The return of the immortal world

Chapter 31 Then you die!

Chapter 31 Then you die!

"Where is the approximate location of the Wang family's villa in the suburbs?" Li Yunfeng turned to ask Wang Hai.

"In the western suburbs, you can see it just a little past the end of Qingyun Avenue, and it is built against the mountain!" Wang Hai replied.

"Okay, I got it!" Li Yunfeng ran out of the company after finishing speaking.

Just as Wang Hai was about to say something, he noticed that Li Yunfeng ran out with a stride, much faster than the [-]-meter champion Bolt.

Wang Hai was dumbfounded, what kind of friend did he make?

After Li Yunfeng left the company gate, he was also a little anxious inside. He couldn't care too much at this time, and let go of his speed to run. Once he let go of his speed, he was much faster than the speed of a top sports car.

Pedestrians who were walking on the road felt a gust of wind blowing around them, and then looked forward, only to find that there was only a black shadow, and then disappeared.

"What is that?" Pedestrians on the road were dumbfounded.

"Dad, look, Superman!" A child in the back seat of a car said to the man driving in front.

"What?" The man looked back at the direction the little boy was pointing, but saw nothing.


But suddenly the car vibrated violently, and his body also leaned forward violently.

He looked straight ahead, wanted to cry but chased after him.

"Super your father!" The man cursed very depressed.


The outskirts of the city are becoming more and more remote at this time, and there are fewer and fewer vehicles on the road.

At this time, a red Ferrari sports car was driving rapidly, and a Maserati and a Porsche behind were chasing desperately. Obviously, these three people were racing.

The owner of the red Ferrari is the little girl Qi Yanran that Li Yunfeng saw on the subway during the day. At this time, she is more unrestrained and hotter than when she was on the subway. She is dressed in red and equipped with a red Ferrari sports car. Melted into one.

Qi Yanran looked at the rearview mirror at this moment, seeing the two cars getting farther and farther away from her, she felt even more proud.

"If you don't help me buy a car, I won't have a car to drive. No way, this girl hooks her hands and drives a lot of luxury cars casually. These rich second generations are really useless. They drive supercars every day, but they can't compare to me !" Qi Yanran looked at the two sports cars behind her and said to herself, her tone full of contempt.

"Everyone is soft-legged shrimp, uncle is better! How masculine!" Qi Yanran suddenly remembered the uncle in the morning, so she said.

Qi Yanran looked at the rearview mirror again, and suddenly found a person chasing him.

"I buy it, isn't this uncle? Why is he chasing me!" Qi Yanran was stunned.

Although Li Yunfeng's speed was a bit faster than a sports car, but not too much, so under the influence of relative speed, Qi Yanran could tell it was Li Yunfeng at a glance.

"I buy it, I buy it, why does uncle seem to be running faster than my Ferrari!" Qi Yanran looked at the rearview mirror again in disbelief, and said in a daze.

"Boom!" Qi Yanran felt a gust of wind blowing across the car, taking advantage of her stunned moment, Li Yunfeng directly overtook the Ferrari.

"Uncle, wait for me!" Qi Yanran finally came to her senses, and saw that the uncle had already rushed in front of her sports car.

But Li Yunfeng was anxious to save others at this time, so he didn't notice Qi Yanran in the car at all.

Qi Yanran drove the Ferrari sports car to the extreme speed, and finally Li Yunfeng disappeared in front of her eyes.

"Is Uncle really a human?" Qi Yanran stopped the sports car by the side of the road and stared blankly ahead, not even thinking about racing.

At this time, the two sports cars behind also came over, and immediately asked Qi Yanran if she saw that pervert, Qi Yanran nodded blankly, and said that she had passed her Ferrari, and she didn't know where she went.

The two young people also looked at each other. It was the first time they saw people running faster than cars. If they were to participate in the Olympics at this speed, how many championships would they have to win?How many world records have been broken?
At this time, Li Yunfeng naturally didn't care what the people behind him said, he had already arrived at the Jiang family villa.

At this time, there were two men with blue skin and swollen faces standing guard at the gate of the villa. They must have been beaten by Ye Feng when he came over.

"Who are you?" The two black-clothed men shouted fiercely at Li Yunfeng, but with the bruise on the faces of the black-clothed men, it looked very funny.

"Is Lin Qianmeng here?" Li Yunfeng asked directly.

"Yeah, what's the matter, you came to save him too?" A man in black looked at Li Yunfeng with disdain, and then said.

"Get out of the way, or don't blame me for being rude." After confirming, Li Yunfeng said directly without talking nonsense.

"So what if you don't get out of the way?" One of the men in black said disdainfully, but touched the wound on his face, and felt a little fear in his heart. Who knows if this is a pervert, but no matter how perverted, it is hard to return Can it be better than Yue Boniu?
"A man came here just now, but in the end he ran away in a desperate manner. The people here are not something you can afford. Now kneel down and beg for mercy like us, calling Grandpa, I can let you go!"

Another big man in black also said with an ugly face, what day is today?All kinds of cats and dogs came to bully him.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance. If you don't know how to cherish it, you won't have a chance to regret it." Li Yunfeng walked over directly with a very gloomy face. Since he gave these people a chance and they don't cherish it, then he will never be merciful. This is You brought death upon yourself.

"You're considered old..." Before the man in black finished speaking, Li Yunfeng rushed over.

"You have no chance!" Li Yunfeng strode forward, grabbed the neck of a big man in black with one hand, twisted it lightly, and the two big men fell silent again, and the hostility of thousands of years erupted directly at this moment.

"Young man, have a few tricks!" Suddenly a somewhat hoarse voice came, and a middle-aged man who seemed to be about 50 years old appeared in the courtyard of the villa.

"You've got some tricks too!" Li Yunfeng looked at the person in front of him, it was the Uncle Yue that Jiang Chen was talking about.

Li Yunfeng attacked unexpectedly before, so Yue Bo didn't know Li Yunfeng.

"Hehe, just now there was a young man who was so confident, but in the end he was seriously injured and escaped. I believe he would not survive. Are you the second one?" Yue Bo said with a light smile, his face very confident.

"You should be that young man's teammate! It seems that your breath is stronger than that kid, but you are still not my opponent. The horror of our Jiang family is beyond your imagination. Since you are here today, don't leave !"

Uncle Yue's face turned a little cold, the so-called King of Soldiers by Fan Chen repeatedly provoked the Jiang family, and even wounded the young master.

"It seems that you have forgotten the lessons of the previous two days. Since your brain is not good, then go to hell! There is no need to live in this world anymore." , his aura is powerful.

"You, you are that mysterious person!" Uncle Yue suddenly turned pale, as if remembering something terrible.

"Impossible. The kid just said clearly that he doesn't know any seniors at all. The senior who attacked me must have just passed by. It can't be you. You are just his teammate. Even if you are stronger, How strong can it be?" Yue Bo shouted in disbelief.

"It's just your wishful thinking!" Li Yunfeng said with a sneer.

"I don't believe it!" Yue Bo said hysterically, but his footsteps were gradually retreating, obviously he was afraid.

"Boy, although you are strong, the strength of our Jiang family is beyond what you can imagine. I am just a servant, and I am not considered a strong person in the clan. Our patriarch has half a foot in the innate, and the innate is strong." The terror of the perpetrators is beyond your imagination!" Seeing that Li Yunfeng showed no sign of retreating, Yue Bo moved out of the Jiang family.

"Have you finished speaking?" Li Yunfeng stopped suddenly and said lightly.

"It's over, why, are you scared?" Uncle Yue was taken aback for a moment, and then said happily, feeling relieved in his heart.

"It's over, then go die!" Li Yunfeng's expression was very indifferent. He usually looks very easy-going, but his heart is very violent. As long as someone is agitated, or after killing someone, the demonic nature of the past will be out of control Fully break out and become a real demon!
(End of this chapter)

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