Chapter 13

"Graduated from Jingnan University in business management, and it's still a famous university. It's very good, but it's a pity, I haven't worked for five years, and I should have forgotten almost everything I learned. We have a vacancy for management personnel, but you are not suitable. ! No work experience at all!"

The recruiter shook his head and rejected Li Yunfeng with regret.

"Haven't worked for five years? Then what's the use of going to college? No, no, take your resume back!"

Rejected again, and more directly.

"Five years, have you made a mistake? Have you recovered from your illness now? Will it be contagious? Forget it, we don't want sick ones. Our company is under a lot of pressure. What if you die in our company? You go to another company that is easier!"

Was ruthlessly rejected again.

"Hey, Jingnan University, business management? Looks pretty good, I'm hiring a sweeper here, do you want to go?"

Li Yunfeng walked to the front of a recruiting booth, which said it was recruiting sweepers. He was stopped by someone, so he stopped.


Li Yunfeng is also a high-achieving student, although he doesn't look down on sweeping the floor, but this is really not the job he wants to do, so he plans to refuse.

But before he finished speaking, the recruiter's next sentence almost made him hit someone directly.

"Hey, Auntie, are you here to apply for a sweeping job? I just need a sweeping lady here. You are already old, and it is not easy to find a job. Your job was almost snatched by this young man. It's okay. It came in time, and it didn't make a big mistake!"

The recruiter said happily.

"Young man, why do you want to compete with me for a job at such a young age!" Auntie looked at Li Yunfeng with dissatisfaction and said.

"I rely on!"

When did I say I was going to sweep the floor?When is it going to take your job?
Continue to the next...

"You are frail and sick and still apply for a security guard. Are you crazy?"

The recruiters beat Li Yunfeng mercilessly.

Li Yunfeng has a black hair. Although I mentioned that I was weak and sickly before, it is clearly stated on my resume that I have fully recovered now. Does it look like I am weak and sickly with such a strong body?
Also, why do you only read the first sentence and ignore the second sentence?
Li Yunfeng wants to cry but has no tears!
The second company that recruits security guards.

"Although I was weak and sick before, and I had recuperated for five years, but after being recuperated by a miracle doctor, I am as strong as a bull now!"

Li Yunfeng decided to take the lead and not give them a chance to refuse.

"You graduated from Jingnan University in business management and applied for a job as a security guard. Are you insane?"

The recruiter once again found loopholes in Li Yunfeng's resume and hit him mercilessly.


Li Yunfeng was at a loss for words.

"Young man, stop teasing me. You can find a job in the business management of Jingnan University casually. Hurry up, there are people behind you who want to apply for the job!"

"What the hell!"

Li Yunfeng screamed, and asked the earth speechlessly?
"Hey, bodyguard? Do you want to try it! Don't worry, you won't die if you try! I'm quite suitable."

Li Yunfeng came to the next place, which said recruiting bodyguards.

"This is my CV!"

Li Yunfeng handed the resume to the big man in charge of recruitment.

This big man should also be a bodyguard, Li Yunfeng saw that he was a bit skilled.

"Hiss, hiss!"

The big man took the resume and tore it up without even reading it.

"Is this the situation of the gods?"

Li Yunfeng was speechless again.

But the next sentence of the big man gave him a glimmer of hope, and it seemed that he was finally going to find a job.

"I'm sitting here, if you can get me off this bench with your fist, you'll win the job, and you'll be hired. I never look at resumes or anything like that! I'm a person who values ​​real ability!"

The big man sat very pretendingly, motionless.


Li Yunfeng smiled slyly, don't say use your fist to make you leave the stool, even if I sit on the stool instead, you can make me leave.

However, Li Yunfeng managed to find a job that he could apply for, so naturally there would be no complications.


Li Yunfeng punched the big man, and the big man fell down in response, this is because Li Yunfeng withdrew his strength.

"This, this, this, it doesn't count!"

The big man got up from the ground in embarrassment.

"What counts?" Li Yunfeng was confused again.

"You are too powerful, you will steal my limelight in front of the boss, you go, I don't accept too powerful people here, anyway, you can't surpass me!"

The big man said righteously, as if behind him was a rising national flag!

"Qingyun Electronics Factory recruits [-] general workers!"

When Li Yunfeng saw the recruitment information, his eyes lit up immediately. Two hundred people would never be accepted, it should be the kind that is extremely short of people.

Li Yunfeng regained his energy and went to the recruitment position.

"Young man, are you sure your illness is cured?" The recruiter looked at the resume seriously.

"Guys, are you sure your resume is real?" the recruiter asked.

"Young man, are you sure that the Chinese medicine doctor who helped you treat your illness is not a lie?" the recruiter continued to ask.

"Young man, are you sure you came to our factory to work, not to pick up girls?" the recruiter continued to ask.

"Young man, are you sure your body can withstand the pressure of working in the factory? You won't jump off a building?" the recruiter asked again.

"Young man, are you sure you are 27 years old?" the recruiter asked again.

"Boy are you sure you..., well, that's all!" the recruiter finally stopped.

"I'm sure!" Li Yunfeng said helplessly.

"You are not qualified, there are too many questions!" The recruiter refused again.

"Your sister..." Li Yunfeng asked the sky speechlessly.


"Young man, your image is too good. It is not suitable for hotel waiters. It is easy to have a relationship with the rich woman in the hotel, which will affect the positive image of our hotel!"

The recruiter rejected Li Yunfeng's application.

Well, this reason is the most comfortable reason I heard today. Although he was still rejected, Li Yunfeng's gloomy mood became a little more cheerful.

"Young man, are you applying for a job?"

A very kind-looking uncle came over and said kindly to Li Yunfeng.

"Yeah, uncle, what job are you recruiting for? I can do anything!"

Li Yunfeng's eyes lit up, it was the first time someone came to him on his own initiative, and he should be very eager to recruit people.

"Come here and talk to you slowly!"

The uncle took Li Yunfeng's hand kindly, and walked out of the talent recruitment market.

"Hey, why did you come outside?" Li Yunfeng asked strangely.

"I am the boss of the recruiting company. Because there is a shortage of people, I came here in person. I see that you look good, and I like it very much!" The uncle said kindly.

"I really have a good image!" Li Yunfeng contacted twice and was praised by the recruiter, feeling very relieved.

"Get in the car, let's have a good talk about work!" The uncle still said kindly.

"Okay!" Li Yunfeng got into the co-pilot directly.

"Uncle, tell me what job, I can do any job!" Li Yunfeng asked like an uncle expectantly.

"Young man, can you be my lover? One hundred thousand a month! What do you think? Don't worry, I won't be rough, I will be gentle!"

The uncle looked at Li Yunfeng fixedly, and looked at him expectantly.

There was a brief silence in the car.


Li Yunfeng roared, and the uncle's ears were almost deafened.

Li Yunfeng quickly ran out of the car, and wiped his hands desperately, damn it, it's so disgusting!
However, the uncle still shouted from behind: "Young man, don't run away, 20, 20!"

Li Yunfeng showed a speed of [-] yards and rushed forward!
(End of this chapter)

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