The return of the immortal world

Chapter 40: The 1rd Clone

Chapter 40 The First Clone
Li Yunfeng found a suitable place in the barren hills and laid the skeleton flat on the ground, while he sat cross-legged around the skeleton.

"Heaven and earth are guides, my soul is the foundation, flesh and blood are fire, recast the soul!"

Li Yunfeng pricked out ten drops of blood from his ten fingers, four drops fell towards the limbs, three drops fell on the skeleton's head, and the last three drops fell in a triangular shape to the skeleton's body.

Li Yunfeng swiped his hands to lift up the magic formula, the soul in his body trembled continuously following the soul splitting formula, and Li Yunfeng also felt a bit of pain.

But these are nothing, compared to the hellish life in the world of cultivating immortals, he doesn't care about this pain at all.

About half an hour later, Li Yunfeng finally separated a trace of spirit, and transported it to the skull of the skeleton.

When this strand of spirit entered the center of the skeleton's head, Li Yunfeng controlled the strand of spirit and the skeleton, trying to create a trace of connection with his own blood, and merged into one.

"Blood fusion, soul fixation!"

An hour later, the spirit and soul of the blood skeleton gradually merged into one, and a wisp of will-o'-the-wisp flame slowly formed in the skeleton's head.

When all this was done, the ribs that had damaged the skeleton were regenerated, only to return to normal after a few minutes.

The skeleton lying on the ground moved at this moment, shook its head, and made a clicking sound. If anyone was here at this time, they would definitely be scared and run away.

The skeleton then sat up slowly, finally stood up, and tried to walk around a few times.

"It's not bad!" Li Yunfeng sat by the side and looked at the skeleton body controlled by the split soul. He was quite satisfied with his freedom of movement.

"Try your strength!" Li Yunfeng said to the skeleton.

After the skeleton stopped, he didn't answer. In fact, he didn't know how to answer, but the wisp of will-o'-the-wisp in his head jumped, which was considered an answer.

The skeleton walked towards a big tree, and shot directly at the big tree in front of it, with five fingers deeply inserted into the trunk of the big tree.

"It's a bit like the Nine Yin White Bone Claw. It's powerful, and the most important thing is that it's not afraid of pain!" Li Yunfeng was very satisfied, and grinned.

After doing this, Bai Gu withdrew his hand, sat cross-legged under the big tree, and began to practice.

"That's right, the awareness of cultivation is quite strong, maybe in the future it will surpass my real body, the cultivation level of Guxiu's avatar should be around the fourth level of Qi refining!" Li Yunfeng was very happy.

"Guard the law for me, I want to refine the magic weapon."

Li Yunfeng didn't speak, but only sent out a trace of spiritual thoughts. In fact, the skeleton couldn't hear what he said, but the bone repair avatar could sense the fluctuation of his spiritual thoughts when he spoke, and knew what Li Yunfeng was expressing.

The bone repair avatar did not move, but Li Yunfeng had already started to take out the jade and began to refine the magic weapon for body protection, because Li Yunfeng already knew that the bone repair avatar had received the order.

The ten pieces of jade were lined up by him, Li Yunfeng carved formation marks one by one, each time a formation mark was carved, a bright light would appear inside the jade.

In about 10 minutes, the refining of the first jade was completed, and the brilliance of the runes was hidden in the jade, and the runes no longer appeared, and it looked no different from ordinary jade.

"The first clone, attack!" Li Yunfeng sent a divine thought to Gu Xiu, and then threw the refined jade towards Gu Xiu.

"Bang!" Gu Xiu directly attacked the jade.

When Gu Xiu's attack reached around the jade vessel, the jade vessel shone brightly, forming a light shield.

After one blow, the jade was not damaged at all, while the bone repair was directly thrown away by the light shield.

"Okay!" Li Yunfeng put away the refined jade directly, and continued refining the next piece of jade.

It was already afternoon at this time, all ten pieces of jade had been refined, Li Yunfeng brought one piece with him, just in case, and put away the remaining nine pieces.

"You usually practice in the barren mountain, don't go down the mountain without my call!" Li Yunfeng said to the bone repair clone.

The flame in the head of the bone repair avatar jumped, it was agreed, in fact, even if Li Yunfeng didn't give instructions, the bone repair avatar would not go down the mountain casually.

But Li Yunfeng only separated a small amount of soul, he was not sure how high the intelligence of the bone repair clone was, so he ordered it.

After Gu Xiu agreed, Li Yunfeng went down the mountain in peace. As long as it wasn't too far away, he could sense the situation of Gu Xiu's avatar, so there was no need to worry too much.

After refining the jade wares, Li Yunfeng was a little bored. He wandered the street casually, touched the less than 2000 yuan in his pocket, and finally decided to go home and sleep.

A weekend passed peacefully. After the younger sister came back in the evening, she invited Su Xiaoru to have a meal, but Su Xiaoru still ignored Li Yunfeng, which made Li Yunfeng very depressed.

Then Li Yunfeng gave each of the refined jade wares to the younger sister and Su Xiaoru. Originally, Su Xiaoru refused to accept them, but seeing that Li Yunxue also had them, she silently put them away, which made Li Yunfeng a little happier.

It's just that they asked Li Yunfeng where the money came from, and Li Yunfeng said that he saved the president, and the president gave him some rewards.

Li Yunxue was very aware of her elder brother's ability, so she didn't think much about it, and Su Xiaoru knew that Li Yunfeng went to rescue the president, and he was rescued, so she didn't ask much.

The next day, Monday, continue to work.

This boy Wang Hai was standing guard again. After seeing Li Yunfeng, he looked at Li Yunfeng differently, and just gave Li Yunfeng a thumbs up.

Li Yunfeng just responded to Wang Hai with a cheap smile, and went to work in the office area on the second floor.

After processing a few documents, Li Yunfeng had nothing else to do, thinking whether he should send the jade in his hand to the president?

In the end, Li Yunfeng decided to send it first. After all, he didn't know when the Jiang family of the Xiuwu family would come back for revenge, so it was best to take precautions as soon as possible.

After thinking about it, Li Yunfeng walked up to the third floor, where the president's office is located.

After Li Yunfeng went up to the third floor, after seeing the words "President's Office", he was about to knock on the door and enter, but a young girl about 20 years old outside the door of the President's Office stopped him.

"Do you have an appointment?" The little girl stood up and asked. The badge in front of the little girl should be the president's secretary.

"No!" Li Yunfeng replied.

"Why did you break into the office without an appointment?" the little girl said very displeased.

"Oh, I'm familiar with your president!" Li Yunfeng laughed.

"Aren't you just a small employee in the finance department, why are you familiar with the president?" The secretary looked at Li Yunfeng as if you were an idiot, obviously not believing it.

The CEO was in danger and Ye Feng was seriously injured. The company's top management intentionally suppressed it. Except for those employees who were below at the time, many people did not know the situation at that time.

Especially after the president came back, many people only knew the general idea and didn't know the specifics, but the president was fine, and not many people went into it.

"Really, I went to the president's house yesterday! The president also gave me a lot of jade objects." Li Yunfeng said, and then took out a handful of jade objects.

"You're lying to a ghost!" The secretary looked at him in disbelief, and then looked at him like a monster. Is this person crazy?Why do you carry so much jade with you?

"I didn't lie to you!" Li Yunfeng said injustice, why no one always believed the truth?

"Hmph, don't think I don't know what you're up to, and you don't need to look in the mirror to see what you look like?" The secretary looked at Li Yunfeng with disdain and said.

"I look bad?" Li Yunfeng thought very speechlessly, looks have always been his advantage, okay?

After finishing talking, the secretary ignored him, picked up the phone in front of him, and made a call.

"Sister Xiaoru? There is an employee named Li Yunfeng in your financial department. He didn't work properly during the working hours. He ran to the door of the president's office and caused trouble. You should take him down quickly, and his behavior is a bit stupid. He has seven or eight pieces of jade with him. , I don’t know if it’s a mental problem, you take it back to observe and observe, if it doesn’t work, you can be fired.” The secretary said into the phone.

Li Yunfeng: "...."

(End of this chapter)

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