The return of the immortal world

Chapter 1561 Maybe Really Dead

Chapter 1561 Maybe Really Dead (Chapter 8800)

The two of them were in a daze, seeing that Li Yunfeng had already entered the dark cave first, they also hastily followed in.

"It's really weird. As soon as I entered, I felt like I had entered another world."

"It's completely impossible to communicate with the outside world."

"If the hole is not still there, I feel like we won't be able to get out at all."

After Liu Yang entered here, he was immediately shocked!
But after entering, the senses are a little brighter.

With their eyesight, there is no problem seeing clearly within a certain distance.

Fan Yue's cultivation level is even lower.

This complete immersion in an unknown world made her feel a little uneasy.

"Let's go, with Yunfeng here, you don't have to worry about where you are!"

Liu Yang really admired Li Yunfeng at this time.

Still in shock thinking about it!

Killing a strong man in Tianyuan is like killing a chicken, it is really amazing, Yun Feng is incredibly powerful!

At the same time, in the outside world, everyone has been shocked and has nothing to say.

Those elders who have juniors and disciples entering, are already a little flustered at this time!

"Master Yuan, why don't you open the induction channel in advance?"

"There must have been unimaginable drastic changes inside. First, the top Tianjiao like Tianyin died, and then ten Tianyuan Tianjiao died almost instantly. This is too unusual. According to this method of death, they will all die. Finished!"

Someone stood up and proposed to the courtyard!
"That's right, Master Yard, you didn't say it was so dangerous before, it's amazing!"

Many people are a little anxious!
"My Hao'er is so peerless, if he falls into it, it would be ridiculous."

"My Hao'er doesn't need any other opportunities at all, send my Hao'er out quickly, or my Liu family will never end with you!"

Fourth Master Liu stood up at this time, even more anxious, even if he was facing the court lord at this time, he didn't care about it.

Because once there is no such genius son as him.

He is nothing anymore, all his authority and majesty are based on Liu Hao!
"If it's really dangerous to this extent, I also suggest letting them come out as soon as possible!"

As the head of the Liu family, Liu Tai also said with a serious face.

"Everyone, be quiet, be quiet!"

"This old man wants to do the same, but I really can't do anything!"

"The stars are extremely mysterious. The rules I control are only one percent. To enter or exit, it takes a certain amount of time to communicate with the stars and make changes."

"If you don't have seven days, even if you kill me, I can't do it!"

The courtyard venerable stood up with a wry smile on his face.

At this time, his face was also a little ugly, and he didn't expect these people to die so quickly!
"You can't do it, can't we just watch my son in danger like this?"

"You old bastard, you mess around with things you're not sure about?"

Liu Siye opened his eyes wide and angry, and shouted very anxiously.

"Fourth brother, don't insult the courtyard master with such words!"

Seeing Fourth Master Liu scolding directly, Liu Tai immediately stopped him.

"Fuck, this bastard made my son almost die, why can't I scold him?"

"My son is really going to have a problem, I want the entire Liukong Academy to be buried with him!"

"I believe that Hao'er's master will not let Liukong Academy live well."

Facing his elder brother's obstruction, Fourth Master Liu did not hold back at all, but intensified, he said in a gloomy voice!

Seeing this, Liu Tai's face became much more gloomy, the fourth child is no matter in the family, but now he is getting more and more arrogant.

But in the end he still didn't say anything!
After all, what the fourth child said was true!

In the current situation, the people of Tianyuan are dying one by one, the degree of danger is much different from what the courtyard master said.

Others also condemned with words and pens.

Although it's not as ugly as Liu Siye said, it still has that meaning!
For every faction today, those who entered the stars are the top talents of their respective factions!
This is the Tianjiao who came out of the explosive point of these ten thousand years, and is regarded as the hope of the future by their respective families.

If they really died, it won't be long before their so-called Daxing family will become unworthy of their name.

At that time, maybe some powerful medium-sized planets can surpass them. How could they accept this result?

To know!
Practice this kind of thing!

If you don't advance, you will retreat!

Why is a planet defined as a large star or a medium star?
Is it difficult to change?
It is not only related to the size of the planet, but also to the abundance of resources for cultivation!
It is more related to the continuous inheritance!
If the inheritance is suddenly broken, and a planet has no successors, it will quickly regress.

"Okay, although I can't let them come out, but if I spend some time, I can get a general idea of ​​how these Tianjiao died. Give me some time!"

The courtyard venerable smiled wryly, and said to the turbulent crowd!
When everyone heard Yuan Zun say this, they gradually stopped.

Things are already like this, they can only figure out what's going on first!

The courtyard lord closed his eyes, and the runes between his hands continued to enter the condensed stars between his hands!

After a while, Yuan Zun suddenly opened his eyes!

He was vaguely relieved, but also a little shocked, his expression was very complicated!

"what happened?"

Seeing the strange expression on the courtyard master's face, everyone asked questions one after another.

"No problem, no problem! No big deal!"

Yuan Zun waved his hand and said.

Yuan Zun saw that everyone was extremely anxious, so he didn't talk nonsense.

Continued: "The death here has nothing to do with the cause of the stars, it is purely caused by the struggle between the geniuses."

"What? Impossible? That's all for Sword Master Tianyin. I'll just take him as being killed by Liu Hao, or by some low-key Tianjiao who tried his best to kill him."

"But the death time of the next top ten celestial talents is too close, almost instantaneous."

"Even Liu Hao doesn't have such abilities, Master Yuan, are you fooling us?"

Someone suddenly said in disbelief.

"I think it's a bit believable. Every time I went out to perform missions, many amazing arrogances died at the hands of my own people."

"If someone organized an ambush, or set up a risk, it's not impossible!"

A powerful person said.

When he said this, he was still vaguely excited.

Many of Tianjiao in Tianyuan are junior opponents of his old opponents.

And his junior has a very good relationship with Liu Hao, the strongest, so it should be safe.

As for the others, the more people die, the better. By then, there will be only a few families left, and they will be able to dominate Liukong even more!

Think about the taste, it's very refreshing!
When he said this, the man also looked at Fourth Master Liu.

Liu Siye immediately calmed down after hearing Yuan Zun's explanation.

If so, why is he worried?
It's too late for him to be happy!

Several people who had a good relationship with Fourth Master Liu all looked at each other and laughed!

As for the other people who didn't have a good relationship with the Liu family, they looked a little bit bad!

But it didn't take long for them to calm down!

Liu Hao is not enough to face all the arrogance by himself.

The other Tianjiao are not idiots. After realizing the danger, they should also join hands!
So when everyone knew, it wasn't the threat from the concentrated stars.

Everyone gradually calmed down.

Of course!
If they knew, if there was really one of them, they could single-handedly challenge the existence of characters in the world.

They won't be so calm anymore!

But they don't think so, and they don't believe it!

Just kidding?
Does such a powerful person exist?

It's really that powerful, isn't it going to beat the whole universe?
Don't you go to heaven?

But when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Yuan Zun lowered his head and looked a little weird!

"The greater the variable, the more likely the Master's plan will be successful."

"Regardless of the instant fall of Shi Tianjiao, whether it was under your control or not, in the face of this Court Master, you are only making wedding dresses for others after all!"

Yuan Zun flashed a sneer in his heart.

His eyes are gloomy, like an abyss.

It's completely different from the courtyard master when he was facing everyone!
Within that miraculous space.

At this time, it was empty, except for Li Yunfeng and the other three, there was no sign of anyone else!

"Hey, what is this?"

Fan Yue suddenly discovered that in this space with no roof above and bottom below, there was a black stone that was almost the same color as this strange space floating.

If she hadn't approached in person, Fan Yue's body accidentally touched her, but she wouldn't have seen it!
Hearing Fan Yue's surprised voice, Li Yunfeng turned his head to look.

He approached very fast.

The stone seemed to be integrated with this space, even he didn't see it, and didn't have the slightest feeling!
But thinking of the special attributes of this space, Li Yunfeng didn't feel strange either!

Fan Yue was approaching the stone with her hands at this moment, but in an instant, she screamed out in fright.

Immediately afterwards, Fan Yue threw the stone out!
"what happened?"

Seeing this, Li Yunfeng was a little surprised, he didn't grab the stone immediately.

After the stone was thrown out, there was no special change, it was still floating like this.

"That stone, that stone..."

Fan Yue stared at that moment, her eyes were full of horror, full of fear!

Li Yunfeng didn't interrupt, and waited for Fan Yue to continue.

"That stone has that kind of breath!"

Fan Yue swallowed hard, and then said.

"What breath? Sister Fan Yue, are you going to kill me in such a hurry?"

Seeing that Fan Yue couldn't explain why, Liu Yang was so anxious to death!

"It's the breath of the old corpse that devoured the Heavenly Hidden Sword Master after breaking through!"

"You can't feel it without touching the stone."

"But once you touch it, there will be that kind of breath all over your body!"

Fan Yue said in horror.

Although the aura did not cause any harm to her, seeing with her own eyes that the incomparably powerful Tianyin Sword Master was easily swallowed by the old corpse, without a trace of resistance, she couldn't help but not be afraid!
After Li Yunfeng heard this, he had already thought of this possibility.

It can scare Fan Yue into such an aura.

At present, it is the kind of breath that the old corpse appeared!

Li Yunfeng turned around the black time, and finally firmly held it in his hand!
As Fan Yue said, there was indeed the breath of the old corpse when it appeared, and it spread all over the body in an instant.

But other people can't feel it.

And it does not cause any harm to the person holding it!
Even if Fan Yue had never seen that old corpse before, then she would not even be afraid at this time!

Although Li Yunfeng thought there was nothing wrong with the stone, he still felt it carefully for a while.

After he discovered that this kind of stone would not attract the terrifying old corpse, he stopped sensing.

And put it away.

This is the only physical substance he sees in this space.

Put it on your body first, it can't be said that it will come in handy.

But when putting the space ring into it, Li Yunfeng discovered that the stone couldn't be put in anyway!

Seeing that it couldn't be put in, Li Yunfeng didn't worry about it anymore.

He threw it directly into the pocket of his outer clothes.

Anyway, the stone is slightly bigger than your thumb, so it doesn't affect it at all!
It was only when Li Yunfeng put it in his pocket.

He turned his head suddenly, and there was a murderous look in his eyes!
In the dim light, he could see several people coming towards this side!

According to Lu Gan's memory, Li Yunfeng knew who it was.

He was one of the few people who chased and killed Liu Qin!

In the space here, the power of induction is extremely weak, and you can only rely on the dim light to see not far away!
When Li Yunfeng found out who was coming, they were already very close!
There are four people in total, three men and one woman!
"Hey? Are you Yun Feng from Tianyuan?"

One of the women spoke with surprise in her tone, obviously she knew Li Yunfeng.

She likes to know more about the influential people in the past six months!
"The man in charge is Fu Zhong, who is second only to the top ten Tianjiao in Tianyuan, and ranks seventeenth. He is a very powerful character!"

"That woman's name is Meigu. Although she is not ranked high, she is quite famous."

"Just like her name, she learned the despicable method of seduction, and she has an ambiguous relationship with many Tianjiao. I am not very familiar with the other two!"

Liu Yang is also a veteran student at Liukong Academy, and the characters he learned are not comparable to Li Yunfeng and Fan Yue, he explained in a low voice at this time.


Li Yunfeng stared at these people very indifferently.

After he searched Lu Gan's soul, he also knew these people, and he was ready to kill them at any time!
"No, there are people guarding outside. You guys have a close relationship with Liu Qin, so it's impossible to come in."

"How did you get in? Could it be that there is more than one passage in this space?"

Fu Zhong asked very suspiciously. He felt that these people should not have broken through the Ten Heavenly Arrogance. The strength of these people is not enough to break through the Ten Heavenly Arrogant's defense!

"Young Master Fu is really smart, you are right."

Mei Gujiao smiled and rubbed against Fu Zhong's body, looking coquettish.

Fu Zhong couldn't bear it.

But at this time, he was on a mission and couldn't do anything else, so he gave Meigu a vicious look!
Although Meigu is very dirty, and he is known to be ridden by ten thousand people, he is a little disdainful in his heart, but sometimes he really can't help it!
"It must be so, the top ten arrogant defense, no one can break through!"

Several others also nodded.

I totally agree with what Fu Zhong said. The three people in front of me are weaker than the other, and it is impossible to break through directly!

And since the space seems boundless, it's no surprise that there are multiple passages!
They had discovered a passage before.

But that passage is dangerous.

One died after entering, they were too scared to go in for a short time!

"That's right, didn't that bitch Liu Qin go to another place?"

"That bitch is so lucky, she was caught by us twice, but she jumped into the hole when she saw it, and she let him escape! Grandma's!"

"However, some caves are really dangerous. They look exactly the same, but you can't drill indiscriminately. Not everyone has the luck of that bitch!"

The other two also said one after another.

The two people who spoke were a little surprised at first, then angry, and then some fear appeared on their faces!
"Another cave?"

Li Yunfeng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that, it seemed that Liu Qin had escaped anyway!
At this time, after confirming that Liu Qin was fine and successfully escaped, Li Yunfeng was not in a hurry to kill these people or search for their souls.

The soul search is carried out without the enemy's interest, which does not mean that he really likes the soul search.

Although Soul Search can't do much harm to him now.

But there is still a little bit of backlash, and it is natural to avoid it if it can be avoided!

"That's right, that girl has fled to another cave, and we can't get in."

"But that girl is so lucky, I wonder if you have such good luck?"

"I'll kill you guys first, to relieve my hatred!"

One of them put his hands on his chest and said with a sneer.

If you can't catch Liu Qin, it's not bad to kill her Taoist companion first.

It is said that Liu Qin is very attached to her Taoist companion!
"No, we just need someone to find a black stone, and only a few of us have found one at present."

"At this time, there are more people and more power."

"It's better to control them, help us find Black Stone, and then kill these people after seeing the situation!"

Hearing this, Fu Zhong shook his head directly.

There were four people in their team, and after searching for so long, they finally found a small black stone, which made him a little anxious.

After all, before, they encountered three or five small black stones on the road unintentionally.

But at that time, they also found that the aura was somewhat similar to the terrifying aura they felt in the outside world, and they were so scared that they threw it out without leaving a single one!

After all, they still wanted to catch Liu Qin at that time, so how could they have time to study the scary black stones!
They thought it would be easy to find again.

But unexpectedly, he got off to a bad start, and when he returned to the original place, the black stone in the original place seemed to have floated away!

It seems that finding this stone has nothing to do with personal ability.

Pure blindness, or time-consuming blindness!

Thinking about it carefully, there should be more people before. After all, there are more than 30 people flying in a swarm, so the probability of encountering them is naturally much higher.

In summary, the more people there are, the more opportunities you will find!
"That's right! After all, if we can't find the black stone, we won't be able to enter that cave, and we won't be able to catch Liu Qin!"

When the others heard this, they immediately nodded and agreed, and they didn't think about killing people to vent their anger.

Seeing that these people didn't take him seriously at all, Li Yunfeng was not angry when he saw that the few people who cared about themselves were discussing.

Because the words of these people are very useful information to him, he didn't disturb it!

It is clear!
it means!
Liu Qin should have obtained the black stone, and then entered another cave!
But these people don't have black stones, so they can't get in!

They need to find the Black Stone before they can go in!

After these people chatted for a while, after making a decision, they looked at Li Yunfeng and the others again.

Fu Zhong stared at Li Yunfeng and said: "Then you guys are lucky, you can live a little longer, why don't you come over quickly and help us find black stones in this space?"

"If you find more, I might consider rewarding you according to your merits, and maybe you will survive in the end!"

When Fu Zhong spoke, he looked very cold and arrogant.

"Get out of here, Young Master Fu speak up, and the three adults will save face."

Meigu clings to Fu Zhong with a look of admiration.

But looking at Li Yunfeng and the others, they were very disdainful.

Seeing these people's arrogant words, Liu Yang and Fan Yue were a little annoyed, and were about to scold them back!

But it was stopped by Li Yunfeng!
"Useless soft goods!"

Meigu said contemptuously.

"Haha, it's useless for you to be angry, your boss is cowardly, can you still go against the sky?"

In addition, Lian Gen also laughed when he saw Li Yunfeng stop Fan Yue and Liu Yang.

When they saw these three people, Li Yunfeng was in the middle.

The other two are half a step behind, which clearly distinguishes their status.

From their point of view, Li Yunfeng is naturally the boss!
Liu Yang and Fan Yue wanted to go back.

But Li Yunfeng has absolute authority, seeing Li Yunfeng stop them, they had no choice but to endure it!

In their view, Li Yunfeng should have his own plans.

"We can help you find black stones, but I don't know what they look like. Can you show me? I can look for them like that?"

Facing the humiliation of these people at this time, Li Yunfeng said without any anger on his face.

"What's there to look like? There's nothing else in this place except that black stone!"

Someone saw Li Yunfeng chirping, and immediately said unhappily.

There was even a move to make a move. He felt that if these people were not beaten up, they might still be dissatisfied in their hearts.

"Okay, it's okay to show you!"

Fu Zhong just thought about it for a moment. The other party had never seen Heishi before, so after looking at it, he felt more confident, which is understandable.

Besides, he is not afraid of these people playing tricks.

As long as they are more powerful than these people, the Black Stone will be no different if it is in the hands of this person.

Heishi is unstoppable, they have tried it, and they are not worried that these people want to die together!

Li Yunfeng took a step forward and ended up with Heishi!

"Good stuff, good stuff!"

Li Yunfeng said with a sigh.

Fan Yue and Liu Yang looked at each other, there was something strange in their eyes!
They knew why Li Yunfeng didn't attack in anger.

It is to get the black stone without any effort!

It's not surprising that Fu Zhong didn't feel any fear when Li Yunfeng came into contact with the Black Stone.

He didn't know that the terrifying aura could be felt everywhere!

"You can give it to me, I will give you a restriction, and then you can just look for it according to this stone."

Fu Zhong said lightly, the power of the rune flashed in his hand, he was going to make a move!

Li Yunfeng heard that, but did not return it to Fu Zhong.

He just continued to ask: "After the search, where should I go to meet you?"

"It's very simple. Go straight for 30 miles in the direction we came from, and then keep sinking. About [-] miles away, there will be a dark cave that is exactly the same as you see from the outside world."

"This cave is very conspicuous. Practitioners can see it at a glance. Just wait for us next to it."

"Maybe someone is already waiting there, not necessarily!"

Fu Zhong said lightly.

"Oh, I see!"

Li Yunfeng nodded, and he put the black stone in his pocket while talking.

At this time, two black stones have been found. If they meet other people, there may be three black stones!
Even if they didn't meet each other, let Liu Yang or Fan Yue turn back first.

After all, Liu Qin can't drag on any longer!

This black stone is actually quite easy to find, just take some time!
"Boy, what are you doing? Young Master Fu asked you to bring back the black stone, didn't you hear?"

Coquettish drink.

"Boy, are you courting death?"

At this time, Fu Zhong also felt that something was wrong, this kid didn't seem to obey at all.

He looked at Li Yunfeng coldly, but he didn't retreat, he just took a little precaution!
When he was on guard, even if this kid made a sneak attack, it would be useless to him!

This is his confidence!

"It's you who are looking for death!"

Li Yunfeng put away the black stone in front of everyone, and said with a sneer.

"Is there any black stone? If so, maybe I can spare your life!"

Li Yunfeng said indifferently, staring at everyone.

Logically speaking, there shouldn't be any, but maybe these people have private possessions?
Do not rule out this possibility!
After all, if a black stone was discovered by accident, and then kept calm and hidden, no one would know.

Of course!
It is absolutely impossible to spare their lives!
He was just talking!

None of these people will survive!
They were extremely arrogant before, and none of the few people who took Li Yunfeng seriously were stunned!
this kid?
Could it be that there is something wrong with the brain?

It's fine if you don't know them, but is it still like this if you know them?
Is this really not wanting to live anymore?

Li Yunfeng just asked casually, seeing that these people were stunned, he shot directly.

As the strongest among them, Fu Zhong is very arrogant.

Even after discovering that Li Yunfeng was in an accident, he still didn't retreat the slightest bit, but was ready to fight!
The moment Li Yunfeng made a move, he was also ready to make a move!

However, Li Yunfeng's slap was like a divine palm.

It looks ordinary, but it is unparalleled and extremely fast.

When the opponent's arm just started to lift, Li Yunfeng slapped his head to pieces!
"what's the situation?"

The three people a little behind looked at the headless corpse in front of them, and the blood gushing out, and were stunned!

"No, Young Master Fu was killed by a surprise attack. Hurry up and kill these people together!"

Mei Gu let out a cry, and the mocking contempt and seductiveness on her face disappeared immediately.


The other two reacted and directly shot at Li Yunfeng and the three of them!
Although Fu Zhong's death was somewhat unexpected, they are also strong, and it is impossible to retreat so simply!
As long as the opponent is not a strong person in the top ten levels, it is not difficult for them to escape in this place where the power of induction is difficult!

Otherwise, there won't be a single black stone when they go back, and it will be difficult for them to do business!
If they met these people later, it was determined that killing Fu Zhong was only due to the sneak attack, and their time of death would come.

The two adults will not spare them!
The two of them rushed out in an instant!

But at the moment of rushing out.

The Meigu who was the first to shout for a shot suddenly retreated at this moment, and then fled quickly!

"Fuck, that bitch!"

The two cursed inwardly, but they still didn't retreat, they had to try no matter what!
Besides, they are proud of being the pride of heaven in their hearts!
Unless the opponent is really scary, if you retreat without a fight, just don't practice in the future!
"Damn, you trash, you besieged us before, I'm going to kill you!"

Liu Yang's injuries have also recovered a bit, and he still has some combat power at this time, and he is going for one!

Seeing the two rushing forward, Li Yunfeng just sneered.

He slapped Fu Zhong just like he did to Fu Zhong before!

The ranking of this person is similar to that of Li Yunfeng. Seeing that Li Yunfeng is so supportive, he is a little angry!
"court death!"

He shouted!
Only the words fell!

Bang it!
Like Fu Zhong, his head burst like a watermelon!

The other Tianjiao, who had just fought against Liu Yang, was stunned.

His ranking is a bit worse than the one he fought against Li Yunfeng, that person is not Li Yunfeng's opponent, so what can he do?
"How did this happen? Fuck? No wonder that bitch ran away, she must have seen that this kid is unusual!"

The person who fought against Liu Yang was extremely shocked. When he was shocked, he was accidentally hit in the heart by Liu Yang, who was weaker than him, and he was seriously injured immediately!

Li Yunfeng originally planned to deal with this person easily, and then go after that woman.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yang seized the opportunity to beat this person seriously. It seems that if he doesn't make a move, this kid won't survive!
So Li Yunfeng ignored the other one, and went directly towards Meigu!

Meigu felt the death of the two people behind her, and she was very lucky in her heart.

She is naturally charming, and she looks more powerful than ordinary people.

It's good that Li Yunfeng didn't make a move, she couldn't see anything!
But as soon as Li Yunfeng made a move, she felt the boundless terror of Li Yunfeng!
The breath at that moment made her tremble, and gave her the feeling of facing the three adults!

She is scared!

So she asked her two teammates to block first!
After all, the principle of everyone's practice is!

If you must die!
Then the fellow daoist will not die as a poor daoist!
Only at this moment, she felt that the man was killing people too fast.

Even though two fellow daoists died, she felt that it was still possible to be caught up!

In this dark place, she frantically turned to escape, intending to get rid of that terrifying person!
It wasn't long before she felt that the man was getting closer

"Damn, damn, how could this happen!"

Mei Gu was so nervous, her delicate body trembled violently, she was really scared at this moment!
Not long after, she stopped!
The panic on her face disappeared, and it was replaced by a smile!
"Master Yun, I still have a black stone on my body!"

With a smile on her face, Meigu suddenly turned around!
"Take it out and see!"

Li Yunfeng had already arrived at Meigu's body at this time, and he stopped in an instant!

"Didn't your lord say that if you have a black stone, you can live? Can the slave use the black stone in exchange for his life?"

"If there are not enough black stones, the servants are still willing to offer their own bodies!"

There is a sweet smile on Meigu's face!

Li Yunfeng said with a gentle smile on his face.

"Thank you sir!"

When Meigu heard this, she seemed to be relieved, and she took out a black stone from the secret place close to her body.

Because it couldn't fit into the interspatial ring, she kept it very secretive.

In this place where the power of divine sense is extremely small, it is difficult for others to find it!

"Nie Yi, still want to seduce this emperor?"

But the next moment, Li Yunfeng suddenly sneered.

"You can't blame me, it's because you don't want to kill me at all, I can only do one last fight!"

Meigu, who had a smile on her face, also looked crazy at this time, and she retreated wildly in despair.

"Your control of people's hearts is quite accurate. Is this also one of your charm skills?"

Li Yunfeng was surprised.

Unexpectedly, the other party could see his thoughts, that's what he thought.

Get the Black Stone and kill someone!
"Three adults, save me!"

Meigu backed away and roared feebly, she hoped for a miracle.

At this time, she was even more desperate, and her guess was indeed right!
At this time she also knew!
She knew that these three people probably came in through the same passage.

The Ten Heavenly Talents defending outside, if nothing else happened, either escaped or died!
But these are meaningless, she just wants to live!
It's just that a miracle didn't happen!

Li Yunfeng slapped Meigu directly in a cold manner!

Meigu's fate was the same as that of the previous two, her head was crushed by Li Yunfeng indifferently!

Li Yunfeng stretched out his hand, and the next moment he was going to get the black stone in his skillful hands like suet jade.

Just suddenly!


Meigu's body actually exploded along with her head!

The black stone in Meigu's hand unexpectedly exploded along with it!

Next up!

Meigu completely exploded into a shattered body, unexpectedly reorganizing in illusion.

Li Yunfeng was able to see the surprise after Meigu's despair, as well as look at Li Yunfeng's resentment!

In the next instant, it disappeared!
"This is?"

Li Yunfeng was extremely surprised, he didn't expect this black stone to have such an effect!
"The black stone has the effect of resurrection?"

Fan Yue also came here at this time, and said in surprise.

"It doesn't have to be the effect of resurrection, maybe it's really dead!"

Li Yunfeng's eyes flickered, although he felt that Meigu was still thinking.

But during the time when Unreal was reorganized, he didn't feel any breath of life from the other party!
Her reorganized body!

All dead!

"What do you mean?"

When Fan Yue heard about it, she didn't understand at all!
"We rely on the black stone and enter another cave, maybe there will be an answer."

Li Yunfeng's eyes flickered.

(End of this chapter)

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