The return of the immortal world

Chapter 160 Resignation

Chapter 160 Resignation
Li Yunfeng just frowned when he heard that, it was really strange, why did these two people disappear inexplicably, and even the phone was turned off?

Or is it not shutting down, but because it ran out of power somewhere?

Or is it because of something that caused the phone to be damaged?
Li Yunfeng thought for a while, but didn't come up with any clues, so he didn't plan to take care of this matter any more.

The two of them are both innate cultivation bases now, and they also belong to one side of the strong on Earth, so nothing should happen.

Even if something happened, he wouldn't have much psychological fluctuation.

If the two brothers hadn't knelt down and begged for mercy, they would have gone to the West Paradise to enjoy bliss a long time ago.

Jiang Xuan and Jiang Ye are not relatives or friends to themselves, they are just their servants, so there is no need to pay too much attention to them.

Because of Jiang Ying's arrival, the matter ended with a very unexpected result.

At this time, there were still some people outside the private room, and they also saw the scene just now.

At this time, the eyes looking at Li Yunfeng were a little fearful. They didn't expect that even their so-called Eagle Boss, who could call the wind and rain in Jingnan City, would kneel and kowtow to Li Yunfeng.

What is Li Yunfeng's background?
This is what everyone wants to know, but Li Yunfeng is not the same as before, and no one dares to get too close to Li Yunfeng.

Li Yunfeng didn't care, just pulled Su Xiaoru and walked outside.

As for Han Xiaohong, she looked at Li Yunfeng from a distance at this time, with a little fear in her eyes, but also a little gratitude.

"Xiaohong, you sat with Li Yunfeng, haven't you noticed any difference in him?" Suddenly someone asked Han Xiaohong with staring eyes.


Han Xiaohong gave a dry laugh.

If I knew that Li Yunfeng was so awesome, how could I have been so stupid to report Li Yunfeng?

If this kind of person gets angry, maybe he is really finished.

Han Xiaohong felt a little lucky, fortunately Master Li Yunfeng didn't remember the villain's faults, and didn't bother with her.

"An ordinary person who looks like an ordinary person is so secretive. No wonder he dared to chase after the president. Sure enough, there is no ordinary person who dared to chase after President Lin."

The woman was also very envious when she said this.

"Let's go."

Han Xiaohong shook her head, and then walked outside.

Zhou Hongming was also standing outside at this time, looking at Li Yunfeng who was walking out with some stupidity.

He couldn't figure it out, how could a classmate who had always been very ordinary be so skilled?
And even Boss Ying respects and fears Li Yunfeng so much.

At this time, Jiang Ying followed behind Li Yunfeng with a submissive look, which made Zhou Hongming startled.

Li Yunfeng naturally also saw Zhou Hongming, and just smiled coldly.

Seeing Li Yunfeng looking over, Zhou Hongming subconsciously didn't dare to look at each other, and directly lowered his head. At this time, his heart was also panicked, wondering if Li Yunfeng would take revenge on him?

Originally, Li Yunfeng was too lazy to take care of these little people, and he wasn't even in the mood to crush them to death.

But today is different.

"Jiang Ying!"

Li Yunfeng spoke suddenly.

"Mr. Li, what are your orders?"

Jiang Ying hurried to Li Yunfeng's front, lowered his head and asked.

"This person doesn't need to come to Haitian Restaurant to work in the future!"


Jiang Ying nodded quickly, he was just a lobby manager, nothing more.

After Li Yunfeng said this sentence, he didn't say any more, and he didn't look at Zhou Hongming again, and walked down to the second floor.

He didn't bother to say the reason for dismissing Zhou Hongming. He believed that Jiang Ying would handle it well.

The reason why Zhou Hongming was dismissed was nothing more than this person. As the manager of the lobby, he never asked any reason from the beginning to the end, but only favored one side.

How could such a person, Li Yunfeng, let him continue to stay?
One must know that since Haitian Restaurant is owned by the Jiang Group, it is naturally also owned by Li Yunfeng.

Hearing Li Yunfeng's voice at this time, Zhou Hongming's body also went limp for a while, a trace of humiliation flashed in his eyes, and there was also a trace of unwillingness, but more of it was helplessness!
Just now he was still high above, looking down at Li Yunfeng!
But in the blink of an eye, he became the one being looked down upon!


After returning home, Li Yunfeng and Su Xiaoru sat on the sofa talking and watching TV together, feeling comfortable.

"Xiaoru, I have something to go to Jiang's house tomorrow, and it may take about a month, please write a leave note for me!"

Li Yunfeng thought about it, and finally decided to go to Jiang's house.

One is that Jiang Xuan and Jiang Ye disappeared inexplicably and lost contact.

In addition, he felt that he was about to break through, and the place where the Jiang family was located was more aura, which was more suitable for breakthrough than the urban area.

"One month?"

Su Xiaoru was stunned, and looked at Li Yunfeng in disbelief, did you come to work?

Li Yunfeng was also a little embarrassed by Su Xiaoru, and then explained: "I really have something to do!"

Su Xiaoru finally looked at Li Yunfeng firmly, and said, "You resign tomorrow, and go through the resignation procedures!"


Li Yunfeng frowned, of course he knew what Su Xiaoru meant.

When he was looking for a job, one was to experience life, not to be too sharp, and the other was that he was really poor at the time!
Although he was quite capable at the time, he couldn't steal it!

As for now, even the largest group in Jingnan City is owned by him, and he has 50 billion on him, so he is naturally not short of money.

Moreover, his current ability and identity is almost completely exposed, and it is almost impossible to keep a low profile in the company.

So Li Yunfeng thought about it, and finally decided to resign.

Silent all night!
The next day, Li Yunfeng still drove Su Xiaoru to the company.

When Li Yunfeng got out of the car, he felt that many people in the company were looking at him. Obviously, the whole company basically knew about his work in Haitian Restaurant.

This result was within Li Yunfeng's expectation.

At the same time, I am also grateful for my decision today. If I live in the awe of others every day, it will be meaningless.

Because Su Xiaoru is now Li Yunfeng's immediate superior, the two of them have discussed resignation.

So Li Yunfeng just quickly filled out the resignation form, Su Xiaoru signed it, stamped it, and it was basically done.

And because they are the finance department themselves, they also have an advantage in resigning to settle the salary. After the resignation is written, his salary will also be received.

After the resignation letter was finalized and the salary was paid, Li Yunfeng didn't plan to stay any longer, so he tidied up his position and planned to go back.

"Thank you for what happened yesterday, I was the one who was sorry for you before!"

The entire finance department knew about Li Yunfeng's resignation, and Han Xiaohong was no exception, so he said something when Li Yunfeng came to pack his things.

"It's just a little effort, and you have nothing to do to me!"

Li Yunfeng smiled, as if I was right to play games at work!
Li Yunfeng carried his things outside, looked at the stairs, and finally felt that he should talk about it.

So Li Yunfeng carried his belongings and walked towards the CEO's office!
(End of this chapter)

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