The return of the immortal world

Chapter 29 Ye Feng Injured

Chapter 29 Ye Feng Injured
Along the way, the young woman chattered non-stop, asking Li Yunfeng this and that, Li Yunfeng really had a headache, so he had to honestly explain his situation.

However, the young woman was still dissatisfied, and finally asked for Li Yunfeng's mobile phone number before giving up. Li Yunfeng also saved the young woman's mobile phone number in the mobile phone under the young woman's strong request.

Not to mention, the quality of Orange's mobile phone is not bad, so it hit the wretched man on the head so vigorously, and then fell to the ground, it still didn't help at all.

Without Li Yunfeng asking, the young woman introduced herself, just like Li Yunfeng thought, she was in high school.

The young woman's name is Qi Yanran. She is 17 years old, one year younger than her younger sister. She has just finished her second year of high school. After the summer vacation, she will be the last year of high school. What's more, the most coincidental thing is that she and her younger sister go to the same school, both in Minglou One.

Finally arrived at the station, Li Yunfeng ran out in a hurry, this little girl is simply a little devil, his head swelled from the noise.

After going out, Li Yunfeng waited beside the subway gate for Su Xiaoru to come out.

"Oh, that's amazing. I hooked up with a primary school girl again. She is young, lively and beautiful, and she also likes you. When are you going to open a room and eat up this little girl?" Su Xiaoru came out and found Li Yunfeng next to her, Said sarcastically.

"What are you talking about, Xiaoru?" Li Yunfeng sweated a little. Does he seem like the kind of person who is hungry?This is still a little kid!

"Humph." Su Xiaoru was stunned for a moment, and for the first time realized that Li Yunfeng was not calling herself Sister Ru, but Xiaoru. She was a little happy in her heart. Although calling Sister Ru sounded very prestigious before, she always felt as if she was older than him. Much the same.

But because of face, I felt that I couldn't forgive him for fooling around in the bar so early, so I still snorted to express my displeasure.

After arriving at the company, Li Yunfeng found that Wang Hai was standing at the door early, waiting for the president to arrive.

Li Yunfeng smiled and said hello, then went up to swipe his card to go to work, and a beautiful and comfortable day began again.

One morning, Li Yunfeng processed a few documents, then hid in a corner to play with his mobile phone, read novels, and occasionally flirt with girls in the office. It was so much fun.

It soon changed to lunch time at noon. On the way to the cafeteria at noon, Li Yunfeng considered whether to sit with the president. Would Su Xiaoru be unhappy seeing this?
In the end, Li Yunfeng decided to forget it, and to be a down-to-earth person, don't be so ambitious, first take Su Xiaoru down.

President, you can go after him secretly first, as for giving up, that's impossible. A super beauty like Lin Qianmeng has her own unique fragrance skills, so she can't just be humiliated by any pig. A handsome and capable man.

"Hey." Thinking of this, Li Yunfeng smiled faintly.

"Hey, boy, I didn't expect it to be true, you boy actually robbed me of a woman!" Li Yunfeng suddenly realized that someone had tapped him on the back of his shoulder, and when he turned around, it was Wang Hai, the boy.

"I'm very honest, I will never lie to my friends!" Li Yunfeng smiled nonchalantly.

"Okay, let's see who can catch up with the president!" Wang Hai looked at Li Yunfeng with some contempt, he thought that Li Yunfeng was not his opponent at all, how handsome and suave he is.

"Let's eat! I won't sit with the president today, I'll give you the chance." Li Yunfeng said to Wang Hai very hypocritically.

"Um, are you afraid? Are you aware that you are beyond your control?" Wang Hai laughed.

"Let's think so!" Li Yunfeng smiled very mysteriously. He was afraid that Su Xiaoru's misunderstanding of him would worsen, and he also lacked confidence in chasing two women at the same time, so it could be understood as being overweight.

"It's good to know! But anyway, there are so many opponents, it doesn't matter if you have one more, you don't have to worry about it."

At this time, Wang Hai began to persuade Li Yunfeng instead. Indeed, many people in Jingnan City are interested in Lin Qianmeng, but Lin Qianmeng seems to be completely uninterested in these rich second generations, and even pays little attention to them. That's why Wang Hai came here. Be a security guard.

The two entered the cafeteria together, and President Lin did not come down after finishing the meal. The two found a place to sit down, and President Lin did not come over until the meal was over.

It wasn't until after eating that Wang Hai asked a security guard on duty that he knew that President Lin had just left.

"Oh, why do I memorize it like this!" Wang Hai was speechless, and it was not a good sign that he got off to a bad start the first time.

"With me here, I advise you to give up President Lin, you have no chance!" Li Yunfeng said to Wang Hai very seriously.

"Get out!" Wang Hai didn't believe it, and laughed and scolded Li Yunfeng very disdainfully.

"Okay, that's up to you!" Li Yunfeng went upstairs after speaking.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Li Yunfeng felt as if something had happened. The employees of the finance department kept going out, and finally there were not many left inside.

"What's going on?" Li Yunfeng followed the crowd out and found that they were all going downstairs.

Li Yunfeng walked to the corridor outside the office area, and then looked down through the glass, and found that there was a man covered in blood lying on the ground, his body still shaking occasionally.

"Ye Feng!" Li Yunfeng was taken aback and ran down the stairs.

"Yunfeng, you're here, come and see what's wrong with Ye Feng, I don't know why he's injured so badly, he's already unconscious!" When Su Xiaoru turned around to look for Li Yunfeng in the crowd, she saw Li Yunfeng walking over , said hastily.

Because Su Xiaoru remembered that Li Yunfeng said that he knew medical skills.

"Okay, I got it!" Li Yunfeng nodded without saying much, and hurriedly pushed through the crowd and walked to Ye Feng's side.

"Let's make room, Li Yunfeng knows medical skills, let him have a look." Su Xiaoru was also helping to clear the way, shouting as she walked.

At this time, the ambulance outside also arrived, and several medical staff came over carrying the weight.

Li Yunfeng was about to use his spiritual power to check Ye Feng's body, but suddenly a voice sounded.

"Don't move the injured person. He is seriously injured. Without professional medical knowledge, it is easy to aggravate the injured person's injury and even lead to death!" A middle-aged doctor who just got off the ambulance shouted loudly.

"He suffered an internal injury. If you were on the operating table now, you might still be able to rescue the injured, but now you are not on the operating table. If you move a little, the injured may die immediately, even if the patient's physique can persist. It will take a little longer, but it will definitely not last until the hospital!" Li Yunfeng knew what was going on as soon as he saw Ye Feng's face.

"Are you a medical student?" The middle-aged doctor looked at the condition of the injured, and his judgment was basically the same as that of Li Yunfeng. The situation of the injured is indeed not optimistic, but it is impossible to just let him lie here. It is also certain to die.

(End of this chapter)

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