The return of the immortal world

Chapter 2053 Coming to the end

Chapter 2053 Coming to the end
But after a while, everyone was slightly relieved.

Because the silver armor boy really didn't move from the beginning to the end.

Even though there were a few times when the silver-armored boy was particularly suitable to make a move, the silver-armored boy didn't make the slightest move.

Even from the beginning to the end, the eyes were not opened.

But the fact that his eyes were not open did not mean that he did not pay attention to the situation of the battle.

If the silver-armored boy took advantage of that gap to make a move, not to mention a fatal blow, Emperor Zun would definitely be seriously injured, and it would be that kind of irreversible serious injury!

But the silver-armored boy seemed to be just like what Demon Emperor Jiuyou said, he was just here to watch the battle, and he didn't intend to make a move at all.

And Demon Emperor Jiuyou didn't intend to call on the silver-armored boy to make a move. He used all kinds of means at the beginning of the game without any reservations.

It seems that he really wants to defeat Li Yunfeng fairly and fairly at the same level.

But Emperor Zun is indeed extremely powerful, even if the Nine Nether God Demon and the Nine Nether Demon Emperor jointly attack, it seems to be at a disadvantage, and there are many dangers.

But until now, he had only suffered minor injuries.

The Demon Emperor Jiuyou seemed to have the upper hand, but he was also hit several times by Li Yunfeng following the openings, and was also slightly injured.

So and so, if the boy in silver armor really doesn't make a move.

And Senior Huang looked for an opportunity to make a move!

The balance of victory may still be on their side.

So everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But that's all.

Everyone is still very nervous.

As long as the boy in silver armor doesn't leave, the variables will still exist.

The battle continues.

And it became more and more intense.

It is too difficult to decide the winner when you reach the realm of supreme dominance.

Even if the body is shattered, the soul is also shattered.

But it can condense in the next moment, and then continue to fight.

After going through all kinds of tyrannical collisions with the initial pressure box bottom trick, both Li Yunfeng and Jiuyou Demon Emperor knew that it was difficult to kill each other quickly.

This needs to rely on infinite battles to wipe out the opponent one by one, so that's it.

and so!
This is destined to be a protracted battle.

The so-called smashing the opponent's body and soul, even minor injuries can't be done at this moment.

Just let the opponent consume some supreme power.

In a blink of an eye...

That is 3 years have passed...

this battle.

It has lasted for 3 years without stopping.

The universe was almost completely shattered, it was out of shape, and chaos was raging.

Living creatures withered!

It is difficult to see a complete star for hundreds of millions of miles, they are all broken and broken stars.

The creatures at the bottom didn't know how many died.

The blood flowed for nine days, and the bones flowed.

Today, only true immortals can barely survive in such a broken universe.

The universe has become a purgatory!
Creatures are weeping blood, all things are drying up!

desolate, ruined...

Li Yunfeng can't do anything about it for the time being, if he has compassion in his heart, it won't be all living beings who will die, but him.

He can be merciful to all beings, but the prerequisite for him to be merciful to all beings is to keep himself alive!

He is just such a person.

and so……

He watched the endless creatures perish in front of his eyes.

Even, many creatures and stars were destroyed by the aftermath of his battle.

There was no wavering in his heart when the world cursed him before he died.

I didn’t even succeed in saving myself, how about saving you?
Ha ha……


In fact.

Even if the battle between him and the Devil Emperor Jiuyou hadn't happened, this universe was destined to be ruined.

Because in the middle, there is an army of chaos entering.

The catastrophe of chaos came as scheduled, and it came with the meaning of destruction.

But in the end, after feeling the battle between the two supreme beings, they all retreated in fright.

and so……

These creatures at the bottom cannot escape death after all.

The only difference is.

Chaos cataclysm will leave some bottom seeds at the end.

And now...

Whether there is still a bottom layer is really hard to say.

Now the seed of this universe has become above the real immortal.

The battle continues.


The Nine Nether Devil Emperor once again found the right opportunity, grabbed Li Yunfeng's legs directly, and tore them in half in the next instant.

But such an attack.

It is really impossible to let the supreme dominance.

Li Yunfeng's body was torn apart, but he found the right opportunity to directly crush the opponent's body of god and demon and the deity.

This made Qin Sirou and others turn from distressed and worried to excited.

If the two of them had [-] points of blood each, Li Yunfeng might have lost less than half a point in this confrontation.

And Demon Emperor Jiuyou lost a little blood.

Now, Qin Sirou, Xue Yiyi and the others had long since stopped expecting Emperor Zun to win quickly, and only hoped that they would be broken a few times less than their opponents.

During this period of time, the boy in silver armor really looked like an eternal sculpture.

3 million years.

He always maintained a posture and never opened his eyes.

There has never been a shot action.

Up to now, Qin Sirou and others only hope that the battle will last as long as possible.

During this period, Qin Sirou and others have been trying to find out information about the silver-armored boy, but they don't even know about the immortal emperors on the opposite side.


Before this, these immortal emperors thought that this was just an ordinary immortal emperor.

Because the silver armor boy never saw a word from the beginning to the end, he just silently followed the Jiuyou Devil Emperor, this is an extremely strange person.

Even the Immortal Emperor over there speculated that this person was the initiator of the Great Chaos Tribulation, a seemingly young but extremely ancient existence.

Regarding this, Qin Sirou and the others did not quite believe it.

Because they know more, they know that the initiator of the chaos catastrophe is the mother of chaos.

This is a feminized creature of chaos.


On top of that, Regal has said that he and the Mother of Chaos fight in the future.

Unless the future mother of chaos really completely defeated Li Yunfeng, it would be impossible for the main body to appear beside Li Yunfeng.

In short, the boy in silver armor is extremely mysterious.

No one knows its origin.

The battle continues.


Another 9 years have passed.

Emperor Zun and Jiuyou are still tied.

Up to now.

Even true immortals can no longer survive in the universe, only immortal kings can barely resist the influx of chaotic energy and barely survive.

The universe really was completely shattered.

There is endless darkness everywhere, except for the occasional bursts of divine light shining on the sky from battles.

This is a broken universe without light.

in comparison.

The earth and universe that used to be considered very lonely are really nothing.

However, the earth and the universe are very lucky. It has been more than 10,000 years since the catastrophe of chaos, but it has not yet invaded the earth and the universe.

The earth universe and the network established by this universe are still very good.

After all, Emperor Zun personally made the connection.

The passage between the two universes has long been cut off.

But the network is not broken.

Xue Yiyi was bored and could only live broadcast the fierce battle here.

Xue Yiyi has long been the world's largest self-media blogger, with nearly 300 billion fans.

Almost as long as they are earthlings, they pay attention to Xue Yiyi.

Regarding the content of the live broadcast, many people are terrified of the truth in it.

But many people think it's a scam.

A scam that has been going on for 10,000+ years non-stop.

They think everything is made of special effects.

Although they don't know why they have to lie to their ancestors for 10,000+ years.

Of course.

Believe that these are scams, more mortals who have not practiced.

And those bigwigs at the top seemed to agree that this was just a fake live broadcast.

Although the special effects are very realistic, but now that the technology is so advanced, it is normal for the special effects to be awesome.

After all, they play a game. Through virtual reality technology, even if they are mortals, they can travel nine days, kill enemies thousands of miles away, and experience the feeling of being a monk.

It's normal to not be able to tell the truth from the fake.

According to the live broadcast information, countless universes are being destroyed at this moment.

Emperor Zun, the god of faith of many people, seems to be struggling alone.

But the disaster did not come, and life had to go on.

It has never been a kind of happiness to let people live in the situation they want.

As long as the disaster does not spread to this universe until death.

So for those who are about to die, the so-called real disasters are also fake for them.

"I'm a little tired... Although the special effects are great, I've turned over countless special effects movies, but the two of them keep fighting, and it's not interesting to watch."

Someone typed words on the screen.



"I hope the battle situation will expand..."



"If you have the ability to come to our universe to fight...the real super mech cultivator God of War, Mr. Gerrit, will definitely blow you up!"

"Very agree..."

"I think Immortal Cangyunjue is even more powerful."

"Our Master Nagasawa is even better."

A group of netizens who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal spoke one after another, and even got into an argument.

Such words are not uncommon every day.

This is also a form of entertainment for the people of the earth.

"Hurry up and go to the live broadcast room of the Earth Alliance official account. God of War Gretel, who has been closed for endless years, has come out. A mysterious challenger is coming, and God of War Gretel is about to fight."

Suddenly someone posted in the comment area.


Xue Yiyi's live broadcast room suddenly lost more than half of the people.

After all, for the battle in the world of cultivating immortals, everyone is more concerned about the local god of war Gretel.

"Could it be that Immortal Cangyunjue is going to compete with Gretel for the first place?"

Many people are too excited.

"The catastrophe of the earth is finally here!"

Li Yunfeng in the battle sighed faintly.

The last group of people in the live broadcast room were stunned when they heard that, and then laughed.

This long-running program has a new trick?
Because of the loss of viewers?
However, the high-level executives who have been paying attention to the live broadcast have changed their faces drastically.

Emperor honor this man.

Many low-level people don't know, how can they not know?
Passed down from generation to generation...

It is an eternal legend.

The so-called Cang Yunjue, Gretel, is not worth mentioning in front of this person.

But now...

That man spoke so much!

Is the earth finally facing annihilation?
All the higher-ups fell silent for a moment.

They were also interested in seeing Gretel fight.

But now...

But without any mood.

Although they had expected it long ago, they still wanted to live their life.

after all……

Or not.

"For the sake of traffic? It's a pity, Mr. Gerrett came out and killed you people who are alarmist all day long. Bye, the poor are gone!"

"The poor nun is gone too!"

"Haha, I'm leaving too!"

"The little monk is gone too!"

At last……

Xue Yiyi's popularity in the live broadcast room is only one ten-thousandth of what it used to be.

And this one ten thousandth, most of them are high-level.

Almost never someone high up who doesn't comment.

At this moment, they all spoke up and asked, "Does Emperor Zun have a way to deal with it!"

The official account with a white fairy halo certification floated past the barrage at this moment.

The last group of viewers who did not leave the live broadcast room were stunned when they saw this scene.

"How is this going?"

He looked at the official account full of comments and questions, and was immediately stunned.

The speaker is the number one official media account of each country.

Almost all the names I have heard appear on the floating screen.

He subconsciously clicked into the place where the number of people online was displayed, and he was even more blinded.

Almost all of these super official accounts that usually never appear in the live broadcast room appear.


There are also personal accounts certified by golden immortal energy, and these are all bigwigs from various countries.

This is horrible!

"Could it be that the content of the live broadcast is true?"

Many of these low-level people are almost scared to death.

However, some people suffering from paranoia actually became overwhelmed.

"Troubled times are coming, I will get a shocking opportunity, and from then on, I will ascend to the sky and become the supreme!"

"Big event, big event..."

Suddenly, the ordinary comment area in the live broadcast room exploded again.

"A super master appeared and wiped out Gretel God of War with just a few moves!"


The high-level officials of various countries who have been waiting for a reply all turned pale upon hearing this.

"Could this be the catastrophe that Emperor Zun said?"

At this moment, there is even a personal account with golden fairy air floating on the screen.


"It must be, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence! And there is no existence on Earth that can kill Gretel God of War so quickly!"

"Di Zun really reaches the sky, and if there is no prophet, maybe Emperor Zun has a way!"

The screen full of floating comments made those ordinary people who flooded in again bewildered.

All the bosses came here to blow water and chat?

So amazing?

But when everyone gradually understood the matter from the floating screen, most of them were immediately terrified.

Because Gretel's opponent was a humanoid creature hiding under the gray mist, and he couldn't even see his appearance clearly.

Maybe this is the so-called Chaos Tribulation?

"Are you kidding me? This live broadcast account is quite powerful, all the bosses have been invited?"

Some people are stubborn and still refuse to believe it.

"The bosses are all very busy, they will eat too much and have nothing to do, are you fooling us?"

But more people believed it.

Although the live broadcast room was just an online live broadcast room, everyone could still feel the haze inside.

"There is a short-term delay. Kill the chaotic creature explorer who killed Gerrit, and other low-level unconscious low-level chaotic followers, so as not to let them spread the illusion that the earth's universe seems powerful, but it is actually empty."

Li Yunfeng said lightly between the battles.

"It looks powerful, but it's actually empty?"

Many people said they didn't understand.

"I think it's because of the live broadcast that the earth universe has a strong connection with this universe!"

"Thus, the master's supreme aura may also spread in the earth and universe, because the chaos is controlled by the mother body, and the extremely terrifying aura will spread to the chaotic creatures, and the chaotic creatures will subconsciously avoid it."

"So for a long time, the reason why the earth universe is peaceful is probably because the chaotic creatures think that the earth universe is the universe where Emperor Zun exists!"

Qin Sirou didn't wait for Emperor Zun to speak, and then said it directly.

"That's about it!"

Li Yunfeng said lightly.

"So, because Regal doesn't really exist in our universe, but exists via live broadcast, so we are actually empty?"

"And the reason why we haven't encountered the invasion of chaos for 10,000+ years is not really simple luck?"

"But because of Emperor Zun's deterrence?"

The bigwigs on Earth were completely shocked.

Because of the connection of the network, the flow of time has a strong connection, and there is no time difference, so the time of the two universes is synchronized.

"Quick... at all costs, dispatch all the masters to kill those chaotic creatures in our universe!"

After the shock, all the bigwigs made a decision.


Finally on Earth, it will also begin to pervade.

"how so……"

"Everything is true!"

Those people who think they are smart and think that Emperor Zun speaks only for traffic, at this time, are the most terrified.

They hid at home, shivering.


Even some people, at this moment, heard the screams of neighbors with strange roars.

Earth, in chaos.

Endless strange creatures run amok and fight.


"I still have the mood to care about other universes..."

Demon Emperor Jiuyou said gloomyly, at this moment he and Li Yunfeng trembled for a long time, and he was a little irritable.

Seeing this, Xue Yiyi and the others felt a little nervous.

If the Nine Serenity Devil Emperor calls out to the silver-armored boy, what should he do?

Many of them are trying to enter the supreme state, but none of them succeed.

Including Immortal Emperor Xuheng, it is still the realm comprehension of that year, and it is too difficult to go further!

"It's not a good sign that you are so irritable. You are about to lose! Why don't you call your teammates to join us!"

Jiuyou was very annoying, but Li Yunfeng was still calm, and even said with a smile at this moment.


Jiuyou snorted coldly, and he said gloomyly: "Don't be sarcasm, this emperor said he wouldn't let that one take action, then he won't!"

Xue Yiyi and the others were also relieved to hear this.

Emperor Zun mocked like that, they were really worried that Jiuyou would become angry from embarrassment.

"However, those people around you are so annoying, I think it's better to kill them!"

Jiuyou looked at Xue Yiyi, Qin Sirou and others with a sneer.

"Give it to me!"

Demon Emperor Jiuyou gave an order to the hundred emperors under him.

"Okay, just go up, whoever is afraid of whom!"

Kunpeng flew out with wings flapping, making a metallic sound.

Senior Huang, who had always closed his eyes, opened them now.

"First of all, if someone who has surpassed the emperor's realm dares to make a move, that person is not really a display!"

Jiuyou looked at the yellow dog and said.

When the yellow dog heard this, aggrieved flashed in his eyes.

However, in the end he closed his eyes.

Kunpeng was full of fighting spirit a moment ago, but his face changed slightly at this moment.

So are others.

"The big deal is death..."

But Kunpeng recovered in the next instant.

The two sides faced each other, and then they fought in an instant.

Because Kunpeng and others are extraordinary, Li Changle, Li Pingan and others are also stronger than before.

Although it is based on less to more, there is no obvious downside in a short period of time.

However, after all, the Immortal Emperor is an ordinary person.

In the end, it was still a bit overwhelming.

Everyone was seriously injured.

Even, some people began to fall.

On the other side of the earth, it is also silent.

The world was in chaos, and even fewer people watched the live broadcast.

"Emperor, Immortal Emperor, you can't be defeated!"

Countless people cried.

The existence of Emperor Zun has become their spiritual sustenance at this moment.


Xue Yiyi was besieged by many fairy kings, she was wounded all over her body, crying blood.

Kunpeng roared and charged straight at him.

He ignored even the attack of the Immortal Emperor on the opposite side.

chi chi chi...

The golden wings circled, several fairy kings were cut at the same time, Xue Yiyi survived.

But Kunpeng was hit hard by the attacks of several immortal emperors, the golden wings broke, and blood spilled into the void.

Kunpeng was directly seriously injured, and his combat power dropped sharply. He was restrained by one of the immortal emperors, stepped on his feet, and seemed to surrender to his mount.


Ye Feng also shouted loudly.

Li Yunfeng was his benefactor, and he also blocked a blow for Song Ying.

He is not as powerful as Kunpeng.

Even worse than Xue Yiyi and others.

He was blasted into nothingness without a trace.

Shuangyan who followed Li Yunfeng was also besieged and killed!
Li Yunfeng, who had always been as pale as water, was trembling slightly at this moment.

"Until now, if you haven't broken your relationship, you will definitely lose!"

Demon Emperor Jiuyou laughed loudly, it was as if Li Yunfeng had mocked him before.

But Li Yunfeng ignored Jiuyou's ridicule.

He was silent for a while, and then said: "Old Huang, come on, kill them all!"

"you sure?"

Old Huang opened his eyes.

He knew very well that if he didn't go up, Qin Sirou and the others could hold on for some time.

If he makes a move, all of them will die faster!
"Shut out, bite!"

Li Yunfeng shouted coldly.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

Xiao Tianlang also barked wildly: "Bite you to death, kill you to death... Anyone who has been bitten by this dog will get rabies... Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow..."

Xiao Tianlang is now excited!

The yellow dog got the instruction and didn't hesitate anymore...

In the next moment, he turned into a giant dog that reaches the sky...

Facing those fairy kings, it was almost one mouthful.

Even the Immortal Emperor couldn't block it a few times.

The tide of battle seemed to turn in an instant.

Kunpeng also broke free with the help of the yellow dog.

He transformed into a cosmic giant kun, overturning mountains and seas, no weaker than before.

However, the yellow dog had been fighting for a long time, and the boy in silver armor was still standing in the center of the battle, motionless.

Everything seemed to have nothing to do with him.

"Grass... was deceived..."

Yuan Zhenzi was also yelling at this moment.

By this time, everyone understands.

That boy in silver armor didn't even have any interest in yellow dogs.

However, everyone was unhappy on the surface, but they were even more worried in their hearts.

It's impossible for the boy in silver armor to really come to see it.

I am afraid……

In the end, it will still be against Emperor Zun.

It's just that they had a good understanding, and they didn't speak out.

Saying it out is also unsolvable, why bother?
"Ah, don't bite me..."

"Do not……"

"Damn dog, don't bite my mother's ass..."

Everyone also knew that the ending might not be optimistic, they were venting their unwillingness and anger at the moment, Xiao Tianlang had the most fun, chasing and biting a female fairy king.

"This dog not only bites your butt, but also...hehe..."

Xiao Tianlang smiled wretchedly and continued to pounce.

Seeing this scene, Demon Emperor Jiuyou's expression was extremely ugly, he liked that fairy queen quite a lot.

His deceitful prestige was seen through, coupled with the miserable appearance of his subordinates, he couldn't bear it after all.

"Forget it... You and I don't know who is better, you are the best..."

Nine Nether Demon Emperor said in a gloomy voice.

He admitted that he couldn't kill Li Yunfeng anymore.

But when Xue Yiyi and the others heard about it, they were physically shocked.

The bigwigs on the earth also held their breath through the live broadcast.

"It seems that the battle is coming to an end!"

Some bosses spoke dryly, but there was even more bitterness in their eyes.

This is the end result that can be seen at a glance.

But at this moment, Li Yunfeng suddenly glanced in a certain direction.

Then there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It is indeed coming to an end!"

As Li Yunfeng's words fell, in the chaos, two behemoths gradually appeared with endless coercion!


The Demon Emperor Jiuyou turned around in horror, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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