The return of the immortal world

Chapter 60 Keep smiling for 3 days

Chapter 60 Smiling For Three Days
"Since you don't know how to use it, then don't talk nonsense there!" Li Yunfeng looked at Dr. Zhao and said very pretendingly.

Doctor Zhao's face turned blue and red, and finally said: "Okay, then tell me how to use it!"

Li Yunfeng coughed, Dr. Zhao and the people inside all pricked up their ears, they were very curious.

"This is a unique secret technique, so I won't tell you anything!" In the end, Li Yunfeng said something very mean, and everyone heard black lines on their foreheads, and they all had the urge to beat Li Yunfeng.

Especially Dr. Zhao, who almost vomited blood from anger.

"Okay, I'll order to buy century-old ginseng now!" Seeing Li Yunfeng's confident face, Lin Qianmeng had to give it a try no matter if it worked or not.

"Well, the longer the year, the better. If there is a thousand-year-old ginseng, I can help the old man live at least 20 years!" Li Yunfeng said again, and even Lin Qianmeng felt that Li Yunfeng was bragging.

"Doctor Li, are you kidding me?" This time, Dr. Zhao didn't come up to sarcastically, but Lin Jie stood up and said suspiciously.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the old man is dying. It is already very remarkable to prolong his life for a few years. Lin Xie seriously doubts that he can prolong his life by 20 years.

"I'm just saying this. If you come across a thousand-year-old ginseng or one with a higher age, you can buy it. I will cure the old man at once. If there is no thousand-year-old ginseng, it will be fine for a hundred years. When you see the effect, you can collect it later. It's okay!" Li Yunfeng didn't care about the doubts, as long as his treatment was effective, they would naturally follow suit.

"Okay." Lin Jie looked at Li Yunfeng and finally agreed.

So the Lin family and Lin Qianmeng issued an order at the same time, believing that within a few days, they would be able to buy century-old ginseng.

Since Li Yunfeng came here, naturally he couldn't just wait like this, he had to show his hand to be convincing, so Li Yunfeng asked everyone to go out first, and then he used his spiritual power to help Mr. Lin tidy up a little, the effect was obvious, The old man is much more energetic.

Seeing this situation, everyone had more confidence in Li Yunfeng.

When Mr. Lin was able to walk around on his own, Dr. Zhao hurried forward to check Mr. Lin's pulse as if he had seen a ghost, and found that Mr. Lin's pulse beat a little stronger.

"This..." Dr. Zhao really had nothing to say this time, not to mention the century-old ginseng issue, just this action alone made Dr. Zhao admire Li Yunfeng a little, and it was also the first time he looked at Li Yunfeng directly.

Dr. Zhao straightened his face, and then said: "May I ask which master of Chinese medicine Dr. Li studied under, and his medical skills are so superb at such an age."

Li Yunfeng saw that Dr. Zhao had become polite at this time, so he naturally stopped putting on airs, and just brought up the same argument that he had used to coax Lin Xie before.

Dr. Zhao seemed very regretful after hearing this. The disciple's medical skills are so superb, so what should the master do?Sadly passed away.

While Li Yunfeng was talking with everyone, Lin Ying ran back, but since entering the courtyard, Lin Ying had been smiling, but she held her hands on her chest, looking very funny.

Seeing this situation, Li Yunfeng almost burst out laughing.

"Master Li, please help me, I blamed you just now!" Lin Ying said to Li Yunfeng as soon as she came back.

"Isn't there a doctor in the hospital? Why don't you treat your illness in the hospital!" Li Yunfeng asked knowingly.

"Those quack doctors, they still claim to be old experts, masters of Chinese medicine, all of them can't tell anything, they are all a bunch of trash, it's okay, my chest and lungs will hurt like this?" Lin Ying was very angry when she said this.

Li Yunfeng smiled and did not speak.

However, Dr. Zhao, who was always by the side, was a little curious. After carefully observing Lin Ying, he found that Lin Ying did not look like a sick person, because Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, hearing, asking, and knowing. A skilled Chinese medicine doctor can be sure just by observing the patient. A rough idea.

But this is only one part of the illness diagnosed by traditional Chinese medicine, so Dr. Zhao decided to take Lin Ying's pulse.

Lin Ying also knew that Dr. Zhao was good at medicine, so she didn't refuse, but a few minutes later, Dr. Zhao also looked confused. Lin Ying was really not sick, why did Li Yunfeng say she was sick, and Lin Ying agreed?
Seeing this, Lin Ying was disappointed again. In the hospital, when the doctor said she was not sick, she tried to take a deep breath, but every time she was in excruciating pain, so she would not even try it now.

"Doctor Li, save me! I shouldn't have treated you like this before!" Lin Ying looked at Li Yunfeng anxiously.

Li Yunfeng still smiled with an inscrutable expression on his face.

"Yunfeng, if you can cure it, let's help fourth aunt." Lin Qianmeng said to Li Yunfeng with a soft heart after all.

"Thank you, Qianmeng, sister-in-law shouldn't have treated you like this before!" Lin Ying said to Lin Qianmeng with some gratitude, and in the face of the threat of death, Lin Ying immediately changed her temper.

"In fact, this disease is not too difficult to treat, but the treatment method is a bit special." Li Yunfeng glanced at Lin Ying, and then said, actually laughing secretly in his heart, this woman was too cheap before, he planned to take this opportunity to rectify her and let her go around temper.

"No matter how special it is, I will accept it!" Seeing that Li Yunfeng finally spoke, Lin Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly said.

"It's acceptable no matter how special it is!" Li Yunfeng slandered secretly in his heart. This sentence is easy to make people dream about it. It would be good if Lin Qianmeng said it.

"Actually, it's as simple as it sounds. This disease is actually related to your personality. You are irritable, easy to mock people, easy to despise people, and at the same time, there is a bit of darkness in your heart. In short, you are not a good person, but your body is not very good. , so a special disease gradually formed over a long period of time.”

Every time Li Yunfeng said a word, Lin Ying's face became gloomy, are you treating a disease?You are hurting people!

If it was normal, Lin Ying would rush to tear Li Yunfeng's mouth open, but because her life was in Li Yunfeng's hands, Lin Ying endured it.

The surrounding people also looked at Li Yunfeng speechlessly, it was the first time they saw such a doctor helping people.

Li Yunfeng was talking nonsense, others were fine, but Dr. Zhao looked at Li Yunfeng suspiciously. Although traditional Chinese medicine has a saying that irritability hurts the body, Li Yunfeng is obviously talking nonsense, and he obviously feels that Lin Ying is fine. .

Seeing that everyone was looking at him strangely, even though Li Yunfeng had a thick skin, he couldn't hold back anymore, so he cleared his throat and continued.

"So I'll give you a side prescription later, and you'll be fine after taking it for three days!"


Everyone wanted to laugh, but they didn't dare to laugh.

However, there was one more young man in the crowd at this time, Lin Yuanhao who had just returned from the outside not long ago, Lin Qianmeng's cousin, Lin Jie's son, the laughter came from his mouth.

At this moment, Lin Yuanhao couldn't bear it any longer. You hurt my sister-in-law's feelings by saying that the treatment method is special, but the so-called special medicine is just an ordinary prescription?
This is too funny!

"What are you laughing at, I haven't finished talking yet." Li Yunfeng said, glaring at the young man.

"I'm not laughing anymore!" Lin Yuanhao shut up immediately, this is a bully that the poor girl dare not answer back.

"Actually, the medicine is just a supplement. The real main medicine is to adjust your mentality. Don't be too dark and snobbish. On the premise of taking the medicine, keep smiling for three days, don't get angry, and then you will be cured!" Li Yunfeng said amazingly .

"Keep smiling for three days?" Dr. Zhao's mouth twitched. If Li Yunfeng hadn't shown his tricks before, he would definitely give Li Yunfeng a serious lesson at this time.

From the beginning to the end, Mr. Lin didn't interrupt, just looked at Li Yunfeng with a smile. Only he knew how miraculous Li Yunfeng's healing methods were!

(End of this chapter)

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