The return of the immortal world

Chapter 2052 The Silver Armored Boy

Chapter 2052 The Silver Armored Boy
With the fall of the Eight Emperors, the blockade of the Immortal Kingdom disappeared, and Qin Sirou hurriedly followed the sound.

When everyone came outside the Immortal Kingdom, everyone gasped.

The outside world has changed.

Everything happened so suddenly.

In front, filled with endless cosmic army.

And in the middle.

It was the Nine Nether Devil Emperor in a black dragon robe.

There was a strange aura around him, just one look at him, as if he could be possessed by a demon.

In fact, this is the case at this moment.

Those who looked directly at the Devil Emperor Jiuyou were all bewildered and foolish at the moment, as if they had no sense of autonomy.

Seeing this situation, many people hastily withdrew their gazes from looking at Demon Emperor Jiuyou.

But at this moment, even the existence of the Immortal Emperor Realm, if he looks directly at Jiuyou, it seems to be going through a peerless battle.

The Immortal Emperor could only try his best not to lose his mind.

"No wonder Emperor Zun said this is the enemy!"

After Qin Sirou stabilized her mind, she said in a surprised voice.

The Nine Nether Demon Emperor gave her a strong feeling.

Thinking that she had planned to go alone to avenge the master, she was in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, she didn't break through to the Emperor Realm so fast, otherwise, she might have died.

"Damn it, just now we bullied the few with the more, but suffered a big loss. This time we have to bully the more with the less, so we can get back our position!"

After Kunpeng stabilized his mind at this moment, he was also extremely depressed.

However, his eyes lit up when he saw a group of powerhouses in the Emperor Realm beside the Demon Emperor Jiuyou.

He always felt that they were all super peerless, the strongest emperors, how could they be abused when the number of them was superior?

If it wasn't for Senior Huang, the Emperor of Heaven really wanted to take action himself, which would be a real embarrassment.

Li Pingan is also eager to fight, he has never been wronged like this.

"But this old guy is really strong..."

Except for his father, Li Pingan has never served anyone in his life.

But at this time, looking at the Nine Nether Demon Emperor, he couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

"Little Kunkun, are you sure we can do it? The opponent has hundreds of emperors!"

Xiao Tianlang looked at the mighty army ahead, raised his eyebrows, and said.

"We still have Senior Huang!"

Kunpeng said indifferently.

Xiao Tianlang immediately rolled his eyes when he heard about it.

Even if you win more with fewer victories, you've regained your position?

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that it's the work of Senior Huang, right?

And it's good to bully the bottom, isn't it?
Senior Huang's realm combat power is higher than theirs.

"To win more with less, I'm afraid it won't work! Even with me, I'm afraid it won't work!"

After Kunpeng and Xiaotianlang's joking words, Senior Huang, who didn't talk much, looked at a very young-looking person beside Demon Emperor Nine Serenity and said solemnly at this moment.


Xue Yiyi and the others were relaxed.

Hearing this moment, I was shocked.

After all, following Li Yunfeng, he and the others felt that they had never encountered a real enemy.

They thought that the Nine Nether Demon Emperor was astonishingly powerful. Could it be that the young man in silver armor and silver spear had the strength comparable to Senior Huang?

Xue Yiyi and others came to Li Yunfeng's side and looked at Li Yunfeng questioningly.

But Li Yunfeng just waved his hand and said nothing.

This made everyone's hearts even more clouded.


The two sides looked at each other for a long time, as if they were estimating the general strength of the other party.

Finally, Demon Emperor Jiuyou smiled.

"However, this emperor knows that you have been unconvinced that you were devoured by me back then, leaving only a wisp of remnant soul to escape, thinking that in the battle of the same level, you must win, and today you and I are truly at the same level, which can be regarded as fulfilling your wish! "

Nine Nether Demon Emperor laughed.

"Oh? I actually thought so?"

Li Yunfeng also laughed when he heard this: "Isn't it because you think in your heart that you will lose in the same-level battle? Otherwise, why would you find another person to come with you?"

Li Yunfeng sneered.

While speaking, Li Yunfeng also looked at the silver-armored and silver-spear boy. The old yellow dog guessed that this silver-armored boy was not the so-called Immortal Emperor, but an existence at the same level as him.

At this moment, Li Yunfeng's words had a hint of sneer, but no solemnity.

But it made the girls even more worried.

Emperor Zun's words, although easy.

But there is no doubt that Senior Huang's prediction is correct.

"Who is this?"

Qin Sirou stared at the silver armored boy, his eyes were full of disbelief.

She had never heard of such a No. [-] person in the universe, and this person seemed to appear out of nowhere.

It was even more sudden than Master suddenly becoming supreme.

After all, Master is the last.

It was still recognized by many immortal emperors.

The rise of the master is just a fault.

And this person got up suddenly.


"Could it be people from other universes?"

Qin Sirou became emperor in other universes, so he naturally knows that there are countless universes in the chaos.

But it is precisely because of this that she knows how difficult it is to achieve the realm of Emperor Zun.

In a large part of the universe, the concept of dominance or supreme realm does not even exist.

What's more, what really produces this level of powerhouse?
Although the Nine Nether Demon Emperor appeared in this universe, it was very sudden.

But after all, it was the existence that had beaten the master until there was only a trace of remnant soul left.

Surprising, but barely acceptable.

But what about this person?
too suddenly.

But when everyone on Li Yunfeng's side was looking at that boy.

That young man stood with a gun in his hand, closed his eyes and rested his mind, standing motionless.

It is also because of this that everyone can observe this silver armor boy.

If he is like the Nine Nether Demon Emperor, even if he closes his eyes, this young man's aura is as sharp as a divine sword. I am afraid that once he opens his eyes, it will be even more shocking than the Nine Nether Demon Emperor's oppression.

I'm afraid the person who looked directly was not stupid for a short time, but died directly!
"It's just that he said he wanted to come and see it, and he didn't invite it on his own initiative, so you can rest assured that today's battle is only you and me!"

The Demon Emperor Jiuyou was not angry when he heard it, he just said it lightly.

Upon hearing this, Li Yunfeng shook his head, as if he didn't believe it.

But he didn't bother, but said: "If that's the case, let's fight, I hope you are strong enough, don't let me down!"

Li Yunfeng changed his lazy attitude at this moment.

For a moment, he was like a sword soaring to the sky, exuding an aura that shocked Jiuxiao.

Just a burst of breath, nearly a hundred immortal emperors opposite, except for the boy in silver armor who was still standing still, the rest of the immortal emperors all changed their expressions slightly, and hurriedly stabilized themselves.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, these long-term powerful emperors who had been in high positions would really not believe that there would be such an existence, and the immortal emperor was as weak as an ant, and was overwhelmed by one person.

It's unimaginable, but it just happened.

"Don't worry, you will be pleasantly will be as desperate as if you were swallowed by me back then!"

Nine Nether Demon Emperor laughed wildly.

He also completely exploded.


Immediately afterwards, the Nine Nether Demon Emperor groaned.

Immediately, this piece of heaven and earth seemed like the Nine Nether Hells had reappeared in the world.

And, from the Nine Serenities, a demon king walked out.

The breath on his body is not weaker than that of Jiuyou Demon Emperor.

"How come? There is another one!"

Lin Qianmeng was also extremely worried at the moment.

"It's not another one, but Jiuyou is strong enough, and he used his unique Jiuyou spirit to create a Jiuyou God Demon that is similar to a clone!"

The yellow dog said with a faint look.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, but they were still very apprehensive.

When the Nine Nether God and Demon completely appeared, he took the lead in attacking.

Wherever he passed, the universe was as fragile as tofu, completely unable to withstand his mighty power.

Li Yunfeng was not afraid, and went forward head-on, using all kinds of means.

The world is falling apart.

Huge stars were extinguished one after another like candles, galaxies were shattered, endless chaotic air poured into the universe, and the universe seemed to be completely destroyed at any time.

"Jie Jie Jie, aren't you surprised? The Nine Nether Gods and Demons that I transformed made you so hard. Is your resignation and dissatisfaction still there?"

The deity of Jiuyou Devil Emperor is moving strangely and elusively, and suddenly appeared with a sinister smile at this moment.

He almost hit the back of Li Yunfeng's head directly, which made Xue Yiyi and the others break out in a cold sweat.

"Is the myth of invincibility about to be shattered?"

Those who followed Li Yunfeng and witnessed Li Yunfeng becoming the strongest, clenched their fists and looked at this scene with extremely complicated eyes.

You know, at this moment, the boy in silver armor has never moved,

Although Emperor Zun was not completely at a disadvantage.

But if the silver-armored boy makes a move, he is doomed to lose!

In fact, no one believed that the boy in silver armor was here as a display.

If it really comes to a time when they can't get entangled, the boy in silver armor will definitely make a move.

"My husband will never fail." Song Ying also clenched her fists.

She's just fairyland.

But she decided that if the silver-armored boy made a move, even if she was a moth to the flame, she would die before the emperor and go to stop the silver-armored boy.

Although Xue Yiyi is usually joking, she has made up her mind at this moment.

The same goes for everyone else, always ready.

(End of this chapter)

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