The return of the immortal world

Chapter 531 Domineering, unrivalled

Chapter 531

Although the other party's words are not polite, but they are well-founded, how can they refute?

Even, at this moment, in the hearts of many people, they are cursing Li Yunfeng as an idiot!
Fighting manpower and missiles, isn't your brain funny?
If you have a chance to escape, if you don't escape, you can't help but smash your phone and keyboard!
Of course, there are also some people who take pleasure in other people's misfortunes, and it is not without them.

Yuan Qiurong, Chen Lin, Chen Jing, Lu Qingyan, Ye Feng, the head of the Long family, Zhang He, Wang Daochong, Juejianxian, Han Qingyun, Wang Xuanlang, Lu Dongyang, Lu Xiyang and so on are also warriors.

There are also some wealthy sons who have gradually started to contact the world of martial arts, such as Wang Hai, Wei Guoyang, Wei Yingying and others, after getting the news, they all log in to the Shenwu forum!
They didn't believe it at first.

But when various details started to leak out in the Shenwu Forum, everyone was stunned!
"How could Brother Li die?"

Yuan Qiurong thought of the past, although there were not many conversations every time they met, there was a sense of tranquility of knowing each other, which made her very addicted.

At this time also left tears.

"Brother Li will never die, he won't die, and missiles can't kill him! I believe, I believe that Brother Li will never be killed!"

Chen Jing also had tears in her eyes, and shouted frantically.

Chen Lin didn't speak, but the tears couldn't help but flow down!

At this moment, everyone didn't think that Li Yunfeng could survive under the missile!

Because the bombing range of the missiles that exploded was so large that the bombing center was used as a point and spread to the surrounding area, reaching a range of seven or eight kilometers.

If the diameter is counted, it is sixteen kilometers!

How to escape from such a large distance?

I can almost say that there is no way to go to heaven, and no way to go to earth!

Impossible to survive!

The American guys are also paying close attention at this time, although they feel very dissatisfied with the Japanese country's unauthorized launch of such a powerful missile.

I was also secretly shocked that the Japanese country had developed such a powerful attack missile without authorization under their noses, and they simply didn't take them seriously!

But when they saw that Wa Kingdom was to destroy such a super terrifying character, they also expressed a little understanding!
They also don't like people who are not very controlled by the state.

If this person goes to their country of America to make a big fuss sometime, the supernatural beings in this country don't know if they can cure this person!
Although their supernatural beings are also getting stronger from generation to generation, they haven't really fought against each other, and they are not sure which one is stronger or weaker.

Anyway, they are Chinese people, people from their old rival country, such people die well!

So they decided that it would be good to give a little warning afterwards, and to extort something from Wa country to go back.

Thinking of this, the Americans also looked at each other and smiled!

Just when everyone thought that Li Yunfeng had no possibility of survival!
At this time, when the missile was only a dozen kilometers away from Li Yunfeng, when it came from above the sky!
With the ultimate speed of the missile, the last ten kilometers would only take two to three seconds, but this time is the best time to make a move!

Standing here, Li Yunfeng held the black dragon spear, which was already full of energy, in the air in his palms. At this moment, the black dragon gun seemed to be revived.

At this time, Li Yunfeng's forehead was also covered with sweat. With his current cultivation level, it was difficult to bear such a big move!

But he just wants to resist missiles.

When I first entered the world of cultivating immortals!
He forbears!
It's been a long time since I entered the world of cultivating immortals!
He is still forbearing!
Because of forbearance, in exchange for a glimmer of life!
When he first came to Earth, he is still forbearing!
Because his strength is really small, not to mention many martial artists, even a country can easily capture him, or even behead him!

But now, he doesn't need to bear it, the world is so big that there are not many opponents!

Now that there is no opponent, let's fight against a country!

One person against one country, he can do it!

Even if this country is only a country with military restrictions everywhere, it is still enough!

He wants to let those who maintain their own strength clearly realize the gap between them and him, so that they will never dare to fight against him again!
So, this moment!
He chose not to bear it anymore!
He wants the world to see his astonishing power!

At the moment when the missile was approaching, although Li Yunfeng looked extremely strenuous, there was a shocking pride in his body!

Standing next to Li Yunfeng, Luo Fei, who had closed his eyes and waited to die, felt the soaring aura of Li Yunfeng.

At this moment, she seems to think that Li Yunfeng can really fight against the missiles coming at a high speed?
In just an instant, her mind was cleared up!

How can a man fight a missile?
This is absolutely hilarious!

Luo Fei didn't believe it!
But do not know why!
Seeing the man next to him covered in sweat and even his clothes covered in sweat, did she still have a little faith in her heart?

at last!

this moment!
Li Yunfeng made a move!

Soaring with arrogance, domineering and unrivaled!
Li Yunfeng roared wildly for the first time, wherever the sound went, it seemed like a huge tornado was blowing!
Then, Li Yunfeng's body surged with monstrous energy!

This is the greatest potential that Li Yunfeng can display at this moment!

Just for a moment!

The already drenched black robe on Li Yunfeng's body instantly became dry at this moment!

And then it started to catch fire!

At this moment, Li Yunfeng seemed to have turned into a burning man. This is a manifestation of the human body's potential being brought to its limit!
Luo Fei was startled by Li Yunfeng's sudden change, and backed away in fright.

The moment Raffi backed away!

Li Yunfeng who was in the flames yelled!
"Dragon Soul!"

"Help me!"

"Use my own strength to fight against a country!"

The Black Dragon Spear also made a buzzing sound at this moment, as if responding to Li Yunfeng.

At the tip of the dragon gun, it seemed that a black dragon head appeared!
Mighty and domineering!

If someone was in front of the dragon gun at this time and could look directly at the dragon gun, he would definitely find Li Yunfeng's face hidden in the dragon's head!

Dragon Soul and Li Yunfeng's spiritual thoughts converged at this moment!
The Dragon Spear is still as big!
But the momentum is overwhelming!

At the last moment, Li Yunfeng pushed the black spear with all his strength!

The black dragon is roaring, the earth is shaking, the human body is burning, and the sky is roaring!

At this moment, the black dragon gun is like a shooting star.

It accelerated to the extreme in an instant, and the speed reached the peak in an instant, and there was almost no time for acceleration!
The black dragon gun flew away at a speed no less than that of a missile coming from a high altitude in the distance!

At this moment, the missile roared as if piercing through the sky!

"Quickly control the missile to deviate from the orbit..."


Before the Japanese military could finish their sentence, one shot and one missile exploded at a high altitude six kilometers away from Li Yunfeng's side!

(End of this chapter)

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