The return of the immortal world

Chapter 2058 Absolute Control

Chapter 2058 Absolute Control
Chaos Sky Ant has experienced far more than Dragon Lady and others.

Although what Yinjia said at the moment and the judgment he made seemed to be correct, there was nothing wrong with it.

They swarmed up, and the probability of defeating the Mother of Chaos was extremely high.

Even the Mother of Chaos has countless Chaos armies, but there is no hero among them.

After all, being supreme is too difficult.

Even a quasi-Supreme like him hardly has any hope.

Therefore, those chaotic creatures basically do not affect the battle situation and can be ignored for the time being.

But is that really the case?
If this is the case, Chaos Sky Ant feels that he and Emperor Zun have always looked up to the Mother of Chaos.

Does an existence that has been destroyed like this still need them to take it so seriously?
Not very logical!

Therefore, he felt that things were not so simple at all.

"Is it because the Mother of Chaos knows that the Nine Nether Demon Emperor will not dare to make a move?"

The Chaos Sky Ant secretly wondered.

Even so, Chaos Sky Ant still felt something was wrong.

It is also not in line with the scheming of the mother of chaos to entrust one's own ending on whether another person with the talent of heaven will be counseled or not.

This is pure gambling!

But the Mother of Chaos is definitely not this kind of person.


The decisive battle between Emperor Zun and the Mother of Chaos took place countless years ago.

"A comparison of strengths that can be easily estimated, but the Mother of Chaos is not worried at all. Why is this?"

Chaos Sky Ant is still thinking hard.

"That must be..."

Chaos Sky Ant seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and he suddenly spoke in extreme horror.

According to logical reasoning, the Chaos Sky Ant seems to have come into contact with the ultimate truth.

"Master, what did you say?"

As soon as the dragon girl finished speaking, she heard the sudden birth of the Chaos Sky Ant, and looked back at the Chaos Sky Ant with some doubts.


Chaos Sky Ant reasoned again, and he was almost 100% sure.

"Hopeless!" Chaos Sky Ant said with a miserable laugh.

Emperor Zun is dead, then the ending is doomed.

As the mother of chaos said.

Only Emperor Zun is her opponent!
Others, even if they step into the emperor's realm, are not afraid.

"Master, you actually flinched like this?"

Seeing that the master gave up so much, Long Nu said a little unhappy.

According to her thinking, even if it is death, she should fight hard!
"Nine Nether Demon Emperor can't help us!"

Chaos Sky Ant said silently.

According to his calculations, the reason why the Mother of Chaos has no fear must be because she has absolutely controlled the key figures in it.

That is to say, it is absolutely impossible for the Demon Emperor Jiuyou to help them.

"Indeed, seeing how cowardly he is, he really doesn't deserve to be the opponent of Emperor Zun!"

After hearing this, the dragon girl agreed very much.

Demon Emperor Jiuyou was a little upset when he heard about it, but he couldn't refute it.

Because he is really too cowardly.

The feeling that Mother of Chaos gave him was really scary.

"Jiuyou, you would like to live under others, but Ben Wu Shang doesn't want to. Today is the only chance for Ben Wu Shang to take revenge!"

Just as the Nine Nether Demon Emperor was trying to coax me, suddenly a mocking sound came from the void.

That is the mutated soul of the first supremely accomplished powerhouse among the endless beings in the universe!

Although he is no longer that existence.

But in essence, he inherited the existence from that corpse.

Although the personalities are completely different, the hatred for the Mother of Chaos is the same.

Even if Jiuyou doesn't make a move, he still has to fight.


It is very likely to encounter the snipe of the Mother of Chaos again!
If Regal is the first enemy of the Mother of Chaos, he is the second enemy.

He would eventually inherit everything from the corpse and make the Mother of Chaos feel threatened again.

And now!
Dragon Girl, Chaos Sky Ant, and that Chaos Yellow Dog, together with him, this is the best lineup!

In addition, the Jiuyou Devil Emperor who is still watching the situation, if he sees that there is a chance to kill the Mother of Chaos, he will not believe that Jiuyou will really watch like this?

Therefore, the corpse soul seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, jumped out from the shadows, and was the first to strike.

In his opinion, as long as he successfully kills the Mother of Chaos, he will definitely be No.1 in the future.

What if it fails?
"Hmph, never fail!"

The soul of the corpse is filled with an invincible self-confidence.

An existence that can reach this stage, until the moment of real death, will not think about whether it will fail, but will only make a move with all its strength.

Jiuyou's cowardly mentality is not worthy of his heaven-defying strength.

So after Shi Hun thought of success, he must be No.1, that is, he didn't pay attention to Jiuyou at all.

"I didn't expect to cooperate with this person in the end. Could it be that Emperor Zun did something wrong?"

Qin Sirou and the others looked at the corpse that appeared, they naturally knew that Emperor Zun had confronted this person back then.

"An arrogant person with no one in his eyes, this should be the end!"

The soul of the corpse seemed to feel the eyes of Qin Sirou and others, and he was a little refreshed in his heart, so he also sneered at this moment.

At the beginning, he planned to communicate on an equal footing, but Li Yunfeng was merciless.

He has been holding a breath in his heart, and finally came out at this moment.

Thinking of this, his momentum became stronger.

The powerful and boundless attack power gives people the feeling that it is not inferior to the previous Emperor Zun and Yin Jia.

There is no doubt that the corpse soul at this moment has completely released all his power for this opportunity, just to defeat the mother of chaos.

Seeing this, Long Nu shot directly.

So is the yellow dog.

Although Chaos Sky Ant thought in his heart that he might still be defeated, it didn't mean he wouldn't make a move.

In an instant, the battle situation changed again.

The corpse soul is powerful and terrifying, even more terrifying than everyone imagined!
With the help of his physical body and his own soul power, he doesn't look like a so-called corpse soul at all.

Coupled with the assistance of the three Dragon Girls, they quickly gained the upper hand.

Although the winner will not be determined soon, but at this moment, hope is born out of despair.

"Hey, you finally made a move, you fool!"

After looking at it for a while, Demon Emperor Jiuyou finally made a move, and the corpse soul said with a smile as expected.

"Be careful……"

However, before the corpse soul finished speaking, the Chaos Sky Ant from the other direction suddenly shouted!
He has always felt that something is wrong, and has been paying attention to the movements of Demon Emperor Jiuyou.

Therefore, he immediately saw that something was wrong with Demon Emperor Jiuyou.

The Demon Emperor Jiuyou made a move, but he did so at the corpse.


Because of the reminder from the Chaos Sky Ant, the corpse soul was lucky not to be attacked.

"You are really willing to be a slave!"

There was an inconceivable expression in the corpse soul's eyes.

In his opinion, Demon Emperor Jiuyou may have no choice but to be under others, but if there is a great chance of not being under others, there will definitely be changes.

But it never occurred to him that he miscalculated.

The Demon Emperor Jiuyou seems to be determined to be the second child!
Such a person is really not worthy of achieving the supreme realm!
"Meet the Mother of Chaos!"

The Nine Nether Devil Emperor failed to strike, and he was not angry. Instead, he directly knelt down to the Mother of Chaos.

This move stunned Shihun and Yinjia.

Even though Demon Emperor Jiuyou said that he would never betray the Mother of Chaos, he seemed to regard himself as a subordinate of the Mother of Chaos.

However, looking at him like that, it doesn't seem real at all.

But now!

That's it!
This is complete surrender!

what is this?
"Do you really think that only Emperor Zun can create two quasi-supreme, but I can't?"

The Mother of Chaos sneered at everyone's stunned look.

"After all, I am stronger than him. Shining Armor is the fusion of the strongest blood between me and him. It is not surprising that the achievements are supreme."

"In addition, if he can cultivate two quasi-superiors, then I must be able to cultivate real supremes. This is why I am better than him, and it is also the reason for his defeat!"

The eyes of the Mother of Chaos are cold and electric at this moment, and there is a supreme arrogance in them. She is invincible after all!

At this moment, Demon Emperor Jiuyou sighed.

"I always thought that I was able to achieve the supreme because of my own supreme aptitude and savvy, and my unparalleled layout. I never thought that I was just a pawn! The so-called aptitude and savvy are all bestowed by the mother of chaos! "

Jiuyou was a little lonely. At the moment he just awakened, although his thoughts had not changed, he had become a puppet.

Only now did he realize that, like Shining Armor, he had been living in a false world.

Even worse!

Shining Armor can refuse to obey orders, but he doesn't have that qualification.

"What in the world is not given by me? Everyone's cultivation, including you, and even the current battle situation are all under the absolute control of my mother!"

The Mother of Chaos laughed wildly, exuding an incomparable aura all over her body!
She is invincible!
She believes that the quasi-superior cultivation, including the Dragon Lady and Chaos Sky Ant, was also indirectly bestowed by her.

All rules are made for her!

"It's time to end!"

The Mother of Chaos looked at everyone, and all these people would eventually become her nourishment.

bang bang bang...

Countless universes have been invaded.

The earth and the universe, after persevering for some time according to Li Yunfeng's order, after the death of Emperor Zun, everything was a cloud of smoke.

The earth and the universe are about to fall completely!

The catastrophe of chaos has reached its most intense moment.

Every second, countless universes are fragmented, and everything withers!

Dragon Girl, Chaos Sky Ant and others are also in danger at this moment.

Who can stop the joint attack of the Nine Nether Demon Emperor and the Mother of Chaos?
"Die! Maybe this is relief! After all, you don't have to be controlled by others anymore."

"And I'm not even qualified to die!"

An ice spear transformed from Demon Emperor Jiuyou's hands will penetrate Dragon Girl's temple in the next moment!
The dragon girl smiled miserably and closed her eyes, there was no way to avoid it!
However, as Demon Emperor Jiuyou said, this is indeed a relief!

It's just that she is still unwilling!
Chaos Sky Ant went crazy and wanted to save Dragon Girl.

However, the next moment, he was pinched by the mother of chaos like an ant, and the next moment, it seemed that he was about to die.


"Dragon girl!"

Everyone was shocked and shouted sadly.

After all, it is impossible to defy the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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