The return of the immortal world

Chapter 58 Keep smiling and go to the hospital

Chapter 58 Keep smiling and go to the hospital

"Qianmeng, you are back!" A middle-aged man came out and said to Lin Qianmeng.

This person is Lin Qianmeng's third uncle, whom Li Yunfeng met before and accidentally scolded him. His name is Lin Jie, and he is the third in the family.

"Third uncle, how is grandpa doing now?" Lin Qianmeng responded and asked.

"Your grandfather doesn't have a serious illness. According to the doctor, he is old and has reached the point of exhaustion. Therefore, whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, the therapeutic effect is not very great!" Lin Jie sighed. Said.

"Young man, do you really know how to cure diseases?" Lin Jie looked at Li Yunfeng beside him, and said in disbelief.

"I'll only know this after seeing the patient!" Li Yunfeng wouldn't talk too much, after all, he didn't even see the patient.

"Okay, then you come with me!" Lin Jie nodded. He believed in his niece's prudence, so he wouldn't bring someone who didn't understand anything, but seeing that Li Yunfeng's words were also ambiguous, a flash of light flashed in his eyes. disappointment.

"Third brother, who is this person? Why haven't I seen it before?" Lin Jie led Li Yunfeng to walk inside, when suddenly a voice came from the next room.

"This is a Chinese medicine doctor that Qianmeng met in Jingnan City. He has excellent medical skills and has been taught by a master. Today, Qianmeng came back and brought it here to show his father!" Lin Jie explained.

Li Yunfeng looked in the direction of the voice. The person who came was about the same age as Lin Xie. His appearance was somewhat similar to that of Lin Qianmeng and Lin Xie. Although he was old, he still had a charming charm. This person was Lin Qianmeng's fourth aunt Lin. Ying is also the youngest daughter of Mr. Lin.

When Lin Qian dreamed of seeing Lin Ying, she only called out softly, and stopped talking. Obviously, she didn't have a good relationship with this fourth aunt, and she didn't have the kind of intimacy that she felt when she saw the third uncle.

Lin Qianmeng didn't like the fourth aunt, so the fourth aunt naturally wouldn't give Lin Qianmeng a good face, and she didn't even bother to respond.

"Such a young Chinese medicine practitioner is still very good at medicine?"

Lin Ying glanced at Li Yunfeng, and then said with disbelief, if it was said that this young man was studying western medicine, she might believe it a little bit, after all, there are many young people who are famous at home and abroad in western medicine.

But traditional Chinese medicine generally depends on age. The older you are, the more advanced your medical skills are. How advanced are your medical skills at such a young age?
"I guess so!" Lin Jie also said with some uncertainty. After all, she only heard Lin Qianmeng say that Li Yunfeng's medical skills are not bad, but he didn't specifically ask how good he is. In fact, he didn't have much hope in his heart.

"It's okay for the little girl Qianmeng to be confused. Third brother, why are you so confused? You just found such a young man to treat Dad. Could it be that all the masters of traditional Chinese medicine in the capital can't compare to a young man like him?" Lin Yingying said. Said sarcastically.

"Qianmeng also has good intentions, but it's nothing to look at!" Lin Xie said with some embarrassment.

"What's the matter? Dad is not in good health now and needs to recuperate. Anyone can come in and have a look!" Lin Ying retorted.

"Whether you need it or not depends on grandpa!" Lin Qianmeng's face was frosty. She had never liked this fourth aunt. She was very powerful. She used to force marriages, and her fourth aunt was even more pressing than his father.

"Heh, I built a broken company myself, thinking that my wings are hard? You don't even know the basic respect for elders?" Lin Ying said with a sneer.

"It's because you respect the elders that you don't have the right to decide whether grandpa needs Li Yunfeng's help to see a doctor. Grandpa is not confused, and you don't have the right!" Lin Qianmeng was tit-for-tat, she was not a weak person.

"Hmph, anyway, I don't agree with this young man helping grandpa to see a doctor!" The fourth aunt actually walked in the middle, opened her arms, and blocked the way like a shrew, preventing Li Yunfeng from passing.

Lin Qianmeng's face was a little red, and her chest was heaving and falling, obviously very angry at Si Gu's behavior.

"Fourth sister, stop messing around like this!" Lin Xie also lowered his face. Qianmeng hadn't come home for a long time, and he didn't expect to encounter fourth sister's messing around when he came back. He was also very angry.

"Whether I have medical skills, you can try it!" Li Yunfeng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said with an inscrutable expression.

"Hmph, you don't need to say more, anyway, I won't allow you to go in, you should go back directly!" Lin Ying said today because she was determined to save Lin Qianmeng's face.

"Take a deep breath, and you will find a piercing pain in your left lung!" Li Yunfeng didn't answer, but said with a light smile.

"Heh, who are you scaring?" Fourth Aunt obviously didn't believe it.

"You don't have to try, but your condition is already very serious. If you don't treat it in time, you may not last a week, and you may walk in front of Mr. Lin. Your illness is a sudden illness, and once it flares up, you will die." Immediately died, maybe the first symptoms will appear today." Li Yunfeng continued, with an inscrutable expression on his face.

"If you fart, you will walk in front of the old man!" Lin Ying said angrily, but she was just agitated, and suddenly felt a slight pain in her left lung, which made her feel a bit nervous. Could it be this kid? Is it true?

At this moment, Lin Ying had doubts in her heart, so she didn't speak any more. She tried Li Yunfeng's method, but just halfway through taking a deep breath, she felt a sharp pain from her left lung.

"Ah!" Lin Ying covered her chest with both hands, cold sweat immediately flowed down, it was frightening and painful.

"Fourth sister, what's wrong with you?" Lin Jie looked at Li Yunfeng in surprise, and then hurriedly stepped forward to support Lin Ying.

"The chest hurts!" Lin Ying looked at Li Yunfeng with some fear. At this moment, she felt that what Li Yunfeng said seemed to be true, and she was also a little scared. This young man's words were so accurate, could she really walk in front of Mr. Lin?
It's just that she sneered at Li Yunfeng just now, so naturally she couldn't bear to ask Li Yunfeng to help her treat her illness, so she just looked a little gloomy, and then hurriedly walked outside, obviously she was very worried in her heart at this time, Ready to go to the hospital for examination.

Seeing Lin Ying hurried past him, Li Yunfeng smiled sinisterly, and then said loudly: "This disease, the more you are in a bad mood, the easier it is to attack. If you keep such a gloomy face, maybe you haven't arrived yet." In the hospital, I fell ill on the way!"

Lin Ying became even more flustered when she heard this, but she felt some pain in her left lung again. She didn't know if it was because the pain hadn't passed, or it was a psychological effect.

Li Yunfeng smiled, turned his back to Lin Ying, and said loudly again: "If you don't want to get sick so quickly, you have to keep smiling and go to the hospital, so you won't get sick!"

Lin Ying paused for a moment, and hurriedly put on a smile that was uglier than crying, then ran out in a panic, greeted the driver, and hurried to the hospital.

Along the way, she strictly followed Li Yunfeng's advice and went to the hospital with a smile on her face!

(End of this chapter)

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