Chapter 5

When the door of the villa opened, Li Yunjie saw a face that would never appear in his life. Even though he was prepared, he was still taken aback.

"How did you survive?" This is what Li Yunjie cares most about.

"I'm dead, but I'm alive again!"

At this time, Li Yunfeng saw Li Yunjie, but calmed down.

No matter what Li Yunjie was, he was just a mortal. In the eyes of a giant in the world of cultivating immortals, he really didn't need to take it seriously.

Stamping him to death is just like trampling an ant to death. Even if his current cultivation level is less than one billionth of his peak level, it is still enough.

"Hmph, playing tricks, since I can kill you once, I can also kill you a second time!"

Although Li Yunjie was surprised, he didn't panic, he just said with a sneer.

"Leopard head!"

Li Yunjie called out to a man in black behind him, and pointed to the inside of the villa.

The leopard head immediately understood, searched around in the villa, and then returned to Li Yunjie's back.

"I didn't find anyone hiding!" Leopard head whispered to Li Yunjie.

After the leopard head finished speaking, he also looked at Li Yunfeng in amazement. Li Yunfeng was killed by himself, and he couldn't die anymore. He was absolutely sure.

But why is Li Yunfeng standing in front of him alive again?

"Very good. I have to admire your courage, Li Yunfeng. You came here alone, and you waited for me to come back very calmly. Have you lost your mind?"

"Otherwise, as long as you find the previous notary lawyer, maybe I'm finished. No matter how bad it is, if you contact the acquaintances in the previous company, you may not be able to fight me, but why did you come to me alone?"

Li Yunjie looked at Li Yunfeng, a little puzzled, and said tentatively.

"Don't try again. I know your little thoughts. Aren't you just afraid that I will find someone in advance? Let me tell you clearly now that I have never contacted anyone when I came here, and even entered the community. Fenced! Even the security guards didn't know I entered here."

Li Yunfeng looked at Li Yunjie's face and was very disgusted, so he had a showdown.

"I really don't know where your confidence lies?"

After listening to Li Yunfeng's words, Li Yunjie didn't relax his vigilance. He always felt a little weird. What exactly was Li Yunfeng relying on?
"Yunjie, you have to be careful, Li Yunfeng is very powerful, much stronger than before!"

Feng Jiaojiao was afraid that Li Yunjie would suffer, so she hurriedly reminded him.

"Haha, so this is your confidence?"

Li Yunjie was taken aback after hearing Feng Jiaojiao's words, so he laughed and said.

"Yes, do you think I'm not confident enough?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in Li Yunfeng's eyes, he knew that Li Yunjie's reliance was not just a leopard head whose cultivation barely reached the first level of Qi refining?

But what made Li Yunfeng a little puzzled was that the leopard head seemed to have the first level of Qi refining, but he felt that the spiritual power in the leopard head was very scattered, and it didn't look like spiritual power.

If compared with the monks of the first level of Qi refining in the world of cultivating immortals, the leopard head will undoubtedly lose, and Li Yunfeng still has this vision.

"Leopard head!"


"I don't want any surprises this time!"

"Understood, this is a disgrace to me, I will smash him into pieces!" The leopard head smiled cruelly.

"Big brother, I will call you big brother for the last time. I can only say that you think you can beat the leopard head by practicing a few times of three-legged cat kung fu. You underestimate the leopard head. God gave you a chance, but you just want to beat the leopard head!" Finding a dead end, I feel ashamed to have an opponent like you!"

Li Yunjie shook his head and looked at Li Yunfeng as if he was looking at a fool.

Such a fool, think about it, even if he didn't seize his inheritance right, he could gradually control the Shenglong Group with his own ability?

But it's just a little troublesome, and now he feels a little regretful about doing these things, after all, no one is naturally willing to do such things as killing people.

But since he has embarked on this path, Li Yunfeng must die, there is no second choice.

"Actually, what you said is similar to what I want to say. I decided not to kill you. I feel ashamed to have an opponent like you!"

Li Yunfeng said lightly, not paying any attention to Li Yunjie's ridicule.


Li Yunjie shouted at Leopard Head, he would never doubt Leopard Head's strength, even ten grown-up men couldn't get close to him, let alone just Li Yunfeng.

After Li Yunjie finished speaking, he quietly watched the leopard head attack Li Yunfeng.

Because he knew that Li Yunfeng would definitely die, and under Leopard Head's men, there were very few people who could surpass one round!

Thinking of this, a smug smile appeared on the corner of Li Yunjie's mouth.

Die, Li Yunfeng!


The leopard's head moved, like a cheetah, and rushed towards Li Yunfeng who was on the sofa ferociously, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

He imagined that Li Yunfeng would be blown away by his punch and scream on the ground as he was three years ago. He likes this feeling very much!

Seeing the leopard head rushing towards him, Li Yunfeng still sat still. How could he care about a kid at the first level of Qi refining?
The moment Leopard Head's fist hit his face, Li Yunfeng moved, and the speed was many times faster than Leopard Head's.

At this moment, the ferocious face of the leopard head changed, because his fist was firmly grasped by an iron hand, and he couldn't move, and couldn't even get away.

The leopard head was startled, and the left hand also quickly punched Li Yunfeng.

Li Yunfeng smiled lightly, exerted a little force with his left hand, and then with a click, the right arm of the leopard head was directly twisted off.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yunfeng moved his left foot slightly, and the leopard's head was kicked and flew to Li Yunjie's feet.

"Ah!" The leopard head rolled on the ground, screaming with its arms folded.

"How could you be so powerful!"

Li Yunjie was stunned, and looked at Li Yunfeng in disbelief.

He was very proud just now, but now his face changed drastically, and his body was trembling violently.

Because he knew that once the leopard head failed, it might be his death, and Li Yunfeng would not let him go!

How to do?How to do?
Li Yunjie completely panicked!
"Nothing is impossible!"

Li Yunfeng stood up and walked towards Li Yunjie slowly, with a cold look in his eyes.

"You can't kill me. I'm the chairman of Shenglong Group now. If you kill me, you will be punished by law. You have to think clearly!"

Li Yunjie said sternly, even though he knew it was useless, he still said it.

Li Yunfeng didn't speak, but sneered, talking about the law with him now?
"Brother, please, don't kill me, don't kill me, Shenglong Group I will return it to you now, I don't want anything, you just need to give me a way out!"

Li Yunjie saw that Li Yunfeng was getting closer and closer to him, like a mountain weighing him down. At this moment, he completely collapsed, and he knelt down directly, with tears and snot flying all over his nose.

"Don't worry, my good brother, I won't kill you right now. As for the Shenglong Group? It's nothing to me, but a trouble!"

Li Yunfeng said lightly, the 1 years of bloody storms had exhausted him, and now he just wanted to live a mediocre life, and he was really not interested in taking over the company and building a business empire.

For the Nine Nether Demon Emperor who has controlled him for thousands of years?

He couldn't say any particular hatred, if it wasn't for the Devil Emperor Jiuyou, he wouldn't even have hope of life. To a certain extent, Devil Emperor Jiuyou could be said to be his benefactor.

"Hey, killing people in this society is not good after all, and it will bring me unnecessary troubles, but how can I let you off what your mother and son have done?"

Li Yunfeng looked at Li Yunjie and said.

Li Yunfeng came in front of Li Yunjie and Leopard Head, and put his two palms on the heads of Li Yunjie and Leopard Head respectively.

"What are you doing, don't kill me! I was wrong, brother, I was wrong, don't kill me!"

Seeing that Li Yunfeng finally made a move at this time, Li Yunjie was so frightened that he lost control of his bladder and bowels.

"In my name, the soul of Luan Er!" Li Yunfeng whispered softly.

"Ah, don't kill my son, you kill me, all this is my fault, I instigated Yunjie, you kill me!"

Feng Jiaojiao was crying and struggling to crawl over.

"If you hadn't planned my mother's car accident, maybe I would have spared your life, but it's impossible now!"

Li Yunfeng looked at Feng Jiaojiao indifferently, unmoved, with the evil heart of ten thousand years, he decided to kill a person, that person must die, who can shake it?

"Don't worry, I won't let you die immediately. You will have a month to live. Within this month, you will all die slowly. No one knows the cause of your death!"

After Li Yunfeng finished speaking, he ignored Feng Jiaojiao behind him, and continued to exert strength with both hands.

He used the soul-scrambling technique, and the soul-stirred person would not have any abnormalities in the first few days, but would go crazy from time to time and faint from time to time, but there would be no changes in the body, and the soul would definitely disappear within a month.

The current scientific and technological medicine only targets the body level, and involves the soul level. He believes that Li Yunjie and the others will not have any way out!
For about 1 minute, both Li Yunjie and Leopard Head fainted and would wake up in a short time, but the memory of Li Yunfeng was gone.

Since the soul-scrambling technique can shatter a person's soul, it is easy to erase a person's partial memory.

But after finishing all this, Li Yunfeng's face became much paler.

If he didn't have a complete understanding of Soul Disruption, with his current cultivation base, he wouldn't be able to use it at all, and Soul Disruption must at least reach the Foundation Establishment level to use it.

"It's your turn!" Li Yunfeng turned to look at Feng Jiaojiao.

(End of this chapter)

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