Chapter 28 Uncle?

"Hold your mobile phone!" Li Yunfeng laughed a little angrily, and returned the mobile phone to the thin and bespectacled man.

"Yeah!" The thin and thin glasses man took the phone and stepped aside.

"Brother, you look good, you are tall and strong!" Li Yunfeng suddenly said to the man inexplicably.

The thin man originally thought that Li Yunfeng would help the young woman out after watching the video, not to mention beating him up, at least he would restrain her and let the police handle it.

But now it seems that this person suddenly changed his tone, is he also afraid?Ready to back off?

A look of disappointment flashed across the skinny man's eyes, but it was hard to accuse him of anything.

After all, isn't he the same scared?At least the other party stood up and supported him.

"Hey, why are you like this, you are blind and then retreat temporarily."

The skinny man with glasses didn't say anything, but that pungent young woman couldn't control that much, and directly said disappointedly to Li Yunfeng that this man was not as fierce as her.

"Hehe, don't rush, don't rush!" Li Yunfeng waved his hands, but just stared at the strong man in front of him.

Some of the people around him also hid there and said: "If you don't want to stand out, you have to come out and pretend to be aggressive, what an idiot!"

"Yeah, I either don't stand out, and if I want to stand out, I must show up to the end!" Some people think so deeply, feeling that their image has suddenly become ten thousand feet higher.

"The little girl is right. This guy is just a coward, and he is impotent. He can't last long in the middle!" Someone laughed.

All kinds of people pointed out Li Yunfeng's behavior and thought they were great.


When the girl heard this, she couldn't help it, and said loudly: "He is a coward, you are even more cowardly idiots than cowards!"

The people around were immediately unhappy, and they said to the young woman, "What are you talking about, the little girl? What I said is the truth!"

"Yeah, if I didn't have to go to work and was afraid of being late later, I would definitely show up!"

"Yes, we all have jobs, families, and responsibilities. I am responsible for my family!" Someone said righteously.

"You, you..."

The young woman didn't know what to say, and when she saw the people around her, she immediately felt extremely disgusted. On the other hand, the thin glasses man and Li Yunfeng who had stepped forward and retreated before were much more pleasing to the eye.

"Ha ha!"

The strong man sneered when he saw that the people on the subway ignored him as the protagonist and attacked each other instead.

"Are you laughing? Didn't you hear what I just asked you?" Li Yunfeng suddenly lowered his face and shouted at the strong man.

Seeing Li Yunfeng staring at him firmly, the strong man felt a bit of chill, and even felt a little scared at this moment.

"Damn, if you ask me, I will answer. Who are you?"

The strong man felt his own fear and stood up directly. He was so strong, why should he be afraid of this man?He yelled at Li Yunfeng, as if it would give him courage.

"You look like a human, but you are not as good as a beast!"

Li Yunfeng's words were like the harsh winter, which made the man shudder, and even made him feel like running away.

"The xx station is here, passengers who arrive a little bit, please get ready to get off!"

The arrival reminder of the subway rang, and the strong man felt a little guilty at this moment, so he was about to squeeze to the door and get off.
"Did I let you go?"

With a stride, Li Yunfeng grabbed one of the man's shoulders and made the man stop.

The man subconsciously wanted to fight back, and he swung his fist directly at Li Yunfeng's face.

"Be careful!" exclaimed the young woman.


Li Yunfeng didn't even use the other hand, the hand holding the man's shoulder with one hand directly exerted force and pressed down hard.

The man was in pain, and the hand that was attacking Li Yunfeng's face also stopped in mid-air.

Li Yunfeng continued to exert strength, and with one hand turned slightly, he fell the man to the subway corridor.

The whole movement was done in one go, and Li Yunfeng stepped on the man's back with one foot.

The man wanted to resist, but he felt that the foot on his back was as heavy as a mountain, and he couldn't even move it a little bit.

The man was terrified, knowing that he had offended the iron plate this time.

"Wow, uncle is so handsome!"

The young woman screamed immediately. The scene just now was just like an action movie in a TV series. A grabbing, spinning, falling down and pressing her back, was so handsome, little stars appeared in the young woman's eyes.

"Am I that old?"

Li Yunfeng rolled his eyes and said.

His current appearance is exactly the same as that of the earth five years ago when he graduated, how could he become an uncle.

"Uncle, do you know martial arts? Can you teach me, so I won't be afraid of bullying by these perverts in the future!"

The young woman didn't seem to hear what he said, she directly took Li Yunfeng's arm and said to Li Yunfeng with an expectant look on her face.

"A little bit, but you were so cruel just now that you don't know martial arts. You just hit him with your mobile phone when someone touched you a few times. If you taught you martial arts, wouldn't you beat him to death with one punch!"

Li Yunfeng broke the young woman's arm while talking, otherwise the younger sister would smell it and talk nonsense, not to mention there was Su Xiaoru not far away who was still sulking.

If it's what I like, then that's fine, but I'm not interested in this kind of kid who hasn't fully developed, so I didn't hesitate to break the young woman's hand off, if the one holding his hand is the female president , that's another matter.

"People are usually very gentle. Didn't someone say it before? You should treat your friends as warm as spring, and treat your enemies as cruel and ruthless as severe winter. I only punish bad people after learning martial arts. You don't have to worry about this uncle at all." !"

The young woman said unwillingly, and put her hands on Li Yunfeng's arm again!

"Actually, I don't know any martial arts at all. I just train my muscles to be stronger. If you have the same muscles as me, you can be so powerful!"

Li Yunfeng was annoyed by this young woman, so he stretched out an arm helplessly, mustering his strength, the muscles on the arm seemed very hard.

"Oh no!"

The young woman looked at Li Yunfeng's arm with horror on her face. The man was alright, his muscles looked masculine and gave people a sense of security, but if she developed muscles, what would it be?
Thinking of this, the young woman shuddered and shook her head hastily, she was not interested in practicing martial arts immediately, and at the same time let go of Li Yunfeng's arm.

"Brother, let me go, I don't dare to take advantage of others again!" The man on the ground struggled for a long time, but he couldn't move a single point.

So he didn't believe Li Yunfeng's explanation at all. My muscles are obviously bigger than yours, and my arms are also stronger than yours. Why can't I do one move? You are obviously a person with martial arts.

"Hmph, it's best to be like this. Next time I find this kind of situation, I'll just kick you out of the way, so there will be no future troubles." Li Yunfeng said coldly to the man at his feet.

"Okay, brother, let me go, I will be a good man in the future!" The strong man nodded hurriedly and said, he just wanted to get out of this devil's foot as soon as possible.

"It's good to know!" Li Yunfeng let go of his feet, then pulled the clothes on the man's back and walked towards the door.

"Brother, what are you doing, didn't you say let me go!" the man shouted in panic.

"People like you must teach you a lesson you will never forget, otherwise you will be revived in a short time!" Li Yunfeng said to the man in his hand.

At this time, the train arrived at the station and the door opened. Li Yunfeng was standing at the entrance of the subway with the man in his hand. When he saw that no one was getting on the train, he directly threw the man out of the subway door.

"Aw!" A earth-shattering scream sounded, and the subway started again.

At this time, those people in the subway who had mocked Li Yunfeng before all looked at Li Yunfeng and squeezed to the back or the front carriage. If he was jealous of himself and threw them out, it would be so painful, wouldn't it? Was thrown to death?

This is simply a super-violent maniac. Compared with this young man when the little girl dropped her phone, what kind of violence is that?
"My uncle, you are so handsome, what is your name and what do you do, uncle! I want to chase you!"

The young woman first looked at Li Yunfeng with a dumbfounded face, then said very excitedly, and took Li Yunfeng's arm again.

The thin man behind also touched the muscles of his arm silently, thinking in his heart that I also want to train a body of strong muscles, such a person is a real man, and the thin man with glasses looked at Li Yunfeng adoringly.

What Li Yunfeng didn't know was that his perfunctory action to deal with the little girl created a muscular man with glasses in the days to come, and this muscular man with glasses finally felt powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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