Chapter 6 Reunion

After leaving the Xinghai Garden Villa, Li Yunfeng got into a taxi and went directly to Minglou District No. [-] Middle School.

Although it's summer vacation, the younger sister who is in the third year of high school should have finished the college entrance examination, and the younger sister should not be in school, but as long as the younger sister was studying in No. [-] Middle School before, then I can always find out about my younger sister.

Except for Wang Qiang, the adulterer in the villa, his memory was only erased, and the remaining three were all under the Soul Disruption Technique, so there was no need to care about them, they would definitely die within a month, and no one could find out the reason.

As for the leopard head, it is not a cultivator at all, but just practiced an internal martial arts.

This is a trace of local memory that he sensed when he was using the Soul Disruption Technique. It seems that some warrior's internal strength is at the early stage of cultivation. It is a bit equivalent to a monk at the first level of Qi Refining, but the purity of internal strength is much worse than spiritual power.

A martial artist like Leopard Head cannot be approached by a dozen ordinary people. In this technology-based world, his martial strength can indeed be described as explosive. It is no wonder that Li Yunjie was so confident before.

It didn't take long for Li Yunfeng to arrive at No. [-] Middle School. Minglou No. [-] Middle School is one of the best schools in the city. The fact that the little girl can go to this school means that she is also a top student. Thinking of this, the corners of Li Yunfeng's mouth slightly raised.

Li Yunfeng was just about to go into No. [-] Middle School to inquire about it, but there was a red strip of cloth stretched over the fence next to the campus gate, with three big characters he was very familiar with on it!

"Warm congratulations to Li Yunxue from our school for winning the top prize in the 2016 city's science college entrance examination!"

"Damn, she's so good. Back then, I remembered that my little girl was not so good at studying. She was usually in the top three in the class, and the top thirty in the whole grade! And it's still an ordinary middle school!"

Li Yunfeng wiped his eyes in disbelief.

But the younger sister is so good at studying, he is also sincerely happy as an older brother.

Li Yunfeng came to the security room at the school gate excitedly, wanting to ask Mr. Security first.

"Hello, sir, do you know where classmate Li Yunxue is now?" Li Yunfeng asked the security guard very politely.

"What do you want?"

The security uncle looked at Li Yunfeng who suddenly rushed to the security window, with a vigilant expression on his face, obviously feeling that he was guarding against bad people.

"Master, there's no need to look at me like this, do I look like a bad guy?"

Li Yunfeng said a little depressed.


Uncle Security took it very seriously. His clothes had a few holes and were a little dirty. He didn't look like a good person at first glance.


"Master, I'm really not a bad person. I'm Li Yunxue's brother. I lost my phone and can't contact her for a while!"

Li Yunfeng lied, but in fact he wasn't lying. His mobile phone disappeared five years ago.

"Hey, you really look alike when you say it, these facial features!" Uncle Security seemed to have discovered a new world, and he was amazed.

"So sir, do you know where my little sister is?" Li Yunfeng looked expectant.

"Of course I know. If you look at the children born to the same parents, why is there such a big difference? One is the number one student in the city's college entrance examination, and the other is like a street gangster." The security guard commented on his own.

"Why am I acting like a punk?"

Li Yunfeng was full of black lines, just about to refute, the security guard interrupted mercilessly.

"Look, you shouldn't be too young, you are still such a bear."

"Yunxue, this little girl is also pitiful. She studies here alone and works part-time at a young age. The annual tuition and living expenses are earned by the school's subsidies and her own part-time job. Look at you, as a brother, you have never I didn't see you coming to school to see her"

"This child has suffered a lot. It seems that both parents have passed away. You, an older brother, don't care. Why do you want to come and see my little sister now?"

When the security guard said this, his eyes were a little moist.

He is very familiar with this child, especially when she first came to the freshman year of high school, there was no place to live outside during the winter vacation, so her head teacher specially applied to the school for Li Yunxue to live in the school, and she worked every day during the winter vacation, even during the Chinese New Year. one person.

The security guard invited the younger sister to his house several times to celebrate the New Year, but the younger sister just smiled and refused.

Li Yunfeng was also silent, he didn't expect the younger sister to come here in the past five years.

"Thank you, sir, for telling me so much. I've had some troubles over the years, and I really can't make it through, but now that I'm back, I will definitely not let my little sister suffer any more." Li Yunfeng's eyes were also reddish at this time.

"Hey, look at you, I won't say much. It doesn't matter what happened before. You are not young. You should find a job and start a family as soon as possible. Your little sister is going to college soon. She is the number one in the city. There are also a lot of bonuses, and with the usual part-time job, it is no problem for me to go to college. After all, I survived at such a young age, and now I am an adult, so don’t worry, but you, the big brother, don’t delay her. Legs will do!"

The security guard also said to Li Yunfeng earnestly, it seemed that in his heart he believed that Li Yunfeng was just a little bastard with nothing to do.

"Okay, sir, can you tell me where my little sister is now?"

Li Yunfeng rolled his eyes, he had no choice but to find a job, start a family and start a business as the uncle said, Li Yunfeng was quite excited. Ten thousand years of fighting and killing made him tired, and living the life of an ordinary person should be the same Very comfortable.

"Go straight down this road for about one kilometer, and you will see a fashion cafe. That's where your little sister works!"

The security guard pointed to the outside and said,
"Thank you, sir!"

Li Yunfeng was very happy to know the exact location of the younger sister, thanked her, and headed towards the younger sister's workplace.

Li Yunfeng ran at the highest speed that ordinary people can reach. If it weren't for the fact that there were too many pedestrians and cameras on the road, his speed would be far faster than this. But even so, the desperate running in the afternoon still made passers-by look sideways.

In about three to four minutes, Li Yunfeng arrived.

Looking at the door of the cafe, Li Yunfeng hesitated instead, and dared not go in. For the people on the earth, he just disappeared for five years.

But for him, it was a full 1 years, which is almost equivalent to the development history of human beings on earth.

Forcibly calming his heart down, Li Yunfeng slowly entered the coffee shop.

The cafe is small, but the decoration is very classic, giving people an elegant and quiet feeling.

After Li Yunfeng entered, he saw a familiar yet unfamiliar figure at a table not far away, wearing a waiter's uniform, with her hair tied neatly on her head, compared to the appearance of a five-year-old girl, at this time The youngest girl has grown into a big girl, her appearance is not overwhelming, but she is very refreshing and clean, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

The moment Li Yunfeng saw this waiter, he could be sure that she was his little sister.


Li Yunfeng was about to call her, but at this moment, Li Yunfeng saw a chubby man about 30 years old pretending to be very hot when the younger sister handed over the coffee, and then touched the younger sister's arm , causing all the coffee to be spilled on the coffee table, and a few drops were splashed on the fat man's white shirt, which was very conspicuous.

"sorry Sorry!"

Li Yunxue turned pale with shock, and hurriedly apologized. Although he felt that it was caused by the customer's mistake, as a cafe waiter, she had to apologize first when this happened.

"Can I just be sorry? Do you know how much this shirt costs me? Your monthly salary is not enough to pay for it!"

The fat man pretended to be very angry and shouted at Li Yunxue.

"Then what do you say?"

Li Yunxue gradually calmed down at this time. If the other party really insisted on losing money, then the only option would be compensation. Fortunately, the financial pressure is not too great now, and it is barely enough for her own expenses.

"I'm Philae, a world-renowned brand. Although this shirt is not the most high-end, it costs about [-] yuan! Can you afford it?"

The slightly chubby man said something proudly, with his nostrils upturned.

As for the anger shown just now, he just wanted to scare Li Yunxue!

"Okay, I'll pay!" Li Yunxue gritted her teeth and said.

"What, you pay?"

The fat man was a little surprised by Li Yunxue who didn't follow the routine. Normally, when they heard 5000 yuan, shouldn't these little waiters beg him to have a lot?
Five thousand is not too much, but it is also a lot, and it is very painful to pay it out.

Then he took the opportunity to make some demands, which was his purpose.

"Uh...Little sister, there's no need to do this. I'm not unreasonable. If you do me the favor of having a meal with me, then forget it. 5000 yuan is nothing to me. The main reason is If you are in a bad mood, you have to make it up to me!"

The fat man pretended to be magnanimous and said to Li Yunxue, but that look was really disgusting.

"No need, let's lose money!"

When the fat man said these words, she knew that the fat man definitely did it on purpose, but so what?
She was just a small waiter. Although this fat man was a little less virtuous, she was not something she could afford.

"Okay, shameless, do you know who I am? I am the general manager of Datong Trading Company, and the owner of this chain cafe is also my friend. Do you believe that if I just say one word, you will lose your job?" Fatty The man said with a dark face.

"If you are unemployed, you will be unemployed. Anyway, I have graduated from high school, so I won't be able to work here for long!" Li Yunxue curled her lips and said disdainfully.


The fat man felt that he was about to vomit blood, he couldn't say a word, his face turned red and then white, and he became angry from embarrassment, so he slapped Li Yunxue with a slap.

Li Yunxue was a little stunned when she saw the slap coming, she never thought that this man would hit someone directly.

Unavoidable, Li Yunxue closed his eyes.


There was a muffled sound, but the imaginary slap did not fall.

Li Yunxue opened his eyes again, and he found that the chubby man was directly stepped on by a man who looked sloppy.

"You are?" Li Yunxue looked at the back of the man in front of him, feeling a little familiar.

Li Yunfeng turned his head and grinned at Li Yunxue.

"Brother?" Li Yunxue wiped her eyes in disbelief and exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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