Chapter 4 The Truth
Feng Jiaojiao was at a loss at this time, she stared at Li Yunfeng outside the door again, and hurried to a bathroom inside, she decided to call her son first.

Shenglong Group, meeting room, Li Yunjie was in a meeting when the phone in his pocket vibrated suddenly.

Li Yunjie frowned, took out his phone, and frowned looking at the caller ID on the phone, why would his mother call at this time?

Because during normal working hours, Feng Jiaojiao basically doesn't call herself, and usually calls herself during commuting or rest time.

Maybe it's something important!Listen to what mother has to say first!
Li Yunjie gestured to the conference staff below, and connected the phone.

"Yunjie, it's not good, he's back, he's back!"

Feng Jiaojiao said to Li Yunjie in a trembling tone.

"Mom, don't be nervous, why is he back!"

Hearing his mother's tone, Li Yunjie realized that something might be serious, so he frowned and got up and walked outside the meeting room.

"Li, Li, Li Yunfeng is back!"

The more Feng Jiaojiao talked, the more nervous she became.


Li Yunjie almost dropped his phone directly to the ground. He has been in charge of the company for five years, which has made him more stable.

But hearing the news suddenly, he still almost didn't grab the phone.

"Really, he really came back, right at the door, I dare not open the door, what should I do? Yun Jie." Feng Jiaojiao said anxiously.

"Don't dare to open the door?"

Li Yunfeng was standing outside the bathroom at this time, a sneer flashed across his mouth, it seemed that Feng Jiaojiao had something to do with it.

When Li Yunfeng felt that Feng Jiaojiao didn't help him open the door of the villa, but instead ran inside, Li Yunfeng felt that things were not as simple as imagined.

So he directly mobilized the spiritual energy in his hand, directly broke the lock of the villa door, and forcibly entered the villa. He didn't stop Feng Jiaojiao from calling, just wanted to see what Feng Jiaojiao could say.

"Impossible! Li Yunfeng was killed by my bodyguards in front of me. He couldn't die anymore, and buried him in a ten-meter-deep pit under my nose. How could he come back!"

When Li Yunjie heard Feng Jiaojiao's extremely sure voice, his first reaction was that it was impossible.

Maybe it's someone who looks a lot like him?This possibility is not ruled out, but it is unreasonable to look so much like running to his villa again.

"The fact is like this, what should we do, Yun Jie, you killed Li Yunfeng, he must be here for revenge now!"

Feng Jiaojiao panicked and lost her mind.

"Revenge? Let's not talk about whether he is Li Yunfeng, so what if he is? I am now the chairman of Shenglong Group, in charge of billions of assets. The group is completely under my control. Six years ago, I and I You can cause an accidental car accident to kill his mother, five years ago I could kill him silently, isn't that easier now?"

Li Yunjie calmed down his emotions, rationalized his thoughts, and gradually calmed down from the initial panic and disbelief.

"Six years ago, you and I could cause an accidental car accident to kill his mother. Five years ago, I could kill him silently. Isn't that easier now?"

Although the voice of these words came from Feng Jiaojiao's mobile phone, although it was very small, it was like thunder in Li Yunfeng's ears, rumbling in his ears.

As for what Feng Jiaojiao and Li Yunjie were saying later, he didn't pay attention at all.


After a long time, a sharp cry sounded before Li Yunfeng reacted.

It turned out that it was Feng Jiaojiao who came out of the bathroom after making a phone call. Seeing Li Yunfeng at the door of the bathroom, she yelled in horror.

Li Yunfeng was immediately awakened by this voice, his eyes were red, he stared at Feng Jiaojiao firmly and said: "Very good, very good, my aunt Feng, my good brother!"

At this moment, Li Yunfeng's eyes were about to burst, he never thought that even his own mother died at the hands of these two people.

"You, you, how did you get in?"

Feng Jiaojiao said with a trembling tone, terrified.

"Alright, have you called Li Yunjie back yet? Then I'll wait for him here now."

At this time, Li Yunfeng gradually calmed down, looking at Feng Jiaojiao as if he was watching a dead person, his eyes were as cold as winter.

Feng Jiaojiao couldn't bear Li Yunfeng's eyes full of evil spirits from the former devil emperor, and she immediately went limp, not daring to breathe out, as if she was in an endless hell.

"who are you?"

A voice suddenly came from behind Li Yunfeng, it was the young man who had been hiding in the guest room upstairs. At this time, the young man was still holding a kitchen knife in his hand, and he was tremblingly facing Li Yunfeng.

Li Yunfeng turned around to look, but didn't speak, he didn't know this person, it should be the person he sensed outside.

"This matter has nothing to do with you, you can leave!" Li Yunfeng said lightly.

"Wang Qiang, kill him quickly, this person is a robber, kill him quickly!"

The frightened Feng Jiaojiao seemed to have a backbone at this moment, and yelled frantically at the young man.

"Okay, so you are a robber, you leave quickly, or I accidentally cut you, don't blame me!"

Wang Qiang glanced at the crazy Feng Jiaojiao. Naturally, he would not listen to her. He had never killed a chicken since he was a child. Isn't it a joke that you asked me to kill someone?

"You can't let him go, kill him quickly, I'll give you [-] million!"

Seeing Wang Qiang's appearance like this, Feng Jiaojiao became anxious.

If Li Yunfeng really left and went through legal procedures, it is very likely that she and Li Yunjie would be finished, so she had to keep Li Yunfeng. Although she was very scared, she had to do so.

It's the same with Li Yunjie before, that is, first stabilize Li Yunfeng, then Li Yunjie will bring someone to kill Li Yunfeng permanently, this time he will tear Li Yunfeng's body into thousands of pieces, to see if he can come back to life?
In fact, Li Yunjie, who was already on the road, still didn't dare to imagine that Li Yunfeng would come back to life, but what his mother said was convincing and flustered, so there should be no falsehood.

"One, one, one billion?"

Wang Qiang's tone trembled a little, but his eyes were shining brightly. Under the temptation of wealth, his heart was a little shaken.

Why didn't he understand that when Feng Jiaojiao got tired of playing with herself, she would kick herself away, only money was real.

"Yes, as long as you kill him, I'll ask Yunjie to transfer the money to you immediately!"

Seeing Wang Qiang holding the knife at this time, Feng Jiaojiao was full of confidence and no longer flustered.

"Kill me? I said where did Li Yunjie's viper-like personality come from? It turned out to be inherited from you. As expected, like a mother, like a son!"

Li Yunfeng saw through Feng Jiaojiao's hypocrisy at this time, and said with a sneer.

Li Yunfeng sneered and gradually approached Feng Jiaojiao.

"What are you going to do? Wang Qiang, kill him quickly! I will do what I say!"

Seeing that Wang Qiang was still thinking about it while Li Yunfeng was walking towards her, Feng Jiaojiao yelled at Wang Qiang.

"Kill me? Let's see if you have that ability!"

Li Yunfeng didn't show any mercy at this time, and kicked Feng Jiaojiao five or six meters away with one kick, and then fell down hard in the air, followed by a horrific cry.

"I kill..."

Wang Qiang has just made up his mind and is ready to fight. One hundred million is money that he will never earn in his entire life.

It's just that when he rushed over and saw Feng Jiaojiao who was kicked five or six meters away, he was frightened. Is this playing football?

Wang Qiang was so frightened that the kitchen knife in his hand fell to the ground.

Feeling that Li Yunfeng was not easy to mess with, Wang Qiang immediately forgot the [-] million yuan and rushed directly to the gate of the villa.

After all, if you have money, you have to live to enjoy it.

How could Li Yunfeng make him happy?He had already given Wang Qiang a chance.

With a single stride, Wang Qiang was kicked to the corner of the wall.

Now he just wants to wait for his good brother Li Yunjie to come over and see how he plans to kill himself.

After restraining the two of them, Li Yunfeng sat directly on the sofa in the hall.

"Where is little sister?"

The moment Li Yunfeng learned that his mother also died after these two people, he no longer expected the two of them to treat the younger sister well. It would be nice if the younger sister could keep her life.

"I'm here... I don't know." Feng Jiaojiao said timidly on the ground.

"I don't know?" Li Yunfeng frowned.

"Did the younger sister also be killed by you?"

Li Yunfeng was a little nervous, staring at Feng Jiaojiao firmly.

Li Yunjie is one of the closest relatives he can sense, and there are some blood relatives in his hometown who can also sense it, so Li Yunfeng is not sure if something happened to the little sister!

"No, absolutely not. After you left, we just kicked her out of the house. After all, she was just a little girl. We didn't think she could pose any threat. She didn't know what we did, and there was no need to kill her."

Feng Jiaojiao hurriedly explained that her forehead was covered with sweat, and she didn't know whether it was from pain or from being frightened.

Hearing this, Li Yunfeng breathed a sigh of relief. If the younger sister died too, he didn't know how cruelly he would treat Feng Jiaojiao's mother and son.

"However, I remember two years ago when I passed by the No. [-] Middle School in Minglou District, I vaguely saw a person. It seemed to be Li Yunxue. After all, I haven't seen him for three years. I'm not sure if it is!"

Seeing that Li Yunfeng was silent, Feng Jiaojiao hurriedly said.

Li Yunfeng was a little excited when he heard that, but when he thought of a 13-year-old girl who was kicked out of the house like this, he didn't know how she survived all these years.

But fortunately, I finally got some news about my little sister, which relieved Li Yunfeng's violent mood a little.

Ten minutes later, a Bentley sedan drove into the villa.

A cruel smile flashed across Li Yunfeng's face: "My dear brother, you are finally back! How should I treat you?"

(End of this chapter)

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