The return of the immortal world

Chapter 540 Shinto is established!

Chapter 540 Shinto is established!

Zhan Ruoqing was also surprised by Li Yunfeng's word 'oh'.

Regardless of whether the other party knew about the yaw of the cruise ship, after hearing what she said, it shouldn't be such a reaction, right?

Zhan Ruoqing watched the two of them sitting in the dark without saying a word.

Then I looked at the weird sea surface outside.

Looking at the two of them again, Zhan Ruoqing's heart trembled. If the cruise ship is not yaw, it's the fault of these two people, right?
Thinking of the fact that this woman swept away five men in a second during the day.

Zhan Ruoqing's heart trembled even more.

Seeing that Zhan Ruoqing didn't speak, Li Yunfeng was also a little surprised. This person talks a lot during the day?

Is it because his attitude is too cold?
Li Yunfeng felt that he could comfort the woman a little, and then said: "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

As soon as Li Yunfeng said that, Zhan Ruoqing backed away in fright, turned around and fled inside.

"No accident? After such a big incident, you said there will be no accident?"

The more Zhan Ruoqing thought about it, the more she felt that these two people were weird, so she didn't dare to stay longer.

Li Yunfeng and Luo Fei looked at each other, relatively speechless.

But the two ignored it and continued to practice with their eyes closed.

About three hours passed by, and the sky was completely dark at this time.

The ship, which was already unmanned, suddenly trembled violently at this moment, obviously stopping.

"Has the boat docked?"

Some people looked outside the cruise ship and found that the front was lush with many towering trees.

Many people have been in great fear at this time, and at this time they were shocked to hear that they had landed, and they all wept with joy.

Didn't expect that they were already desperate, but they were able to dock safely?

At this time, they didn't think about it at all. They had been sailing into the ocean for so long, how could they dock safely at this time!
Obviously, this shore is not the other shore!
Everyone rushed out towards the outer deck, trying to escape the cruise ship that made them desperate.

But when everyone came out, they were stunned.

Why does this look like a virgin forest?
And this is not what shocked them the most. The most shocking thing was that there were some abandoned ship wrecks around them, but most of them were just small fishing boats.

In fact, they haven't really docked yet, they just bumped into these wreckages and were forced to stop.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

When everyone saw the desolation here and the wreckage of so many ships, many people completely collapsed.

Some even sat down on the deck, crying bitterly.

The five sons were the fastest when they ran out, but they were also the fastest when they were sitting on the ground. The five of them were indeed good friends, and they were hugging each other and shivering.

Only in this way can they feel a little safer.

Zhan Ruoqing hid in front of the door, looking at the scene outside, also in a daze.

Are you really going to die here?
At this time, she subconsciously looked at Li Yunfeng and Luo Fei. It seemed that it was not because of these two people?

If it was really these two people, it stands to reason that after such a long time on the cruise ship, it would be time to make trouble, not now.

And they haven't moved much until now, and there is no move to shoot at them at this time.

Zhan Ruoqing wondered if she was too scared, that's why she thought too much?
But she still didn't dare to say hello to Li Yunfeng, who knew if Li Yunfeng's face would suddenly turn into a grimace when he stepped forward, and then he opened his mouth to bite her?
Thinking of this, Zhan Ruoqing's whole body trembled, and she knocked her head to the side, grinning hoarsely in pain.

When he was about to approach here, Li Yunfeng stopped practicing.

After arriving here at this time, Li Yunfeng said that he looked down calmly, but his whole body was ready to go.

He didn't want to go back without the cruise ship.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the dense forest not far away.

He speaks Japanese.

There were many Japanese people on board, and many who were proficient in the Japanese language. Many people could understand it, including Li Yunfeng and Luo Fei.

Li Yunfeng made his judgment based on the weak divine sense that the other party inadvertently exuded when speaking.

Luo Fei is really proficient in the Japanese language. As an agent trained by the Dragon Department since childhood, being proficient in the Japanese language is just a child's play.

"Xiao Ba, eat a little first, and the rest will be mine!"

From the depths of the secluded forest on the island, an old hoarse voice suddenly came out.

It's not very loud, but everyone can hear it.

Suddenly, this strange sound came out from the deserted island, which shocked everyone.

Some of the people who understood it fainted from fright.

"This person wants to eat them? Why do you want Xiaoba to eat a little first?"

When some people who are proficient in Japanese muttered to themselves on the cruise ship, when everyone knew the meaning of that sentence, there were also many people who cried out in fright.

On the opposite side, I heard the cries on the cruise ship, and there was also a strange sound that made people shudder.

"With the energy and blood of these three or 400 people, this old man's cultivation can go up to a higher level. Unfortunately, it's just some mortal blood. This old man's life will stop there."

"But even so, it is enough for me to become the number one expert in the Japanese martial arts world. In the eyes of this old man, Sakata Katsuten is just a joke!"

"My Shinto has been silent for so long, and I am destined to be brilliant again! I want to reappear the glory of my ancestors!"

"In today's great world, my divine way shall stand!"

"After completing this ticket, I can return to China in a good mood. No one knows that I did all of this, hahaha!"

The old man in the secluded forest spoke more and more vigorously, and his voice became louder and louder, resounding through the sky.

"Oh? The most important people are still a group of Chinese people? Finally, I don't have to kill my compatriots. I feel at ease!"

"Little Ba, eat it. When the time comes, I will go back to the country with me. I won't have these delicacies for you to eat. You must cherish this last time."

The old voice continued.

After the old man finished speaking the last sentence, there was some movement in the water suddenly, the bottom of the water was rattling, and waves began to appear on the sea surface, as if something was about to come out.

Everyone was so frightened that they all ran back into the cabin, as if they would not die in this way.

But it is true that it will be a little later to die this way, it is true.

(End of this chapter)

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