The return of the immortal world

Chapter 17 Brother Feng?Brother Feng?

Chapter 17 Brother Feng?Brother Feng?
The security guard contemplated for a while, and then pulled Li Yunfeng to a corner, and his voice was very quiet at this time.

Li Yunfeng waited with bated breath.

"It is said that Brother Feng sleeps with three stunning beauties in a big quilt from time to time, enjoying the blessing of being equal!" the security guard said to Li Yunfeng in a low voice, and almost fell down.

"No way!" Li Yunfeng was so shocked that he couldn't speak, thinking of the scene of three stunning beauties and a man, he felt an evil fire in his mind.

"Damn it, why? I'm over 1 years old, and there's only one woman, and she's a flirtatious woman. The other party's ability is obviously not as strong as mine, but she lives countless times better than me?" Li Yunfeng wanted to cry but had no tears.

At this time, the food was slowly coming out, Li Yunfeng glanced at Ye Feng jealously, and was ready to turn his grief and anger into strength, and prepared to eat extravagantly.

Ye Feng also saw Li Yunfeng's jealous gaze towards him, and was also slightly proud, but he didn't take it seriously, and smiled lightly, he had seen this kind of gaze a lot, and he was almost used to it.

With all kinds of dishes in place, Li Yunfeng started the journey of eating and drinking.

Roast Duck?Huh?It still tasted familiar, even better. After discovering that everyone had eaten it for a while, Li Yunfeng took the rest of the whole one, and it didn't take long before it went into his stomach.

Big pot of chicken soup?It seemed to be good, and after a lap, Li Yunfeng also ate together.

fish?Forget this, leave it to yourselves to eat, you have to pick the thorns, it’s not refreshing enough to eat!
Ants on a tree?This was barely okay, Li Yunfeng cleaned up the plate again.

Big plate of beef?Still sweep!
Lobsters?Good food, I can't usually eat it, but Wang Hai is rich anyway, so he ate it like crazy.

Crab?This one is also good, keep going!
Roast suckling pig?Haha, it's delicious!

Roasted Lamb!This is my favorite, I eat it!


"Hey, why is it gone?" Li Yunfeng looked at his table, feeling that it was almost empty.

"Wang Hai, didn't you tell me to eat as much as possible? Why haven't the food been served yet? I'm not full yet!" Li Yunfeng said dissatisfiedly seeing Wang Hai was also in a daze with everyone there.

Even Brother Feng, who was unanimously admired by everyone, was dumbfounded at this time. He had seen something edible, but he had never seen something so edible.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to serve!" Wang Hai finally came to his senses, and said hastily.

"Hey, you still have so much on the table? Can't you eat it? Do you want me to help?" Li Yunfeng drank the red wine, and then went to the next table.

"Brother Feng, you come to eat, you come to eat!" Everyone hastily changed their address, they used to be young man, little brother, but now with such a unique skill of being able to eat, Li Yunfeng has also been upgraded to Brother Feng!
"Then I won't be polite. Anyway, Wang Hai has money. If you don't have enough money, just keep ordering. Someone will pay for it!" Li Yunfeng sat down very rudely, and continued to eat.

When the dishes on his table came, Li Yunfeng returned to his seat and started eating.

Because he didn't eat the staple food this time, Li Yunfeng ate the food with his stomach open, and when the second table was served, he ate all the food on the table.

When Wang Hai asked if he wanted to serve food, Li Yunfeng finally said no, in fact, he can still eat, but he needs to practice some exercises to refine the food, but this is a bit wasteful, and waste and extravagance has never been his style , so after eating this table, he sat down on the chair contentedly and didn't want to move anymore.

"Brother Feng, you are awesome!" Everyone unanimously called Li Yunfeng Brother Feng. After this battle, Li Yunfeng was awarded the title of Brother Feng. Since then, Yuanlai Fashion has added a "Brother Feng"!
"Damn it, people with feng in their names are so awesome. From now on, I will name my son Feng!" A security guard said with a very serious expression.

"I will name my future grandson Taifeng!" Another security guard said with a serious face.

"My son is also named Taifeng!"

"My daughter's name also has a feng!"

"My niece also has a feng!"


Everyone started to laugh!

Ye Feng and Li Yunfeng also stared at each other with big eyes, can they still be like this?

"Hey, it's still early. I've also booked KTV, let's go together!" After eating, everyone seemed very happy, and most of them passed, only a few older ones said they couldn't get used to it. I went back on this occasion.

It was just that at the checkout, everyone was really surprised. About 6 people ate more than 2 yuan, and Li Yunfeng ate at least [-] yuan alone!

However, Wang Hai obviously didn't care about this small amount of money. To him, [-] yuan was about the same as [-] yuan.

Such a large group of people ate more than 6 yuan, which obviously alarmed Zhou Hongming, the lobby manager, so he ran over and found that Li Yunfeng was also inside.

Among these people, except for the young man who paid the money, who looked like a rich second generation, and then saw a group of low-level people who were miserable, and they knew they were from the countryside at a glance. In fact, he forgot that he was also from the countryside. here.

Zhou Hongming looked at Li Yunfeng very contemptuously, and said what about friends, in his opinion, it should be a rich and very generous rich second-generation boss who just invited his employees to have a big meal, and has nothing to do with friends.

Thinking of this, he was completely relieved. At first, he was afraid that Li Yunfeng really had such a rich friend, and then he flew into the sky!Now it seems that there is no need to worry.

Li Yunfeng naturally doesn't care about Zhou Hongming's petty thoughts, he doesn't care about this kind of person no matter whether it was before or now.

A group of people arrived at the Royal Court KTV in a luxury car and entered a large box. Wang Hai didn't miss the money, so he directly booked the Emperor Hall, which is the most luxurious room in the Royal Court KTV.

After everyone entered, they were also amazed frequently.

But when Wang Hai arranged for the KTV princess to come in, everyone's eyes were straightened. Some of these people had never been to KTV in their entire lives, let alone the KTV princess who accompanied the wine and sang.

These usually honest security guards were excited and nervous at the same time, and they didn't know what to do.

However, these ktv princesses smiled and took the initiative to join in. These ktv princesses are very good at adjusting the atmosphere, and the atmosphere of ktv became lively after a while.

At this time, some of the security guards were also completely stimulated by their primitive desires. They no longer bound their hands and feet, but went up and down their hands.

Driven by some security guards, some honest people have become dishonest, of course Li Yunfeng is also not honest, he is the first group to take the lead, I have held back for more than 1 years, and let me be more reserved, Get the hell out, you're a bastard if you don't take advantage of it.

Moreover, the princesses who were able to come to the Emperor's Hall were considered very beautiful in this KTV, and Li Yunfeng would not refuse.

But there is only one exception, that is Ye Feng, who is still with that beautiful female security guard, who is obviously not very interested in princesses like ktv, and that's right, the beauty of that female security guard, compared to that in this Any princess in the world is much more beautiful.

At this time, the atmosphere in the box was very lively, everyone had a great time, Li Yunfeng also sang a few songs, and he sang well, thinking that he was the ktv bully back then.

Just at this moment, a man who looked like a manager came in suddenly, saw Wang Hai, then hurried over, whispered something to Wang Hai, Li Yunfeng also noticed, but the ktv was too noisy, so he I didn't hear it clearly either. It's okay if he runs the spell to listen, but I don't think it's necessary. Just ask him directly later.

Moreover, he is not the master himself, so his handling of this aspect is not necessarily better than that of Wang Hai, a super rich second generation.

But just looking at Wang Hai's gloomy face after listening, you know it's not a good thing.

Then I saw that Wang Hai seemed to be arguing with the manager, and then the manager also walked out very helplessly, probably because they didn't talk well.

"What's wrong?" Li Yunfeng walked over and asked.

"It's nothing! It's a trivial matter, it's been resolved." Wang Hai smiled and patted Li Yunfeng's shoulder, pretending to be fine, but Li Yunfeng faintly saw a trace of worry in Wang Hai's eyes.

But Wang Hai didn't say anything, Li Yunfeng just smiled and returned to his place to drink. If there is any problem, can he still suffer if he is here?
Besides, there is a super awesome Brother Feng here!

The double feng is here, who will fight for the front?
(End of this chapter)

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