Chapter 159

Haitian Restaurant has a retro style, most of the private room doors are orange-yellow wooden doors, which look antique!

At this moment, the antique door was kicked away and smashed towards Li Yunfeng and Su Xiaoru.

Li Yunfeng didn't seem to see the flying gate. At this moment, he had just finished eating a chicken leg, leaving only a chicken bone!

Staring at the chicken bones on the chopsticks, Li Yunfeng seemed to be checking if there was any meat on them.

After confirming that there was no meat on it, Li Yunfeng threw it towards the left at will, just hitting the wooden door flying towards him.

Seemingly thrown casually, the chicken bone pierced through the wooden door and flew directly towards the people behind.

Boss Ying, who was walking in swaggeringly, was shocked when he saw the chicken bones flying towards him at a high speed, and hurriedly dodged.

But the speed of the chicken bone was so fast that he couldn't dodge it for a while.

What's worse, the chicken leg still seemed to be flying towards his mouth.

Boss Ying's face changed drastically, if the chicken leg with such a fast speed really hit his mouth, then he would be finished with one tooth.

So Boss Ying backed up while using his internal strength, and punched the chicken bone flying towards his teeth.


Boss Ying smashed the chicken bone away with a punch, and the chicken bone felt like it had been castrated.

Boss Ying only felt a slight pain in his fist, but it was not a serious problem.

It may be that the chicken bones have passed through the thick wooden door, and the castration has been exhausted!
At this time, the eagle boss thought so.


Someone shouted from behind.


Boss Ying was a little strange, so he asked a question because he didn't know.


Just when Boss Ying opened his mouth a little, he suddenly felt something hard, with some fragrance and salty taste, which seemed to be similar to the chicken drumsticks he had eaten before.


Boss Ying's expression changed drastically, and he directly took the thing out of his mouth with his hand.

In the hand is the drumstick!

Do not!
To be precise, it is a chicken bone!

Boss Ying hurriedly looked at the ground, and the chicken bone he had just knocked out was gone.

Obviously, the chicken bone that just entered his mouth was the one he was knocked into the air!

Boss Ying was dumbfounded, completely unaware of what happened!
Fortunately, this chicken bone has little strength after entering the mouth.

If it passes through his body like a wooden door...

Boss Eagle was in a cold sweat!
He can't imagine it anymore!

Who is this person?


The wooden door that had been hit by a chicken bone before stood strangely between him and Li Yunfeng.

He could see someone on the opposite side from the slit made by the chicken leg, but he couldn't see clearly what the person on the opposite side looked like.

"Jiangbei Xiuwu Family, Jiangjia Jiangying! Thank you for your mercy! I don't know where you are from?"

Boss Ying reported himself to his family, and seeing Li Yunfeng's bone-throwing hand, he dared not act rashly again!
"Jiangbei Jiang's family?"

Li Yunfeng was also taken aback when he heard the words, what the hell is going on?
The Haitian Restaurant is his own, and the casino is also his own, and the Eagle boss who came here is still his own!

It's all yours!
Li Yunfeng was completely speechless!

"Jiang Ying?"

Li Yunfeng has no memory of this name!
But the voice is very familiar, but I can't remember it for a while.

Maybe it was because he had heard this person's voice in Jiang's house back then, Li Yunfeng thought secretly.

"What a Jiang family!"

Li Yunfeng threw a chicken bone again, this time not at Jiang Ying, but at the side of the wooden door.


After the wooden door was hit, it slammed on the ground, and then moved to the side in parallel.

Jiang Ying saw this move very clearly!
It's enough to knock a hole out of the wooden door with a light chicken bone, as long as he enters his inner strength and throws it with all his strength, he can do it!
But it is very difficult to move an upright wooden door horizontally with chicken bones.

This hand can be accomplished not only by the so-called internal strength.

This can only be done by a person who has reached an unimaginable level of internal strength.

And after moving sideways, it is even more difficult to continue to stand upright steadily!

But the man on the other side did it!
The opposite is really a young man?

Jiang Ying couldn't believe it right now!

This is simply much more powerful than the patriarch!

It's just that when he thought of this, he suddenly froze, young man?
Much stronger than the patriarch?

Not that there are no such people!
Isn't that Li Yunfeng who was tricked by the patriarch not long ago?

In the end, the patriarch and fourth master worshiped that young man as their master!
Thinking of this, Jiang Ying stayed in a cold sweat.

He was also there at the beginning, the person with him, because he just said something that shouldn't be said.

"While Li Yunfeng is injured, kill him."

Then he was killed by the patriarch with a palm strike!

He was very happy at that time!
Fortunately, he was sent by his family to manage the affairs of the secular world, and he understood a lot of truths!
Especially the principle of hitting the head with a gun!

So at that time, he was not in a hurry to make meritorious deeds, but just waited peacefully for the patriarch to issue orders.

The patriarch told him to kill that person, so he would kill him, but he just stood there without saying anything!

As a result, the other person who hadn't come out in the family all year round was slapped by the patriarch because he liked to stand out and make his own decisions.

The door has been moved!
Jiang Ying saw that familiar face, that terrifying young man!
Jiang Ying's face turned pale immediately, he plopped, and knelt down.

"Master... Mr. Li, I didn't know it was you!"

Jiang Ying kowtowed directly to Li Yunfeng, feeling extremely frightened!

"Boss Eagle, what's wrong with you?"

Second Master Xing, who followed behind, saw Jiang Ying kneeling directly, and couldn't turn his head around!
The same is true for some other people!
"What's the situation?" Someone murmured, unbelievable!
But Jiang Ying acted as if he didn't hear it. After knelt down and kowtowed, he trembled there, not daring to raise his head, or even begging for mercy.

At this moment, he was quietly waiting for Li Yunfeng's verdict!

As for Hua Qingyang, who wanted to see Boss Ying help him avenge himself, he lay on someone's back in some pain at this moment, and then stared at this scene dumbfounded.

Even if you can't win, there's no need to do this, right?
Boss Ying is a ruthless and tough character in Jingnan, why did he kneel before the fight started?
This is not at all like the Eagle boss I know!

Could this be a fake Eagle Boss?

Boss Ying saw Li Yunfeng clearly, and Li Yunfeng naturally saw the so-called Boss Ying.

Looking at Boss Ying at this time, he was also speechless for a while, it turned out to be him!

One of the two who took care of Su Xiaoru and Li Yunxue back then!
"Boss Eagle, you are very majestic!"

Li Yunfeng smiled coldly and stood up!

"Please punish Mr. Li!"

Jiang Ying didn't even dare to quibble!

Seeing that Li Yunfeng actually called himself Boss Eagle, he broke out in a cold sweat.

How can he be called the boss by the patriarch's master?

Boss Ying thought Li Yunfeng was going to get angry, so he didn't dare to move.

"That's it."

Li Yunfeng shook his head, since it is his own, it is easy to solve, and finally there is no need to do it yourself!

"The casino is closed, and they don't have to pay back the money owed by Han Xiaohong's father, and you don't have to pay back the money that Han Xiaohong's father owed. That's it!"

Li Yunfeng felt dull, and after a long time, he was all his own!

"The casino is closed?"

Second Master Xing was stunned.

Then continued: "Impossible, what will I eat when the casino is closed!"

Erye Xing quit immediately, and shouted directly at Li Yunfeng, the casino is the capital of whether he can continue to enjoy himself in the future, how could he close it!

Before Li Yunfeng could speak, Jiang Ying, who was kneeling on the ground, directly swept his legs at Second Master Xing!
Immediately, Erye Xing fell a dog to eat!

"To shut up!"

After kicking Second Master Xing down, Jiang Ying yelled at Second Master Xing.

Erye Xing was kicked soberly by this kick!

Even the eldest brother Ying had to kneel on the ground, so what right did his second brother Xing have to say no?
But he was still very unwilling in his heart!
"Mr. Li, don't worry, I'll close the casino owned by Xing Laoer first, and when the patriarch and fourth master come back, I will immediately apply to close all the casinos, and they will close down immediately after returning. After all, I can't order all the casinos. "

Jiang Ying said hastily.

Li Yunfeng nodded.

Since Boss Ying agreed, he didn't bother to take care of it too much, he really had no interest in managing such things.

"Jiang Xuan and Jiang Ye went out?"

Li Yunfeng asked suddenly.

He was very puzzled, even if he went out, there was no need to turn off the phone!

A trace of doubt also flashed in Li Yunfeng's eyes.

"I'm not very clear about the details. The fourth master and the patriarch seem to have disappeared in the past two days. I don't know where they went. The patriarch has never returned to the Jiang family, and the fourth master is not in the Jiang's group!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Ying's eyes were also very puzzled!
(End of this chapter)

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