The return of the immortal world

Chapter 18 Ye Feng's Opponent

Chapter 18 Ye Feng's Opponent

Not many people paid attention to Wang Hai's situation, thinking that the manager was familiar with Wang Hai and just came to say hello. After all, a super rich second generation like Wang Hai must definitely come here to play.

No one thought about what kind of trouble Wang Hai encountered. After all, they also vaguely knew about Wang Hai's situation. Not to mention other places, Wang Hai can still walk sideways on this three-acre land in Jingnan City. So everyone is not worried.

However, Ye Feng also noticed this situation, but he didn't come over to inquire. He believed that no matter what he could solve, even if Wang Hai couldn't solve it, he could solve it. Since returning to the city, he has not experienced a single defeat.

Ye Feng used to be a battlefield legend, ruthless and ruthless.

One person once wiped out more than 100 opponents.

It was also after this battle that Ye Feng became famous, and the enemy was shocked by the news.

After that, he moved to the world, invincible and shocking the world.

However, it was also at the peak of his life that he suddenly retired.

Later, Ye Feng came to the city. Here, he met the woman he loved, met the woman who loved him, and made some friends. In this city, he found the joy of life. Unexpectedly, he will live happily with his girlfriends.

As for the matter of marriage?
It's a bit of a headache, don't worry about it, the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge.

In this city, he is like a fish in water. Even though he encountered some troubles a few times, he solved them easily, so he is not worried at all, and he is very confident. In such a city, you are the king yourself!
After another period of time, everyone was still singing, some people were drinking and guessing, and some younger people started playing dice.

Suddenly the box door was opened again, it was still the ktv manager, but at this time two young men appeared behind him.

"You two, please come inside!" The manager stood at the door and said respectfully to the two young men.

"Young patriarch, please first!" One of the young men bowed slightly and said to the other man.


The person known as the young patriarch nodded lightly, and walked in without being polite.

Those who didn't know these two men were okay, they were just a little confused at this time, but Wang Hai's expression changed drastically at this time.

Others don't know the person who bowed, but he does know that this person is the young master of Jiang's Group, the largest enterprise in Jingnan City. His name is Jiang Yuan, and he is the next successor of Jiang's Group.

How could Wang Hai not be surprised that a Young Master Jiang of the No. [-] Enterprise in Jingnan City had to respectfully bow to another person of the same grade, acting like a follower?

Although his family is rich, it is only ranked in the top five in Jingnan City, but the Jiang Group is recognized as the number one.

If it was just the eldest and youngest of the Jiang Group, although Wang Hai was afraid and would not intentionally offend him, he would not be afraid of him either.

After all, it is very difficult for a company that ranks first in Jingnan City to destroy a company that ranks in the top five all year round.

So when the ktv manager said that the boss of the Jiang Group and his friends wanted Wang Hai to give up the Emperor's Hall, he was more angry at that time, and he would never back down because of this.

Just because his Jiangyuan family's business is bigger than his own, he can do whatever he wants?
Obviously impossible, they are at least the same level of characters.

But according to the manager, Jiang Yuan needed the Emperor's Hall for a distinguished friend, so Wang Hai was a little worried.

In his opinion, Jiang Yuan can be called a distinguished friend, which means that the other party's family business is definitely not inferior to Jiang's Group, and even bigger.

The two are at least as powerful as Jiang's group, making Wang Hai even more afraid.

But if it's just for this, although Wang Hai is very afraid, he still won't give in, otherwise, where will he put Wang Hai's face?How should I behave in the upper class society of Jingnan City in the future?
If two large companies deal with their own families because of these small problems, Wang Hai will not believe it, but in the future, Wang Hai still believes that the other party will do it.

But that at least saved his family's face. Compared with losing a little profit, face is obviously more important. If he ran away in such a disheveled manner today and spread the word, he would definitely believe that his father would scold him to death.

But looking at Jiang Yuan's attitude towards his master instead of his friend, Wang Hai felt a little apprehensive. Who is this young patriarch?
While Wang Hai was speculating very anxiously, Ye Feng was also staring at the person called the young patriarch, because he felt a sense of danger from this very young-looking person.

This can only be felt when he usually performs special missions, but it will not have the intensity brought to him by this young man. At this time, his mind is in a state of turmoil, and for the first time he has a slight doubt about his invincible combat power.

And Li Yunfeng looked at the young man in front of him, and even narrowed his eyes slightly. This young man is really not simple. I don't know if Ye Feng can beat him. Maybe Ye Feng will meet an opponent!

Li Yunfeng also looked outside thoughtfully, because he felt that there was a more powerful aura outside, many times stronger than this young man, but the aura was somewhat similar, and he probably belonged to the same group.

If Ye Feng is still full of unknowns when facing the young man, but if he faces the person who hides his aura, he will definitely lose!
Li Yunfeng smiled slightly, rubbed the thumb of the index finger of his left hand lightly, and then whispered to himself: "This city is really getting more and more interesting!"

(End of this chapter)

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