The return of the immortal world

Chapter 2062 The wheel chapter is a constant

Chapter 2062 Reincarnation is a constant (finale)

The mother of chaos was also very shocked when she saw the miniature world that could trap herself, but was easily broken by Li Yunfeng.

Look at Regal's appearance.

I'm afraid it's not just her who is targeting the layout, even Daozun's layout has already been included in Li Yunfeng's calculations.

What's more, what about the so-called Taoist corpse soul?
"Is this the real father?"

Yinjia has always been extremely proud.

Don't take anyone seriously.

The other so-called Tianjiao have to push all the way to prove their strength.

But for these.

He has always been extremely disdainful.

The so-called horizontal pushing invincibility, in his opinion, is just a child's play.

Why did he bother to participate?

Therefore, in his opinion, there is no genius who can catch his eyes in the billions of worlds!
Even if it is the father in the mother's mouth, he can only let him take a look at it.

He thought that beating his father was easy!

But now!

He was shocked!

He found that he didn't know his father at all!
Even his mother, who gave birth to him only to deal with his father, probably didn't understand the horror of his father.

"Sir, it should be so!"

Shining Armor looked at his father and was extremely shocked.

His arrogance at this moment disappeared instantly under his father's supreme demeanor.


The reason why he is a genius is only because of his father.

What right does he have to be proud of?
"How could this be?"

Li Yunfeng looked at the corpse soul with a mocking look in his eyes, and gently repeated a sentence of the other party's words.

This corpse is so stupid!
Stupid to the extreme!
have to say.

Although the corpse soul is powerful, it is a little too naive!
The corpse soul looked at the way Li Yunfeng looked at himself.

He suddenly seemed to think of something.

"Could it be..."

He suddenly thought of how Emperor Zun easily defeated the small world. It seemed that it was not a burst of powerful force at all, but a reversal of the rules that controlled this world!

That is to say!

this world.

Not only controlled by him, but also controlled by Emperor Zun!

"You...what the hell is going on here? I can't figure out how you control my world. I clearly feel that this world is under my absolute control!"

The corpse soul looked at Li Yunfeng in disbelief and said.

"I'm not stupid enough to guess that this world is also under my control!"

Li Yunfeng smiled lightly.

"However, you are still stupid!"

Immediately afterwards, Li Yunfeng sneered again.

The soul of the corpse heard it, and its expression was miserable!
He guessed it right!

He would rather guess wrong!

Hearing Li Yunfeng say that he is still stupid, he is not angry anymore, but his heart is full of fear!

This time, he couldn't even think of how stupid he was.

"That's it!"

Seeing that the corpse soul couldn't be guessed, Li Yunfeng felt a little boring, so he wanted to speak directly.

"I may know where you are stupid!"

The Mother of Chaos suddenly spoke.

"you know?"

The corpse soul looked at the Mother of Chaos, and while speaking, directly released the Mother of Chaos.

Now he doesn't have the slightest confidence in facing Li Yunfeng. He needs to join hands with the Mother of Chaos to have some confidence.

However, after the Mother of Chaos was released, there was no joy on her face.

She clearly knows at this moment that she has been completely defeated since she stepped into this world.

The terrifying emperor, the layout of countless years, she can't break it!

She said lightly: "Dao Zun, I have met him, the first real opponent in my life. He is scheming, ruthless and decisive. If he defeats me, the chaotic world may become even darker."

"This is an existence that can sacrifice everything for oneself. It is extremely terrifying!"

The mother of chaos said no more.

If the corpse soul still doesn't understand at this point, then there's no need to explain.

After all, with a fool, what more to say?

"You mean? The information left in the information he left me is also false."

"Is it impossible for him to sacrifice himself to fulfill a corpse that was born after birth?"

When the corpse heard this, the fear on his face was undisguised.

He frantically probed himself.

Then he used all his strengths, as if he wanted to completely separate himself from Dao Zun!

How is this possible?

From the moment he appeared, he has been merging with Dao Zun all the time!
"Actually, what you said is not entirely correct!"

Li Yunfeng suddenly looked at the Mother of Chaos, and said.

"It should be. I was right about not expecting it. You are the easiest person to make specious things. If it weren't for this, how could I lose?"

Mother of Chaos said very calmly.

However, there was still some curiosity in the eyes.

She wanted to know where she went wrong.

"If you are not so stupid, in fact, it is not impossible for you to replace Dao Zun!"

"If you don't rush to complete the fusion, but rely on your existing strength to slowly devour the fusion, you will become a real Daoist sooner or later!"

"But the fact is, it's not like that!"

Li Yunfeng shook his head, and said to the corpse.

"Is this where I went wrong?"

The Mother of Chaos was so surprised, she had no idea that this place was wrong.

Dao Zun, the kind of existence between heaven and earth where everything can be sacrificed, will give the corpse soul the opportunity to inherit everything from him?
Is he willing to really die?
This is unbelievable!
"Hey, if it wasn't for you, how could he be so unscrupulous?"

Li Yunfeng sighed suddenly when he saw Mother of Chaos' unbelievable expression.

"What do you mean?"

The Mother of Chaos suddenly constricted her pupils, but the next moment, she continued: "You mean, everything he showed was deliberately done in order to deal with me in the final game?"

"That's right, that's true. Instead of letting those who are going to sacrifice meaninglessly because of your achievements, it's more meaningful to sacrifice to kill you!"

Li Yunfeng looked at the Mother of Chaos and said indifferently.

"I see……"

The mother of chaos felt sad for a while.

The so-called Taoist who is darker than her and unscrupulous is actually pretending on purpose.

She was very convinced of her defeat.


Li Yunfeng turned his head sharply, looking at the corpse soul!

"If you can be a sensible ghost, you won't be wronged if you die..."

Li Yunfeng looked at the corpse and said.

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly changed.

He became serious!
Become somewhat looking forward to!

"Daoist, I have admired you for a long time in the upper reaches of time and space. Now, you and I can finally meet for real. Come back!"

Li Yunfeng said with great anticipation.

"Ah... no... I am the real Daoist..."

At this moment, the corpse soul's face became distorted, and he howled in pain!

Under the hands of a real boss, he is as strong as a corpse and has no power to resist!

He struggled, but finally there was no sound!
The appearance of the corpse remains the same, but the breath has completely changed.

He smiled lightly and walked slowly towards Li Yunfeng.

Every step he takes is the breath of Tao!

"Downstream in time and space, lucky to have you!"

"This world is finally peaceful!"

Dao Zun clasped his hands and said to Li Yunfeng.

Dao Zun looked at Li Yunfeng with incomparable admiration!


The two hugged each other, flattered each other, and burst out laughing.

Suddenly, the two looked at the Mother of Chaos at the same time.

Although the Mother of Chaos was ready to face everything, she couldn't help but tremble at this moment.


After hundreds of chaotic epochs...

In endless chaos!

Chaos for the chessboard!
The universe is a pawn!
Everything in the world is changing in the hands of Emperor Zun and Dao Zun.

And the master of the past, the mother of chaos.

At this moment, she looks like a maid, wearing a sky blue dress and a pink hairpin, she looks a little girly.

She was carrying a chaotic teapot, from which poured the water of chaos.

Chaos water.

One drop can pierce the body of the Immortal Emperor to death!
Even if it is supreme, it is hard to stop!
But now!

Emperor Zun and Dao Zun are used for drinking!

extremely scary.

"I always thought that being supreme is the limit. Dao Zun and Emperor Zun, even if they surpass me, are at most slightly stronger. In the end, I still underestimated them. Without my interception in the lower reaches of time and space, their cultivation base is the real one. outbreak."

"At this moment, only hundreds of chaotic eras have passed. Now, even if I have returned to the peak of the past, I am afraid that I am not the enemy of any of them!"

The eyes of the Mother of Chaos flickered, and she looked at the two with admiration.

Only now did she know.

The reason why Emperor Zun has been fighting with her for so long is because she is that checkpoint!
Passed her level.

Even if she flatters her, she can't keep up!

They are not at the same level in essence!

"It's another era. You and I haven't decided the winner yet. The universes have changed a lot, right?"

Dao Zun took a sip of Chaos tea, then smiled lightly.


Li Yunfeng was about to drop the cosmic chess piece between his fingers, but suddenly, he was surprised.

He discovered that the universe in his hand was actually the earth universe!
"It has changed, and the earth has returned to its original state!"

Li Yunfeng discovered that the earth is similar to the original one.

Although there is no chaos catastrophe now.

But all things, stars, and the chaos of the universe have reincarnation, and reincarnation is a constant!

In a chaotic era, various changes will occur on the earth.

What's more, it has been hundreds of epochs now.

It's just that it has become the same as before, which surprised Li Yunfeng.

But the next moment, Li Yunfeng was even more surprised!
He found that his wives were even earlier than he discovered the earth, and most of them went to the earth to play.

"Forget it, forget it, it's a close call between you and me, I won't play anymore, but I still have a bunch of beauties waiting for me, you single dog, go play by yourself, hahaha!"

Li Yunfeng didn't make a move.

After finishing speaking, he directly hugged the waist of the Mother of Chaos, then took the Pot of Chaos from the hand of the Mother of Chaos, and drank it down in one gulp.

At this time, even Li Yunfeng's face turned red, he laughed and left.

Dao Zun smiled wryly and shook his head, looking at Emperor Zun with some envy.

"Forget it, let me also experience the world of mortals!"

Dao Zun turned into a wisp of smoke, casually submerged into a universe, and disappeared...

Ps: The finale!

(End of this chapter)

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