Chapter 2061
Because, she discovered that this is not a normal chaotic universe, but a person's inner world.

no doubt.

This world is the inner body world of the dead body.

She was cheated!

But the next moment, she was puzzled again.

"No, even if it is true as you said, how did you manage to prevent me from noticing the moment you entered the world of the corpse!"

"Since it is entering the world inside the body of a corpse, there must be a process of entering. I cannot fail to sense this process!"

"Because, the moment you enter, you must have entered from the chaotic universe, which belongs to my sensing range."

The eyes of the Mother of Chaos burst into light.

Here's what she found.

If the other party can't explain, maybe there is a turning point.

"It's very simple, because from the beginning to the end, there was no entry into this process."

"You thought you were entering the world of corpses and souls, but in fact this universe has always been the world of corpses and souls. Everything here is under my control."

"When I collected the Nine Nether Dao Fruit, I cut off the connection between this world and you!"

Li Yunfeng said lightly.

The Nine Nether Devil Emperor, from the beginning to the end, was a Dao fruit he cultivated.


it is ridiculous!

Whether he was swallowed by Jiuyou once, or this time he was swallowed by Jiuyou again.

It's all his layout.

The first engulfment made the other party not only engulf his strength, but also inherit his aptitude.

Of course, this kind of qualification is a hidden qualification, so it can't be too direct, otherwise there will be flaws.

In addition, the process of cultivating the Mother of Chaos secretly treating the Jiuyou Demon Emperor as her own.

The joint cultivation of two supremes also created a supreme.

Similar to Shining Armor Achievement Supreme.

Jiuyou is simply a pawn.

And both sides thought it was their pawn.

In fact, it is Li Yunfeng's chess piece after all, Li Yunfeng's chess is superior!

"Your world? Controlled by you?"

The corpse soul was stunned when he heard Li Yunfeng's words.

Isn't this his world?

How did it become Li Yunfeng's world?

Before, he had never done an in-depth examination of this universe.

Because, there are too many universes in the chaos.

Just like water droplets in the ocean.

How could a small drop of water catch his attention?

When Li Yunfeng said that this is the world of corpses and souls, he would naturally check it.

He is missing some memories of the corpse soul's predecessor, but if he actively detects it, he can still detect it.

After the test, he was extremely excited.

This world is still under his control!

Now everyone is in his internal world.

It can be said that his advantage at this moment is unparalleled.

as long as he wants.

At this moment, relying on his advantage of controlling the world inside his body, not to mention killing the Mother of Chaos, Li Yunfeng and the silver-armored boy.

He relied on his absolute control over the world to trap the three of them, and then slowly disintegrated and faded away. There was no problem.

In addition, the world wall of the inner body world is a supreme body, combined with the application of world rules, it is basically unbreakable.

From now on.

He is not only the controller of this inner world.

He is also the master of the outside world.

Because all the supremacy of the universe in the chaos has been trapped in his inner world.

He is the absolute master.

Thinking of this, he was excited!
As a result, Li Yunfeng said that he is the master of the world.

Straight away he was stunned.
In his opinion.

It was because he had no memory of this world that the world inside his body was unexpectedly in a semi-unowned state, which was briefly controlled by Emperor Zun.

Now he has regained control of the world.

Emperor Zun still dare to say that this is his world?

How ridiculous!

Just when he was about to teach Li Yunfeng a lesson.

The eyes of the Mother of Chaos flashed.

It was an iron fact that she was defeated by Li Yunfeng.

Her expectation now is that Li Yunfeng and Shihun will suffer both sides.

Then she took a chance and rushed out of this world.

As long as she rushed out, she didn't lose!

As long as she rushes out, even if Emperor Zun's cultivation base is stronger than hers, he may not be able to deal with her in the outside world!

What's more, whether Emperor Zun can go out is another matter.


But at this moment, Demon Emperor Jiuyou, after accepting the fact that he has fallen to the emperor state again, is completely insane.

He cried for a while, and laughed for a while.

He never imagined that his so-called talent from heaven was endowed by Li Yunfeng.

Especially when he thought of the look in the eyes of Li Yunfeng who was throwing him like a dead dog.

He can't take it at all!
That's looking down on the ants!


However, he has always regarded Li Yunfeng as an ant, but in fact, he is the real ant.


Jiuyou tore her hair and left in a frenzy.


The corpse soul sneered at Li Yunfeng's words in his heart, and was even more ready to make a move.

But in the end, I held back.

This person's calculations are against the sky, and even the mother of chaos was defeated by him.

He seriously doubted whether Li Yunfeng had a back hand.

For example, in the endless years, he has thoroughly studied his inner world, and even has a hidden layout, so the other party can escape from this world?

If so, he'd better not make Li Yunfeng an enemy.

However, he could find his real enemy, the Mother of Chaos, to practice his skills.

Test whether you really have complete control over the inner world.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Emperor Zun is obviously stronger than him now. If he is in the outside world, he must be only a younger brother.

If he absolutely controls the world, Emperor Zun will not be able to escape.

Then fight for a complete upper position!

Don't miss out!

He doesn't want to be inferior.

Thinking of this, he shot directly at the Mother of Chaos.

Seeing this, the Mother of Chaos felt a little aggrieved.

She naturally saw the corpse soul's thoughts again.

The persimmons are softly pinch!

She is that soft persimmon.

Time has passed, and she has become a persimmon?
She also shot a little angrily.

Although the world is inside the body of the corpse, the mother of chaos still has a strong fighting power and can temporarily contend against the corpse.


After all, it is still invincible!

She was trapped in a miniature world.

It takes some time to break through.

"After all, it is my world, without any flaws! Complete control!"

The corpse laughed.

After some testing, he was very satisfied.

"I'm afraid that what you have done will cause you to fall into the danger of other people's inner world, and this is the only way you can defeat the Mother of Chaos, right?"

"If you are not like this, I can predict that your final ending will be defeated by the Mother of Chaos, which will be miserable!"

"It will end the same as my previous life!"

"So, you chose to solve the Mother of Chaos in my inner world."

"Unfortunately, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. As everyone knows, your so-called calculation and layout are just my game in the game!"

During the test, the ghost also discovered a remarkable thing.

Dao Zun was not simply defeated, but purposefully defeated!
Dao Zun is the title of the predecessor of Corpse Soul!
Daozun is terrible.

In order to defeat the Mother of Chaos in the final layout, he took the initiative to show weakness and was killed, so that there would be no bones left.

Then it will be laid out for countless years, only to wait for another amazing and brilliant person in the world to achieve the highest, and then use the layout he left behind.

That is to use his internal body world to finally trap and kill the Mother of Chaos.

And he.

He is willing to die himself, just to arrange for his body to give birth to a corpse that may not be his own.

In the end, he re-entered the body with the soul of the corpse, and completed the Jedi counter-kill against the Mother of Chaos.

Dao Zun is amazing, this is a game within a game!

This game within the game is the information he discovered from a trace of extremely secret world origin when he was fighting the Mother of Chaos.

It is also Emperor Zun's backhand.

Emperor Zun ridiculously thought that he could escape from this world with a trace of the origin of this world, and then defeat him from the outside!

The corpse soul had unparalleled reverence for the Taoist priest.

this reverence,

Let him directly think that he is Dao Zun!

This may be another kind of rebirth of Dao Zun.

Scary and crazy one.

This suicidal layout is perfect and cruel.

At this moment, he has integrated the last trace of his origin.

He was completely alive, and the world inside his body was also completely perfected.

Let there be no flaws in his inner world at this moment.

and so.

Facing Li Yunfeng at this moment, he has unparalleled confidence.

Dao Zun Corpse Soul made another move.

Not only shot.

At the same time, he shot at the silver armor boy.

He wants to hit two at the same time!

Seeing Dao Zun's corpse attacking him.

Li Yunfeng's mouth was full of weird smiles.

"Dao Zun is a man of peerless beauty, but the corpse soul that was born is a complete idiot!"

When a miniature world fell on Li Yunfeng, Li Yunfeng just punched lightly, and the invincible miniature world exploded. He looked at Dao Zun's corpse coldly and said.

"How could this be?"

Dao Zun's corpse screamed in horror.

There was an unbelievable look in his eyes.

Although he knew that Li Yunfeng was very powerful, after all, he had backlash against the Demon Emperor Jiuyou, and this was his plan.

One plus one is far greater than two!
In terms of personal combat power, Li Yunfeng is truly No.1!
Beyond the Mother of Chaos!

But it shouldn't be so easy to smash his miniature world!
He said he was an idiot!
Did he do something wrong?
What caused this?
(End of this chapter)

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