The return of the immortal world

Chapter 532 Let's go!

Chapter 532 Let's go!

With a huge roar in the air, the Japanese military who saw the result for the first time were all stunned!

It took a long time after the explosion before the Japanese army reacted.

"How is it possible, how is it possible."

In the Japanese military, some people seem to be crazy, staring at the video in front of them with dull eyes.

"Is this true? With a long gun, even missiles can be taken down?"

Someone stared dumbfounded at the video in front of them. The explosion hadn't completely dissipated yet.

"This is definitely not a human being, this is the reincarnation of a god!"

Someone knelt directly on the ground, shouting to the gods!

Although the other people did not have any outrageous behavior, they were still immersed in the shock for a long time and couldn't extricate themselves.

But in a few minutes!
Someone finally woke up completely, and a gleam flashed in his eyes!
"He can block one missile, so is it possible that he can also block two missiles?" A middle-aged man said coldly.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Many people echoed.

"The black gun in his hand is gone, let's see what he can use to resist it!"

Everyone agrees very much!

"Keep firing!"

The order will soon be passed to the launch pad.

"How powerful is it?"

Someone who delivered the order asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's another missile of the previous model!" The middle-aged man said speechlessly, what's the point?
They just considered Li Yunfeng's terror, and they needed to use powerful missiles covering a wide area to hit Li Yunfeng.

"There is only one missile of that kind. After it was developed, I didn't dare to continue it, in case it was discovered by the Japanese and American troops and condemned our country!"

said the sender.

The middle-aged man froze for a moment, why didn't he think of this?

He cursed the American guy secretly, and was about to ask the communicator to change the model.

It's just that before he could say anything, he was interrupted, and he was interrupted by many people at the same time.

"What's the matter?" The middle-aged officer said with some doubts.

"Didn't you realize that the range of the missile explosion was six kilometers away from Li Yunfeng?"

Someone's eyes sparkled, and there was a gleam of excitement in their eyes!

"So what?" The middle-aged officer couldn't bend his mind all of a sudden.

"So what? Haha, when we selected this missile, we researched it together! Range, distance, explosive power, you gave me a lot of advice, distance, distance!"

The man reminded.

"By the way, the distance!"

The middle-aged officer finally reacted.

Six kilometers away, isn't there still a two-kilometer explosion range?

There is no doubt that he must die!
Everyone looked at each other and laughed heartily!


After the explosion, except Wa Kingdom panicked for a while, but quickly adjusted.

At this moment, no one thought that Li Yunfeng could carry the missile.

Everyone thought that Li Yunfeng had been killed by the missile.

Even Luo Fei, even though she was at Li Yunfeng's side and saw all kinds of incredible changes in Li Yunfeng, she still couldn't believe that Li Yunfeng could really stop the Japanese missiles.

But at the last moment, Li Yunfeng's shocking blow!
She was really stunned when the incredible speed of the black spear was several kilometers in a blink of an eye, and when it was handed over to the missile and finally caused the missile to explode in the sky!
But even so, what's the use?

After all, if the missile is not intercepted outside the explosion range of the missile, it will still die after all.

Luo Fei shook his head, watching the completely exploded missiles spread to the surroundings at an extreme speed, and the sound of the explosion made Luo Fei's ears deaf for a short time.

However, the man beside him looked at the roaring huge flames, and still stood straight, with his eyes fixed on the front.

When the flames on this person disappeared, a set of robes reappeared at some point, and Luo Fei was amazed to see it.

Sure enough, as expected of a cultivator, the means of changing clothes are really top-notch.

For this, Luo Fei has long been accustomed to it. Immortal cultivators can suddenly produce something from their hands, and everyone has long been used to it!
The iconic items are the golden sword and black spear!
With the knowledge of a warrior, he still can't tell the difference between the black spear and the golden sword.

Just suddenly, Li Yunfeng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly turned around and said, "Let's go!"

Only two words, very concise.

Luo Fei's ears were temporarily deaf, and even if he wasn't deaf, he wouldn't be able to hear anything amidst the explosion.

But she can still see the mouth shape of let's go.

"That's all, let's go?"

Luo Fei was on the verge of death at this time, and the initial fear had long since disappeared.

Just when the corner of Luo Fei's mouth felt a little funny and a smile appeared again, she thought it was the last smile in her life.

But suddenly, her eyes stared forward, and they suddenly became round.

He saw a black long gun, and following the explosion, it also rushed towards this side, while Li Yunfeng stretched out a hand, looked at the black long gun that was about to reach him in the next second, and took it.

"Oh my god, the collision with the missile exploded at the center, and nothing happened?"

Luo Fei felt that his head was not enough.

But it was too late at this time, with the force of the explosion mixed with the spear, Luo Fei felt the heat wave in front of him.

Feel the power to melt almost anything and explode everything!

Raffi finally closed her eyes!
No matter how defiant Li Yunfeng was, he couldn't escape death after all.

The black spear is fine, perhaps because of some special metal, but she and Li Yunfeng are just mortals.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of the explosion was louder than louder, roaring in her ears.

She was deaf for a short time, but she heard the sound again. It can be seen how loud the explosion was, and she felt that her eardrums were about to burst.

But that's all?
Listening to the sound, the power of the explosion has completely spread to her side!

It's just why there seems to be nothing but a slight pain in the eardrum?

Really strange?
Is it because it has been blown to ashes?

Is that why you don't feel it?

No, it was blown to ashes, how could you feel pain in your eardrum?
Luo Fei subconsciously opened his eyes!

The eyes can be opened, she is not dead yet?

It's just that when she opened her eyes and looked forward, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak anymore.

There is an endless sea of ​​flames ahead!
Nothing but fire, or fire!
The blinding flames nearly blinded her eyes.

But there was an earthy yellow light curtain in front of her, which was slightly different from the color of the flame, allowing her to barely open her eyes!

As for the feeling on the body, apart from being a little hot, it seems that there is nothing to feel!

"No, no, it must be a hallucination! It must be a temporary hallucination!"

Luo Fei muttered to himself, unbelievable.

Just when she turned her head a little, she saw a man with a black spear looking at her with a smile.

"Let's go!" It was the same sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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