Chapter 27 Proof
When going to work the next day, Su Xiaoru's face was very unsightly, and she ignored Li Yunfeng all the way, and she didn't want Li Yunfeng to block people for him when she got on the subway, and squeezed directly into the crowd of women.

"Haha, I didn't expect me, Li Yunfeng, to be so charming. It's only been a few days since I've been back to Earth, and there is a girl who likes me!" Li Yunfeng was secretly happy when he saw Su Xiaoru's appearance.

Seeing Su Xiaoru running to the other side, Li Yunfeng didn't go there either, and leaned on an armrest to play with his mobile phone. This place is about half an hour away from his work place. Without the appreciation of beauty, he can only play with his mobile phone.

In about 10 minutes, the subway passed two platforms, and a young woman in jeans and a colorful shirt came in. She was about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a ponytail on her head. It seems that he should still be reading.

Seeing that there was no seat, the woman supported the armrest that Li Yunfeng was leaning on, took a latest model of orange mobile phone in her hand, and started playing.

At another platform, the subway stopped. Some people got on and some people got off. At this time, a seat became vacant, and the young woman sat down quickly, not much worse than the speed of the [-]-meter champion.

The subway started again, but within 2 minutes, the young woman who was sitting down stood up, and then picked up the orange mobile phone that had been operated on and threw it at the man next to her.

"Bang!" The man was dizzy from being hit.

"Pervert, touch my thigh!" The woman stood up and yelled the moment she smashed the phone.

Everyone was immediately attracted by the young woman and the smashed man, and Li Yunfeng was no exception.

"Why did I touch you, don't talk nonsense, or I will sue you for defamation!"

A man in his 30s with a little beard on his mouth stood up, rubbed his head and said, obviously he was hit hard.

"I didn't touch anything. At first you just put your hand close to my thigh and didn't move it. Then I didn't pay much attention. After all, it's so crowded, I can't say you touched me, but after a while, your hand rubbed next to my thigh. Get up, as long as you are not a fool, you will know that you are deliberately taking advantage of me!" The young woman pointed at the man and scolded.

"Did you touch you when you said I touched you? Has anyone seen it? Today you smashed me for no reason, and you have to accompany me at least 1000 yuan, otherwise I will sue you for slander and intentional injury! At worst, call the police." The man was confident. Said.

"What, do you want me to lose money?"

The young woman's face was flushed with anger, and she was about to pick up the cross-body bag on her shoulder and throw it at the man. Obviously, the young woman had a very violent temper and would fight if she disagreed with her.

The man was prepared, and naturally he would not be hit again. He just pushed hard and pushed the young woman out, almost falling down.

"You still want to hit someone. You deliberately slandered me today and even hit me with your mobile phone. Let me tell you, if you don't lose money today, don't even think about going out!"

The man said very fiercely, coupled with his body of at least 1.8 meters [-] and his bulging muscles, he looked very intimidating.

At this time, the young woman was finally a little scared, and she was still crying: "He really touched me just now, and then I hit him because I was so angry!"

The young woman said to the people around. Although the people around believed what the young woman said, but looking at the man's strong body, they obviously didn't want to cause trouble, and no one stood out.

Seeing this, Li Yunfeng was also a little speechless. To be honest, he didn't want to care about such trivial matters.

However, seeing that the woman was about the same age as the younger sister, Li Yunfeng thought that the younger sister was bullied by these people on the first day of her arrival, so she frowned at this time, and was ready to attack.

For him, this is just as easy as it goes, and it will hardly take any effort.

Li Yunfeng was about to make a move when someone suddenly stood up.

Seeing this, Li Yunfeng stopped temporarily.

"I, I, I can prove that you did touch this girl! And I have proof."

A thin man wearing glasses and less than 1.7 meters tall suddenly stood up and said with some stammer and fear.

"Okay, you prove it, how do you prove it? If you can't prove it, look, I won't blow your glasses off with one punch!"

Seeing that someone really stood up, the man said angrily.

But when he saw that it was just a thin young man, he felt very disdainful. This kid must have the guts of a leopard.

The thin man was so frightened by the strong man in front of him that he dared not speak, so he was about to step back. Obviously, facing such a tall and strong man, the momentary courage disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Just prove it, as long as it is confirmed that this man molested this little girl, I will never let him go!"

At this time, a person behind him pressed the shoulder of the man with glasses, preventing him from retreating.

The man with glasses looked at the man behind him. The man who came out suddenly was not much lower than the strong man in front. Although he didn't look very strong, he wasn't thin either.

This person is naturally Li Yunfeng. Since the thin man in front of him said that he has evidence, that's even better. Li Yunfeng doesn't like beating people indiscriminately. He prefers to beat people after he has occupied the word of reason, which will be more enjoyable.

Li Yunfeng has always liked to convince people with 'reason'.

"I just secretly took a video with my mobile phone, and I'm going to upload it on the Internet!" The man took out his mobile phone and said to Li Yunfeng.

When the strong man heard this, panic flashed in his eyes, and he hurried to snatch the thin man's cell phone.

But Li Yunfeng is here, how can he make him happy?

With a slap that came later, the man's hand was blocked back, and then he took the thin man's cell phone.

Seeing that Li Yunfeng was not afraid of strong men at all, the thin man's face flashed with joy. It seemed that the man behind him was also a tough man.

Li Yunfeng didn't talk nonsense, and directly opened the video made by the thin man, which was similar to what the woman said.

The man first moved his body to get as close to the woman as possible, then touched the woman slightly, and finally added a little more movement. At the last second, the young woman exploded and directly smashed her orange mobile phone at the man's head.

"Do you have anything to say now?" Li Yunfeng smiled at the man while holding the video.

"The subway shakes badly, and I have hyperthyroidism and my hands shake easily. It doesn't prove that I touched her."

The man was a little flustered at first, but he calmed down a lot after watching the video, because he shot from a tricky angle, and the other party's video was not realistic, so even if he refused to admit it, even if the police came, there was nothing they could do about him.

(End of this chapter)

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