The return of the immortal world

Chapter 8 Falling, Flying Up

Chapter 8 Falling, Flying Up

On the way back from the restaurant, Li Yunfeng learned that the younger sister applied for Jingnan University, Jingnan University is the number one university in Jiangbei Province, and it is also ranked in the top ten in the whole country, which is considered very good.

In fact, with the younger sister's grades, even going to Capital University is no problem, but she doesn't want to go so far, and the most important thing is that her elder brother also studied at Jingnan University before, and she is also afraid that his elder brother will not find her when he comes back.

Because she has graduated from high school now, it must be inconvenient to live in Minglou No. [-] Middle School, so she shared a two-bedroom house with others near Jingnan University.

After taking the bus for about half an hour, I arrived at the community where Li Yunxue lives. The house is on the sixth floor, and the location is not bad, but the community is a bit dilapidated and the house is a little small. The monthly rent for a dilapidated small house is also [-] a month.

Li Yunxue saw the shared rental information on the Internet, and six hundred yuan a month was barely affordable for her, so she submitted the information, and the other party readily agreed.

"Little sister, what I'm going to say may be unbelievable, but you just have to believe that big brother will never lie to you!" After arriving in the house, Li Yunfeng said while sitting on the sofa, looking at the little girl.

"Okay, brother, tell me!" Li Yunxue nodded, she could feel that her eldest brother must have suffered a lot these years, even more than she suffered, this was her intuition.

"Actually, I was not on Earth during the five years I was missing, but went to another world!" Li Yunfeng said.

"Another world? What do you mean?" Li Yunxue asked with some doubts.

"The earth is a world of science and technology, and I went to a world of cultivating immortals by accident. There are people flying into the sky and escaping from the earth everywhere. Ten thousand years." Li Yunfeng said very seriously.

"This..." Li Yunxue didn't know whether to believe it or not. She wanted to touch Li Yunfeng's head to see if he had a fever, but thinking of what her elder brother told her to believe before, she was afraid that her elder brother would feel that she didn't trust him at all. , Broke my brother's heart.

"You don't believe it?" Li Yunfeng smiled.

"I..." Li Yunxue thought for a while and still didn't say anything. I'm an authentic number one student in science. Can I believe these words?I'd like to say I believe it, but has anyone pressed Newton's coffin first?

"It's okay, it's hard for you to understand and it's normal. If I hadn't experienced it myself, I wouldn't believe it. Maybe I would say you are crazy?" Li Yunfeng said with a smile.

"Boom!" A voice suddenly sounded in the house, and a ball of flame appeared directly in Li Yunfeng's hand. Li Yunxue was not far from where Li Yunfeng was sitting, and when the flame ignited, he could even feel the heat of the flame.

"No matter how true I say, I can't show it as it really is!" Li Yunfeng saw Li Yunxue's surprised eyes, and said with a smile, the flame was beating slightly in his hand, it was just an ordinary flame technique for an immortal cultivator.

"How is it possible? Newton's coffin board was pressed down?" Li Yunxue said in surprise.

"What the hell is Newton? What does it have to do with Newton's coffin board?" Li Yunfeng said with black lines, of course he didn't know about the jokes on the Internet in recent years.

"It's not important, brother, what you said is true?" Even though the facts were right in front of her eyes, Li Yunxue still couldn't believe it. After all, she got full marks in physics and chemistry. How could there be flames in the palm of a person?

"Isn't that true enough?" Li Yunfeng said speechlessly, is the little girl stupid in reading?

"Then brother, can you fly?" Li Yunxue asked curiously.

"Now the cultivation base is too low to fly, but there is no problem with ordinary vertical jumps!" Li Yunfeng said.

"That's it!" Li Yunxue was a little disappointed, what's so interesting about jumping high.

"However, if what you are talking about is the kind of flying in TV martial arts dramas, I can achieve it!" Li Yunfeng said.

"Really?" Li Yunxue asked excitedly with gold stars popping out of her eyes.

"Come here!" Li Yunfeng stood up and walked to the balcony.

Li Yunxue followed Li Yunfeng curiously.

"See what this is?" Li Yunfeng walked to the security window on the balcony.

"Security window!" Li Yunxue said, not knowing what Li Yunfeng wanted to do.

"Okay, then I'll fly it for you to see!" Li Yunfeng held the two metal strips of the security window with both hands, and bent them directly with a little effort.

"Wow, that's amazing!" Li Yunxue acted like a little girl at this time.

"The most powerful thing is yet to come!" After Li Yunfeng opened it, he looked down. It was around two o'clock in summer, and it was the hottest time of the day. There was no one below, so he just jumped. down.

Before Li Yunxue could react, she was taken aback when she saw her elder brother jumping down, and looked down hastily, only to see her elder brother was like an ape, after a few jumps, he reached the first floor, and even raised his head and smiled at her.

"Newton, why did you lie to me?" Li Yunxue really believed what her elder brother said at this moment.

401th Floor, Room [-],



"I think I saw someone fall from upstairs!"

"You fart!"

"Pfft!" The woman's fart came into being.


Li Yunfeng observed again from below, and felt that there should be no one there, so he used his hands and feet to quickly traverse, and returned to the balcony on the sixth floor in a few seconds, bowed slightly, and got in.

Fourth floor, room 401.



"I seem to see someone flying up from downstairs!"

"You fart again!"

"Pfft!" A fart came into being again.


There was a brief moment of peace between the two...

"Fuck you, get out!" The woman became furious, turned around and pushed the man to the corner

Turning their eyes to Li Yunfeng, Li Yunfeng and his sister naturally didn't know that because of them, the two people on the fourth floor had no interest at the moment, and even became angry from embarrassment.

"Brother, you are so amazing, can you teach me? I want to become a generation of chivalrous women, punish rape and eliminate evil. The old man Newton lied to me. He will no longer be my life mentor in the future. You will be my life mentor." Let's go!" Li Yunxue looked at Li Yunfeng with bright eyes, her mouth pouted slightly, looking very cute.

"Okay, I can teach you!" Li Yunfeng was very happy to see that the little girl finally believed.

"Let me help you look at the spiritual roots first!" Li Yunfeng said.

"What do you think!" Li Yunxue became very curious about everything after believing it.

"Lie down on the sofa and relax your body!" Li Yunfeng said. Normally, the best age for cultivation is around eight years old. At this time, the human body's eight extraordinary meridians and spiritual roots are fully developed, and there are fewer impurities in the human body. The wrist can sense whether there is a spiritual root.

But now that the little girl is already, without practice, the eight extraordinary meridians will gradually be blocked, so she can't sense the spiritual root through the wrist, and needs to sense directly through the abdomen.

The so-called spiritual root is actually the dantian of the human body. Everyone has a dantian, and the dantian is the basis for determining whether a person can cultivate.

The dantian is divided into the visible dantian and the invisible dantian. The visible dantian is the spiritual root that is often said in the world of cultivating immortals, while the invisible dantian is also called the invalid spiritual root, which is the spiritual root that cannot be cultivated.

When Li Yunfeng squatted beside the sofa and put his hand on the little girl's abdomen, his brows were slightly frowned, because in his induction, the little girl was a waste spirit root.

"What's wrong?" Li Yunxue was also a little nervous at this moment, seeing Li Yunfeng frowning, she had a bad premonition in her heart.

"Little sister, you are a useless spiritual root! You can't cultivate now, but I will help you transform your spiritual root in the future, so don't be discouraged." Li Yunfeng was in a bad mood, but he was still comforting his little sister.

"Oh!" The little girl also responded with some disappointment.

"Hey!" Li Yunfeng sighed in his heart, how could it be so easy to reform the cultivation of the disabled spirit root.

When you bring the word waste, you are basically doomed to not be able to practice. To transform the waste spirit root, you must reach the realm of a true fairy, and you need to cooperate with the sky spirit fruit, let's not talk about the sky spirit fruit. Fairy fruit is just a true fairy realm, is it possible to achieve it in this world where the aura is dry?

"Crack!" Li Yunfeng was still resting his hand on the little girl's lower abdomen, thinking. The little girl also looked disappointed, and suddenly the sound of the door opening came to her ears.

"Go on!" A woman suddenly opened the door, saw this scene, said something immediately, and then retreated out.

"I..." Li Yunfeng's mind was full of black lines, and he looked at the closed door.

(End of this chapter)

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