The return of the immortal world

Chapter 1560 Master of Life and Death

Chapter 1560 Master of Life and Death (6800 words super chapter)

"No, to be able to kill Tianyin Sword Master, to be precise, he is even more powerful than Young Master Scarlet Blood!"

Thinking of this, Liu Yang was shocked.

He looked at Li Yunfeng's figure and was in a daze for a while!
Before this, Liu Yang was controlled by Li Yunfeng and slapped Fourth Master Liu.

Although he admits that Li Yunfeng is better than him.

But he never felt that he was much better than him!

After all, Li Yunfeng succeeded when he took advantage of his complete defenselessness!

Liu Yang always thought that if he did it all over again, Li Yunfeng would definitely not be able to do it!
but now.

If what Fan Yue said is true, then do it again.

He might still be contained!

Thinking of this, Liu Yang was shocked!
"I hope no one else is here. If there are only these people, plus me who is in the combined state, not to mention defeating and killing these people, at least I can protect myself!"

Liu Yang thought for a while, and then quickly walked towards Li Yunfeng.

"who are you?"

Ten people guarded carefully at the entrance of the cave, looking a little nervous.

At this time, some people saw Li Yunfeng coming here, and some of them said coldly.

Although they are all members of Tianyuan, they spent most of their time practicing in the academy.

So except for a few who are particularly top-notch and have been in the academy for a long time, not everyone knows them!

"Liu Yang?"

After someone asked, they also saw Liu Yang who came after him, and he was surprised for a while!
These people reacted quickly.

One of them said: "Looking at you, you don't look like a weak person, but you're not Liu Hao either. You should be the other arrogance of the Liu family, right?"

"Or Liu Qin's Taoist partner? Yun Feng, who has recently gained fame?"

The man looked at Li Yunfeng and asked curiously.

"Where's Liu Qin?"

Li Yunfeng didn't answer the person's question, but asked directly in a very cold manner.

He looked at the cave that these people guarded. He looked in from here, and it seemed that he couldn't see the bottom at all.

He also couldn't sense anything in the cave, obviously the cave was extremely special.

There is a high probability that Liu Qin is here!

"Boy, are you crazy? We asked who you are, but you didn't answer, but you wanted to ask Liu Qin's whereabouts."

"That's not okay, don't you know how to reciprocate courtesy?"

Someone held their hands, although the meaning of the words seemed a little unhappy.

But in fact it was said as a joke.

This is the gesture of the strong facing the weak!
No matter what the weak look like, what attitude.

In the eyes of a real strong man, the other party's attitude is just to make a joke!

A Diyuan fusion early stage who was beaten half to death by them before.

A person from the Heavenly Court who is in the realm of becoming a god, and an unknown woman in the early stage of becoming a god, wants to fight against their top ten talents?

This is simply a joke!

Just coming in front of them without the slightest concealment, these people are probably out of their minds, right?
"That's right, I don't understand any rules, I think it's better for you to go back to your mother's womb and sell you to remake it!"

Someone laughed again.

"Haha, go back to your mother's womb!"

Everyone laughed and said.

He didn't pay attention to the three people who came here!

Even, they have an idea that they don't want to make a move at this time!
After all, if you kill someone, that's what it feels like, nothing good!
But don't kill people, blow these people away directly, and let these people leave with incomparable humiliation.

Let them suffer in humiliation, that is the best way to deal with people!

Some people were very nervous when they first paid attention to the cave.

But at this time, because of the arrival of Li Yunfeng and the other three, it seemed very relaxed!
Although the Liu family is powerful.

But the Tianjiao in Liukong Academy can't do it to the extent of domination!
The most powerful one is Liu Hao and Liu Qin!

Liu Hao never showed up, and Liu Qin was being chased like a bereaved dog!

Then there is Liu Yang.

Those from the Diyuan, relying on their cultivation to improve their combat power, half of them think that they are not weaker than Liu Yang!
There seem to be two or three left in the Tianyuan after ranking fifty in the Liu family, but that's nothing to worry about!

Another thing they paid more attention to was Yun Feng, who was barely half of the Liu family.

But in their opinion, Yun Feng is just like Liu Yang!
So at this time!
As long as Liu Hao is not here!

They don't worry at all!

"Dare to insult my Master Yunfeng like this, it seems that you don't know how to die!"

Fan Yue stepped forward, eyes wide open, and scolded these people coquettishly.

"Is it really Yun Feng?"

"Not bad, Liu Yang? Since you want to seek death so much, then we will help you..."

Someone heard it and said something in surprise.

But before he could speak, he felt a figure appear beside him!

This person felt a sense of danger, and before he finished speaking, he planned to back away.

In this team, the top ones are on the same rank as Li Yunfeng.

But he's not top notch!
He is more than 20 behind Li Yunfeng in ranking, he dare not confront Li Yunfeng head-on!
It's just that people came too fast.

As soon as he stepped back, he felt that his head was pinched!

"not good!"

The man roared, his heart was extremely flustered, and his head was pinched, it was too dangerous!
This person felt a sharp pain in his head being pinched.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that he left the place and headed to the other side!

At this moment, a faint voice came from beside his ear.

"Since you don't say it, I'll come and see it myself!"

It took only a split second for Li Yunfeng to make a move and return to the original place.

Immediately afterwards, he poked out his soul directly, and wanted to search for the soul of the person in his hand!
"Boy, you are crazy!"

"You are only in the middle stage of transformation, and your cultivation is not as good as mine, yet you dare to search for souls. You want to die!"

The pinched person could feel Li Yunfeng's cultivation at this moment, but he was still terrified.

He felt that this person was not only elusive, but also a lunatic.

People with high cultivation are very cautious when searching for souls of people with low cultivation.

This person went so far as to directly search for the soul of someone with a high cultivation base.

Although this person's combat power is very powerful, it's not like that!

"Boy, let go of Lu Gan, I will let you go."

"If you dare to hurt Lu Gan's hair, I, Lu Kai, will definitely make your life worse than death!"

Lu Kai, Lu Gan's elder brother, stood up and looked at Li Yunfeng very nervously.

Their Lu's Shuangjiao's reputation is astonishing, and when they join forces, even if they face the top ten Tianjiao, they can resist for a while.

They are the top talents in the world, but if two are missing one, it will cause them Lu family to suffer heavy losses. Lu Kai does not allow his younger brother Lu Gan to be hurt!
The others originally planned to encircle and attack, but seeing Lu Kai standing up, they were not in a hurry to make a move!

Brother Lu Kai and Lu Gan, the three adults value him very much.

If one of them is lost, the three adults may be dissatisfied with them.

So a few people voted against the mouse.

For a while, he didn't make a move, but just stared at Li Yunfeng nervously!
The kid's speed was so fast that they didn't even realize it, which shocked them very much!

"Yunfeng, don't be like this. If you search for my soul, even if you have special skills, you can guarantee that you will not be backlashed."

"But once you start, this is a road of no return, my elder brother and them will not let you go!"

Lu Gan was a little flustered at this time, this person didn't hesitate to search for the soul, he just grabbed it and did it.

It was countless times more refreshing than his name 'dry', and he was a little scared.

The person opposite was also extremely nervous.

Especially Lu Kai, who stared at Li Yunfeng firmly, he clenched his fists and cracked, his whole body was jumping tightly.

"Brother Yun, Senior Brother Yun, I'm afraid of you."

"Stop, don't search for souls, I said, I said everything... ah... don't continue, I said!"

Lu Gan found out that Yun Feng turned a blind eye to his words and the people opposite him were staring at him.

This man is a lunatic, he was so terrified that he almost cried!


Soul search broke through.

Li Yunfeng moved extremely fast, and as the soul search broke through, Lu Gan screamed crazily.

It's not the pain, but the boundless fear that he is about to become a cripple and a fool!

"It's late, let me tell you or not, I'll put in a little effort to read your memory by myself, it's more comfortable, I don't need you to talk about it anymore."

Li Yunfeng was expressionless and his words were cold.

It makes people feel like falling straight into a thousand-year-old cold cave!

"You're crazy, you're crazy!"

When Li Yunfeng's soul completely invaded, Lu Gan screamed.

There was despair in his eyes, he was going to be finished!

At this time, he felt that the various memories in his mind were disturbed by the other party's spirit.

His mind also gradually became confused.

He could feel his soul being brutally destroyed!

He regretted it now, he was too careless.

He is obviously not Yun Feng's opponent, he is short of him, but he dares to get so close to Yun Feng!

"Ah... boy, you are looking for death, I want to kill you!"

Lu Kai opened his angry eyes, roared and rushed over.

Their brief compromise had no effect at all, and at this moment he went crazy.

The divine power in his body was violently rioting, and he wanted to kill Yun Feng.

And Liu Yang, and the maid beside Yunfeng!

Liu Yang was stunned!

He was also extremely shocked by Li Yunfeng's behavior!
Li Yunfeng is really crazy!

Even if you want to search for souls, you have to kill almost all of these people before searching for souls!

At this time, Li Yunfeng's soul search was all on his own, Liu Yang, how could he resist?
Normally, when searching for a soul alone, one must concentrate on it, and it is almost impossible to display combat power.

Because if you dare to fight.

There is a great possibility that he will be killed by backlash, or become a fool directly!
"Brother Yun, what are you doing? Do you think I can stop these people by myself?"

Liu Yang trembled a little when he saw the strong men who were surrounded by the three of them.

He has not recovered from his serious injury, and he can play two at most.

And it's still a relatively low ranking!

Fan Yue's expression also changed at this time.

Mr. Yunfeng, is it because Miss Liu Qin was injured, so he is a little out of his mind?

"You have not recovered from your serious injury, you continue to recover by yourself, and you don't need to take action."

"I don't pay attention to these people, one person can kill them all!"

Li Yunfeng saw Liu Yang's trembling expression, and the occasional blood overflowed from the wound, he said lightly.

"Crazy, crazy, must be crazy!"

When Liu Yang heard this, he was taken aback for a moment.

Then he was shocked, he muttered to himself and didn't know what to say!

Fan Yue also looked at the young master in disbelief.

Although the son is very powerful, she admits.

She also feels very proud, but facing this kind of scene...

it turns out!

Still like this?
Fan Yue also had a feeling of wanting to faint!

But let the two worry and think about it.

The truth is right in front of us!

There are nine opponents.

This matter came against Li Yunfeng's crazy attack, but Liu Yang was not ready yet!

Even if Lu Kai breaks away from the Shuangjiao team, he is still much stronger than the average Tianjiao.

Among the ten people, it is also the top three.

In addition, he was the most angry, so he was the first to attack Li Yunfeng's side!
Although Lu Gan has already been invaded by the soul at this time, if he is rescued in time, it is still possible to rescue him.

So he shot very aggressively!
The divine power surged in his hands, and he violently bombarded Li Yunfeng who was searching for his soul!

At this time, the opponent should not be able to distinguish any combat power!
The others are also like ghosts.

Attack from Li Yunfeng's left and right sides, as well as from behind.

This is a fatal blow!
However, Li Yunfeng searched for his soul with his eyes closed, but his heart was as still as water.

Facing the attacks of the crowd, he was content and fearless.

He didn't have any worries, as if the attack didn't exist!

Right now!

Li Yunfeng attacked with his right hand, the attack power was not small, which surprised the people from the right!
The person who attacked felt that there seemed to be a terrifying power overflowing from Yunfeng's right fist.

Let him have a trembling feeling!

Lu Gan is not his younger brother, he felt a little dangerous, so he backed away!
But even so, the aftermath of the fist still made them groan!
"Too powerful!"

The man was shocked.

He had a feeling, if he really took that punch hard.

One of his arms will definitely be crippled, or even seriously injured!

When Lu Kai saw this, he was a little annoyed. He mainly attacked Li Yunfeng's left side. In order to save Lu Gan, he naturally did not stop, not to mention that the other side could not vacate left and right at this time!

The few people behind also shot with a grim smile at this time.

This person may be very powerful, but under the siege, there is no hope of surviving!

Didn't see that Liu Yang and that woman not far away from this person were scared to death?

In fact, Liu Yang and Fan Yue were not scared out of their wits!

The two of them don't know what Li Yunfeng's combat strength is, and whether they can block the attacks of these people in this situation!

So they are ready to shoot even one!

It's just that for some reason, they couldn't even take a step at this time!
This shocked them very much!
It seems that when they saw those people attacking.

While Young Master Yunfeng was searching for souls, he silently imposed a ban on them!

They can't walk at all.

On the contrary, the whole body seems to be isolated by some invisible energy, as if to protect the two of them?
Liu Yang and Fan Yue looked at each other, their throats were rolling non-stop!

Just how powerful is Yun Feng?

Did so much in silence?
It's all about restricting Fan Yue!
Even he, Liu Yang, can easily restrict him?

That is, at the same time as the two of them were shocked!
All the attacks were about to hit Li Yunfeng's body!
Just in this moment!

It seems that there is a gust of wind blowing silently between the heaven and the earth!
Li Yunfeng's hair suddenly floated with the strong wind at this moment!
In the next instant, it turned out to be like sharp swords.

Very amazing!
Fan Yue and Liu Yang didn't move at all, only heard the sound of puffing and puffing!
It seemed to be the sound of a human body being pierced by sharp weapons!
At this moment, dancing wildly, like a divine sword, invincible!

Each strand of hair is like a peerless artifact.

Pierce everyone, and everyone is lifted up by the invincible hair!

At this moment, the few people who were besieging Li Yunfeng even forgot to scream.

Although they felt the pain of being pierced by a sharp weapon, they couldn't scream!



unbelievable! ! !

All kinds of emotions filled their hearts.

They stared blankly at the floating body after being stabbed by the black hair.

The black hair shone with a faint light, giving people a feeling of being shattered!
"how is this possible!"

The blood from the corner of Lu Gan's mouth overflowed crazily, even the head was the same, with red and white things spilling out.

His body was like a sieve, and he looked extremely terrifying at this moment!
his heart!

His head!

His dantian!

All are pierced! ! !
Even the soul seems to be nailed!
The others also looked dull at this time, with blood overflowing from their bodies.

They feel that their lives are passing by at a very fast speed!
They struggled desperately in fear, but they couldn't get rid of the black hair that was tougher than Shentie!


That Tianjiao, who had escaped his life by chance, saw the scene that only happened at the moment when he stepped back.

His legs went limp from fright.

He sat down on the ground, panting violently, his mind went blank!
It was a horrible sight! ! !

There were five people in the first batch of attacks.

Except for the one who was sitting on the ground in fright.

The remaining four people were all pinned down by Li Yunfeng's black hair, unable to break free!

There are still four left, and we are going to watch the situation on the court to see if we need to make a move.

But at this moment, seeing this situation, he swallowed hard in fright.

I almost bit off my tongue in shock!

The four of them wiped their eyes violently, looking in disbelief!

This is the moment!
Li Yunfeng's hair moved again!

Boom boom boom!
The black hair swayed wildly as if it had turned into a dragon!
The people stabbed by the black hair finally screamed in fear!
"Oh no!"

"don't want……"


Several people screamed again and again.

Boundless pain invaded them, and they could feel the approach of death!

Boom boom boom!

Four voices sounded in succession!

With the swing of the black hair, the four of them had little resistance.

In the midst of screams, Li Yunfeng's black hair directly tore into pieces of meat, scattered between the sky and the earth!

The four people who were still rubbing their eyes looked at each other with fear in their eyes!

The four of them were relatively close to the black cave, and they were about to rush in!
But Li Yunfeng's hair is faster than lightning!
The speed of the four of them was also very fast. They almost escaped into the cave!

On the edge of the cave, he was still stabbed by Li Yunfeng's black hair!

The fate of these four people is exactly the same as the fate of the four people who have exploded!
Finally, it exploded!
Only lumps of minced meat that occasionally trembled were left!
But soon there was no anger at all!

The last person left was still limp on the ground, unable to get up!
But this moment!
He got up!
Because he knows!
He doesn't get up!
Must die!

At this moment, his whole body is filled with the power of fear!

He rushed towards Feng Yue and Liu Yang!
The two of them were equally frightened!
Maybe he can take advantage of the opportunity to stop these two people!
Then rely on the two to blackmail the terrifying Yun Feng, and then survive!
He came to Fan Yue's side with lightning speed.

These two people were so frightened that they couldn't even escape, they were worse than him!
He laughed!
He unleashed some attack power with both hands, and he wanted to catch these two frightened people in an instant!

Only when he was about to grab the two of them.

Suddenly, from the sides of these two people, a powerful counter-shock force appeared!

He was directly thrown into the air by the shock!

"how so!"

This man is stupid!

His eyes were dull, and he didn't know what was going on!

Just this moment!
That horrible black hair!

At this time, because of the murder, he was stained with a lot of blood!

It turned into a black and red color, which is extremely strange!


The man was in the air and hadn't reacted yet.

Then he saw a thick strand of hair coming to beat him!

In that man's fear!

This black hair directly blasted that person's head!
The man struggled with his hands and feet in the air for a while, and finally fell powerlessly!

Fan Yue said in a daze, but she hadn't quite reacted yet!

"The majestic Tianjiao, was killed so easily?"

Liu Yang was also in a daze.

In the face of Li Yunfeng's berserk kill, he didn't even feel that the person from before charged at him!
At this moment, his whole body was plunged into boundless shock, unable to extricate himself.

Looking at Li Yunfeng's eyes, it's like looking at a stranger!
He kept looking high at Li Yunfeng!
But now he feels that he has never really understood this person!

Nobody knows this guy!

This includes Fan Yue, who followed Li Yunfeng like a little maid, and it was the same!
Yun Feng this person!

The horror has reached an unimaginable level!

Li Yunfeng ignored the two of them, he was still standing there with his eyes closed!

He pinched the top of Lu Gan's head with one hand, and the other party kept moaning and struggling in pain.

But Li Yunfeng didn't show any mercy!

The only thing that didn't shock him was that Lu Gan was in his hand.

Because of all this time, Lu Gan is almost stupid!

A fool would naturally not be shocked by this!
this moment!
Li Yunfeng opened his eyes.

Fan Yue and Liu Yang didn't know if it was a psychological effect.

They felt that the world trembled!

Everyone in the world is afraid of Yunfeng's power!

"Illusion, this is an illusion!"

The two muttered to themselves in shock!
After Li Yunfeng opened his eyes, he didn't look around.

Once he makes a serious move, killing these people is really infinitely easier than killing chickens!
Naturally, he would not suspect that those people had slipped through the net!
Then Li Yunfeng let go of Lu Gan in his hand.

Lu Gan's body trembled.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Li Yunfeng and laughed silly!
After just giggling!

Lu Gan actually had a vague sense of fear!
That is not the fear from the heart, but the fear from instinct!
Li Yunfeng glanced at Lu Gan who had become a fool.

He still doesn't have any compassion!
For a real enemy, compassion has never appeared in his heart!
Li Yunfeng was very indifferent, he slapped Lu Gan on the head with his palm!
After a muffled sound!
Lu Gan was left with a headless body, and blood soared ten feet high from the neck.

Then, after the headless body trembled a few times, it fell down very weakly!

There are no more Lu's double prides!
The so-called double pride!
To Li Yunfeng, it was just a joke!

"Let's go! Come in with me!"

Li Yunfeng turned around, and said to the two people who were still in shock and couldn't recover!
Li Yunfeng's words were like a breeze, and the two of them recovered in an instant!
Seeing Li Yunfeng enter the cave, they didn't ask any more questions, and followed him nervously!

After seeing Li Yunfeng's terrifying methods, the two of them became much more cautious in a short time!
They feel!

They seemed like Yun Feng, they were not from the same world at all!
Li Yunfeng searched the soul simply and simply, and got some information he wanted!
Although not exactly!

But it was like meeting Liu Yang.

Not exactly, but gave them a direction!
With some information, it will be much more convenient to find someone!
According to the information he got!

Among the three powerhouses, except Chi Xue who left suddenly.

Ten people were outside the cave to observe the surrounding situation at any time and prevent Liu Qin from escaping.

The remaining two strong men, the Night King and the Blue Demon, and more than [-] other people all chased them in!

According to Lu Gan's memory, it seems that this cave is very strange.

It has the ability to isolate everything, the inside and the outside are not connected, and it is completely unable to transmit any information!

Also because of this, Liu Qin, who was bound to be captured by them in almost no time, escaped inside for a long time.

They haven't come out yet, which means Liu Qin is still running for his life!

Even half a day ago.

Liu Qin almost escaped, but was blocked by ten of them, and was beaten back again!
However, Liu Qin's injury became more serious, almost exhausted.

Her broken arm hadn't grown back by this time.

Obviously, Liu Qin didn't have the slightest chance to breathe!
This is also the reason for Li Yunfeng's violent and brutal killing before.

Liu Qin was covered in blood, her long hair was messy and blood stuck to her face.

The scene that the arm was broken and could not be restored made him unable to bear the killing spree!
What's more, these people dare to fight against him, and they don't need to bear it!

Make it right with him!

Life and death!
Between his thoughts!
He is the master of life and death!

(End of this chapter)

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