Chapter 39 Bone Repair
The so-called solitary yang does not grow and solitary yin does not grow, is to describe Li Yunfeng's previous state.

Although Li Yunfeng absorbed the balanced yin and yang energy into his body before, he forgot that he is a masculine, and it is usually fine to transform the yin and yang energy into spiritual power, but he wants to directly refine the yin and yang energy into spiritual energy. If you want to use it for yourself, you must make your body achieve absolute balance.

It has been unable to refine successfully before, but almost died because of the imbalance of yin and yang in the body.

But after absorbing Su Xiaoru's Yuan Yin, the balance that had been missing was completely balanced, so Li Yunfeng was lucky enough to succeed, and his cultivation was fully restored, and even improved to a higher level.

As for how he absorbed the Yuan Yin, Li Yunfeng could roughly guess it. It was nothing more than the moment his five internal organs were shattered, he vomited blood from his mouth, and then Su Xiaoru who was on the side panicked and touched him directly with his hands.

At this time, Li Yunfeng's body urgently lacked a trace of balanced Yuan Yin power, so when Su Xiaoru touched him, Yuan Yin was absorbed unilaterally in an instant.

Because of the unilateral leakage of vital yin, Su Xiaoru didn't get the kind of back-feeding power of double cultivation, so Su Xiaoru would not adapt for a while, and fainted, but it was only a leak of vital yin, there was no serious problem, a little rest would be fine.

Thinking of this, Li Yunfeng was also a little afraid. Although this kind of top-notch technique is good, it will bring some unknown dangers to people when it is practiced. If Su Xiaoru was not by his side, he might really be wiped out.

Before Su Xiaoru woke up, Li Yunfeng also went to sense Su Xiaoru's spiritual root, and found that it was also a useless spiritual root.

However, it was also within Li Yunfeng's expectation, because the ratio of cultivable spiritual roots to useless spiritual roots is [-]:[-], that is, only one person in a hundred can cultivate, so it is also possible that both Xiaomei and Su Xiaoru have no spiritual roots. It's normal.

"Yuan Yin's unilateral leak, although it doesn't do much harm to the body, still loses a little bit of human vitality, let's help you recuperate!" Li Yunfeng thought for a while, and prepared to help Su Xiaoru recuperate, for him It's also very relaxing.

After Li Yunfeng's conditioning, Su Xiaoru quickly recovered and woke up not long after.

"What's the matter?" Su Xiaoru was a little dazed after waking up, and couldn't remember what happened for a moment.

Suddenly remembering that Li Yunfeng just vomited such a big mouthful of blood, even mixed with some broken internal organs, Su Xiaoru's expression changed drastically.

"You just vomited blood, what's going on? Go to the hospital right away." Su Xiaoru stood up, grabbed Li Yunfeng's hand, and prepared to take Li Yunfeng to the hospital for examination.

"What are you checking? I just missed my practice, and I'm fine now." Li Yunfeng said with some emotion, and used a little strength with one hand, but unexpectedly, Su Xiaoru was pulled into his arms by excessive force.

Sensing Su Xiaoru's softness and the faint scent of perfume on Su Xiaoru's body, Li Yunfeng stiffened slightly to show respect.

Su Xiaoru naturally felt it, and immediately jumped up as if her butt was burned.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I used too much force." Li Yunfeng was a little embarrassed.

"Hmph." Su Xiaoru's face was flushed, and she just snorted, but she still couldn't help worrying when she thought that there was even a little viscera in the blood before.

"You vomited blood so badly just now, and even vomited up some internal organs, are you really okay?" Su Xiaoru asked in disbelief.

"This is natural. Have you forgotten that bullets can't kill me?" Li Yunfeng was also very happy to see that Su Xiaoru cared about him so much.

"That's fine." Su Xiaoru thought about it, and it was true.

"Not good, I didn't go to work today, my salary will be deducted." Li Yunfeng's expression changed drastically.

"What class are you on? Today is Sunday." Seeing Li Yunfeng's nervous expression, Su Xiaoru said very speechlessly, and even if she was absent from work for a day or two, is it necessary to be so nervous?
"Sunday, the company seems to be closed on weekends, so why did we go to work yesterday, the time is wrong." Li Yunfeng said with some doubts.

"What kind of evil skills did you practice, you almost killed yourself, and you forgot the time of practice? You didn't even open your eyes yesterday." Su Xiaoru looked at Li Yunfeng as if she was crazy and said.

"Ah!" Li Yunfeng was stunned, it really is a long time to cultivate immortals, unexpectedly a whole day has passed, and he didn't even know it.

At this time, he also understood why there was a ray of yin and yang energy when he was practicing before. It turned out that it had been two days.

However, Li Yunfeng is still very happy at this time. You must know that his first epiphany in the world of cultivating immortals was in the golden core period. He did not expect to have an epiphany just a few days after arriving on Earth.

The realm of epiphany is hard to come by, and it is related to savvy. Li Yunfeng once reached the realm of the devil emperor, so it is impossible for him to lose his savvy, but epiphany does not come just when he wants it.

"Has little sister gone to work?" Li Yunfeng asked.

"Well, Yun Xue has to work overtime today." Su Xiaoru nodded.

"Well, if Yunxue doesn't see me when she comes back, just say that I have something to do when I go out." Li Yunfeng said to Su Xiaoru, he was going to refine all the jade on his body into defensive magic weapons, it's not very convenient here, and it's not very Suitable.

"Okay." Su Xiaoru didn't ask too much.

After Li Yunfeng came out of the Cuiyin community, he took a taxi and went straight to the mountain forest in the west of the city, which was a barren mountain that had not yet been developed.

"Master, just get off here!" Li Yunfeng said to the taxi driver.

"Okay, a total of one hundred and twelve!" said the taxi driver.

Li Yunfeng took out 2000 yuan with some pain, and the younger sister left him [-] yuan, and he didn't know how long he could last.

After the taxi driver left, Li Yunfeng looked at the barren hill in front of him. He came here not only to refine the magic weapon, but also to dig out his own buried corpse. Five years later, it must have become a bone of bones.

Following the memory and the sensory connection with the body, Li Yunfeng found the place where his bones were buried in a short time.

It didn't take long to dig out his own bones. The rest of the bones were intact, except that the ribs on the chest were sunken in. He died when he was punched by the leopard's head at the center, and the bones were also shattered. Not a lot.

Looking at the skeleton in front of him, Li Yunfeng sighed in his heart, what should we do?
After a long time, Li Yunfeng decided that maybe he could give the skeleton some consciousness and let him practice independently. There is no shortage of ghost cultivators, corpse cultivators, and bone cultivators in the world of immortality!
"Bone repair! It's also a good way, just treat it as my first clone on Earth!" Li Yunfeng looked at the skeleton in front of him and made a decision.

"The Nether Law Jue is one of the top skills in the Yin and Ming lineage. It can be practiced. Later, when refining alchemy and weapons, it can also protect the bones so that they will not be completely exposed to danger!" Li Yunfeng thought. After thinking about it, he decided on the method of bone repair.

(End of this chapter)

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