The return of the immortal world

Chapter 32 Arrive in Time

Chapter 32 Arrive in Time
"Death!" Li Yunfeng yelled lightly, and directly attacked Yue Bo.

"Boy, you will regret it, the patriarch will not let you go!" Seeing Li Yunfeng's powerful punch, Yue Bo completely believed that the young man in front of him was the one who attacked him before. Very alarmed.

Yue Bo didn't have any fighting intention at all, he retreated into the villa directly, but Li Yunfeng's speed was so fast, he passed right away with one punch.

Seeing that there was no way to retreat, Yue Bo had no choice but to take it hard. If he kept retreating blindly, Li Yunfeng's fist would directly hit his body, and he would surely die at that time.

But he still underestimated Li Yunfeng's strength, even so, he still couldn't stop his death.

Li Yunfeng struck with all his strength, it was no small matter, Yue Bo's right arm was directly shattered by the blow, and a bone in his upper arm was directly inserted into his body.

Yue Bo's body was directly blown into the air, he fell to the ground and trembled, seeing that he was going to die, there was no more movement after a while.

When the devil emperor was angry, there was no way out!

Li Yunfeng exuded a terrifying aura all over his body. He looked at another young man in the hall with serious eyes. This person was Jiang Yuan!
"who are you?"

Jiang Yuan saw that Uncle Yue was killed by a single blow, and the man looked at him again. He met the terrifying look in his eyes, and he felt that he fell into the Asura Hell in an instant. .

Li Yunfeng saw Jiang Yuan trembling in a corner, and planned to kill him.

But sensing the movement upstairs, time was running out, so he ignored this person and went directly to the second floor.

If these people seek revenge from the people behind them, he doesn't mind killing their entire clan!
Seeing that Li Yunfeng ignored him, Jiang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and ran out directly regardless of the smell of urine on his body.

Seeing that the necks of the two bodyguards outside were also broken, I felt even more frightened, and drove a car directly, and ran away without looking back.

As for the so-called young patriarch?
In the face of his own life, there is no meaning at all.

On the second floor was a soundproof room made of special materials, Jiang Chen looked at the beautiful woman in front of him with some excitement and helplessness.

"Little girl, just follow me. I'm the young patriarch of the Jiang family of the Xiuwu family. If you follow me, you will enter a whole new world. How can I not be worthy of you? You can only be in Jiang Yuan if you don't see him." Do you nod and bow in front of me?"

Lin Qianmeng didn't speak, just pressed down on her neck with broken glass, as long as Jiang Chen made any abnormal movements, she would cut her neck without hesitation.

Li Yunfeng followed his perception and came to a door without ringing the bell, but just kicked the door hard.

"Boom!" After a loud noise, the solid door was kicked down.

"who are you?"

Jiang Chen, who was having a headache and didn't know what to do, suddenly turned around and looked at Li Yunfeng behind the door, with a horrified expression on his face, what kind of person is this, such a strong door can be kicked open.

In fact, both Jiang Chen and Jiang Yuan had seen Li Yunfeng, but at the beginning Li Yunfeng was very inconspicuous in the crowd, so Jiang Chen and Jiang Yuan naturally didn't know him.

"The one who killed you!"

Li Yunfeng said coldly.

He looked at Lin Qianmeng in the corner. At this time, Lin Qianmeng's clothes were torn a lot, but it seemed that he had not been violated.

At this moment, Lin Qianmeng was holding a broken glass in his hand and pointed it at his neck. There was a bloodstain on his neck. It was obviously because of this that the current Lin Qianmeng was not violated by Jiang Chen.

Li Yunfeng also breathed a sigh of relief seeing this.

"Uncle Yue, Uncle Yue, why are you guarding the door, why did you let this kid in!" Seeing the violent and cold aura on the visitor, Jiang Chen shuddered a little.

Judging from the way this person kicked the door, he knew that he was no match for this person in front of him.

"Uncle Yue, you can see him in hell later!" Li Yunfeng approached Jiang Chen with a sneer, and looked at him mockingly.

"What, you killed Uncle Yue? Impossible, Uncle Yue is a strong man in the middle of the day after tomorrow. There are not many opponents in the mortal world. Why do you kill him? You must be lying to me, I don't believe it!" Jiang Chen Looking at Li Yunfeng in disbelief, there was a burst of fear in his heart.

"Heh, believe it or not, you will be reunited with your Uncle Yue soon!" Li Yunfeng walked up with a sneer.

"Ah!" Jiang Chen went crazy, he didn't want to sit still.

He is the genius of the Jiang family, the young patriarch, the future patriarch, he can't die here, he wants to live.

"Hmph!" Li Yunfeng looked at Jiang Chen with disdain, and gently pulled with one hand, Jiang Chen was thrown out of the door.

Seeing that he was thrown outside the door, Jiang Chen was overjoyed and prepared to run away directly. As long as he leaves here, he will not be afraid of anything. His father can be half-step innately strong, and no matter how strong this young man is, he can surpass himself. Father, is he stronger than his entire family?

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen's face became ferocious, I will come back to take revenge after all, and I will definitely tear you to pieces at that time.

Jiang Chen struggled and was about to get up and escape, but suddenly felt a pain in his back, and his body fell limply on the ground, unable to move.

At this time, Jiang Chen felt infinitely terrified, thinking that he might die next time, he was terrified in his heart, even like an ordinary person like Jiang Yuan, he was so frightened that he peed his pants.

In the face of death, there is no difference between the so-called noble, the so-called ordinary, and the so-called lowly!
"It's you!" At this moment, Lin Qianmeng inside was stunned, looking at Li Yunfeng in front of him with an incredulous expression on his face.

Before, she was invited by the chairman of the Jiang Group, saying that she wanted to discuss some cooperation. Since she was the chairman of the group, although she was a little strange, she didn't think too much about it.

Finally, when he realized something was wrong, he used his cell phone to send Ye Feng a text message, and then the cell phone was snatched away.

Later when Ye Feng came, she was relieved, she had seen Ye Feng's terror before, and Ye Feng had saved her once before.

In the end, he didn't expect that Ye Feng couldn't beat that Yue Bo, but was seriously injured and escaped.

Later, she was desperate and was ready to die. Unexpectedly, a more powerful Li Yunfeng appeared. What kind of monsters and ghosts did her company recruit?Lin Qianmeng felt like a dream at this moment.

"Yes, I didn't expect it. Have you found out that you and I are actually quite suitable, at least better than Ye Feng?" Dream.

"Hmph!" Lin Qianmeng looked at Li Yunfeng, who was so majestic just now, and turned into a pig brother in a blink of an eye. He was also very speechless, just hummed softly, but did not answer.

"Haha, if you don't agree, I'll take it as your acquiescence!" Li Yunfeng said very brazenly.

"You stay here first, I'll go outside and deal with that kid, it's not good to see blood in front of a beautiful woman!" Li Yunfeng glanced at Jiang Chen outside, and said softly.

When Jiang Chen at the door heard these words, he tilted his head and fainted from fright.

"You want to kill him?" Lin Qianmeng asked.

"If this kind of scum doesn't kill him, it will only harm more people!" Li Yunfeng said lightly.

"Won't killing him cause you trouble? I heard from him that his family is so powerful that they are even outside the law. Even the state dare not control them. They have to give them face. We can only appease them as much as possible." them."

Lin Qianmeng said what he knew, although he didn't know if Jiang Chen was bragging, but he felt it was necessary to say it.

"Free from the law? That's better, it means that they are dead, and the law will not control me!"

Li Yunfeng sneered, he always believed that he was a good citizen who obeyed the law and did not do illegal things.

But those who are outside the law are not bound by the law, and naturally they are not protected by the law. Killing him is not illegal.

Lin Qianmeng said very speechlessly, she intended to remind him that the family is very powerful and to be careful, but Li Yunfeng just understood it like this.

"Mr. President, don't worry. I am the best at dealing with people who are outside the law. He and his family are no exception!"

Li Yunfeng said very confidently.

Although he didn't exude it intentionally, at this moment he seemed to have an aura of looking down on the world. He is a majestic giant in the world of immortal cultivation, let alone facing a family on this earth, even facing this universe, he dares to say so.

"it is good!"

Lin Qianmeng didn't say much, but what Li Yunfeng said was right, one death of this kind of person will save many people, such as her.

When they came to the door of the room, Li Yunfeng directly lifted Jiang Chen up with one hand, then walked downstairs, and picked up Uncle Yue who had died, walked to the door and dragged the two bodyguards away together.

On the mountain behind the villa, Jiang Chen woke up again, and kept begging for mercy to Li Yunfeng, but Li Yunfeng would not show any mercy, and directly swiped a knife, severed Jiang Chen's cervical spine, ending Jiang Chen's life.

A few lives disappeared in Li Yunfeng's hands like this. Li Yunfeng didn't have any psychological fluctuations, as simple as trampling a few ants to death.

"Then let's go back first!" Li Yunfeng said with a smile to Lin Qianmeng.

"I sprained my ankle, I can't walk for the time being!" Li Qianmeng struggled to get up and found a sharp pain in his ankle.

"I twisted my ankle, that's easy, I... will carry you on my back!"

Li Yunfeng was about to say that I would help you treat him, but he changed his mind when he thought of President Lin's pleasant fragrance and beautiful body.

Lin Qianmeng glanced at Li Yunfeng, then at her own feet, as if this was the only way to go, so she nodded.

"That troubles you!" Lin Qianmeng said with a slightly red face.

"No trouble, it's like eating with you. I can eat ten bowls. If I recite your words, I think I can last a thousand kilometers!" Li Yunfeng said with a smile.

Seeing Li Yunfeng's brazen appearance, Lin Qianmeng didn't know what to say, but he really couldn't walk anymore, so that was all he could do.

Of course, another way is to call someone from the company to pick it up, but it's a mess here, and I'm disheveled, so it's not very good to see the impact.

When Li Yunfeng came to Li Qianmeng's side, he immediately felt fresh and pleasant, a faint fragrance, very intoxicating, no wonder that bastard Jiang Chen wanted to marry him.

After Li Yunfeng arrived at the main road with Lin Qianmeng on his back, Lin Qianmeng came down and waited for the bus by the side of the road. He was wearing a shirt, which Li Yunfeng took off.

It didn't take long to wait for a taxi, and the two quickly got up and went directly to Lin Qianmeng's housing complex.

"Dad, should we call the police?"

At the corpses of Jiang Chen and Fu Bo in the back mountain, Jiang Yuan asked a middle-aged man with some fear. This man was Jiang Wentian, the chairman of the Jiang Group.

"Why call the police? This is a matter between their martial practitioners. They have their own solutions. Let them go. It's just that I'm worried that Jiang Chen will die in our house, and how the Jiang family will punish us!" Jiang Wentian Said with a frown.

"We can't blame us for this, it can only be said that Jiang Chen didn't know how to restrain himself, he actually wanted to get Lin Qianmeng through such low-handed means, and he didn't expect Lin Qianmeng's subordinates to come out in large numbers, even Yue Bo died, What can we do?" Jiang Yuan said.

"At present, I can only answer truthfully!" Jiang Wentian said with a sigh.

"By the way, don't mess with Ye Feng and Lin Qianmeng now, especially the young man at the back. I don't know which Xiuwu family he came from. Try to avoid him in the future!" Jiang Wentian said to him. Jiang Yuan asked.

Jiang Yuan nodded. After this incident, he would naturally not provoke these people again.

In the Linhai Community of Jingnan City, Lin Qianmeng entered the elevator of the community building with the support of Li Yunfeng.

Li Qianmeng lives in a three bedroom and one living room house on the third floor. The house is not too big, but the decoration and layout inside are very good, simple yet elegant.

"Oh, it's true that people are more angry than people. You are also a person. You can live in a big room with three bedrooms and one living room, but I can only sleep on the sofa in the lobby!" Li Yunfeng looked at Lin Qianmeng's house and said with a bitter face.

"You are so capable? Why are you so poor?" Lin Qianmeng was about to change her clothes when she suddenly heard Li Yunfeng's sigh, which was a bit strange.

In her impression, people like Li Yunfeng should belong to the kind of masters who play in the world, such as Ye Feng, who also looks poor, but in fact one of his girlfriends is worth billions.

"What's the use of being able to fight? Is it possible to rob a bank? If you have a billionaire girlfriend like Ye Feng, then you can eat soft food with peace of mind!" Li Yunfeng looked at Lin Qianmeng and said with a smirk.

"Hmph, nothing serious!" Lin Qianmeng walked into her room without a word.

"Hey!" Li Yunfeng rubbed his chin, saw Lin Qianmeng went in, and made himself a cup of tea out of boredom.


Only a few minutes later, a voice suddenly came from inside, as if Lin Qianmeng fell down.

Li Yunfeng rushed to Lin Qianmeng's room and found that the door was locked.

But it's all right, Li Yunfeng used his spiritual power to directly destroy the internal structure of the door lock, and in just a second, the door was easily opened by him.

"What's wrong!" Li Yunfeng rushed to the bathroom in Lin Qianmeng's back room.

"Ah!" Lin Qianmeng was sitting on the ground rubbing her feet, her expression was a little painful.

Lin Qianmeng felt a black shadow approaching, raised her head hastily, and was stunned when she saw Li Yunfeng at the door.

It's just that when he suddenly remembered what he was doing at the moment, he suddenly let out a cry as high as [-] decibels.

When Li Yunfeng saw Lin Qianmeng who was still steaming in the bathroom, he was also taken aback.

It wasn't until Lin Qianmeng's voice as high as [-] decibels came that Li Yunfeng wiped his nose hastily, and then turned around reluctantly.

"Didn't I lock the door? How did you come in!" Lin Qianmeng immediately wrapped a big bath towel around her body after realizing it.

But it suddenly occurred to me that asking this question was a bit redundant, the door of the Jiang family's special villa was kicked into pieces, not to mention the door of his ordinary residential area, it was very easy for Li Yunfeng to enter his house.

Just as Li Yunfeng was about to answer, Lin Qianmeng said: "No need to explain, I know, you go out first, I'm fine, I just slipped accidentally, there's nothing wrong with it!"

"Didn't you fall down? Is there any pain from the fall? Do you need help?" Li Yunfeng said worriedly.

"Why can you help me? It's just that I accidentally slipped off because of my foot injury. How do you want to help me with my state?" Lin Qianmeng said a little bit angrily.

"Any kind of help is fine!" Li Yunfeng thought to himself, but he definitely wouldn't say it out loud.

"Uh, okay! I'll go out first, call me if you need anything." Li Yunfeng still felt a little hot when he thought of the scene just now, and hurried out. He was afraid that he couldn't help it, so he gave Lin Qianmeng directly Pushed hard.

After a long time, Lin Qianmeng changed into a simple blue casual outfit and limped out. She lost the feeling of a strong woman and felt more feminine. In addition, her hair was still a little wet, and her face was full of heat. The transpiration is also red, very beautiful.

Lin Qianmeng kneaded her waist from time to time, obviously because she just fell down.

Seeing this, Li Yunfeng felt a little embarrassed, obviously he could easily cure the sprained ankle, but because of his lust, he caused the beauty to suffer again, so he wondered if he should help Li Qianmeng treat it .

"Well, President, I have actually studied Chinese massage, and I have some experience in treating sprained feet. How about I massage it for you, and the recovery will be much faster!" Li Yunfeng finally decided to help Lin Qianmeng treat it.

"Really?" Lin Qianmeng asked in disbelief, why didn't I see you being treated before.

"This is naturally true, just a few minutes!"

Li Yunfeng looked at Lin Qianmeng's suspicious eyes, and said with some embarrassment.

"If it's really effective, then it's fine!" Lin Qian thought for a while and nodded. The company still has a lot of things to deal with. If the feet are not good all the time, it will be inconvenient to go to work.


Li Yunfeng also rubbed his hands excitedly, although he also felt good when he carried President Lin on his back.

But it's better now.

"Should I sit or lie down?" Lin Qianmeng asked.

"It's good to sit down. Your waist should have fallen just now. After you press your feet, you can lie on your stomach, and when the time comes, you can massage your waist down!" Li Yunfeng said.

"it is good!"

Lin Qianmeng is worthy of being a strong woman. Once she made a decision, she didn't delay any longer, and sat down on the sofa directly, stretching out her injured foot.

(End of this chapter)

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