The return of the immortal world

Chapter 46 Leave it to me

Chapter 46 Leave it to me
Seeing this scene, everyone turned pale with fright, no longer hesitated at this moment, turned around and ran away hastily.

Although the goddess is important and the shooting is important, their lives are more important. You must know that there are several horrible stumps in the field, and they don't want to be one of them.

It's just that these people just turned around when they suddenly saw a man wearing a black windbreaker rushing in quickly. The speed seemed to be going to heaven. What Bolt would definitely be instantly killed.

This man was naturally Li Yunfeng, and he casually picked up a windbreaker in a shop on the road and put it on to avoid being recognized by others.

"Could it be another martial arts master?" The photographer who posted the video at the beginning suddenly became excited again, and hurriedly turned to look.

"Ah!" But when the man turned around, he realized that the monster had already rushed to the woman's side, and its thick legs, which were the size of an elephant, were stepping on the woman's side.

The heroine has no way to retreat.

"Oh my god, the heroine is going to die!" Some people around turned their heads again. Seeing this scene, they couldn't bear it.

At this time, the man in the black windbreaker was at least 30 meters away from the field, and the monster's feet were about to be stepped on in a blink of an eye, and the heroine was basically hopeless.

In fact, Yuan Qiurong had given up struggling at this time, and just lay there quietly watching the monster screaming and stomping down on his chest, with a calm expression on his face, and even a somewhat gratified expression on his face.

Because she found that Li Yunfeng had finally caught up.

And judging by the kind of aura he exudes, it is definitely a level higher than his own, at least innate mid-stage.

With such a cultivation base, there should be no problem with the last monster that just entered the early innate stage, and I can be regarded as a well-deserved death, successfully delaying his arrival.

However, she still sighed slightly in her heart. It would be great if she could go one step earlier. Although she is not afraid of death, she doesn't want to die either.

Yuan Qiurong looked at the big feet that were getting closer and closer to her, and she closed her eyes. This was also the last moment of her life.

After a long time, Yuan Qiurong realized that she was not dead. She opened her eyes strangely, and the scene in front of her shocked her a little.

A man firmly supported the monster's big foot with one hand, preventing the monster's foot from stepping down, and the man was still smiling at him.

The man's face was a little strange, but she was very familiar with the man's figure and breath. It was Li Yunfeng, who should have been disguised.

"Is this a human?" Yuan Qiurong's heart trembled, and his eyes were filled with horror.

In her heart, Li Yunfeng was able to beat this monster, but it didn't mean that Li Yunfeng was stronger than the monster. This is a monster weighing nearly ten tons, and its big feet were easily supported like this?
And the man is still laughing?
Yuan Qiurong felt that the world was a little crazy. Is there such a powerful person in the world?
And it's a young man who doesn't look strong with such strength?

Who is the monster?

Not only Yuan Qiurong was shocked, but the people around him were even more shocked. In the last 30 meters, this man who suddenly appeared rushed to the front legs of the monster at a speed of less than a second, and was only a few meters away from Yuan Qiurong at this time. The inch-long feet were lifted abruptly.

Wang Daochong, who had just fled from the desert, was also stunned, with cold sweat on his forehead, who the hell is this?
At first, he planned to ask the elders of the sect to deal with this young man, but could the elders of the sect really beat this young man?Where the hell did this young man come from?
"Leave it to me!" Li Yunfeng held the monster's thigh with one hand, and smiled lightly at Yuan Qiurong.

"Okay!" Yuan Qiurong suppressed the shock in his heart and nodded fiercely. Seeing that relaxed smile, he suddenly felt an unparalleled sense of security in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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