carefully, and found that the murderer was no longer here.

"If you meet me, you will kill him!"

A cold light flickered in Li Yunfeng's eyes, he would not have much sympathy for a mother and child who had little relationship with him.

But this kind of evil cultivation is the kind that everyone can get and punish even in the world of cultivating immortals, and it is even more hateful than the so-called demonic cultivation.

As tall buildings rise from the ground, monks also start from mortals. No one will show mercy to such a person who massacres mortals for cultivation.

The evil cultivator's current cultivation base is not high, and he slaughters mortals to practice.

When the evil cultivator reaches a certain level, the evil cultivator does not rely on the resources of heaven and earth to practice, but to practice by slaughtering monks!

Such a person is a source of confusion.

Especially on Earth, where spiritual energy is thin, there are many restrictions on ordinary monks, slowing down the speed of practice.

But there are very few restrictions on this kind of evil cultivation, relying on mortal cultivation to advance by leaps and bounds, it may not necessarily pose a threat to yourself in the end!
Therefore, for the evil cultivators that can threaten oneself, it is best to kill them at the source.

At this time, the police also arrived, and the leader was a woman in uniform, about 1.7 meters tall, with a very serious expression, and walked directly to the little boy.

The policewoman squatted down, looked at the child's abdomen, and murmured in a low voice: "Sure enough, it's the same murderer again!"

This sentence was very soft, and the people around didn't hear it, but Li Yunfeng's hearing was much better than that of ordinary people, and he was closer, but he could hear this sentence clearly.

"Everyone's gone, everyone's gone!" The surrounding policemen began to clear the scene, everyone dispersed one after another, and Li Yunfeng followed suit.

"Li Yunfeng, have you seen Director Song Ying Song?" Su Xiaoru asked immediately after Li Yunfeng came out.

"That woman?" Li Yunfeng asked.

"Yeah, she was looking for you this morning, but I didn't know who you were and where you went, so I went to the police station to make a statement and came back!" Su Xiaoru said.

"Well, don't mention me in front of her in the future, I don't want to attract too much attention!" Li Yunfeng nodded and instructed.

"Don't worry about that, as long as I don't violate discipline or law in this life, I shouldn't have any social relations with her again." Su Xiaoru nodded.

"Let's go back!"

Li Yunfeng shook his head and said.

Right now, he has more than enough heart but not enough energy. Even if he knows that it was done by an evil cultivator, he can only find out unless he is very close to him.

If the evil cultivator deliberately hides it, it will be difficult to find it even if he is around him. At present, he has nothing to do. After all, his current cultivation level is only at the seventh level of qi refining, which is less than one billionth of his peak level.

"Have it!"

Li Yunfeng suddenly thought of a way. It was very difficult for him to find this evil cultivator, but it was possible for the Public Security Bureau to find it.

But according to the previous fluctuations in spiritual power, as long as the evil cultivator of the third level of Qi refining is not surrounded by submachine guns, machine guns and the like, it is difficult to catch.

So he can let the police station look for it first, and then he can ask the police station to notify him when there is news. As long as the police station can give him a specific location, he has absolute confidence to catch Xiexiu.

Now that the decision has been made, Li Yunfeng is ready to start planning.

"Little sister, do you have a pen and paper with you?" Li Yunfeng asked.

"Bring it, why do you need a pen and paper?" Li Yunxue asked strangely.

"Don't worry about this, I have something to do!" Li Yunfeng didn't want to say too much.

"Okay!" Li Yunxue took out a pen and paper without asking any further questions.

After Li Yunfeng took the pen and paper, he quickly wrote a paragraph, then folded the paper into a small piece and put it in his hand.

"You two go to the tea restaurant in front and wait for me! I'll do something first, and I'll find you later!" Li Yunfeng said directly.

"Okay." The two women knew that Li Yunfeng was unusual, so they went down without asking any further questions.

Li Yunfeng stepped aside and patted his face with his hands a few times. The muscles and bones of his face shifted for a short time, achieving a disguise effect. If Li Yunxue stood in front of him and didn't look at his clothes, Absolutely unrecognizable.

At this time, Song Ying had already confirmed that the murderer was the same person, but she still checked the scene to confirm it.

It didn't take too long. After Song Ying finished her investigation, her face was a little tired. Since this month, children have died one after another, and after medical equipment testing, they couldn't tell exactly why they died. .

Because these children have a common feature, that is, there is a wound less than one millimeter in the lower abdomen, but can such a millimeter-level wound be fatal?
However, there were several deaths in total, all of which had such a wound, and the final result was that these children died because of this small wound. Although there is no scientific basis, it can only be confirmed in this way.

Song Ying had already collapsed at this time. In fact, she was also investigating the case during the day, because the leaders above had already spoken. If this continues, the public will panic.

It just happened that she was chasing the murderer there in the morning, and then she received the news that the robber had fled to the investigation site, so she continued to chase.

It's just that after chasing him, she met another strange person, which made her feel a little helpless. Fortunately, this person didn't have any thoughts of harming society, which made her feel a little relieved.

Seeing the little boy who died in front of her eyes, Song Ying thought of one thing at this time, that is, how about letting the mysterious man who killed the robbers during the day deal with this mysterious murderer?
It's a pity that she has no news about that mysterious person.

Song Ying walked outside with a bit of exhaustion, but when she walked out of the door of the barbecue hall on the second floor, she suddenly felt something was stuffed in her hand, and she instinctively wanted to fight back, but there was no one beside her. At the stairway ahead, a figure disappeared at a frightening speed.

A policeman next to him felt a little strange when he saw Song Ying's abnormal behavior, so he asked, "Ju Song, what's wrong?"

Song Ying rubbed the thing in her hand, feeling it was a piece of paper, and looked at the corridor where there were no more people, feeling a flash of shock in her heart.

"It's nothing, maybe I'm a little nervous during this time!" Song Ying forced a smile.

"What is written in the note?" Song Ying was a little curious, but she held back after all and didn't read it here.

(End of this chapter)

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