Chapter 539 Off course

It was not Li Yunfeng who shot, but Luo Fei.

Luo Fei was really afraid that Li Yunfeng would make a move, because in the situations she had seen, Li Yunfeng would almost die when he made a move.

Although Li Yunfeng might not be able to kill people with this matter, Luo Fei still has some psychological shadows.

Just in case, Luo Fei replaced Li Yunfeng and made the first move.

The five people saw a phantom flashing in front of their eyes, and then felt a pain in the body, and felt that the body flew up directly.

Then it was thrown out fiercely, and all kinds of things hit the hull of the ship.

Immediately afterwards, there was a silent scream, seeing that the man did not move, but the woman opposite the man looked at them with a sneer.

These people immediately wanted to say something harsh, but seeing the woman's fierce gaze, they swallowed, and finally said nothing.

So the pain on the five people's bodies eased a little, and they fled in despair, and ran into the cabin.

The tourists who were looking at the sea view were stunned when they saw that such a weak woman was so powerful.

No wonder the man's tone was so harsh, it turned out that his girlfriend was so powerful.

But this was just a small episode, as for the five men, they discussed how to find someone to beat them up when they returned home, Li Yunfeng didn't care.

Let alone whether you beat me up or not, when he returns to China, he may not be able to find others if he continues to practice.

Time passed slowly, and the night was approaching, and the night weather gradually became cooler. People who were watching the sea outside gradually returned to the cabin.

"Do you want to go back?" Luo Fei and Li Yunfeng are not ordinary people, even if it is cold outside, it doesn't affect them.

But the two of them were still outside at night, which was a bit unusual.

Li Yunfeng didn't speak, at this moment he was silently feeling the abnormality of the cruise ship!
Luo Fei knew that Li Yunfeng had something to do, so she didn't say much, and waited quietly.

It wasn't until several minutes later that Li Yunfeng said slowly: "This world is a bit weird. It just happened that some knowledgeable people took advantage of it and slowly led it away from the fairway."


Luo Fei was a little shocked, but she didn't feel anything.

However, she absolutely believed Li Yunfeng's words, and the other party was a super genius who could resist even missiles.

"Then Mr. Li, can you correct the course?"

Raffi asked.

"Yes, but I have always been curious about what happened to those missing ships before. Since this force led me there, I will go over and have a look to see what evil spirits are doing it."

Li Yunfeng smiled lightly, and then said.

"Okay!" Luo Fei nodded, with Li Yunfeng here, she really didn't have to worry much.

But when Li Yunfeng took it lightly and wanted to see and see, it was a frying pan in the control room of the cruise ship.

Although it was still early spring and the weather was still cold, the staff in the control room were sweating profusely.

So weird!

It's really weird!
They were clearly walking along the normal channel, but before they knew it, they had deviated from their positions by dozens of kilometers.

If it's just that, it's fine, and it's fine if they re-adjust the route.

But the weirdness lies in the fact that they have clearly adjusted the waterway, but they still seem to be getting farther and farther away from the original waterway.

At this time, the people in the control room were filled with fear!
Is that how those fishing boats disappeared back then?

It wasn't any hidden reefs and undercurrents that caused the ship to capsize, but an unknown force leading them to an unknown place?
Thinking of this person, these people are terrified.

"Hurry up, contact the company quickly and let them assist in positioning us, or even rescue us. We must get out of this deviated channel as soon as possible, otherwise we may..."

Having said that, the captain dared not say any more.

"Okay, I'll get in touch right away."

One of the crew members hurriedly picked up the satellite phone in the control room.

It's just that after a while, the phone in the hands of the crew member almost dropped directly.

The satellite phone can't make calls.

"What's wrong?" The captain felt a little bad when he saw the performance of the crew member.

"Can't get out!" The crew member looked towards the sea outside with some fear, full of fear in his heart.

Although the captain had already guessed in his heart, after getting the final news, he almost fell to the ground directly.

Now, if anyone still said that the ship was capsized and disappeared due to the undercurrent on the reef, he would definitely slap himself with a big mouth.

The personnel on board tried various contact methods, but found that without exception, they could no longer communicate with the outside world.

When the crew members started to fear, the news naturally couldn't be suppressed, and the captain didn't bother to suppress it anymore. Everyone was dying, so why suppress it?

So the news quickly spread to the tourist area. Some tourists who were planning to sleep were shocked when they heard the news.

Including Zhan Ruoqing who just woke up after sleeping.

She also heard about the conflict between Li Yunfeng and those young masters just now.

Hearing that it was the woman next to Li Yunfeng who made the move, she was a little surprised and was about to go over to have a look.

As a result, when he heard the news, he felt restless all of a sudden.

In the end, she still felt that she was going to find Li Yunfeng and that woman, and through the woman's attack, she felt that Li Yunfeng was unusual.

First, I searched in the public area, and found that there was no one. Could it be that I was sleeping?

It shouldn't be, now that something has happened, can you still sleep?

Everyone gathers together now, what about holding a group?
Aren't they afraid?
With the thought of giving it a try, Zhan Ruoqing ran outside to have a look.

When passing by those five young masters, some of these five young masters had dull faces, some were crying for their father and mother, and Zhan Ruoqing looked at them with contempt for a while.

With your guts, you still dare to pick on my old lady?

But after going out, Zhan Ruoqing was a little stunned.

Li Yunfeng and Luo Fei were actually outside.

As far as the eye could see, there were only Li Yunfeng and Luo Fei. The two looked extremely calm. It seemed that they hadn't gotten the news that the cruise ship was sailing uncontrollably to an unknown area?

The more she thought about it, the more likely it was, Zhan Ruoqing felt a little bit pained.

Looking at the two men and women who were still blowing the sea breeze, Zhan Ruoqing was also extremely speechless.

The winter is just over, and you are still blowing the sea breeze here, are you out of your mind?

However, Zhan Ruoqing felt that she should tell Li Yunfeng the news that the cruise ship had deviated from the course.

Whether it is life or death, one has to prepare in advance, one cannot die miraculously without knowing everything.

Now that I know, maybe I can write a suicide note to explain the funeral.

It's just that Zhan Ruoqing came over and said a word about the yaw very excitedly, but in the end all he got was just one sentence.


(End of this chapter)

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