The return of the immortal world

Chapter 12 Yin-Yang Chaos Art

Chapter 12 Yin-Yang Chaos Art
Minglou District Police Station, Deputy Director's Office, Song Ying stared at the note in front of her in a daze.

"I know the murderer's situation, and I am sure to subdue him, but first of all, I need to confirm his location. If there is a murderer's whereabouts, you can dial 18xxxxxxxx3. Don't try to check my information through the mobile phone number. I don't want to be disturbed too much."

"The person who killed the robbers in the morning." The identity was written at the end.

"Who the hell are you?" Song Ying looked at the mobile phone number above, and wanted to find out who the owner of this mobile phone number was several times.

But thinking of the mysterious man's explanation, she was afraid that things would be self-defeating, so she endured it after all.

One person killed the seven robbers in an instant with a few ordinary stones, and left without a sound under the heavy siege of the police. Based on these performances, Song Ying knew that this mysterious man was not lying.

Song Ying led the team to confront the mysterious murderer before, although the murderer was not caught in the end, but the murderer escaped relatively reluctantly, not invincible, but Song Ying could tell that the murderer underestimated them The police called, and they didn't notice for a while, which caused him to be injured a little bit.

Since that time, the murderer has been more careful, and every time he just found out about his whereabouts, he would go away in shock.

Song Ying had already requested support from the Municipal Public Security Bureau, but she still had no idea whether she could catch her in the end.

After eating, Li Yunfeng and the others went back to the Cuiyin community, which is the community where Li Yunxue and Su Xiaoru live. Li Yunfeng has no place to stay at night, so he can only live on the sofa in the lobby.

After returning to the community, Li Yunxue hurriedly helped Li Yunfeng get a resume, and then went to the small shop downstairs to print out a few copies for him.

As for Li Yunfeng, he is sitting on the sofa at this moment, playing with WeChat with great interest, why shake it, all the beauties are there, click on the people nearby, and you can see a lot of beauties. Seeing so many beauties made Li Yunfeng, a demon who had been abstinent for thousands of years, a little fanciful.

At this time, Li Yunxue and Su Xiaoru were also busy, and then they went to the lobby, sat on the sofa and turned on the TV to watch TV series.

Li Yunfeng saw the younger sister and Su Xiaoru coming, so he hurriedly closed WeChat, found a random game and started playing, the matter of finding a beautiful woman should not be known by the younger sister and Su Xiaoru, this is a man's secret.

Not to mention, I haven't seen each other for five years, and the mobile phone has also undergone tremendous changes. Li Yunfeng just clicked on a random game called Tiantian Love Elimination, and he had a great time playing it.

Therefore, Li Yunfeng played the game very happily, while the younger sister and Su Xiaoru watched TV while watching the mobile phone, the time passed slowly like this.

At about ten o'clock, Li Yunxue and Su Xiaoru went back to their rooms. Li Yunfeng stopped playing games at this time, but sat up and began to practice.

Although on the earth, there will be no endless fighting methods like those in the world of cultivating immortals, but where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, and there will inevitably be battles, so if there is a chance to strengthen himself, Li Yunfeng will still strengthen himself. After thousands of years of practice, it is impossible for him to stop suddenly.

However, what Li Yunfeng is practicing now is not Jiuyou Demon Art, but a technique he obtained in an ancient secret realm in the Immortal Cultivation World. It is definitely not weaker than Jiuyou Demon Art, and may even be stronger.

The technique is called the Yin-Yang Chaos Art, and it is also because of the Yin-Yang Chaos Art that Li Yunfeng was able to retain a trace of his spirit and return to Earth.

At that time, after Li Yunfeng obtained the Yin-Yang Chaos Art, because he already had the Nine Nether Demon Art, it was impossible to modify it, and the restriction imposed on him by the Nine Nether Demon Emperor also determined that he had no chance to practice it again.

But Li Yunfeng did not give up, instead, he often observed the Yin-Yang Chaos Art. During an epiphany, he had a feeling in his heart that a ray of yang energy was born from the extremely yin skill of Jiuyou Demon Art, and it was this independent ray Yang Qi made it possible for Li Yunfeng to break away from the control of Demon Emperor Jiuyou.

But it can only stop there. If you continue to observe the Yin-Yang Chaos Art, you are likely to be discovered by the Jiuyou Demon Emperor, so in the end Li Yunfeng kept refining this trace of Yang Qi, and finally successfully returned to the earth and escaped from Jiuyou Demon Emperor. Under the control of the Youmo Emperor, and the Nine Youmo Emperor has also achieved the goal of devouring himself, he will not think that Li Yunfeng is still alive in this world.

The night passed slowly like this, and practice can also achieve the effect of rest, so Li Yunfeng who stopped practicing in the morning is still full of energy, and even the breath in his body is stronger.

The heaven-defying nature of the Yin-Yang Chaos Jue is not only manifested in the extreme Yin Qi giving birth to a trace of Yang Qi, but also in the most primitive cultivation.

The Yin-Yang Chaos Art can not only absorb the aura of heaven and earth, but also absorb the yin and yang energy in the world at the moment when the sun rises in the morning, transform it into one's own cultivation base, and speed up cultivation. Just such a moment can be worth a day Penance, very against the sky.

However, the heaven-defying technique also has shortcomings, that is, not everyone can practice successfully. In the world of cultivating immortals, Li Yunfeng has tried many times, asking some people who have never practiced to practice, but no one can succeed.

Just like the Nine Nether Demon Art, only those with the Nine Nether Divine Soul can practice it. This is the commonality of some top skills.

Li Yunfeng was able to practice because he had practiced for a long time, and he had cultivated yang qi within a trace of extremely yin qi. Based on yin-generated yang qi and soul, the cultivation of Yin-Yang Chaos Art would naturally come naturally.

Seeing that it was still early, Li Yunfeng thought of Li Yunxue and Su Xiaoru who hadn't woken up yet, so he planned to try his craft and make breakfast.

Li Yunfeng first got some millet, cleaned it, put it into the rice cooker, and started cooking porridge.

Then I found a few eggs from the refrigerator, and cut a few poached eggs. It seemed that the color was not bad, and the craftsmanship was not unfamiliar.

There were some fresh vegetables in it, washed and fried on a plate, and a simple breakfast was done like this. At this time, Li Yunxue and Su Xiaoru also got up.

"Heh! Isn't it good? Breakfast is okay!"

Wearing pajamas, Su Xiaoru came out with dim eyes, looked down at the vegetables and eggs on the table, and praised.


Li Yunfeng swallowed hard,
"What are you looking at? Believe it or not, I dug out your eyeballs?"

Su Xiaoru rolled her eyes at Li Yunfeng. The messy hair and pajamas, together with the hazy eyes, made people have an urge to take off her clothes. Li Yunfeng almost jumped on her, but in the end he held back. A person who has no concentration like that?
"You make breakfast every day, and I'll show you every day!"

Seeing Li Yunfeng's dazed look, Su Xiaoru wanted to tease him.

But after finishing speaking, Su Xiaoru felt her face turn red, didn't she hate men very much?
Do you feel sick when you touch a man?Why did you say such things?Could it be that he really fell in love with this poor man?

Thinking of this, Su Xiaoru shook her head, it's impossible, it's just an illusion.

It should be mainly because this person saved himself from the robbers, and he used his back to protect himself from bullets, which made me not hate him very much, but I just didn't hate him, not like him.

The three of them separated after breakfast, and Li Yunxue and Su Xiaoru both went to work.

Li Yunfeng walked out of the community, looked at the resume in his hand, and walked towards the talent recruitment market!

(End of this chapter)

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