The return of the immortal world

Chapter 59 Do You Use Nian Ginseng?

Chapter 59 Would you use century-old ginseng?
"Doctor Li, what's wrong with my fourth sister? Does it matter?" Lin Jie looked at the direction where Lin Ying disappeared, and said worriedly. At this time, the title also changed. Obviously, what Li Yunfeng did just now shocked him a little. .

Although he didn't like Lin Ying very much, they grew up together after all. If the fourth sister really had some illness, he couldn't ignore it.

"Your sister's illness is a bit weird. It only exists in ancient books. It is difficult for her to find out anything when she goes to the hospital. However, I have just been exposed to and treated this disease before, so I have some understanding of this disease. I can treat!"

Li Yunfeng said with an inscrutable face, in fact, he was very happy, how could he know how to cure diseases?How do you know what kind of illness Lin Ying is suffering from?He just tampered with Lin Ying's body. With his methods, the hospital would definitely not be able to find anything. In the end, he would cry and beg himself to treat her.

"Then I'll call her back!" Lin Jie hurriedly took out his cell phone, ready to make a call.

But Li Yunfeng stopped it in time, and then said: "You don't have to worry, her condition only needs to be treated within a week, and there will be no danger before that, and seeing her condition, she doesn't trust me so much, let her go first. The hospital checks, if nothing can be found, and the pain symptoms don’t subside, they will naturally come back to me, I’m here mainly for Mr. Lin, so go and help Mr. Lin first!”

Lin Jie thought about it, and felt that Li Yunfeng was right, so he invited Li Yunfeng in.

After Li Yunfeng entered the house, Li Yunfeng saw an old man with thinning hair and a very thin body on a reclining chair. It really looked like what Lin Xie said, almost exhausted.

There was also a middle-aged woman beside her, who was talking with the old man, and the old man would say a few words from time to time. Although his physical condition was not very good, the old man was still relatively optimistic, not as fearful of death as ordinary people showed.

After Li Yunfeng came in, the old man looked at Lin Qianmeng, his eyes were a little moist.

"Qianmeng, you're back!" the old man said hoarsely, with tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Grandpa, I'm back to see you!" Lin Qianmeng hurried over, squatted down in front of the recliner, and held Grandpa's hands.

"Hey, you haven't come back to see me for two years, oh, I was so stupid back then, I insisted on marrying you to that bastard Yuan Wenzhong!" Old Master Lin looked at Lin Qianmeng with some affection, and then said.

"This has nothing to do with grandpa, grandpa is also for the sake of the family! Besides, grandpa didn't force me much at the beginning, so how can you blame grandpa." Lin Qianmeng choked up and said, the strong woman in the past seemed very weak at this moment.

"Well, I figured it out a long time ago. There is no such thing as a prosperous family in this world. I was the one who was obsessed before. Your father has too much desire for power. I can't say anything about him, but he is also a little regretful now. After all, you Father and daughter, the bones are broken and the tendons are still connected, I still have to come back to see him more in the future!" Mr. Lin said with a sigh.

Lin Qianmeng didn't speak, just nodded, and Mr. Lin didn't say much when he saw this, just shook his head.

Lin Qianmeng looked at the woman next to her, and called Third Aunt, who was Third Uncle's wife.

The third aunt nodded, her personality was a bit like that of the third uncle, and she seemed more amiable, not as aggressive and snobbish as the fourth aunt.

"Who is this young man? He looks very energetic. Is he the little boyfriend you brought home? Mr. Lin didn't continue on that topic. He turned to look at Li Yunfeng, and then said with a smile on his face.

"Grandpa is talking nonsense. We are just in a normal relationship. He has good medical skills, so let him show grandpa when he comes back this time!" Lin Qianmeng said angrily.

"Hehe, if you like it, I will support you, Grandpa!" Mr. Lin said with a smile. After learning that he didn't have long to live, the old man became more cheerful. I don't pay attention to what I do, what family background, I just hope that my granddaughter can have a good home.

"Grandpa!" Lin Qianmeng acted like a little girl at this moment, and shook old master Lin's hand in embarrassment.

"What's the young man's name? Are you studying Chinese medicine or Western medicine? Qian Meng said that your medical skills are good, so you must be good, so please help me to see it!" Elder Lin looked at Li Yunfeng with a smile on his face and said.

"Mr. Lin, my name is Li Yunfeng. I study Chinese medicine. Show me your hand!" Li Yunfeng smiled and said.

"Okay!" Mr. Lin stretched out his hand with a smile, but he was a little curious about Li Yunfeng. Although Lin Qianmeng was not by her side, she must know the specific situation. Li Yunfeng must have some special abilities. Could it be that he is a strange person in the Jianghu?

Li Yunfeng squatted down, pressed old man Lin's wrist with one hand, and felt his pulse as if pretending. He didn't know pulse diagnosis at all, but it's okay if he doesn't know pulse. He can use the spiritual power in his body to help old man check his body.

Not long after, Li Yunfeng inspected the old man's body, and it was almost the same as what Lin explained, that is, the natural aging of the body organs had reached the point of exhaustion.

Although Li Yunfeng had thought of it a long time ago, he still frowned at this moment. If he exhausted his whole body and extended his life for a few years, it would be no problem to improve his lower body.

But when he was in Jingnan City before, he was almost killed by a garbage special soldier when his cultivation base was exhausted. In this capital city where dragons and snakes are more mixed, he dare not exhaust his cultivation base.

And the most important thing is that even if I exhaust my cultivation, I can only extend the old man's life for three years at most.
"What's wrong? Is it difficult?" Lin Qianmeng asked sadly.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, what's so bad about dying!" Mr. Lin is very open-minded, and he doesn't hold back at all.

"It can't be said to be difficult. The old man's situation is indeed exhausted, but if there are ginsengs that are more than a hundred years old, I can help the old man to prolong his life by more than five years!" Li Yunfeng thought for a while, and then said.

Ginseng is a treasure to prolong life in the world of cultivating immortals. The older the ginseng, the more vitality it has, and it can naturally extend the lifespan moderately.

"Who are you? Don't be ashamed. Centuries-old ginseng is rare, but the Lin family can also get it. If it really suits Mr. Lin, we would have used it long ago!" An old man with a gray beard came in and shouted at Li Yunfeng .

Originally, Lin Qianmeng was a little surprised after listening to Li Yunfeng's words. Not to mention the Lin family's [-]-year-old ginseng, even with her financial resources, she was able to get a few [-]-year-old ginseng.

But listening to the old man's words, her heart gradually cooled down again. Although Li Yunfeng is powerful, the old man in front of her is not a vegetarian. His medical skills are also very famous in the whole capital, and he is also a famous Chinese medicine doctor, so Lin Qianmeng again Some are wobbly.

"Century-year-old ginseng contains rich vitality, which is very effective for the old man's exhausted body. Why is it not suitable?" Li Yunfeng shook his head. The other party just didn't know how to use it, or was incapable of using it.

His method must cooperate with the spiritual power of the immortal cultivator to achieve a certain effect.

"Hmph, it's good that century-old ginseng has a strong life force, but its medicinal properties are very strong. With Mr. Lin's current body, how can he hold on? With century-old ginseng, to put it bluntly, it's like feeding poison to the old man!"

The old Chinese doctor snorted coldly, and then said, his eyes were slightly displeased. These people obviously invited him to take care of Lin Lao's body, but they found a wild Chinese medicine doctor from nowhere. If he came late If he took a step, wouldn't he be beaten to death by this young man!At that time, it will ruin his reputation.

"Li Yunfeng, why don't you forget it? Since the old doctor Zhao said so, it's better not to use it!" Although Lin Qianmeng didn't study medicine, she faintly felt that what Dr. Zhao said was more reasonable. The century-old ginseng is indeed very powerful. She also knows something about this.

Lin Qianmeng didn't believe Li Yunfeng, and was very speechless, but after all, he was his grandfather, maybe he would be his grandfather in the future, so it is impossible for him to die. Sometimes he is stingy, but in front of beautiful women, he must not be stingy.

So Li Yunfeng said: "Although the medicinal properties of century-old ginseng are strong, it's just that you don't know how to use it!"

"What, I don't know how to use it?" Dr. Zhao was so angry that his beard turned up. Someone said he didn't know how to use century-old ginseng?
"You know how to use it? You know how to use a fart! You just boil the [-]-year-old ginseng soup and then give it to the old man to drink. This is also called knowing how to use [-]-year-old ginseng?" Li Yunfeng said disdainfully.

"I, I..." Dr. Zhao originally wanted to refute, but when he thought about it seriously, he seemed to really only use ginseng to make soup. There was really no other way, but ginseng didn't make soup, so could it be possible to chew and swallow it?Wouldn't that die faster?

So he wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to refute, because he really didn't know how to use century-old ginseng!
(End of this chapter)

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