The return of the immortal world

Chapter 7 An Awkward Meeting

Chapter 7 An Awkward Meeting
"Brother, is it really you?"

Li Yunxue looked at Li Yunfeng in disbelief, and wiped her eyes vigorously.

"It's me, little sister, who made you suffer!"

No matter how hard or tiring Li Yunfeng lived in the world of cultivating immortals for thousands of years, he never shed tears, but at this moment, tears flowed out completely uncontrollably.

The expectation of thousands of years has finally come true at this moment, how can it not be exciting?
Li Yunxue's eyes were already red at this time, and she threw herself directly into Li Yunfeng's arms. Why didn't she miss her day and night all these years?

She has encountered such things like today. She was extremely strong during the day, but when night came, she could only hide in her small corner and cry silently.

In just two years, she suffered an unparalleled blow.

Her mother was in a car accident, her father died of lung cancer, and her brother disappeared for no reason. For her who was only twelve or thirteen years old, these series of shocks made her stunned.

It took a long time for her to come out of her grief, but unexpectedly, she was thrown out of the house by her second brother and Aunt Feng. At that moment, she really wanted to leave this world forever.

But every time she thought that her eldest brother might still be in this world, she would live on strong.

What if the elder brother came back and couldn't find her?
Her parents are gone, no matter it's for her elder brother or herself, she has to be strong and live on, otherwise, won't that wicked woman Feng Jiaojiao and Li Yunjie be satisfied?

Moreover, she had a vague feeling that the disappearance of her eldest brother was related to Feng Jiaojiao's mother and son. Since she was the only one left, she had to shoulder this responsibility to find her elder brother.

The prerequisite for finding the truth is that you need to be strong enough to make yourself strong. For a little girl, there is only one way, and that is to study hard.

So from then on, she worked hard to become stronger, and finally entered Minglou No. [-] Middle School with the first grade in the school. Later, she maintained this momentum in high school until she became the number one student in the city in the college entrance examination.

"Brother, be careful!"

Li Yunxue, who was in the joyful mood of the reunion, raised her head and looked behind Li Yunfeng, and unexpectedly found that fat man got up at some point, holding a chair in his hand, and threw it directly at Li Yunfeng's back.

"Young man, be careful!" Several guests also kindly reminded at this time.

"Don't worry!" Li Yunfeng was not nervous, and said to the little girl who was pregnant.

Li Yunxue was very nervous, she left Li Yunfeng's embrace directly, and was about to pull Li Yunfeng away, but Li Yunfeng didn't move at all.

This made Li Yunxue even more anxious, but Li Yunxue saw an incredible picture at this moment.

At this time, Li Yunfeng didn't turn his head back, kicked his left foot backwards from the ground, directly connected to the fat man and the chair at an incredible angle, and kicked them flying together.

Li Yunfeng's kicking action feels like kicking from the front, and the angle is higher.

After the kick, Li Yunfeng retracted his feet and stood up, as if nothing had happened, while the fat man flew several meters away with the chair.

"Wow, bro, you haven't seen me for a few years, why did you turn into a Super Saiyan?"

Li Yunxue said with an exaggerated expression, the surrounding customers and other waiters were also dumbfounded.


Seeing the exaggerated expressions on the faces of the little girl and the people around, Li Yunfeng regretted being so high-profile, why couldn't he turn around and kick again?

Then they wouldn't be so shocked.

"I just practiced some martial arts!"

Li Yunfeng explained with some embarrassment, it can't be said that I have returned from cultivating immortals, that would be even more shocking than a Super Saiyan.

"So that's the case, brother, you are so amazing!"

The little girl looked at Li Yunfeng adoringly, and little stars appeared in her red eyes.

"You have the ability to wait here, I want to call the police, you beat others at will!"

At this moment, the fat man got up tremblingly, and said with a grin.

"Shut up!"

The surrounding crowd booed one after another, apparently everything is clear now, and they also said that beating others at will, obviously he was the one who wanted to do it first.

Hearing everyone booing, the slightly fat man felt a little unreasonable, not as confident as before.

"Okay, just wait and see, don't let me see you later!"

The slightly chubby man felt that his face was dull and he couldn't stay any longer, so he said a little out of breath.


Li Yunfeng turned his head slightly to look at the fat man. The fat man seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar, and he didn't dare to speak.

It wasn't until Li Yunfeng stopped looking at him that the fat man ran out in embarrassment. After getting into the car at the door, he felt his back was soaked. He had never seen such a terrifying look in his eyes.

If someone told him at this time that eyes can kill, he would definitely believe it. At this time, he really couldn't figure out why such an ordinary young man had such terrifying eyes and the incredible twist of his legs. It's so unreal.

"Little sister, please go and ask for leave. How long has it been since we, brother and sister, got together?" Li Yunfeng seemed rather happy to see that the younger sister was safe and sound.

"Okay, I'm going to ask for leave now!" Li Yunxue smiled sweetly, and walked towards a middle-aged woman in the crowd.

Li Yunxue had a few words with this woman, and then came back with an excited smile on her face, apparently the cafe agreed to her request for leave.

"Little sister, where should we go for dinner?"

After Li Yunfeng and Li Yunxue went out of the cafe, Li Yunfeng asked directly.

He is just a mortal body now, and he has not eaten since he descended to the earth last night to reorganize his flesh and blood body.

Before, it was because he had to solve the past hatred and find the little girl he had been thinking about, so he never felt hungry. Now that he has completely relaxed, he feels very hungry, and he still misses the food of the earth.

"Go to the nearby Hunan restaurant!"

The little girl thought about it, and both his brother and sister prefer spicy food, so it would be best to eat Hunan cuisine.

"Well, I haven't eaten authentic Hunan cuisine for a long time!"

Li Yunfeng said with some emotion that many things in the world of cultivating immortals are better than the earth, but in terms of food, he has never been satisfied. It may have something to do with the region, just like many southerners find it difficult to get used to eating pasta after they go to the north. Mainly rice, I always feel that the food in my hometown is delicious.

Generally, there are many restaurants near the school, so the two quickly found a Hunan restaurant. They found an empty table and sat down.

"Brother, where did you go?"

She had wanted to ask Li Yunxue this question for a long time, before she even suspected that her elder brother was killed by Li Yunjie and Feng Jiaojiao.

At this time, the eldest brother was sitting in front of her eyes, her previous guess must have been wrong, so she asked again.

"I'll tell you about this matter when I go back. There are so many people here that it's hard to say! Things are a bit complicated."

Li Yunfeng said that he had nothing to hide about his only younger sister, and he even decided to teach his younger sister the method of cultivating immortals.

"it is good!"

Li Yunxue nodded obediently, even if the elder brother doesn't want to say it, it's fine, as long as the elder brother comes back.

The two brothers and sisters came back with great difficulty, so they naturally had to eat something good, so neither of them had any thought of saving, so they ordered five dishes and one soup directly.

If ordinary people ordered so much, it would definitely be a waste, but Li Yunfeng ate all the dishes on the table abruptly, and added eight bowls of rice in the middle.

When Li Yunfeng finished the last mouthful of soup and the last mouthful of rice, he patted his stomach contentedly.

At first Li Yunxue was still eating normally, but she was shocked when she saw Li Yunfeng kept adding more food and vegetables, and then quietly watched Li Yunfeng eat, but Li Yunfeng was still eating with self-forgetfulness.

It wasn't until Li Yunfeng patted his stomach contentedly that Li Yunxue asked, "Brother, have you not eaten in five years?"

"Eh..." Li Yunfeng looked at the empty plates on the table and the rice bowls stacked high beside him, feeling a little embarrassed.

"more or less!"

Li Yunfeng thought about it seriously, and it was indeed the case. When his cultivation reached the foundation-building stage, he could basically refine the aura of heaven and earth without having to eat.

So in the world of cultivating immortals, Li Yunfeng eats what he wants to eat when he sees it, and he doesn't eat it most of the time. At his level, eating is no longer necessary.

The longest time he didn't eat was when he broke through the Real Demon Realm (it can also be called the Real Fairy Realm, demon cultivators are considered a branch of immortal cultivators, and they are still cultivators in essence), and he did not eat for a full 2000 years.

And counting the last time I ate in the Immortal Cultivation World, it seems that I haven't eaten for about five years.

Li Yunxue: "..."

"Waiter, pay the bill!" After arriving at the cash register, Li Yunfeng was ready to pay the bill.

"Five dishes and one soup, nine rice, a total of 320 taels!" The waiter looked at Li Yunfeng as if he was looking at a monster.

When Li Yunfeng reached into the pocket of his trousers and felt that there were only two red tickets inside, he felt a little embarrassed.

"Um, little girl, I don't have enough money, why don't you pay for it!" Li Yunfeng sweated, this is really big, if I knew it, I would get some money from that kid Li Yunjie and come back, after all, on Earth Without money, it is impossible to move an inch.

Li Yunxue: "..."

Li Yunfeng felt the eyes of several people around him, and even the old face that had been practiced for thousands of years couldn't bear it anymore. This was really an awkward meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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