The return of the immortal world

Chapter 45 Monsters Appear

Chapter 45 Monsters Appear
With a splash, Yuan Qiurong jumped into the water with his clothes on, which made Li Yunfeng a little disappointed. It seems that people from these sects are much more conservative than the current people, and they came with bags, and there were clothes inside of.

Li Yunfeng didn't bring any clothes, so it was impossible for him to go into the water with his clothes on, so he took off only his underwear, and then jumped down. Although he could also go down with his clothes on, his spiritual power evaporated afterwards, but in places like the earth where the spiritual energy is thin Waste, as for avoiding water and the like, it is even more wasteful than the evaporation of spiritual power, it is unnecessary.

Yuan Qiurong glanced at Li Yunfeng, but said nothing. Although she was relatively conservative, she would not ask everyone to be like her.

Yuan Qiurong is very good at swimming. Even with clothes on, she swims very easily without feeling a little strenuous. She looks like a mermaid with a very graceful posture.

Li Yunfeng's hometown is in a county next to Jingnan City, and he also grew up by the river, so the water quality is naturally not bad.

The two swam for a while and found nothing, so they suggested searching separately.

So Yuan Qiurong continued to search on the north bank, while Li Yunfeng went to the south bank to search.

The two searched for a long time, but still did not find any clues. Finally, the two went ashore together, planning to go back first, and come back to see it next time. Maybe this strange beast escaped because too many eyes gathered here.

Li Yunfeng and Yuan Qiurong exchanged cell phone numbers and left here.

The next day, Li Yunfeng continued to go to work.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, his mobile phone on the table vibrated suddenly, and the number on it showed Yuan Qiurong.

Li Yunfeng hurriedly picked up the phone, and as soon as he connected, there was a burst of noisy voices, followed by Yuan Qiurong's panting voice.

"Brother Li, come and help me, there are strange beasts appearing on the shore!"

Yuan Qiurong said something, and then there were only noisy voices inside again, and the sound of fighting came from inside.

Li Yunfeng's eyes flickered when he heard about it, and instead of saying hello to Su Xiaoru, he just said to a chubby female colleague next to him: "I have something to do at the moment, I'm going out for a while, you can talk to Supervisor Su later!"

The chubby female colleague was about to ask something, but Li Yunfeng had already run out of the office door, the speed was so fast that it was a bit shocking.

At this time, on the bank of the Yangtze River, Yuan Qiurong and Wang Daochong were fighting around a monster that looked like a crocodile, but its limbs were as strong as a mammal, and it had a sharp single horn on its head. It was more than five meters long.

Around a man, a woman and a monster, surrounded by a group of policemen, they held pistols very nervously, facing the field, but they didn't fire their guns, because they had already fired their guns before, but the monster's skin was too thick Wow, ordinary guns can't do damage to monsters.

Before the man and woman came, several of these policemen were directly killed by the monster, and one was even swallowed alive by the monster. The scene at that time was very bloody, and these policemen almost abandoned their weapons and fled.

This directly refreshed their three views.

It wasn't until the man and woman descended from the sky like a god, waving their swords and preventing the monster from killing, that they breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, there were still a few terrifying stumps in the field, which were obviously made by the monsters before.

In addition to these tense policemen, there are some people in the distance. These people were terrified and fled when they saw the monsters raging wildly and even the police couldn't stop them.

But because of the arrival of this man and a woman, some people couldn't help their curiosity back.

At this time, a man and a woman in the arena, especially the woman, are like fluttering catkins and are very flexible. From time to time, they will stab the monster's body and make the monster scream. The people in it are just like them.

Some viewers took out their mobile phones in the distance and recorded the whole scene, and their tongues clicked. They didn't expect that the martial arts masters in the TV series actually existed.

And looking at these people, it seems that they are even more powerful than those in the TV series, and they are more swaying.

Especially that unbelievably beautiful woman in white, who is obviously the main force to deal with monsters, and has become the super goddess in the hearts of many men around her.

The scenes here were photographed and quickly posted by these viewers to Moments, Space, Weibo, and Tieba, which immediately attracted a crowd of netizens to watch.

"Super Goddess vs. Monster!" reads one headline.

Countless people were shocked, what happened to this world?
Of course, there are also many people who question the authenticity of the video photos.

But at this moment, when countless people were shocked or questioned, Yuan Qiurong and Wang Daochong had already resisted very hard.

On the surface, although the two seem to have the upper hand against this monster, in fact they have gradually lost the upper hand.

Because the monster's endurance and defense are extremely terrifying, but the two of them can't last.

If this continues, the monster will not die in the end, and the two of them may die, so Yuan Qiurong called Li Yunfeng immediately, hoping that he could arrive as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if this ferocious monster escapes, many people will definitely die at the feet and mouth of the monster in this top ten big city in China.

And these people haven't realized their own danger until now, they didn't hide early, and even started filming excitedly on the side, which made Yuan Qiurong very helpless, but at this time she was more and more reluctant to support.

At this moment, I can only hope that Li Yunfeng will come over quickly. If Li Yunfeng comes, this monster will undoubtedly die. If two martial practitioners in the innate realm can't deal with a monster in the innate realm, they can really kill themselves by wiping their necks.

"Let these people leave quickly, I can't hold it anymore!" Helpless, Yuan Qiurong had no choice but to say to the policeman behind him while tossing and turning.

"Ah!" A policeman who was watching with gusto had already forgotten the ferocity of the monster before, and when he heard the reminder from the heroine, he was a little stunned.

However, having been a policeman for several years, he still has the basic literacy and responsiveness, so he hurriedly called the policemen next to him to drive away the surrounding people.

Originally, many people were enthusiastically filming, but when they heard that the heroine couldn't hold on anymore, their faces changed drastically. Many people were about to run away, but they still looked at the scene with some hesitation.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but after looking at it, I found that the heroine was thrown out by the top corner of the monster, and then fell hard to the ground.

At this time, the monster's eyes flashed with excitement, and he rushed over, ready to kill the woman. In the eyes of the monster, this woman was really annoying.

After Yuan Qiurong fell to the ground, her face showed pain, she covered her abdomen with both hands, and spat out a mouthful of blood on the ground.

Yuan Qiurong looked up at the monster that was rushing towards him, trying to struggle to get up.

But he found that he was injured by the top corner of the monster, the injury was too serious, and coupled with the severe fall, he had no strength to get up quickly at this time.

Yuan Qiurong moved his eyes and looked at Wang Daochong behind the monster, hoping that Wang Daochong could restrain the monster a little behind the monster and let himself get up.

Unexpectedly, when Wang Daochong saw Yuan Qiurong was seriously injured by the monster, he hesitated a little, and turned around and ran away, which made Yuan Qiurong vomit blood again angrily.

Seeing the giant beast's giant feet stepping down towards her like a pillar of the sky, her eyes were full of despair, and she just moved back with both hands as much as she could.

She sighed in her heart, Li Yunfeng was late after all, could he deal with this terrifying strange beast by himself?
(End of this chapter)

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