The return of the immortal world

Chapter 2057 Father of Chaos

Chapter 2057 Father of Chaos
"Di Zun, I'm afraid you never thought that you died at the hands of your own son, right?"

Seeing that there was no longer any trace of Li Yunfeng in this world, the Mother of Chaos felt rather lonely.

This is the enemy of life, until the last moment, she can't guarantee that she will win!

But after all, he won, although the means were a bit despicable.

But such an enemy, either you die or I die, is it despicable, does it matter?

"What, Yin Jia is the son of Emperor Zun?"

The Nine Nether Demon Emperor was triumphant at the moment, and he was immediately dumbfounded when he heard the words of the Mother of Chaos.

This woman, who was somewhat unexpected but also seemed reasonable, was extremely terrifying, and gave the Demon Emperor Jiuyou the feeling that she was invincible.

He never felt this way even when facing Li Yunfeng and Yinjia, who are talented in the sky.

But facing this woman, there is!
This is after he devoured Li Yunfeng now, he still feels that it is difficult for him to compete with this woman.

This is the real mastermind behind the scenes.

The silver-armored boy's address to this woman also proved this conjecture.

But now!

This woman actually said that Yin Jia is the son of Li Yunfeng!
This is incredible.

Also unbelievable.

Since he is the father of Yinjia, then he is the man of this woman!
This is completely different from what he expected Li Yunfeng to be a talented existence.

This story is really scary!

Especially, when Demon Emperor Jiuyou was looking at the Mother of Chaos, he saw the eyes of the Mother of Chaos, and kept staring at Li Yunfeng's women.

This made Devil Emperor Jiuyou's heart tremble a little.

The love-hate relationship between men and women is the most unstable.

It may be life and death in the last moment, but in the next moment it is extremely affectionate.

If he had been plotting against Li Yunfeng all these years, Li Yunfeng had suddenly reconciled with this woman.

Will this woman slap him to death?
Thinking of this, Demon Emperor Jiuyou was sweating coldly.

When other people heard it, they were also directly deceived.

Why is it so messy?

Men and women are enemies for life, and then they gave birth to a son and killed Lao Tzu?


Can't think too much, headache...


When Qin Sirou and the others heard this, they were stunned for a while, and then their hearts filled with endless anger!
But when they saw that the silver armor boy didn't change his expression, they fell silent again.

Does impotent rage make sense nowadays?

"Mother, please don't call him my father. Such an evil person is not worthy of being my father. If it wasn't because he is indeed my biological father, I wouldn't let him die so happily!"

The silver-armored boy said coldly, when he mentioned Li Yunfeng, the disgust in his eyes was unparalleled.

"A person of great evil?"

Hearing this, Demon Emperor Jiuyou was a little confused again.

He knew Li Yunfeng very well.

Li Yunfeng is definitely not a big villain, and even barely considered a good person.

Such a person has nothing to do with the great villain.

When Qin Sirou and others heard this, they were also dumbfounded.

But in the next moment, there was some horror in their eyes.


Everyone looked at each other: "There is a huge conspiracy and misunderstanding in this!"

The silver-armored boy saw everyone's incredulous eyes at this moment, even Li Yunfeng's old enemy Jiuyou Demon Emperor.
Naturally, he also saw that it was unusual.

He looked at his mother suspiciously, and asked directly, "What's going on!"

The silver-armored boy's tone was somewhat gloomy.

He can achieve the supreme state with the fastest original speed in the universe, so he is naturally extremely smart.

At this moment, he tasted the unusualness of it, and even omitted the address, with a questioning meaning at this moment.

In the memory of the boy in silver armor, his father and mother came out of Chaos together, and they are the father of Chaos.

in memory.

At the beginning, my father was okay, ignorant and ignorant, and he was very affectionate with his mother, and spent a good time.

But later, with the birth of countless universes in the chaos, the father fell.

Father was tempted by the world.

Began to become lustful, evil, cruel, despicable, ruthless...

Father has all kinds of negative emotions in the world!

Since he was born, his mother instilled in him that his father is the most evil and evil existence in the world, and his mission is to eliminate the evil in the world with his own hands.

In this way of thinking, after countless years, he finally possessed the strength to kill his father.


It seems that all of this is full of conspiracies.

Because of the memory instilled by his mother since birth, he never approached anyone proactively, so he looked extremely cold.

Because the father is subtly influenced.

Although he thinks that he will not be affected by the world, he has been like this since he was a child, and he doesn't bother to prove whether he will be affected.

Because it has always been like this, he doesn't want to change himself.

"Sure enough, he is the most rebellious son in the world. He not only killed his father, but also questioned his mother in such a disrespectful tone."

The Mother of Chaos looked at Shining Armor and said teasingly.

"what is the problem……"

Shining Armor felt more and more wrong. Although his mother usually gave him an unfriendly feeling, she was also icy and cold, which was similar to his usual state.

It is by no means the current appearance that seems to be mixed with countless mundane auras.

"Forget it, the big thing has been decided. There is no longer my enemy in the world. It is time to let you know the truth. Otherwise, I will need to worry about letting you live in the false world I created. There is no need now. !"

The Mother of Chaos said with a smile.

"False world!"

Upon hearing this, Shining Armor clenched his fists, as if he was about to strike at any time.

"Actually, there has never been a father of chaos in this world, only a mother of chaos, and the so-called most evil and evil father of chaos does not exist."

"Actually, the most evil and the most evil, it is more appropriate to use it on me!"

"Of course, I don't think it's the ultimate evil, it's just the human definition of evil."

"I am the mother of chaos, and I take all living beings as nutrients, just as it is natural for human beings to eat various animals and plants!"

"Of course, I'm not completely slandering your father. It's absolutely correct to be lustful. Look at the girls in front of you. Don't I need to say more?"

The Mother of Chaos sneered.

When she said this, she looked at the girls, her eyes were full of danger.

Li Yunfeng!
Although she is not the first Supreme in the world besides her, she is the first one she can see.

Although the giant corpse lying in the chaotic space was also very strong, it was still weaker than Li Yunfeng.

When she first came into contact with Li Yunfeng's previous life, she was even willing to share the world with Li Yunfeng!
Let Li Yunfeng become the veritable father of chaos!
However, Li Yunfeng didn't give any face.

Even now, Li Yunfeng died, but her resentment towards Li Yunfeng has not stopped.

Her charm is not enough to make Li Yunfeng a minister under her skirt?
How dare Li Yunfeng mess with so many women?
These women, in the eyes of the Mother of Chaos, deserve to suffer the most terrible torture in the world forever.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that you are also the product of his lust. Back then, a clone of my mother's body married him. Although he seemed to be forced by me, in fact, he was reactive and active in the end. He conquered again and again. When I was indulging in indulgence, I found an opportunity to let him leave a seed, and this is how you are!"

The Mother of Chaos said indifferently.

"It is so!"

Shining Armor gritted his teeth and muttered to himself.

At this moment, the false world created by Shining Armor has been revoked, and he can see the world clearly with a single thought.

Now all the major universes are in the chaotic catastrophe created by the mother of chaos.

The so-called catastrophe was not created by the father of chaos at all.

"Mother of Chaos, what realm are you... Could it be that there is a realm beyond the Supreme?"

Demon Emperor Jiuyou was also looking at the Mother of Chaos tremblingly at this moment.

Let Shining Armor live in the false world created by the Mother of Chaos, this method is too scary.

He felt like he couldn't do it at all.

But the Mother of Chaos did it, and she convinced Shining Armor.

this is too scary.

When Demon Emperor Jiuyou asked, his posture was very low. It was the first time that he treated a person like this as a subhuman.

"No, the reason why I was able to prevent Shining Armor from going out of the false world is because he was born of me, he is also a chaotic creature, a chaotic creature, under the mother's body, everything is a puppet, no matter how powerful he is one day. Surpass me, but still only be my puppet!"

The Mother of Chaos said without concealment.

There is no motherly love for her so-called son, and the way she looks at Shining Armor at this moment is no different from the way she looks at any chaotic creature.


The silver-armored boy roared, his heart was filled with incomparable anger, he regretted it so much, hated himself so much!

It was he who made the mother of chaos completely unrestricted.

"Death to me!"

Yin Jia was completely angry, even though he felt that he had no hope, he shot directly.

Just the moment he shot.

A look from the Mother of Chaos made it hard for him to move.

His whole body was filled with biting coldness!
"Jiuyou, kill her! Then swallow her, you are the real No.1!"

Yin Jia was not reconciled, he said directly to Demon Emperor Jiuyou.

"Let your fucking dog go..."

"Um... not... the mother of chaos is the beginning of all things, the mother of heaven and earth, everyone should submit to the mother of chaos, I will never betray the mother of chaos, you should stop thinking about it!"

Nine Nether Demon Emperor said righteously.

"It's not that you have no hope of victory, and the hope of victory is extremely high. I am not a complete puppet. Because of my father's blood, at most I can't attack the Mother of Chaos. With my father's domineering blood, I can stay out of it. Used by the Mother of Chaos."

"So, your enemy is only the Mother of Chaos. You have just devoured everything my father has, and you have the capital to fight against the Mother of Chaos, plus the Dragon Lady, the Chaos Sky Ant, and Senior Huang, plus Corpse souls born from corpses in chaos, if you join hands, the mother of chaos will almost certainly be defeated!"

Shining Armor spoke.


The Nine Nether Devil Emperor heard this, and was a little moved.

However, he is still a little timid, after all, the various methods of the mother of chaos are too terrifying.

"Jiuyou, let's fight together. Even if you kill me afterwards, I think it's better than dying at the hands of this woman!"

When Dragon Girl heard this, her eyes lit up, and she spoke directly.

However, the Chaos Sky Ant did not speak.

He felt that things might not be that simple.

(End of this chapter)

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